MRP: October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO
October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO
BL, Add. MS. XX, XXX, ff. 27-29
Editorial history
13/12/11, CSG: Created page
Abstract & context
Suggested links
See biographical profile of Sir William Ryder
See: 25th March 1666/67, Letter from John Portman to Sir GO, London
See: 2nd October 1667, Letter from John Portman to Sir GO, London
To do
(1) Check physical manuscript at BL
This transcription is near complete - check the physical manuscript at BL to fill small gaps
BL, Add. MS. XX, XXX, ff. 27-29
Right Worp:ll S:r George Oxinden
I am now constryned to pay yow my respects in short XXXXXX lines having at present a fitt of ye ??granell on me soe yt I cannot replye into yo: severall XXX w:th I have receved from yo:w over land & by ye Affrican: & to depend upon my friend Sr George Smith[1] to advise yo:w I cannot, who not many dayes past was nigh his end, he being grown very weake & Melancholy but meeting w:th a good phision who lett him blood prevented his beleeding more at Noase & Mouth stoped ye reflusion, & he is now preety (here intendin if posssible to write yo:w here w:th I hope he will be able to comply w:th his good thoughts yt way – But now yt y ship Charles is to alter her designe & have her despatches to yo;w ys evening she having layne long at Plimouth for ym as yow may ?preive by our generall XXXX yt she was intended for ye Coast & especially for ffort St George, to certifye ye abuses there wth could not be effected in time, now I dount will heare be done wthout a better head yn we can at present thinke on; unless yo:w can spare yo:e 2d there to goe theither of wch more by my next – I hope our ship Returne, Capt Stanton[2] arrived wth yow in safety, & yt w:t sent yo:w owne came safe to yoe hands, wth would be well from tydings to me to heare,
The Affrican came safe but ye ?Dowras miscaryed, as yow will see in our Generall letters, to wth I must refere for all publick affaires, I must now tell yow yt we are on a treaty betwene us & ye Dutch, w:ch I much feare will redowne litle to ye Hon: of our own Nation , but Gods will be done, submited unto, & it is possible yt next post xxx Plymouth I may be able to enlarge on yt & other pticulars are ys Shipps depture, We canno at ye distance, neither send yow comfortable lines, nor xxxxx We have chosen Commissiomners of our Comity to attend his Maties Commissiomes, to Breda ye place apoynted to treate in, & to XXXXX XXXX God send may be Honourable or none, our Comissioners are M:r Deputy Jolliffe[3] M:r Tho: Papillion,[4] & Majer Rob: Tomson,[5] to attend his Ma:ties Commissioners Lord Hollis[6], & Henry Coventry Esq[7] who are said to goe hence on ye day senatt, & qwe are now upon electing our Governer & comty for ye ensewing yeare, & allso ye 24 Comityes XXXXX may have it ye shipp make any stay before she dept Plimouth, wch is like she may for Conway, it not being safe to Adventure, Mr Charles ??Conyers[8] about 10 dayes past God fitt us for our end, I must againe begg yow to dispose of ye gims yt he & I bought of ye Eagles owners & if yow Cann to end wth Bennedas[9] giving him Gunns for his debt, wth Ma: Renenton[10] reverted, our deceased ffreind I X whose sonn Jeremy[11] is all mostXXXX XXXX, soe I have small hopes to gett ought from him, yet will runn a hazard rather yt porre Bennedas shall loose all
I have allredy advised yow of ye said fire wch hapned in ye City begann ye 2d September last, where most of yo ffreinds have become sufferers God give it to us some other way, amongst wth M:r ?Texlles[12] goods w:ch yow sent, being delayned in ye Comp:a warehouse were consumed, soe yt shee & others must have patience
Ye kindness to my ffreind Sam ?Valentin[13] XXXX, who I se is but a XXX XXXX XXX to pray yow to have kindness to Mr Jo:n Portman son[14], who went iver on ye affrican as I am infrmed, I presume upon conclusion of ye peace yow will want help, & if yn yw thinke fitt to recommend him w:th Erasmus Smiths[15] kinsman & who plese yow deeme fitt for service to ye Comp:a they may fare ye better, for I can as sure yow yt ye whole Comity have a great kindness & respect for yow, so hath myselfe, wife, sonne, daughter Myddleton[16], & ye rest of myne for I doe desire to live noe longer yn to prove myselfe
Pray give my respects to honest M Goodier[17] M Gray[18], M Tayler & ye rest of my ffreinds wth you – M Aunier[19] I de esteeme a fitt pson to send to Fort St: George, if yow cannot spare M:r Goodier
- Jump up ↑ SirGeorge Smith, London merchant
- Jump up ↑ Captain Thomas Stanton, commander of the Returne
- Jump up ↑ John Jolliffe, London merchant
- Jump up ↑ Thomas Papillon, London merchant and relative of Sir George Oxenden
- Jump up ↑ Major Robert Tomson was XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Lord Hollis was Denzil Holles, 1st Baron Holles (b. 1599, d. 1680). See (from Wikipedia), viewed 23/12/11
- Jump up ↑ Henry Coventry was XXXX
- Jump up ↑ Mr. Charles Conyers was XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Bennedas was XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Check whether this is Revington. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Jeremey XXXX was XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Mr. ?Texlles was XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Samuel Valentine was XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ John Portman's son was XXXX. He went out to the East Indies in XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Erasmus Smith, London merchant. Erasmus Smith had written to Sir George Oxenden earlier that year. See March 1665/66, Letter from Eras Smith to Sir GO. See also PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Erasmus Smith, Esquire, one of His Majesty's Gentleman Pensioners of Saint Dunstan in the West, City of London 08 January 1674; PROB 11/406 Vere 140-189 Will of Erasmus Smith of Saint James Clerkenwell, Middlesex 09 October 1691
- Jump up ↑ Sir William Ryder's eldest daughter, XXX, was married to the London merchant, Richard Myddleton
- Jump up ↑ John Goodyer
- Jump up ↑ Mathew Gray
- Jump up ↑ Gerard Aungier