HCA 13/68 f.234v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.234v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the nynth he saith there was the Emden Colours aboard the sayd
shipp and not any other Colours and the sayd shipp was taken uppon
the open seas by one of Captaine Phillips his Capers; but whether
he had any Commission aboard [?hee] knoweth not. And otherwise
cannot depose

To the tenth he saith he was not fraighted by Charter party this voyage, but
had a Certificat touching his voyage and the same was made in the Stadthowse of Emde for the
sayd Jan Gouson Hans Lucas, Elias Duisse and Comfort Webben
and Abraham Slasse. and otherwise referring himselfe to his
said Certificat which is as he beleiveth in the Registry
of this Court he saith he cannot depose.

To the eleventh Interrogatory he referreth himselfe to his foregoeing
depositions and otherwise cannot depose saving that none of
the foresayd owners within theis 12 moneths last past have
lived in any of the dominions of the ffrench King.

To the 12th Interrogatory he saith the sayd shipp made her outward
voyage aforesaid from Emden to Borousse in her ballast onely
And otherwise cannot depose

Repeated in Court}
before the Judges}



The 23th of November 1653

The Keepers et cetera against the ffortune}
of Statin}

Examined upon the sayd allegation


Richard Batson of the parish of Saint Botolphs
Billingsgate London merchant aged 53
yeares or thereabouts a witnesse sworne
and examined deposeth and saith as followeth

That in or about the monethes of July August and September
last past good sweet sound and merchantable English
wheat was in this Commonwealth of England usually sold
att the rate of about nineteene and twenty shillings by the
quarter, which this deponent knoweth having about that tyme
dealt and traded in that Commodity, and more particularly saith
that within the tyme aforesayd one Mr Boreman a merchant
a partner with this deponent in the sayd trade did buy severall
great quantities of English wheat good sweet sound and merchantable
samples whereof this deponent had and saw, and is to
have a third part thereof to and for his owne accompt the sayd
whole part being 800 quarters or thereabouts, all to be safely
delivered a shipboard att the charge of the sellars, and att their
charge to be carryed from the place where the same
was bought to the Port of Kings Lyn in Norfolke where the shippe [?XXX]
lay whereon it was to be laden, att the rate of betweene nyneteene
and twenty shillings per quarter, and as this deponent remembreth
upon casting the whole up It did amount to nyneteene [?XXX]