Joos Bateman

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Joos Bateman
Person Joos Bateman
First name Joos
Middle name(s)
Last name Bateman
Spouse of
Widow of
Occupation Merchant
Secondary shorebased occupation
Mariner occupation
Associated with ship(s)
Training Not apprentice
Is apprentice of
Was apprentice of
Had apprentice(s)
Citizen Unknown
Literacy Signature
Has opening text Joost Bateman
Has signoff text Joos Bateman
Signoff image (Invalid transcription image)
Language skills English language
Has interpreter
Birth street
Birth parish
Birth town
Birth county
Birth province
Birth country
Res street
Res parish Saint Martin Orgar
Res town London
Res county
Res province
Res country England
Birth year 1620
Marriage year
Death year
Probate date
First deposition age 38
Primary sources
Act book start page(s)
Personal answer start page(s)
Allegation start page(s)
Interrogatories page(s)
Deposition start page(s) HCA 13/72 f.665v Annotate
Chancery start page(s)
Letter start page(s)
Miscellaneous start page(s)
Act book date(s)
Personal answer date(s)
Allegation date(s)
Interrogatories date(s)
Deposition date(s)
How complete is this biography?
Has infobox completed Yes
Has synthesis completed No
Has HCA evidence completed No
Has source comment completed No
Ship classification
Type of ship N/A
Silver Ship litigation in 1650s
Role in Silver Ship litigation None

Biographical synthesis

Joos Bateman (b. ca. 1620; d. ?). Merchant.

Resident in 1658 in the parish of Saint Martin Orgar, London.

Evidence from High Court of Admiralty

Thirty-eight year old Joos Bateman deposed on December 20th 1658 in the High Court of Admiralty. He was examined in the case of "Vanbrough and Nicholas against Rois".

Joos Bateman stated that William Van Brough was the lawful owner of "one fatt of black and brown thredd containing one hundred eightie and seaven ?dyen of thredd". This thread was laden on board a ship at Flushing, whose master was William Rois. The thread was to be brought to London for delivery to William Van Brugh.[1] At the time of the lading Baldwin Mathewes, the factor of Van Brugh, dwelt at Middleborowe (Middleburg).[2]

After the departure of the ship, Joos Bateman states he heard on the Exchange in London that William Rois' ship had met with disaster. Meeting William Rois on the Exchange, Joost Bateman asked after the goods, and was told that the damage was little. However, upon delivery of the goods, Bateman saw that a good portion of the thread was damaged and rotted by water.[3]

Comment on sources

  1. Jump up HCA 13/72 f.665v
  2. Jump up HCA 13/72 f.666v
  3. Jump up HCA 13/72 f.666r