HCA 13/72 f.307v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 307 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4942.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/10/18 |
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bound for London in Company of other shipps And further hee cannot depose
saving hee saith that by an other letter of Advice receaved from the sayd Tillard hee
is given to understand that the sayd shipp Isaack in her course for London was
sunke and perished togeather with all her ladeing and that divers men women
and children who were passengers in her were alsoe sunke/
And further to these Interrogatories hee cannot
depose veing none of the Company of the Isaack./
To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith the eight Chests of Tinne aboard the Isaack
at the tyme of such her disaster were worth the rates predeposed and better, and as
to the value of the rest of her ladeing hee cannot depose knowing not what other
goods were aboard her And for that hee knoweth not what burthen the Isaack was of
nor who were her Owners hee cannot depose anything touching the propriety
or value of the sayd shipp and her tackle and furniture./
To the last Interrogatorie hee cannot answere knowing nothing nor haveing heard any=
thing to the effect Interrogate./
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined on the sayd Interrogatories
John Stace of the parish of Saint Buttolphe by
Billingsgate London Grocer aged thirty yeares or there=
abouts a wittnesse sworne before the sayd doctor
Godolphin saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first second 3: 4th and 5th Interrogatories hee saith hee well knew the shipp Isaack
having bin aboard her at London and sent goods in her thence to be transported for
Plymouth before the voyage in question And saith by letter of Advise sent him this deponent from William
Cotton of Plymouth (this deponents Agent there) and by a bill of ladeing sent
encloased in the sayd letter hee knoweth that in the moneth of ffebruary last
there were laden aboard the sayd shipp the Isaack at Plymouth by the sayd
Cotton for Accompt of this deponent fower hogsheads of Pilchard Traine
oyle to bee thence transported to London for this deponents Accompt which
fower hogsheads of oyle with all charges for the ladeing the same aboard
cost this deponent (as by the sayd Cottons Accompt appeareth) fowerteene
pounds nyne shillings of lawfull English money and saith that if the
same oyle had come safe to London it would there have yeilded according
to the Markett price there) seaventeene pounds at least of like money And
soe much the same was well worth And further hee cannot answere saving
hee saith that the sayd Cotton by his letter of Advise did certifie this deponent
that the sayd shipp Isaack departed from Plymouth with the sayd oyle and other
her ladeing upon or about the seaventeenth of ffebruary last And saving
hee saith hee hath heard that the sayd shipp Isaack and all her ladeing and
divers passengers in her were in her course from Plymouth toward London (that
voyage) sunke in the sea by reason that a shipp called the Saint Jacob whereof
one John Clason was Master rann fowle of her at Sea and brake downe her
masts and upper worke and lay beating about three quarters of an hower upon her
To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath hearde and beleeveth that William Thomas the Master