HCA 13/70 f.394r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 394 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/23 |
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To the 28th Interrogatory he answeareth that he this Rendent
was made Vice Consull at the Morea about two yeares
since by Mr Richard Middleton his brother since deceased being then
Consull, and that the same is registered in the [?Cadiz=Office]
at Petras and Gastoone and alsoe attested by wittnesses, and
by authentick copyes delivered out according to the Turkish law,
and approved of by all the Inhabitants of the Country, And
that the said Mr Richard Middleton the Consull lying very
sicke, did before gus death desire two witnesses to attest that
he made this Rendent his Assigne and Consull after his
death, And further he cannot answeare.
To the nine and twentith Interrogatory he answereth that (according
to the custome at the Morea) he did take a Teskary or receipt
for the two halfe peeces of fine scarlett cloth, but not for
the moneys because it was upon Accompt of the bargaine
this Rendent had soe made, And he answererg by vertue of
his oath that the sayd two halfe peeces of fine scarlett
and other charges broght upon the whole was in part of
payment of the currants he was forced to leave behind him
because of the foule practizes of the said William ffowke and
the disturbance therupon, which are the vey Currance
as he beleiveth are now arrested by the sayd John
Taylor and Company And further he cannot answeare./
To the thirtith Interrogatory he answereth by vertue of his oath
that what he did at the Morea concerning making the
bargaine for the Currance predeposed of and all did in
relation unto the said bargaine he did as a servant
unto his brother the then Consull since deceased, and that
he hath noe share, part or interest in the Currance
brought home in the said shipp the
Morea Merchant And further he cannot answeare/
Repeated before Collonel Cock.
Roger Middleton [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
On the fifth of July 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
John Tayler and Company for a parcell}
of about 15 Tonns of Currance against}
Wall, ffowke and others}
John kennett of Saint Buttolph
without Aldergate London Merchant
aged about 35 yeares, a wittnes produced
and sworne and being examined he deposeth
and saith as followeth.
To the first article of the allegation given in and admitted
on the behalfe of the sayd John Tayler and Company he
deposeth and saith That he this deponent hath been
about three yeares last past (off and on) at the Morea in
Turkey, and that he never heard to the contrary but it was a
generall Custome there that, every English Merchants factor
did first apply himselfe to the English Consull there
before they contracted for any goods or merchandizes with the
[?officers] of Turkey, And further to the sayd article he cannot