HCA 13/76 f.19v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.19v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


26:th of October 1666 [CENTRE HEADING]

Super allone predict Examinat.


Robertas Demetrius parochia Sancti Bodolphi extra Aldgate London mercator
annos agens 35 aut circiter testis product et Jurat

Ad primum nescit deponere./.

Ad 2. 3. 4. and 5. deponit that hee well knoweth the Arlate Alderman Samuell ffoote, Mr
Daniell Pourteene and Mr Edward Watts merchants and Inhabitants of this
city of London. And soe hath knowne Alderman ffoote and Mr Watts for
theise twenty yeares or thereabouts and Mr Pourteene for about foure
yeers last who hee saith are merchants of very good quality and great traders
to Venice Gallipoli and Zant and other places in the Streights and to
that purpose keepe their factors beyond seas. And saith there were laden
on board the shipp Nostro Seigniora del Gratia at Zant one hundred and fifty
thousand weight or thereabouts of Currans for the account of the arlate
Daniel Pourteene, Edward Watts and Marino [?Gethoffe] a
subiect of Venice and there resident and the same were to bee brought
in the said shipp to London and here to bee delivered for the same account And
saith the said Currants are as hee verily beleeveth and is well
assured marked and numbred as is arlate and that none but
the persons arlate have any share or interest in the said Currans or any
part thereof. And the third and fourth schedules being two originall
bills of lading are as hee beleeveth the bills of lading soe signed for
the said Currans and the Contents thereof reall and true. The premisses
hee deposeth having seene the receipt of severall letters from the said
Gelthoff about the same and having answered and copyed the letters
of the said Pourteene concerning the said lading of Currans. and being
made privy to the whole transaction of this busines by meanes thereof
et alr referendo se ad schedulas arlatas nescit deponere.

Ad 6 ne suit deponere.

Ad 7 nescit.

Ad 8 nescit

Ad 9 nescit. Saving the said Alderman ffoote Pourteene and Watts have sustained great
losse and dammage by reason of the said long detention of their said goods to a very considerable
vallue but to what hee cannot estimate.

Ad 10 rendet that the foresaid Gethoffe advised the said Pourteene that there
was no assurance made at Genoa for the said Currans to come from Zant to London for the
account of the foresaid Pourteene, and the said Pourteene gave the said ffactor[?s]
that procured the same Credit in his bookes. Which letter this deponent hath
seene, and knoweth the same to bee of the said Gathoffs handwriting
having received many letters from him et alr nescit. And having
corresponded with him about twelve yeares last) Et alr nescit

Ad Interria

Ad primum rendit that hee was borne in Saint Mary Axe in London. And saith
that Mr Pourteene married this rendents first cozen is not otherwayes related
to any of them.

Ad 2 rendit that hee was never one of the shipps Company Alr nescit.

Ad 3 et 4 nescit salvis predeprtis.

Ad 5 nescit.

Ad 6 rendit that he beleeveth the two bills of lading being the 3d of the fourth schedules [?XX]
sent over by land to Mr Pourteene.

Ad 7 8 et 9 nescit.

Ad 10 deponit that the said Gethoffe advised the said Pourteene that hee had bought a parcell
of Currans and intended to send them to London and desired to know of Mr Pourteene
and Mr Watts whether they would have any share therein [?XXXXX] of a [?XXXX]



Alderman Samuell ffoote

See PROB 11/372 Drax 1-51 Will of Samuel Foote, Merchant Tailor of London 17 January 1683; PROB 11/408 Fane 1-48 Will of Samuel Foote, Ironmonger of London 08 February 1692; PROB 11/437 Pyne 45-88 Will of Samuell Foote, Merchant of London 20 April 1697

Robert Demetrius

See Robert Demetrius of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft London merchant aged 23 yeares, deposed on March 12th 1653 [modern 1654] in the the Clayme of Pedro Michelson of Antwerpe for his money plate sylver and goods in the Sampson Otto George Master in the Salvador Christian Cloppenbergh Master and in the Saint George John Martens Master taken by some of the Parliaments ffleet[1]

See Ezekiel Lampen of London Merchant aged two and twenty yeares or thereabouts and Robert Demetrius of the same citie of London Merchant, aged twenty five yeeres, deposed on September 18th 1656[2]

See Robert Demetrius of London Merchant aged 28 yeeres, deposed on July 27th 1659, touching the goods of the Santa Maria'[3]

- describes himself as the booke keeper of London merchant James Stanier, with whom he was living
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