HCA 13/70 f.246v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 246 |
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The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the foresaid allegation.
dt. 2.
ffrancis Meare of the parish of Saint Michael Crooked lane
London merchant, aged 30 yeares or thereabouts, sworne and
To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that it is an usuall
ything and this deponent hath knowne it frequently accustomed both
in London, fflanders and holland amongest merchants to make entries
of goods in the customehouses in one mans name, when as the proprietie
thereof is in, and the said goods are belonging to another, and this
deponent hath made and hath often knowne such entries made in
the Customehouses in all those countries. And saith that such
entrie as aforesaid being frequent and common, it is not amongest
merchants accompted any signe or proofe that the goods belonge
to the man in whose name they are entred. All which hee
knoweth having used merchandize and bin acquainted with
such entries for theise seaven or eight yeares last. And otherwise
hee cannot depose, saving hee beleeveth the same custome is practised
in most other countries.
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee hath noe relation to Mr Prince the producent
and saith the said Mr Prince knowing him to be a dealer in severall
parts, spake to him to come and be a witnesse in this businesse, and
saith hee is worth 300 li in his owne estate.
To the 2 and 3 hee saith hee was never at Gottenburgh, and
therefore knoweth not the customes there.
To the fourth hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 5 hee saith hee hath knowne the said Mr Prince about
12 yeares last, and knoweth Thomas Swinson a servant of Mr
Princes, And otherwise hee cannot answer, saving hee alsoe knoweth
one John Swinson, brother of the said Thomas.
Repeated with his precontest before}
the three Judges in Court}
ffrancis Meare [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 10th day of March 1654: [CENTRE HEADING]
his highnesse the Lord Protector against the shipp}
called the Thomas (as is said) of London,}
whereof James droyne was Master. Budd}
Examined upon Interrogatories ministred on
the behalfe of his said highnesse.
Walter Devereux of Waterford in Ireland
Merchant aged 30. yeares or thereabouts sworne
and examined./:-
To the first hee saith ahee hath knowne the shipp the Thomas interrate
James droyne Master, ever since August last past, and saith shee
was then generally reputed to belong to this Port of London, And