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J. Everaert, De internationale en Koloniale Handel der Vlaamse firma’s te Cadiz (1670-1700) (Brugge, 1973)
J. Everaert, De internationale en Koloniale Handel der Vlaamse firma’s te Cadiz (1670-1700) (Brugge, 1973)
Maartje van Gelder, Trading Places: The Netherlandish Merchants in Early Modern Venice (Leiden, 2009)
- Extremely useful book as context for the Silver Ships research project
Oscar Gelderblom, Cities of Commerce: The Institutional Foundations of International Trade in the Low Countries, 1250-1650 (Princeton, 2013)
Oscar Gelderblom, Cities of Commerce: The Institutional Foundations of International Trade in the Low Countries, 1250-1650 (Princeton, 2013)
Fernando Fernández González, Comerciantes vascos en Sevilla, 1650-1700 (XXXX, 2000)
Fernando Fernández González, Comerciantes vascos en Sevilla, 1650-1700 (XXXX, 2000)

Revision as of 12:13, August 3, 2015

The three silver ships

Editorial history

Created 28/06/2015 by CSG


Research goals and approach

Planned outputs

We plan two, possibly three, outputs from our collaborative research on the so-called Three Silver Ships

(1) Briefing notes and characterisations as input to the script of a radio play, being developed by Lorna Bower, an experienced producer and writer for television and radio. This play will form part of a proposed series of radio dramas based on Admiralty Court cases from the 1650s, written by Lorna Bower in collaboration with the MarineLives project team.

(2) An academic article using the case of the silver ships to illustrate interstate legal and diplomatic interaction in the English Admiralty Court. Drawing on Spanish, German and Flemish diplomatic (and possibly legal) correspondence and records from the early 1650s, as well as on records from the English Admiralty Court, the English State Papers, and the Thurloe Papers.

(3) Possible academic article on methodological and practical issues to do with collaborative historical research in an environment of increased used of digital tools for discovery, research sharing, annotation, and publication.

Our collaborative research team

Eight of our summer transcription and research training programme members and advisors are working on the Three Silver Ships project in England, Wales, Ireland, France, the Netherlands and the United States.

We welcome input from scholars and enthusiasts and are committed to the full acknowledgement of all such input in our planned research outputs.

To date we have received help from

  • Professor Steve Murdoch (source suggestions on civil law in Louvain; and on Hamburg connection)
  • @_mapnut: Identified Pieter Goos map of Flanders from 1666 showing Ostend and Dunkirk
  • José A. Pérez Díez @JoseAPerezDiez: Offer to transcribe Spanish language letter from Don Alonso de Cardenas to Council of State
  • Dr Kathrin Zickermann: Help on German aspects of the case, including primary and secondary sources on Hamburg/Iberian, and Hamburg/English trade and commercial diplomatic relations
  • Sam Kaislaniemi @samklai: Offer to help on correspondence times Dunkirk to Cadiz
  • Dr Sara Barker @DrSKBarker: Input on correspondence times Dunkirk to Cadiz
  • Harry Perton @Gelkinghe: Input on correspondence times Dunkirk to Cadiz
  • Vincenzo DM @DM_Vincenzo: Suggestions regarding sources for Archduke Leopold Willem and Simanacas archives in Valladodid
  • Ruth Selman @Historyscape: Identified correspondence of Don Alonso de Cardenas at TNA
  • @LeuvenU: Suggested University of Leuven archival contact

Case background


Three large ships (The Salvador, the Sampson and the Saint George) were of supposed Lubeck and Hamburg build and ownership. The Saint George and the Salvador were allegedly built in Hamburg in 1642 and 1647 respectively, whereas the Sampson was allegedly built in Lubeck in 1647. Interestingly, a Hamburg born mariner and ship master believed the master shipwright in the building of the Salvador to have been Dutch born, though resident in Hamburg with his wife and family for at least fourteen years, and that many of the servants and workmen employed by the Dutch born master shipwright were Hollanders.[1]

The three silver ships were described by a number of witnesses as of "great burthen", which means they would have been of 400 or 500 tons burthen, possibly more.[2] Christian Cloppenburgh specifically states that the Sampson was "of the burthen of about 500 tonnes."[3] The Mercurius, which was in Cadiz at the same time as the three silver ships, was described as "a broad sterned shipp haveinge three or fower and twenty guns, Hollands built att least in appeareance and about 400 tuns burthen."[4]

The masters of each of the three silver ships were highly experienced mariners. The forty three year old Hamburger, Christian Cloppenburgh, master of the Salvador, attested to having twenty-six years experience of navigation.[5]

The three ships were part of a large number of foreign ships spending the summer of 1652 waiting for the Spanish "plate fleet" to arrive from the West Indies. The fleet, carrying great quantities of bullion, arrived in late summer. According to Joachim Beene, the master of the ship the White Swann, which was in Cadiz that summer, the plate fleet arrived two or three months after the departure in June of the ship the Golden Sunn from Cadiz for Ostend. This places the arrival of the plate fleet from the West Indies in August or September of 1652.[6]

Subsequently a number of foreign ships departed for Northern Europe carrying bullion and other goods from the Spanish West Indies and Spain, including cochineal and wool. Other foreign ships at Cadiz that summer were the Mercurius of Hamburg, the Golden Sunn, the White Swann and the Prophet Elias. The master of the Prophet Elias dying in Cadiz, her voyage was cancelled and her silver and other goods "were taken out and distributed and put into the said other shipps the Sampson, the Salvador, the Saint George and the Mercury".[7]

The three ships were captured by the English in mid/late October 1652 in the English Channel off of Portsmouth with highly valuable cargos of bullion (the date of seizure of the Sampson is given as "on or abouy the thirteenth day of October 1652 new stile").[8] The ships were on their way from Cadiz with bullion from the Spanish West Indies going northwards. It was disputed in court as to whether the ships were bound legally for the Spanish Netherlands (Ostend or Dunkirk), or illegally for Amsterdam in the United Netherlands, with which England had been at war since July 10th 1652.[9] The ships were brought from their place of seizure to the River Thames, where they were moored near Woolwich, and where they remained from 1652 until late 1654 or early 1655, when they appear to have been sold off by the Prize Office.[10]

The case was endowed with political as well as commercial weight - the Commonwealth and then the Protectorate was keen to have the bullion declared lawfull prize, but the Spanish government contested this. The many and varied court depositions and other English Admiralty (and English State Paper) records give very granular and highly colourful accounts of Seville and Cadiz, Hamburg and Lubeck, the Spanish Netherlands, the by-ways between the Spanish Netherlands and Amsterdam by which bullion could be smuggled overland and by canal, and the River Thames, where the ships and sailors were held following seizure. Thomas Violet, a rather dodgy goldsmith, was involved as an agitator on behalf of the Protectorate, and published a pamphlet pleading for reimbursement of his efforts, which supplements the HCA material on the MarineLives wiki.[11]

Admiralty Court cases

You will find more than one Admiralty Court case mentioning the three Silver ships. In addition to the three main cases brought by the Commonwealth against each of the three ships and their owners to have them declared lawful prize, you will find cases brought by Spanish, English and Flemmish merchants, demanding restitution of goods they claimed to have onboard on one or more of the three ships.[12]

Our provisional and still incomplete chronology of events shows the main Admiralty Court cases against the three silver ships and their goods to have them declared prize close to resolution in December 1652 in favour of the ships, only to be blocked by intervention of Thomas Violet, and Dr William Walker Judge advocate for the Council of State. Sentences were issued by the Judges of the Admiralty Court in early 1655 to have the ships and their freight set free, but were again blocked by an action of Thomas Violet, as evidenced by petitions from two of the masters of the detained ships. However, at the intervention of the goldsmith Thomas Violet, the ships were further detained.[13]

In the meantime, the Council of State resolved to have the bullion turned into English coinage, with accounts presented to the Mint Committee by Colonel John Berkstead on August 25th 1654 recording the minting of the bullion.[14] Then on December 13th 1654, an order in the Admiralty Committee requested the Protector and Council to dispose of the Sampson, Salvador and Saint George, the ships being "much injured by having lain 2 years in the Thames, and are in a perishable condition, and a great charge, by keeping men on board".[15]

The cause of the silver ships attracted attention from diplomats of countries not directly involved in the dispute. For example, Lorenzo Paulucci, Venetian Secretary in England wrote to Giovanni Sagredo, Venetian Ambassador in France, speculating that the dispute could lead to a rupture between England and Spain. He noted that that a number of ships had been seized and that "among the eight ships was one from Hamburg or Lubeck, carrying the dollars I mentioned. At the instance of a number of merchants here interested in them, the Spanish ambassador has demanded their release of the Council of State, though so far apparently with scant success. The rulers here seem inclined to avail themselves of it in their present need, paying interest to the king of Spain until the capital is restored, considering the money to be his ; a crafty device, by no means to the taste of the merchants. The Spanish ambassador also disapproves emphatically and on this account and some other matters which concern his private affairs he is not too well satisfied. If they persist in this course the detention of the money might cause an open rupture with Spain, as happened in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King Philip II, for a similar provocation."[16]

Provisional legal and diplomatic chronology


Nov 8th 1652: Council of State ordered the Admiralty Judges to attend the Committee for Foreign Affairs on Wednesday, by 8.am. [12th Nov 1652], "about the silver lately taken by Capt. Penrose; the ommittee to acquaint the judges with what they have received concerning this business, and to desire them to examine it, and acquaint Council with the state thereof." The Council of State also ordered the Committee for Foreign Affairs "to prepare an answer to the letter of the Spanish Ambassador read to Council."[17]

Nov 10th 1652 or earlier: Decree made by the Admiralty Court judges. There appear to have been depositions prior to the decree

Nov 10th 1652 or earlier: Letter or some form of writing from the Spanish Ambassador (probably to the Council of State) regarding the decree made by the Admiralty Court judges

Nov 10th 1652: Summary of legal procedings prepared in written form, possibly for the Council of State

Nov 12th 1652: "The Affidavit of Otto George, of the 12th of November 1652"[18]

Nov 12th 1652: Papers given in by the Spanish Ambassador in the evening to the Council of State on Nov. 12th, and on Nov 13th, Council of State ordered the papers to be set to the Admiralty Court Judges. The papers appear to have included an offer of security from Spain "that neither the plate nor any of the lading on board the Samson and Salvador shall suffer detriment by remaining aboard"[19]

Nov 12th 1652: Council of State ordered that the Commissioners of Dutch Prize Goods to take good care that none of the plate and goods remaining onboard the SSamson (sic) and the Saint Salvador (sic) "be unladen or removed out of the ships, until Vouncil shall give order therein, and that there be no embezzlement meantime. The plate and goods already removed from the ships "to be preserved in saftey, without embezzlement or disposal" The Committee for Foreign Affairs to present its opinion to the Council of State at 10 a.m., Nov 13th 1652, after hearing the views of the Admiralty Court Judges and Dr Walker at 8 a.m.[20]

Nov 13th 1652: Admiralty Court Judges and Dr. Walker to attend the Committee for Foreign Affairs[21]; [22]

Dec 1st 1652: "Three Acts of the Court of Admiralty, of the First of December 1652"[23]

Post Dec 3rd 1652: Admiralty judges and Dr Walker to attend the Committee for Foreign Affairs to "to attend, and report what has been done in that court about the ships Samson, Salvador, and George".

Dec 6th 1652: Council of State made an Order, on consideration of the proceedings in the Admiralty Court against the Samson, Salvadore, and George, that Council sees no reason to alter their resolutions, but the Admiralty Judges are to proceed against them according to law and justice."

Dec 8th 1652: "An Act of the Court of Admiralty, of the 8th of December 1652"[24]

Dec 9th 1652: Council of State referred "The petition of the officers and mariners of the Samson" referred to the Admiralty Judges.

Dec 10th 1652: Paper prepared for the Spanish ambassador (possibly in response to ambassador's letter of November 10th 1652 or earlier) to be sent to ambassador by Sir Oliver Fleming on December 11th 1652.

Extract from entry for Tuesday December 14th 1652, Journal of House of Commons, vol. VII (London, 1813), p.229

Dec 14th 1652: Lord Ambassador from the King of Spain attended parliament, speaking in Spanish, and presenting copies of his speech in writing in Spanish and English[25]

Dec 15th 1652: Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs had received several letters from the Senate of Hamburg concerning ships of Hamburg seized by the English

Dec 20th 1652: Debate in parliament resumed "upon the Papers delivered in by the Lord Ambassador from the King of Spaine, upon his last Audience, touching his Appeal from the Admiralty-Court to the Parliament, concerning the Goods aboard the Ships the Sampson, the Salvado, and the St. George", upon "An Order of the Council of State, of the 6th of December 1652; whereby the Council leave it to the Judges of the Admiralty to proceed with the abovesaid Ships, according to Law and Justice", upon "Three Acts of the Court of Admiralty, of the First of December 1652", upon "An Act of the Court of Admiralty, of the 8th of December 1652"; and upon "The Affidavit of Otto George, of the 12th of November 1652". Parliament determined that the matter "be referred to the Court of Admiralty to proceed in the Determination of this Business, according to Law and Justice" and that "these Papers, presented to the Parliament by the Spanish Ambassador, be referred to the Council of State, to prepare an Answer to be given to the Spanish Ambassador; and to report it to the Parliament".[26]

Dec ?XXXX 1652: An unfinished certificate prepared by the Admiralty judges to be submitted to parliament describing events and legal considerations in the case of the silver ships


Jan 21st 1653: Abraham Johnson, sailmaker, told William Astell and William Pembridge "that the Samson, Salvador, and George belonged to Holland, and said he would confess it before the Prize Commissioners."[27]

Jan 27th 1653: Letter to be prepared by John Thurloe following apparent discussion in parliament (presumably of silver ships), which was to be sent to Archduke Leopold via the Spanish ambassador, and was to be signed by the speaker

Feb 1653 Account by the Admiralty judges of their proceedings in the Admiralty Court regarding the Samson, Salvador, and George ordered to be presented to the Order in the Council for Trade and Foreign Affairs[28]

Feb 2nd 1653: Otto George, commander of the Sampson, alleged to have come into the Office for Dutch Prize Goods in Bishopsgate street at half past nine in the morning desiring to speak with the Commissioners for prize goods
- witnessed by John Gover, a twenty one year old London merchant, who subsequently deposed on February 23rd of the same month that he, Gover, informed Mr Richard Hill[29] and Mr Robert Tur[?pin], two of the Commissioners then there, and they willed that Otto George come in. In Gover's account, Otto George "came into the Parlour where the said two Commissioners were sitting", and was asked by Mr Hill whether he had not conveyed some silver ashore out of his ship, which Otto George denyed. Gover describes further questioning by Hill leading to Otto George then at length confessing and acknowledging "that hee had conveyed some bullion and plate out of the said shipp ashore which hee pretended to be his owne, and for his owne private use if necessitie did require, which hee affirmed was to buy provisions for his shipp and to pay off some of her men who wanted money".[30]

Feb 5th 1653: Warrant by Col. John Barkstead, Lieutenant of the Tower, to all constables, officers, &c. of the Thames, and in Middlesex and Surrey, to assist Wm. Astell and Wm. Pembridge in finding out silver conceived to be embezzled from the Dutch prizes between the Tower and Gravesend, and to apprehend those concerned therein, and bring them before him, or a justice of peace near, to be proceeded against according to law. Tower, 5 Feb. 1652-3[31]

Feb 20th 1653: Alleged discovery of two pieces or little piggs of silver hidden in the bed of the gunner of the Saint George in the gun room of the ship. William Turner, one of the Prize Commissioners waiters on the Saint George subsequently deposed to this effect on March 19th 1653.[32]

Date unknown: Paper published "by the advocate of Flanders"[33]

Date unknown: Dr Walker's reply to paper published by the advocate of Flanders (as authorised by Committee of Foreign Affairs, the authorisation being conveyed to Dr Walker by John Thurloe)[34]

Mar 7th 1653: Deposition of Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[35]

Mar 11th 1653: Allegation made on behalfe of the State in the Acts of Court[36]
- "The Keepers of the Libertie of England by authoritie of Parliament against the shipp the Saint George John Martinsondorp master"

Mar 11th 1653: "Allegation made in the acts of Court on behalfe of the State the eleaventh of this instant March 1652"[37]
- "The Keepers of the Livebertie of England by authoritie against the shipp Sampson (Otto George commander) and silver and goods in the same"

Mar 17th 1653: Deposition of John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[38]

Jul 4th 1653: Letter from Dr Walter Walker to Secretary John Thurloe requesting that Urian Martesen be examined urgently "about the silver in the Samson" since "the man iis soon going out of England"[39]

Aug 1 1653: Order of Council of State that the silver in the Tower of London brought in by the Michael Archangel and the Morning Star to be melted down for coining under the supervision of the Master of the Mint.[40]

Sep 20th 1653: Allegation given in by Mr Budd (Case: Lord Protector against the ship the Sampson etc)[41]

Sep 20th 1653: Allegation given in on the behalf of the State by ? (Case: Keepers of the Liberty of England against the ship the Salvador etc.[42]

Sep 26th 1653: Deposition of Jurian Martinson of Flintsborough in Holstein land Marriner aged 34, yeares

Sep 28th 1653: Deposition of Abraham Johnson of the precinct of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Sailemaker, aged 3[?5] yeares

Oct 12th 1653: Deposition of William Astell of the parish of Allhallows Barking London Chirurgeon aged 60 yeares

Oct 31st 1653: Deposition of Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Madrid an Inhabitant of Limma in the Indies merchant aged thirty eight yeares

Nov 4th 1653: Deposition of Antonio da Ponte of Teneriffa in the Canary Islands merchant aged twenty eight yeares
- regarding "The Clayme of Manuel Gomez" [for his wools in the Salvador]

Nov 4th 1653: Deposition of Antonio da Ponte of Tenariffa merchant aged 28 yeares
- regarding "The Clayme of fferdinando Numez for his woolls in the Saint George

Nov 15th 1653: Deposition of Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Limma in the West Indies merchant aged 38 yeares
- regarding the "The Clayme of Blases da La Pyna of Sevill for his goods in the shipp the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is Captaine taken by a shipp of the Parliaments fleet under the Command of Capt PomXXX"

Nov 21st 1653: Deposition of Antonio Fernandez Caravashall of London Merchant aged 54 yeares

Dec 5th 1653: Deposition of Gaspar Tam of Hamborough Purser of the shipp the Goulden Sunn of Hamburgh aged 24 yeares
- regarding "The Clayme of Peter Tam for his sylver in the Salvadore

Dec 30th 1653: Deposition of Antonio Estevan de Balderas borne att Madrid in Spaine an Inhabitant of Limma in the West Indies, aged 38 yeares
- regarding "A Clayme of ?Frocato Millenes merchant of Cadiz for one barr of sylver marked in the margent in the shipp the Sampson Otto George Captaine taken by some of the Parliaments shipps

Dec 30th 1653: Deposition of Henrick Martens of Hamburgh Captaine of the shipp the Hope of Hamburgh aged 30 yeares
- regarding "The Clayme of Vincent Van Campen and others Owners of the shipp the Sampson whereof Otto George was Master for the sayd shipp and her tackle and furniture


Jan 2nd 1654: Deposition of ffrancisco Lopez of Sevilia in Spayne aged 21 yeares
- regarding "The Clayme of fferdinando Nunez for his woolls in the Saint George

Jan 3rd 1654: Deposition of ffrancisco Lopez of Sevilia in Spayne merchant aged 21 yeares
- regarding "The Clayme of Manuel [?XXX] de Acosta for his [?XXXX] and [?XXXX] in the Salvador

Jan 3rd 1654: Deposition of ffrancisco Lopez of Sevilia in Spaine merchant aged 21. yeares
- regarding "The Clayme of Bla[?re]/[?ze] de La Pyna for his woolls in the Salvador

Apr 10th 1654: Affidavit of Christian Cloppenbergh of Hamburgh Mariner Master and Commander of the shipp the Salvadore of Hamburgh now lying in this River of Thames aged two and forty yeares

Sep 2nd 1654: Letter from Dr. Walter Walker to John Thurloe informing him of urgency of proceeding to a legal decision[43]

Nov 7th 1654: Deposition of John Bacon of the parish of Saint Giles Criplegate in the Citty of London Mariner Owner and master of the shipp the John of London aged five and forty yeares

Nov 8th 1654: Deposition of Stephen Puckle of Eastsmithfeild neere London merchant aged fifty nine yeares

Nov 9th 1654: Deposition of Magdalena Hendricks the wife of Abraham Johnson living in the Minneries neere London aged thirty two yeares

Nov 15th 1654: Further deposition of Magdalena Hendrickes the wife of Abraham Johnson living in the Minneries nere London wall saylemaker, aged thirtie two yeares

Nov 20th 1654: Deposition of Albert Bechere of the free Citie of Lubeck Mariner at present Master or Commander of the shipp the King David of London aged 47. yeares

Nov 29th 1654: Deposition of Peter Rokes of Lubeck in Germania Mariner Steeresman of the shipp the Goulden Grape of dantsick aged 43. yeares

Nov 29th 1654: Deposition of Henrick Vett of hamborough Mariner aged 36. yeares

Dec 1st 1654: Deposition of Carsten Franck of Lubeck Shipwright aged 32. yeares

Dec 1st 1654: Deposition of John Lowers of Masterland in Norway Mariner aged 26. yeares

Dec 2nd 1654: Deposition of Carsten Franck of Lubeck shipwright aged 32. yeares

Dec 2nd 1654: Deposition of Henry Slucker of hamborough Mariner aged 23 yeares

Dec 5th 1654: Deposition of John Martenson-Dorp of hamborough Mariner aged 53. yeares

Dec 6th 1654: Deposition of Christian Cloppenburgh of hamborough Mariner aged 43 yeares

Dec 9th 1654: Deposition of Giles Vandeputt of the parish of Saint Martins Orgers in the City of London Merchant aged 32 yeares

Dec 13th 1654: Order in the Admiralty Committee requested the Protector and Council to dispose of the Sampson, Salvador and Saint George, the ships being "much injured by having lain 2 years in the Thames, and are in a perishable condition, and a great charge, by keeping men on board".[44]


Feb 14th 1655 : Instrument of transfference exhibited into Admiralty Court on14th of February 1654 in claim of Christopher Boone for silver and cutchineale previously claimed by Adrian Goldamith of Antwerp on the ships the Sampson Salvador Saint George and Morning Starr

Apr 3rd 1655: Item: Petition of Christian Cloppenburgh: Date: April 3rd 1655[45]

Apr 3rd 1655: Item: Petition of John Martindorp: Date: April 3rd 1655[46]

Jul 4th 1655: Deposition of Christian Cloppenburgh of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the said shipp Salvador aged 44 yeares
- regarding The Clayme of Jaspar Lorenzo Merchant of Antwerpe for 3 Cerons of Cuchineale seized in the shipp Salvador (Christian Cloppenburgh Master)


Aug 29th 1656: Deposition of John Willmott of London Merchant aged twenty eight yeares
- regarding "The clayme of Christopher Boone of London Merchant for severall parcells of silver and Cutcheneale hereto fore specially claymed by Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerpe having bin seized} in the Shipps the Sampson Salvador Saint George and Morning Starr and since legally transferred to him the sayd Christopher Boone and perticulerly conteyned in the Instrument of transfference exhibited into this Court the 14th of ffebruary 1654 and remayning in the Registry thereof"

Oct 27th 1656: Deposition of ffrancis Thoris of London Merchant aged forty eight
- regarding "The clayme of Christopher Boone of London Merchant for severall parcells of silver and Cutcheneale hereto fore specially claymed by Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerpe having bin seized} in the Shipps the Sampson Salvador Saint George and Morning Starr and since legally transferred to him the sayd Christopher Boone and perticulerly conteyned in the Instrument of transfference exhibited into this Court the 14th of ffebruary 1654 and remayning in the Registry thereof"

Oc 27th 1656: Deposition of Beniamin Bathurst of London Merchant aged 19 yeares
- regarding "The clayme of Christopher Boone of London Merchant for severall parcells of silver and Cutcheneale hereto fore specially claymed by Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerpe having bin seized} in the Shipps the Sampson Salvador Saint George and Morning Starr and since legally transferred to him the sayd Christopher Boone and perticulerly conteyned in the Instrument of transfference exhibited into this Court the 14th of ffebruary 1654 and remayning in the Registry thereof"


Feb 19th 1657: Deposition of John Hanschen of Antwerp Marchant aged 21 yeeres
- regarding "Boone pred in three silver ships

Geographical analysis of witnesses and others in Admiralty Court depositions

Silver Ship witnesses - by Geography

Evidence of the Spanish/Flandrian/Hamburg silver trade in the early 1650s

Trade in silver bullion

Several cases regarding ships other than the Sampson, the Salvador, and the Saint George mention merchants and ship owners who were connected with the silver ships. Depositions regarding claimants of goods seized in the Saint Michaell or Angell Michaell of Hamburg are particularly informative about the silver trade. The ship had departed Cadiz one month later than the three silver ships, and was bound allegedly for Hamburg, rather than Ostend, carrying silver and other goods.

One claim was brought by the widow and heirs of "Danyel Sloyer deceased".[47] The deceased Danyel Sloyer was quite clearly the father of Daniel Sloyer [the younger] and Franz Sloyer, who were part owners of the ship the Saint George of Hamburg. The forty-four year old steersman of the Angel Michael, Peter Scholenburg, deposed at the end of March 1653 that he well knew the deceased Danyel Sloyer whilst he lived and that he "departed this life at Hamboro about a twelve moneth". Moreover, Scholenburg likewise knew Sloyer's widow (who had brought a case for silver on board the Angel Michael in her and Daniel Sloyer's heirs names), stating that she was his "neere neighbour in Hamborowe where shee liveth with her childern and family".[48] Later in his deposition, Scholenburg described knowing the deceased Danyell Sloyer "for many yeares before his death", and that of his own direct knowledge Sloyer had been "a citizen and burgher of Hamborowe and a subiect of the same ffree city", being "a merchant of good worth and accompt in Hamborowe" and that it had been "commonly knowne and noted to have driven a greate trade and to have dealt much into Spayne for silver and other wares and merchandizes".[49]

This trade had continued since the death of Danyel Sloyer [senior], Scholenburg reporting that "the trade was and still is contynuall by the wydowe Sloyer arlate for and on the behalfe of her selfe and the heyres of her said husband deceased".[50] In answer to interrogatories, Scholenburg specified Daniel Sloyer Senior's precise dwelling place as the Ruyn{?s]markett in Hamborowe".[51] Scholenburg described receiving on board his ship, when lying in the bay of Cadiz in November 1652 "one barr of silver without a bag and one bag or sacke conteyning twoe little barrs of silver...".[52] He stated that he received the silver from the ship's boatswain, together with bills of lading, and that he passed it on to the ship's gunner "whoe stored the same amongest other goods and silver in the hold of the said shipp". He claimed that he heard at Cadiz that the silver was to have been transported from Cadiz to Hamburg in the Angel Michael "for the account of the said producent Wydowe Sloyer and her assignees.[53] The same Scholenburg deposed on behalf of another claimant in the same ship, a Spaniard.

[ADD SENTENCE ON CUSTOMARY BEHAVIOUR OF MERCHANTS TRADING IN SILVER FROM CADIZ TO HAMBURG][54] Spanish concerned about confiscation of their silver by the French, so used Hamburg names colourably as the consignees, when in fact the silver remained their property.[55]

Physical character, weight and markings of the silver

A good deal of information is available from witnesses as to the physical character, weight and markings of the silver, together with its alleged owners.

The silver on board the ships came in many different physical forms - barrs, plate, and coins. Coins, for example, are described as "of Peru",[56] XXX,[57] and XXXX.[58]

"Peices of eight of Peru".[59]
"Spanish marks"[60]
"one Pinah Clamp or pigg of sylver".[61]
Bags of silver
Little bagg
Barrs of silver
Great barrs of silver (weighing ca. 130 marks each)
Small barrs of silver
Little barres
Fine silver
Cases of silver
Pieces of silver; silver peeces

Sources of the silver on board the Silver Ships

Much of the silver was reported to have been physically purchased by its owners in the Spanish West Indies, with places of purchase given as Havana, XXX, and XXXX.

Lewis ffernandez Angell, for example, purchased silver at Havana and accompanied it to Cadiz in the ship the Saint John Baptist (Master: John Jericho), where he transferred it into the Sampson for transport to Flanders, and again accompanied the silver as a passenger.[62] The bills of lading for ffernandez Angell's silver were signed by the Sampson's purser on "the eleventh day of September 1652. new stile aboard the sayd shipp the Sampson, when the ship was riding at anchor in the bay of Cadiz.[63]

Lawrence de Veles, a thirty-eight year old Cadiz merchant, reported seeing Don Antonio da Ponta lade various merchandizes at Lenera Cruz in Nova Hispania into a small frigate, which he shipped to Havana. At Havana, De Veles purchased six bars of silver with the proceeds of his merchandizes.[64]

Still more of the silver was purchased in Cadiz itself. For example, the same Lawrence or Lorenzo de Veles mentioned above, made a separate deposition reporting seeing a Jeronimo Brudgmans "in the moneth of July 1652 buy att Cadiz of a Biscay merchant the four barrs of sylver arlate...the weight marked on them as they came marked from the Indies three hundred sixty six markes and five ounces".[65]

The thirty eight year old Flandrian merchant Lorenzo de Veles described carrying several parcels of Flandrian goods out to the Spanish West Indies on behalf of two Antwerp based merchants, Peter and Andrew Annakach, and other Flandrian goods for Joanna Vanden Bergue, the widow of a further merchant. These he sold in the West Indies for pieces of eight, which on his return to Cadiz, he converted through sale and purchase into a barr of silver for the Annakachs and a small pig of silver and two small silver bars for Mrs Vanden Bergue.[66]

The use of neutral or "free" ships to ship Spanish bullion to Northern Europe had several advantages for the shippers of such bullion. Firstly, if the ships were seized, there was some degree of protection of the goods in foreign Admiralty Courts. Secondly, as claimed by John Martinsdorp in a deposition, "if any sylver and moneys unlicensed by seized before the same be shipped, it is confiscatable. But in case the same be laden aboard a free shipp, or arrive att any place or port out of the power of the lawes of Spaine, such unlicensed sylver can neyther be seized by the King of Spaine nor confiscate to his use".[67]

Colourable names entered for consignees of silver

Spanish and Flandrians were concerned about confiscation of their silver by the French, so used Hamburg names colourably as the consignees, when in fact the silver remained their property.[68] For example, Christian Aelst of Antwerp and Hjeronimo Brudgmans of Spain had their bills of lading for silver made out colourably at Cadiz. The young Spanish merchant Michael Perry Severino stated that "some of the bills of lading for sylver laden by this deponent [for Aelst and Brudgmans] wherein the same is colourably entred for the accompt of Arnoul van Haasdonck of Hamburgh the better to preserve his sylver from the french were found aboard the shipp Salvador".[69] The Dunkirk based merchant Lorenzo de Veles admitted in Court that there was no such person called "John Baptista [?Hemme] and "saith he himselfe did make use of that name being a fictious or suppositious name for such sylver as he did in person lade aboard att Cadiz, to avoyde the danger that might befall him if he should have bene knowne there to lade sylver to be transported out of Spaine".[70]

Getting to the true ownership of the silver

Identifying the true, as opposed to the alleged, ownership of the many diverse parcels of silver onboard the three Silver Ships is of course impossible. Nevertheless, some patterns emerge in the many witness statements, which suggest that that the true owners of the silver were geographically diverse.

At least five geographical groups of "true" owners can be identified: (1) Spain (2) Flanders (3) Hamburg (4) England (5) Ireland. In addition, some of the silver was presumably Dutch owned, but war with the English between 1652 and 1654 precluded Dutch merchants making such claims, and any "true" Dutch owners are likely to have sought recovery through merchants of any or all of the other five geographies.

Were the goods on the Silver Ships insured?

The Commonwealth was keen to establish that the silver had been insured by insurers resident in the United Provinces. Hence the question put to deponents in thE English Admiralty Court as to whether the silver was insured. The deponents responded by claiming that the silver was uninsured, or that it had been insured in Spain, Hamburg or England.

According to Michael Perry Severino, goods shipped on the account of the two Flandrians Christian Aelst of Antwerp and Jeronimo Brudgmans of Sevile were insured. Severino reported Hjeronimo Brudgmans telling him "att Cadiz that befre he came away from Sevill he had caused himselfe to be ensured upon and for three hundred thousand peices of eight bein parcells of the moneys now claymed, and that the sayd ensurance was made in Sevill." However, Severino did not know of what country or with whose subjects the insurance had been taken.[71]

According to John Moller, the servant and cashier of Antwerp merchant George Bosschaert, Boschaert had various parcels of silver on board the three silver ships. For the silver purchased "for his own particular account...hee hath caused a thousand pounds fflemish to be assured at Hamborough on all his silver in each shipp of the said three shipps in the passinge of which assurance hee used the assistance of Mr ffrancis Sloyer a Hamburger there dwelling, and as hee hath heard and beleeveth the assurers are also Hamburgers, but their names hee knoweth not".[72] A second cashier of Boschaert, the Brabanter Adrian Valzolio, stated that "there is assurance made at Hambourgh and Antwerp by the producents on the said silver namely at hamborough for Boschaert and at Antwerp by Puiguet".[73]

According to London merchant Giles Vandeputt, Vandeputt received letters of advice from John Bollart, a merchant and burger of Antwerp, in late October 1652, requesting him to take out insuance in London on silver and plate laden by Bollart on all three of the Silver Ships. "whereupon this deponent upon the 28th of the said moneth of October 1652 did cause three severall pollicies to be duely drawne att the Assurance office London for and concerning the ensurance of the said Bollarts moneys and plate laden aboard the said three shipps att Cadiz to be transported and delivered as aforesaid, wherein and whereby this deponent procured and caused an Assurance of 400 li sterling to be made upon the said Bollarts plate and moneys in the said shipp Sampson, and 400 li sterling in the said shipp Salvador, and 400 li sterling in the said shipp Saint George, All which assurances this deponent caused and procured to be made - and duely drawne as aforesaid, And to be subscribed upon the 29th day of the said moneth of October 1652. by Nicholas Skinner, James Stainier for and in the name of James Johnson Peter Bultel and others Merchants residing in England, And saith That hee this deponent did thereupon satisfie unto the said Assurers their severall premiums after the rate of 10 li per Cent and did Charge the same by bill or bills of Exchange upon the said John Bollart, who accordingly payd the said bills, And further hee cannot depose, saving that the said Assurances and policies drawne thereupon and all the transactions for and concerning the same were and are reall and true, Which hee knoweth and deposeth being the person who did act and negotiate the same from the first to the last, and thereby hath an absolute and assured knowledge thereof".[74]

How did foreign merchants pay for Spanish silver?

John Moller described George Boschaert and his partner, James [?Puiquet] driving and using a constant trade "from Antwerp to Cadiz in Spaine and places there about Cadiz for plate and moneys".[75] Moller's detailed testimony includes a description of bills of exchange drawn in Cadiz on Bosschaert and his partner "for the payment of the moneys for the said silver and plate soe bought and laden for their accompt".[76] Moller states that the bills of exchange were drawn "by the waye of Sevill". For Bosschaert's half of the silver, it was drawn by the order of Bosschaert's Cadiz factor, the Dunkirk born Francois de Sierpe "on him by Giles and Michael [?Diensart] of Sevill by 6 bills of exchange for soe much money in ducats as amounted to 5900 ducats payable to Christofer [?Diensart] John Alst and others in Antwerp, which the said producent George Boscaert accepted and hath paid the same by this deponents [John Moller] hands".[77]

ffrancisco Boesdonck, servant, cashier and book keeper to James [?Puiquet], described the trade of Puiquet and Boschaert slightly differently. He stated that they "have driven and still drive a constant trade from Antwerp to Cadiz and Saint Lucars in Spaine for silver and plate, and for all the said time have had their factors, agents and correspondents resident at Saint Lucars and Cadiz but especially at Cadiz to that purpose".[78]

Bills of lading for silver

Some bills of lading were carried by passengers on board the Silver Ships from Cadiz. However, others were sent overland. The Dunkirk merchant Lorenzo de Veles stated that he sent signed bills of lading for goods on the Sampson "from Cadiz over land to [?Gilles] de Nemay of Antwerpe in fflanders from whence this deponent received the same in a letter here att London from the said [Gilles] de Nemay, and delivered them to Mr Smith one of the proctors of this Court".[79] John Moller similarly stated that the bills of lading for Antwerp merchant George Boschaert's silver were sent overland to Antwerp from Cadiz.[80] ffrancisco Boesdonck stated that multiple bills of lading were signed by the masters or pursers of the three silver ships for James [Puiquet's] silver, and that "one of every of the said bills soe signed was sent alonge in the said ships from Cadiz".[81]

Several deponents refer to bills of lading being sent to, or carried with, their masters in London or carried with their masters. Adrian Valzolio, one of George Boschaert's two cashiers stated that he recognised the bilsl of lading shown him in Court "because hee this deponent brought them from Antwerp to London whether hee came in company of Mr Boschaert".[82]

Other documentation of ownership of the silver


Merchants' correspondence concerning the silver

Several young merchant deponents located in Antwerp refer to reading and copying correspondence from their masters' factors in Cadiz. For example, the twenty year old ffrancisco Boesdonck, reported reading and copying correspondence from his master James [?Puiquet] to his Cadiz factor, ffrancis de la Sierpe, instructing him to buy silver in Spain, before personally carrying the letters to the post. Moreover Boesdonck saw and read the advices returned from ffrancis de la Sierpe to Antwerp concerning the buying and lading of the silver.[83]

Merchant attempts to recover the silver

What do we know about the efforts of individuals and partnerships to recover their silver?

It remains to be seen if we can piece together the practical and legal steps taken by an individual or partnership to recover their silver. The prospects seem reasonable for the silver bought by the partners George Bosschaert and James [?Puiquet]. Firstly, we have very detailed depositions from their servants, who acted as their cashiers and book keepers - John Moller in the case of Bosschaert and cisco Boesdonck in the case of [?Puiquet]. Secondly, both Moller and Boesdonck suggest that Bosschaert went from Amsterdam to London "about looking after the said silver and other laden by him in the said shipps." Boschaert states that Bosschaert went to London in December 1652.[84] Thirdly, there are traces of Bosschaert in the Calendar of State Papers Domestic in regard to another ship in which he had silver, the Morning Star.[85]

English involvement in Spanish silver trade

A number of depositions by merchants resident in London shed light on English involvement in the Spanish silver trade.

Evidence from Admiralty Court depositions

Young Spanish merchants

A number of young Spanish merchants gave evidence of goods laded on board the three silver ships, having themselves travelled as passengers on the ships. They described the transshipment via Cadiz of goods such as tobacco, cochineal, and mother of pearl from the Spanish West Indies, and the shipment of sherry from mainland Spain.

The thirty-four year old merchant Manuell Corea gave evidence in multiple claims. He had been a passenger on the Salvadore and gave his residence and birth place as "Verina in the West Indies".[86] John Baptista Sabino also gave evidence in support of multiple claims, and is described as "of Cadiz in Spaine merchant aged 27 yeares." In answer to an interrogatory he clarified that he was Genoese by birth, though now living in Cadiz as a subiect of the King of Spain.[87]

The thirty-eight year old merchant Thomas Swan, despite his English sounding name, was born and resident in Cadiz, and had been a passenger on the Salvadore.[88] Swan had been at the island of Margarita when one of the claimants, ffrancisco Pellays, loaded mother of pearl on board his own ship for transport to Cadiz (and then later onto the Sampson and the Salvadore, assigned to his agent Cranbeene [CHECK NAME] in Ostend.[89]

The twenty-five year old merchant Guillermo Crombeen was well travelled. Giving Cadiz in Spain as his usual residence, he had been "borne at Courtrey in fflannders" and had lived "Marachais [CHECK NAME] Var[?inas] Gibraltar and other places in the West Indies for the space of fower yeares last past"[90]

The residences given for merchants who had lost goods on board the silver ships included Cadiz, Saint Lucar, Sevill, and several places in the Spanish West Indies, including XXX and XXX.

Sources of non-metallic goods on board the Silver Ships

The non-metallic goods shipped in the silver ships appear to have come from a variety of places, both in the Spanish West Indies and in Spain.

Sherry wine was shipped from Domingo de Padilla's own vineyards in Saint Lucar to Cadiz, where it was laden aboard the Sampson[91] Sack was purchased in Xeres in Spain by Christian Cloppenbergh, the master of the Salvador, from the Xeres merchant Pedro ffrancisco.[92] He bought it on behalf of the Hamburg merchant John Roopke (alt. Ropke), as he did at Cadiz a parcel of campechwood from the Spanish merchant Michael Perry Severino.[93]

Tobacco was shipped from Marrachio and elsewhere in the Spanish Indies to Cadiz, where it was laden onto both the Sampson and the Salvador.[94] Mother of pearl from XXX.[95] Cochineal from XXXX.[96] Sugar from XXXX.[97] Cochineal sylvester.[98]

Flandrian merchants

A Dunkirk based merchant named Phillip de La [?SXXXXpe] deposed in the claim of the English merchant Baldwyn Mathewes, for silver belonging to Mathewes seized in the ships the Sampson and the Saint George[99] Phillip stated that he was brother to ffrancisco de la [SXXXpe], who was factor and agent for Baldwyn Mathewes in Cadiz, where the two brothers lived.

He described loading a bar of silver into the Sampson in November (sic) 1652 at the instruction of his brother, the bar weighing "nine and twenty marks and six ounces of fine silver", and lading onto the Saint George three [?XXX] or small bars of silver, which weighed together seaventeene markes two ounces and a halfe. He alleged that the two parcels of silver were shipped for the account and adventure of Baldwyn Mathewes, and were to be delivered to Peter [Lam?es]/[Lams] of Ostend, and that Peter Cock [alt. Peter de Cock] of Gaunt [Ghent] was was to dispose of them, as factors and agents of Mathewes. Peter Mathewes, the London based merchant borther of Baldwin Mathews, deposed in January 1655 in the separate case of 'Peter Cock and Baldwin Mathewes for their silver in the ship' Saint John Baptist. He clarified that "Peter de Cock was and is this deponents cousin, and a native, as hee beleeveth of the Citie of Gant in fflanders where hee hath by and of this deponents knowledge resided and inhabited for about 12. yeares last past, and was and is a Subject of the king of Spaine". Peter Mathews clarified that he

In answer to an interrogatory about the bills of lading for the silver, which were signed by the purser of the Sampson and the master of the Saint George, he explained that De Cock's name was inserted, rather than that of Mathewes, as the recipient of the silver, for if an Englishman's name had been on the bill of lading, the silver would have been made prize should the ships have been taken by Hollanders.[100]

The same deponent testified in a second claim, on behalf of Peter Mathewes, Arnold Beake and William Moore, all London merchants. In this case he stated that "twoe Barretones of fine silver weighing together sixtie twoe markes and sixe ounces" were laden in August 1652 into the Salvador.[101] As for Balwyn Mathewes, the silver was to be shipped to Oastend for delivery to Peter Lams of Ostend, who in this case wsa to follow the directions and order of mr Robert Lamon of Antwerp, who was the factor and agentthere of Peter Mathewes et al. He described witnessing the silver being stamped with their weight, mark and numbers, which were recorded in writing. Working as servant to his brother, the deponent claimed to have read letters sent to his brother from the claimants directing his brother to buy the silver and to follow their instructions in determining the consignees.[102]

London merchants

Several London merchants gave evidence on behalf of the alleged owners of the three silver ships and the goods on board the same ships. For example, the thirty-two year old London merchant Giles Vandeputt reported receiving letters of advice in late October 1652 from John Bollart, a merchant and burger of Antwerp (in the Spanish Netherlands) stating that Bollart had caused his factors and correspondents at Cadiz to load quantities of silver and plate on board the Salvador and the Saint George to be transported for Ostend, where they were to be discharged and delivered for the account of Bollart. At Bollart's request, Vandeputt claims he took out several policies of assurance drawn at the Assurance Office in London for Bollart's silver.[103]

Two London merchants with extensive experience of Spanish trade (Roger Kilvert (b.?, d.ca.1657) and Antonio Fernandez Caravajall (b. ca.?, d. ca. 1659)) gave evidence regarding the illict bullion trade from the Spanish Netherlands to Amsterdam.[104] Kilvert had earlier acted as translator for at least one of the Spanish merchants testifying in the Admiralty Court on bhalf of Spanish claimants.[105]Kilvert stated that the lading and export of bullion from Spain was absolutely forbidden without special licence, and that any bullion found on board ships without licence was subject to confiscation. Nevertheless, many merchants exported bullion illegally, putting "feigned and unknowne names" in their bills of lading for the senders of the bullion, or leaving blanks where the names should be. But "the contents of the plate laden and the parties to whome consigned is usually plainely expressed."[106] Kilvert suggested that the Dutch were active exporters of illegal bullion, just as were merchants of other nations. Evidence from a separate case in the English Admiralty Court from November 1656 suggests that a commercial relationship existed between Kilvert and Caravajall.[107]

Profile of the mariners on the Silver Ships

John Martinsdorp, the master of the Saint George, stated that the mariners of the Salvador "were Hamburghers, and others subiects of free states and principalities neere to Hamburgh in freindship and amity with this Commonwealth".[108]

Christian Cloppenburgh's house described as "upon the Sand att Hamburgh".[109]

John Martinsdorp described himself as "a native and burgher if Hamborough".[110]

One English crew member of the Spanish ship the Nostra Signora Del Rosaria, thirty-two year old John Perryn from Faversham in Kent, gave evidence on behalf of the claim of Manuell Corea, having witnessed Corea load tobaccoes onto that ship in the West Indies, which brought them to Cadiz, and then helping to lade those tobaccoes onto the ships the Salvador and the Saint George at Cadiz.[111]

A number of mariners from the three silver ships were called as witnesses on behalf of the ships and their owners. These included Hance Ramke, a forty year old mariner of Hamburg, who was formerly a member of the company of the Salvador, and who had been to Spain in her on her last but one voyage. He had left the Salvador at Amsterdam to return to Hamburg on her previous voyage, and was now once again a member of her company now in London, though not present on her when she was seized by the English. Ramke testified to being present at the building and launching of the Salvador at Hamburg in 1647.[112] He identified the ship's owners as Hamburg merchants and gave the names of four of them as Daniel Brandes, Jerome Switger, Jerome Peterson and Henderick Hambrooke.[113] Another witness was the thirty-six year old Hamburg resident and mariner, Henrick Vett - formerly a member of the crew of the Saint George. He was a brother-in-law of John Martindorp, the ship's captain. He testified to having witnessed the ships's building at Hamburg in 1642, and appears to have kept the books for the ship for the last 19 months prior to his deposition in the English Admiralty Court in November 1654.[114]

Another Hamburg mariner (though not on any of the three silvers ships), thirty-five year old Joachim Beane, similarly reported having witnessed the building of the Salvador, and the departure of the same ship on her first voyage, which was in June 1647.[115] Beane had been present in Cadiz himself in the summer of 1652, as master of the ship the White Swann, and had sent the Salvador riding there under the command of Christian Cloppenburgh. Beane was able to list eight owners of the Salvador - in addition to the four named by Ramke, Beane added John Baptista Parker, Vincent Clingeburgh, Derrick Rourke and Gerrit Bowmaster, claiming that all eight were merchants of Hamburg.[116]

Goods owned by the mariners on the Silver ships

There is some evidence that a number of the mariners in the three Silver Ships had trade goods on board their ships. John Martinsdorp, master of the Saint George, deposed he saw laden aboard the Salvador "three butts of sack for the accompt of the mariners of the shipp the Salvadors company". The goods were said to have been purchased at the port of Santa Maria in Spain.[117]

Trip to the Prize Office on Bishopsgate Street, London

Otto George, commander of the Sampson, came to the Office for Dutch Prize Goods in Bishopsgate street at half past nine in the morning on the second day of February 1653. It was a Sunday and Otto George was desiring to speak with the Commissioners for Prize Goods. He was met by John Gover, a twenty one year old London merchant working in the Prize Office. At Otto George's request, Gover informed Mr Richard Hill[22] and Mr Robert Turpin, two of the Commissioners then there, and they willed that Otto George should enter the office.

In Gover's account, Otto George "came into the parlour where the said two Commissioners were sitting", and was asked by Mr Hill whether he had not conveyed some silver ashore out of his ship, which Otto George denyed. Hill persisted with his questioning, and leading at length the Sampson's commander confessed and acknowledged "that hee had conveyed some bullion and plate out of the said shipp ashore which hee pretended to be his owne", which was" for his owne private use if necessitie did require, which hee affirmed was to buy provisions for his shipp and to pay off some of her men who wanted money".[118]

Waiters for the Prize Commissioners and the Customs House

On the same day in mid-March 1653, William Turner and Roger Thorpe made gossipy depositions in the Admiralty Court. They were both waiters on board the ship the Saint George, which then lay under seizure in the River Thames. Turner was in the employ of the Prize Commissioners, whereas Thorpe worked for the London Customs House.[119]

Turner dramatically described the finding of two bars of silver hidden in the gunner's bed in the gunroom of the Saint George and the gunner's subsequent confession. Supposedly, the gunner admitted to having taken the two pieces of silver from out between deck under the gunroom. But, Turner "and partners" (namely the other waiters) "were of opinion that hee the said gunner and the stiersman had some confederacie or contrivance together about imbeazelling or carrying away silver out of the said shipp, and that the said gunner had got or fetched the said two peeces or small piggs out of the Masters cabbin, and that with the first opportunitie hee would have conveyed them away".[120]

Moreover Turner noted "there was a negro a servant to a marchant passenger that had severall peeces of eight about him and was going to carry them out of the shipp which hee had taken out of a trunck aboard." The servant was frustrated, having the peieces taken away from him and allegedly "lay long afterwards, watching (as hee conceiveth) an opportunitie to convey silver out of the shipp."[121]

To the list of sinners, Turner added the ship's surgeon, who allegedly "endeavoured many times and saith did others of the shipps company and passengers to goe downe into the hold and to look as they pretended for necessaries and provisions belonging to them."[122]

Turner concluded portentously that "the said silver to bee in greate danger by reason of soe many sorts of people of severall nations and conditions belonging to the said shipp as of her company and frequently attempting to goe downe into her hold."[123]

A motley band

A motley band of witnesses (William Astell, Abraham Johnson and William Pembridge) gave evidence of alleged conversations with one of the crew of the Salvador. They appear to have been hired by the London based Prize Office to spy on the crew of the silver ships in the inns and victualling houses of Woolwich, close to where the ships were moored. These witnesses claimed to have been drinking with the trumpeter of the Salvador in a house knowne by the sign of the shipp at the Woolwich Waterside on the evening of Friday 21st January 1653 and the early morning of the ensuing Saturday, together with "one Mr Simonds belonging to the prize office."[124] The alleged conversations took place in a mixture of Dutch and English. The witnesses were of varied background and no doubt incentivised by the prospect of monetary reward from either the Prize Office, or possibly from Thomas Violet.

William Astell was a sixty year old surgeon of the parish of Allhallowes Barking. A "Lieutenant of horse for the Parliament for the most part of the late warrs", he had fallen on hard times. He paid his parish dues, but "not any thinge to the taxes of the army or navie, not being of abilitie thereto, having bin plundred by the kings partie.[125] William Pembridge was a forty-two year old haberdasher of the parish of Saint Magnus London. He had a pre-existing connection with the London prize office, and "useth to waite aboard shipps for the prize office".[126]

Abraham Johnson was a thirty-five year old sail-maker, living at the time of his first Admiralty Court deposition in Saint Catherine's Lane near the Tower of London.[127] Apparently English by birth, with English as his mother tongue he also spoke fluent Low Dutch, "having lived 26 or 27 yeares in holland (ended about 14 monethes since)" (that is in September 1652).[128] Abraham Johnson claimed additionally to have known Otto George, the master of the Sampson, when Johnson dwelled in Amsterdam. Moreover Johnson claimed to have been the sailmaker on board the Sampson on a former voyage, havings served for eighteen months on her, about seven or eight years before his deposition.[129] His evidence contradicted that of Astell and Pembridge, recalling that they conversed with mariners from the Salvador in the Bell, rather than the Ship, in Woolwich.[130] Johnson claimed to have witnessed the delivery of silver out of the Sampson by Otto George on a prior voyage of the Sampson.[131] Johnson claimed to have been in Amsterdam in the summer of 1652 and to know that the Mercurius sailed to Amsterdam, delivering her silver to Mathew ffransen, a sailmaker dwelling there. Moreover, Johnson claimed subsequently to have met in Amsterdam with sailors from the Golden Sunn, whom he claimed acknowledged that "they came from Cadiz with silver and other goods bound for Amsterdam and that in their course they were chased into Ostend, and being there they there delivered the silver (as they said) which they brought from Cadiz."[132]

Jurian Martinson, a thirty-four year old mariner from Flensburg (fflintzborough) in Holsteinland, was a witness for the Commonwealth. He claimed to have been in Amsterdam in late 1652. Somewhat before Christmas 1652, according to Martinson, news arrived there "of the seizure of the said three shipps the Sampson, the Salvador and the Saint George with the silver and other goods in them brought from Cadiz; and saith that upon the said newes there was much sorrowing and generall lamentations at Amsterdam for and by reason of the said seizure, and it was then and there generally and commonly said that the said silver or a great part thereof was belonging to them of Amsterdam and other the subiects of the States of the United Netherlands, and that they would have a very greate losse and dammadge by the said seizure".[133] Martinson, according to his own testimony, had been a sailor on board the Mercurius, and stated that the ship had been bound for Amsterdam "but afterwards therev comming newes of warrs betwixt England and holland, they the said masters gave out that they were all bound for Ostend or dunquirke and as hee heard got passes at Cales to that purpose, and of his knowledge the said shipp the Mercurius got a passe for fflanders, notwithstanding that shee was (to the time of the said newes of the said warrs) intended for Amsterdam."[134]

The fifty nine year old London merchant Stephen Puckle of East Smithfield was also a witness for the Commonwealth. He told the Court that he had been a resident of Rotterdam for twenty years until the recent war with the United Netherlands, and that he spoke fluent Dutch.[135] Puckle reported being in London when the three silver ships were brought to England, and shortly afterwards, in November of 1652 "had occasion to repair agayne into Holland for the selling, and disposing of an house, and garden and some other things which he had att Roterdam."[136] Puckle described being ar Rotterdam, Leyden, Delft and the Hague that month and that at that time it was "commonly and generally talked of and reported, that the States of the United Provinces and their subiects had an exceeding great losse by reason of the seizure of the sayd shipps by the English and there was of this deponents sight and observation a generall and great lamenting in those places for the sayd loss."[137] Giving more detail, Puckle described being in the company of a number of Dutchmen on November 22nd 1652 (new style), travelling on a barge or skute from Delft to the Hague. He stated that "the sayd Dutch amongst other matters fell into discourse about the takeing of the sayd three shipps by the English which had the plate and sylber in them, meaning and speaking of the sayd shipps Sampson Salvador and Saint George above mentioned, And in that discourse one of the sayd dutch men who was one of the Lords of delph and a Bewinthebber of the Dutch East India Company did then and there in the presence and hearing of him this deponent confidently affirme to the rest of the gentlemen in company together in the sayd skute, that the plate and sylver which was on board those shipps then lately seized by the English meaning and speaking of the foresayd three shipps did belong to severall dutchmen of Amsterdam and harlem or to that effect, And further also sayd that although it might be pretended that the sayd sylver did belong to Hamburgh, yet att last (sayd he) it will fall upon our owne heads, meaning and speaking of the Dutch that were subiects of the States aforesayd, And further then likewise added that the English were subtile enough to find out the ground of the busines, or to the selfe same effect and purpose, for which reasons this deponent for his part did and doth verily beleive that the plate and sylver in the sayd three shipps did and doth really belong to the subiects of the sayd States of the United Netherland Provinces."[138]

Other potential Sources

In addition to a large volume of records produced by the Admiralty Court and held at the National Archives, Kew, there is considerable information about the silver ships in the English State Papers (which you can access through British History Online), and in the Thurloe papers in the the Bodleian Libary, Oxford.

A key printed primary source is a pamphlet by the goldsmith Thomas Violet, titled: "A true narrative of the proceedings in the Court of Admiraltie against the ships Sampson, Salvador, and George, their silver and lading and an accompt presented what silver was taken out of the said ships and coined in the Tower (being above two hundred seventy eight thousand pounds,) all which silver the Common-wealth got by the chargeable prosecution and discovery of Tho. Violet, who saved the Common-wealth this silver, Dec. 16. 1652", and published in 1659.

You can find some secondary material on the conversion of the seized bullion into English coinage in Henry William Henfrey's Numismata Cromwelliana.[139]

You can find short profiles and contemporary maps of a number of countries and places of importance in this case within the MarineLives wiki. See Spain, Spanish Netherlands, United Netherlands, Cadiz, Seville, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Lubeck and the River Thames.


Cadiz in 1650s

Patrick O'Flanagan, Port Cities of Atlantic Iberia, c. 1500–1900 (Aldershot, 2008)
Ma. Guadalupe Carrasco González, Comerciantes y casas de negocios en Cádiz, 1650-1700 (Cadiz, 1997)
Enrique Martínez Ruiz, Magdalena Pi Corrales, Commerce and navigation between Spain and Sweden throughout history (XXXX, 2000)

Spanish plate fleets in 1650s


Cadiz to Northern Europe bullion trade in 1650s

Fernand Braudel briefly describes the sending of silver coins and ingots from Spain to Flandrs in the early/mid-C16th, often to be melted down and coined at the Antwerp Mint. Bullion export supplemented the export of goods from Spain, the Canaries and the Spanish West Indies to balance the deficit in Spanish/Flandrian trade.[140]

Spanish Netherlands in 1650s

Map of county of Flanders; cartographer: Mathias Quad; engraver & publisher: Johannes Bussemacher, Cologne; 1609; source: Wikimedia

In October 1652 the English seized three extremely valuable ships carrying bullion (the Sampson, the Salvador and the Saint George), bound from Cadiz to Northern Europe. It was subsequently disputed in the English Admiralty Court whether the ships were bound from Cadiz for Ostend or Dunkirk within the Spanish Netherlands, or in fact for Amsterdam within the United Provinces.

Several depositions in the English Admiralty Court suggest that the silver ships were bound for either Ostend or Dunkirk. However, Dunkirk was in French hands (though besieged by the Spanish) through to early September 1652, when the town surrendered to the Spanish. It is neverthless possible that news of Dunkirk's return to Spanish control would have reached Cadiz by early October 1652, when the three silver ships are alleged to have departed Cadiz for Ostend or Dunkirk.[141]

In late 1652, at the time of the English seizure of the three silver ships, the ports of Dunkirk and Ostend were both under the control of the Spanish, and were located in the Flemish speaking province of Flanders, which was part of the Spanish Netherlands.[142] Lost to the French in 1648, Dunkirk had been recaptured, together with Graveslines, earlier in 1652 by the Spanish, but was lost again in 1658, following a Franco-English siege. It was then briefly awarded to England in 1659, before its subsequent sale by Charles II to France in October 1662.[143]

Archduke Leopold (b.1614, d.1662) governed the Spanish Netherlands between 1647 and 1656.[144] His court was located in Brussels.

Spanish Netherlands, c.1700; source: Wikimedia


Spanish West Indies

Places named in depositions:


Tobacco laded on board the Nostra Seigniora del Rosario for her master Antonio de la Rosa by twenty-five year old Cadiz merchant Guillermo Crombeen[145]


Tobacco bought at ?Varinas in the West Indies for John Baptista Sabino by Manuel Correa and brought first to Marachaio in the West Indies, and from thence in the Nostra Seigniora del Rosario to Cadiz, where it was laden on board the ships the Sampson and Salvador[146]


Thomas Juan stated by Anthonio De La Rosa to have bought tobacco at "the ffayre att Gibralter in the West India" froms everal men and "brought it afterwards to Marachio distant about five and twenty leagues from the same port".[147]

Amsterdam in 1650s


Ostend, Dunkirk, Bruges and Ghent in Flanders in 1650s

Anthony Sola of Ostend in fflanders Mariner Master of the said shipp the Trowe alias Mariage, aged 44[148]
Hendrick Lawrenson Veger of Ostend in fflanders Mariner Master of the sayd shipp the Morning Starr aged 35 yeares[149]
John Baptisra Rulands of Gaunt in fflanders gentleman aged 23 yeares[150]
John de [?ffrond] of Dunkirke Marriner aged 35 yeares[151]
Guillermo Crombeen of Vadiz Spaine Merchant aged about twenty five yeares[152]
- "borne att Courtrey in fflannders yet hee hath lived in the condition of a Merchant att Cadiz arlate his usuall place of Residence and att Marachais Var[?inas] Gibraltar and other places in the West Indies for the space of fower yeares last past"[153]

Antwerp and Brabant in 1650s

Plan of Antwerp and Schelde estuary, in F.H. Mertens, K.L. Torfs, Geschiedenis van Antwerpen, vol.1 (Antwerpen, 1845), plate betw. pp.8-9; artist: Joseph Ratinekx

Overview article on city of Antwerp

Guido Marnet, 'Antwerp' in 'Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World' (2004)

Antwerp municipal archives[154]

Address: Kruibekesteenweg, 39/1 9120 Beveren, Belgium
Contact: rijksarchief.antwerpen-beveren@arch.be
Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday: 9 am to 4.30 pm.; Every 1st Saturday of the month: 9 am to 12.30 pm and 1 pm to 4pm (Saturdays: reservation necessary for consultation of documents, reservation at the latest on Friday before 1 pm); July and August: closed between noon and 1 pm and on Saturdays.
Becoming a reader: "You must show your personal reader’s card at every visit. It can be purchased on-site: the annual card costs € 20 and gives access during one year to all the reading rooms of the State Archives of Belgium. Students enjoy 50 % off. A one-week card costs € 5 and gives access to the State Archives repository where you purchased it during 7 work days."
Reproduction of documents: "All reproductions, made by the State Archives or the reader, are for private use only. Private use implies that the reproductions and the right to use them may not be distributed to, shared with or transferred to third persons under any circumstance. Reproductions used in publications or for commercial purposes are licensed according to the tariffs of the State Archives."

Document types to explore:

- Antwerp Municipal Archives, "Schepenregister"; "Schepenbrieven"

Specific douments to explore

- Naam archiefblok:: Antwerpse schepenbrieven bewaard op het Rijksarchief te Antwerpen 1300 1794 / G Beterams.; Periode: 1228-1794; BE-A0511_108110_106958_DUT Identificatie van de toegang: BE-A0511 / Z0/010; Archiefbewaarplaats: Rijksarchief te Antwerpen[155]
- Review: Gaston Beterams, Antwerpse Schepenbrieven bewaard op het Rijksar chief te Antwerpen 1300-1794, 1959, Revue du Nord (1960), vol. 42, Numéro 168, p. 435
- Numéro de l'instrument: Z0/010 ; Titre de l'instrument de recherche: Antwerpse schepenbrieven bewaard op het Rijksarchief te Antwerpen 1300 1794 / G Beterams; Période: 1228-1794
- Numéro de l'instrument: Z0/008 ; Verzameling Charters van schepenbanken, cijns-, laat- en leenhoven e.a.; Période:1300-1795

Documents to look at (as per online search in FelixArchief search engine:

(1) Documents in the Personenregister:

- "Cornelis Baseliers"; Datering: 01/01/1646 - 31/12/1646; datum bij benadering; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 414; Inventarisnummer: WK#2019
- "Van Beselaer": Datering: 01/01/1497 - 31/12/1796; datum bij benadering; Inventarisnummer WK#2092
- "Jacobu van Beselaer": Datering: 01/01/1671 - 31/12/1671; datum bij benadering; Inventarisnummber WK#2093
- "Francisco van Boesdonck": Datering: 01/01/1718 - 31/12/1718; datum bij benadering; Inventarisnummer: WK#2131
- "Jan Bollaert": Datering: 01/01/1648 - 31/12/1677; datum bij benadering; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 415; Inventarisnummber: WK#2145
- "Jan Bollaert": Datering: 01/01/1670 - 31/12/1670; datum bij benadering; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 415; Inventarisnummner WK#2146
- "Jan (der oude) Bollaert: Datering: 01/01/1660 - 31/12/1660; datum bij benadering; inhoud: Echtgenoot van Catharina Peeters (Husband of Catharina Peeters]; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 415; Inventarisnummer WK#2147
- "Gast Bosschaert": Datering:01/01/1644 - 31/12/1644; datum bij benadering; inhoud: Echtgenoot van Catelijne; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 415; Inventarisnummer: WK#2188
- "George Bosschaert": Datering: 01/01/1678 - 31/12/1678; datum bij benadering; inhoud: Echtgenoot van Maria Anna Despommereaux; eschrijving van de stukken in INV # 415; Inventarisnummer: WK#2191
- "Cornelis Bosschaert": Datering: 01/01/1624 - 31/12/1684; datum bij benadering; inhoud: Echtgenoot van Clara van Valckenborch; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 415; Inventarisnummer: WK#2190
- "Brughmans"; Datering: 01/01/1497 - 31/12/1796; datum bij benadering; Echtgenoot van z.j.; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 416; Inventarisnummer: WK#2265
- "JacquesBrugmans"; Datering: 01/01/1679 - 31/12/1679; datum bij benadering; inhoud: Echtgenoot van Anna Vervoort; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 416; Inventarisnummer: WK#2266
- "Peter Brugmans"; Datering: 01/01/1612 - 31/12/1612; datum bij benadering; inhoud: Echtgenoot van Anthonijne Engels; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 416; Inventarisnummer: WK#2267
- "Jacques Munincx": Datering: 01/01/1661 - 31/12/1661; datum bij benadering; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 429; Inventarisnummer: WK#3530
- "Jan Hannsen": Datering: 01/01/1613 - 31/12/1614; datum bij benadering; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 423; Inventarisnummner: WK#2889
- "Jacques Rousseau": Datering: 01/01/1678 - 31/12/1678; datum bij benadering; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 431; Inventarisnummer: WK#3795
- "Jacques Vervoort": Datering: 01/01/1678 - 31/12/1678; datum bij benadering; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 436; Inventarisnummer: WK#4188
- "Lenaart Vervoort"; Datering: 01/01/1667 - 31/12/1667; datum bij benadering; inhoud: echtgenoot van Anna Antheunis; Beschrijving van de stukken in INV # 436; Inventarisnummer: WK#4189

Checked also in "Processen schepenbank", which has C17th data:


State archives in Brussels (Anderlecht)[156]

Address: Demetskaai, 71070 Anderlecht, Belgium
Contact: rijksarchief.anderlecht@arch.be
Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday: 9 am to 4.30 pm.; Every 1st Saturday of the month: 9 am to 12.30 pm and 1 pm to 4pm (Saturdays: reservation necessary for consultation of documents, reservation at the latest on Friday before 1 pm); July and August: closed between noon and 1 pm and on Saturdays.

J.A.L. Velle Collectie, Antwerpen - located at Amsterdam

The J.A.L. Velle Collectie, Antwerpen, is special NEHA Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief Collection of manuscripts, which includes a section related to shipping. The collection is located at Amsterdam.

Address: XXXX, Amsterdam
Contact details: info@neha.nl

A quick review of the collection's online catalogue suggests that it contains a number of documents of use both in building context for the Silver Ships and more specifically in researching certain Antwerp merchants named in the Admiralty Court litigation related to the Silver Ships.[157]

The catalogue lists twenty-five documents under the name "Jorge Bosschart" [alt.Jorge Boschaert; Jorge Bosschaert; George Boschaert]
- The metadata for these twenty-five documents includes a number of names which appear in the HCA litigation, e.g. Jan Battista Juncker [TBC]; Franz Schloyer (probably = Franz Sloyer, brother of Daniel Sloyer [the younger]; Franz and Daniel Sloyer were part-owners of the Salvador of Hamburg);
- The metadata for the same documents includes references to the Hamburgh to Cadiz trade, with Jorge Boschaert "merchant of Antwerp" insuring a cargo on a Hamburg ship bound for Cadiz, 1652
- The metadata for the same documents includes reference to two other infamous ships in HCA records from the 1650s (1) De Haes int Velt or the Hare in the Field) and its captain Jan Kien (2) The Saint Maria or Nuestra Senora, captain Jean van Linnen, with testimony by John Moller

For contextual material on insurance (which played a significant role in the Silver Ship litigation) see also NEHA Special Collections website

Items: 1.2.3. Insurance, 1595-1759
- Item Testimony by H. Raison and A. Le Pippre that voyages from Cadiz to the West Indies may last 12-16 months; only the galleons sailing to Cartagena and Puerto Velo will find a return cargo directly, 1677.
- Item: Testimony by sailors from San Sebastian that ships sailing from Cadiz and other harbours in Andalusia to the West Indies have more problems to find return cargo than the galleons sailing to Cartagena, 1677.
- Item: Testimony by merchants of Antwerp formerly trading in Spain, that every year from Cadiz one fleet departs to Terra Firma and one fleet to Nueva Hispania, but ships sail to America from Puerto de Santa Maria as well, 1681.
- Item: Legal advice from Antwerp dated September 1696 that arbitration in case of differences is a standard proviso in policies and from Sevilla dated 17 April 1696 that contracts on paper without revenue stamps are void.
- |tem: Legal advice by merchants that insurers should pay a merchant, who insured his interest in a cargo from Sevilla to San Domingo he had sold to be paid with interest on return, because he suffered damage when the ship did not return. Antwerp (17th century).
- Item: Extract from the common law of Antwerp concerning contracts of insurance, art. 41 and 42 concerning merchandise that should expressly be named in the policy, like victuals, ammunition, jewels, cattle, slaves. Antwerp (17th century)

Plan of Antwerp and surrounds, in F.H. Mertens, K.L. Torfs, Geschiedenis van Antwerpen, vol.1 (Antwerpen, 1845), plate after p.672; artist: Joseph Ratinekx

Adrian Goldsmith

Adrian Goldsmith, merchant of Antwerp (claime of Adrian Goldsmith and company for the shipp the Morning Starr)[158]

Alt. Adriaen Goltsmit; Adrianus Goltsmit

See: Inventaris van het Plantin-Moretus archief: Archief van de familie Moretus: Archief van de aanverwante families: Archief van de familie Schilders: Inventaris van het familie- en bedrijfsarchief van Henri François Schilders en Sibilla Bosschaert, 1657-1693, PDF, (Antwerpen, 2009-2014), pp.1-202[159]
- Item 67: " Verklaring van Catharina Bollaert, weduwe van Adriaen Goltsmit over het ontvangen van een wisselbrief door bemiddeling van Henri François Schilders. 1668. NL" (p.12)

Antwerp commercial and family papers, 1657-1693

See: Inventaris van het Plantin-Moretus archief: Archief van de familie Moretus: Archief van de aanverwante families: Archief van de familie Schilders: Inventaris van het familie- en bedrijfsarchief van Henri François Schilders en Sibilla Bosschaert, 1657-1693, PDF, (Antwerpen, 2009-2014), pp.1-202[160]

- Items 1-5: Brieven aan Henri François Schilders en Sibilla Bosschaert vanwege diverse personen. 1656-1693. Item 1: A-B (Adriaenssens - Bosschaert) (p.4)
- Items 1-5: Brieven aan Henri François Schilders en Sibilla Bosschaert vanwege diverse personen. 1656-1693. Item 2: B-F (Bosschaert - Freisheim) (p.4)
- Item 63: Brief vanwege Tobias van Campen over het geding tegen Wesepoel en Haghenburghs, met vermelding van procureur Everard en advocaat Coene. 1678, 12 April Mechelen (B) 1 stuk NL", (p.11)
- Item 197: Brief vanwege Willem Sluymer te Sluis aan Gillis Dieusaert (Brugge), 1673, 21 augustus . 1 stuk. NL (p.19)
- Item 201: Brief vanwege Theodore Jacobssen te Londen aan Philip Verpoorten (Hamburg). 1674, 22 mei. 1stuk. NL
- Item 204: Brievenkopenboeken, Maart 1660-Mei 1663; and Mei 1663-Maart 1666 (containing NL, FR, ITAL, SP) (p. 20)
- Item 205: Brievenkopieboek (vermoedelijk Spanjehandel, 1672-1681; NL, FR, SP, ITAL), 3 copy books, (p.20)
- Item 221: Memorie van de courantste goederen voor Sevilla en tegen welke prijs ze verkocht worden, 1671, 1 stuk, NL (p.21)
- Item 225: Lijst van de courantste koopwaren uit Sevilla en Cadiz met hun vraagprijs. Zonder datum. 1 stuk. FR (p.21)
- Item 230: Memorie van prijzen en goederen gehaald uit Nieuw Spanje. Zonder datum (1676). 1 stuk. (p.22)
- Items 244-152: Grootboek, 1660-1704, NL, ITAL (p.23)
- Items 253-258: Kasboeken, 1661-1682, NL (p.24)
--Item 254: 1673-1675: NL: N.B. - Lübeck en Hamburg. Op voorblad “n°5”. Sterke perforatie door insectenvraat. (p.24)
- Item 289: Memorie over het verzenden van verschillende soorten textiel afkomstig uit Hamburg, Vlaanderen, Brabant en Rijsel Zonder datum. 1 stuk (p.27)
- Items 305-322: Vrachtbrieven (Cadiz: 2; London 20; Amsterdam 15) (p.29)
- Items 326-341: Verzekeringsdossiers (insurance) (pp.30-31)
- Items 354-359: Wisselbrieven (bills of exchange) (p.33)
- Item 369: Stukken aangaande de overeenkomst tussen Alonso Ortis de Sotto Mayor te Lima en Guillermo Claerbout en Francisco Verhouve te Cadiz betreffende de levering van een grote partij luxueuze stoffen. 1661, Zonder datum. 1 stuk. NL, SP. (p.34)
- Item 412: Volmacht door Abraham Bernardo verleend aan Henri François Schilders om Georges Bosschaert te Antwerpen in rechte te vervolgen wegens schulden voortspruitend uit de rest van zijn aandeel in “ballots de toilles”, geladen opschepen te Rouen, Le Hâvre en St-Malo. 1667, 19 april. 1 stuk. FR. N.B. – Perkament. Zegel. (p.38)

Note spelling of names in Bedrijfsarchief (1660-1691): Handelscorrespondentie: Ingekomen brieven
- Dieusaert

Note also some Latinizations, e.g. "Balduinus"; "Jeremias"; "Adrianus"
Note also spelling of other forenames: "Gillis"; "Claeys"; "Theodore Jacobssen te London, 1674"

Further Antwerp commercial and family papers from Plantijnsch Archief

Using a different inventory guide to the Plantijnsch Archief, compiled by Jean Denucé in 1926[161], yields the following items of relevance to the merchants involved in the Silver Ships litigation:

- "Factures, notes, testaments, partages de biens, lettres concernant les familles Bosschaerts, Alb. Gerbrants, Van Nierop, Le Maire, de la Bistraete. Schilders, Mich. Fabri, Huyghe, etc., du 16ieme au 18ieme siècle".[162]

- "Nederl., no. 1160. Familienpapieren Goos en Bosschaert...handelsboek J. Bosschaert...Dirck Bosschaert getouwd met Cath. Snellincx, in 1593. Met rol: brieven zonder naam van familieleden, ook gericht aan De Neuf."[163] NB. According to the online Bosschaerts-Persyn Genealogical Research site, "Diericx Bosschaert, b. ca. 1569, Antwerpen, d. 1635, Hamburg (age 66) was the grandfather of George Bosschaert of the Silver Ships litigation. Diericx Bosschaert's wife was "Catharina Snellings, b. abt 1559, d. 1615 (age ca. 56 years). This source states that they were married in Hamburg in 1593. The source states that one of their children was "Dirk Bosschaert, christened 1604, Hamburg, buried 1674, Hamburg". The source gives no named wife, but list the child of the first marriage as "Georges (sic) Bosschart (sic), born about 1625, Grabow, died 1678, Boom, Belgium. The source gives the name of Dirk Bosschaert's second wife as "Agatha Joostz van Overbeek", with a date of marriage as 1648, and lists five children.[164]. It is just possible, given this context, that the "Handelsboek J. Bosschaert" is the account book of George Bosschaert, who appears occasionally in the manuscript records as "Jorge Bosschart/Jorge Bosschaert".

- "Nederl., no 1160 Familiepapieren Goos en Booschaert;....handelsboek J. Bosschaert;...2 stamboomen Wouter Bosschart en Margareta de Schot, deze getrouwd, in 1574, met Corn. van Beseler, dan met Gasp. van Wickevoort, en Dirck Bosschaert getrouwd met Cath. Snellincx, in 1593. Met rol: brieven zonder naam van familieleden, ook gericht aan De Neuf."[165]

NB. Jean Denucé: Stadsarchivaris, Archiviste de la ville d'Anvers [in 1926]

Te reading room of the Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerpen is open Monday-Friday (09.30-16.30)
E-mail: museum.plantin.moretus@stad.antwerpen.be

Information about Plantin-Moretus Archives

George Boschaert (b.ca 1620-25; d. 1678) [alt. Jorge Boscarte]

- George Boschaert appears as a deponent and claimant in the Three Silver ships HCA litigation, and also appears in the Morning Star HCA litigation
- J.A.L. Velle Collectie catalogue lists twenty-five documents under the name "Jorge Bosschart" [alt.Jorge Boschaert; Jorge Bosschaert; George Boschaert]
- The metadata for these twenty-five documents includes a number of names which appear in the HCA litigation, e.g. Jan Battista Juncker [TBC]; Franz Schloyer (probably = Franz Sloyer, brother of Daniel Sloyer [the younger]; Franz and Daniel Sloyer were part-owners of the Salvador of Hamburg);
- The metadata for the same documents includes references to the Hamburgh to Cadiz trade, with Jorge Boschaert "merchant of Antwerp" insuring a cargo on a Hamburg ship bound for Cadiz, 1652
- The metadata for the same documents includes reference to two other infamous ships in HCA records from the 1650s (1) De Haes int Velt or the Hare in the Field) and its captain Jan Kien (2) The Saint Maria or Nuestra Senora, captain Jean van Linnen, with testimony by John Moller


George Bosscharts, seigneur de Boom, conseiller et maître-général des monnaies aux Pays-Bas, fut anobli par lettres du 16 décembre 1665, et créé chevalier par autres lettres du 7 octobre 1670, lesquelles lui accordèrent en même temps deux lions pour supports, et une couronne au lieu de bourlet.

Ses armes étaient : écartelé, aux 1 et 4 d'or à la tour de gueules, surmontée d'une aigle de sable, membrée de gueules; aux 2 et 3 d'azur au lion d'argent, couronné d'or, armé et lampassé de gueules (Fig. 385).

(Nob., p.441.)"[166]

"...Este caso le sucedió al señor Francisco González Salado, quien confesó que Jorge Boscarte le dio dos órdenes confechas diferentes, pero que le llegaron al mismo tiempo. Según una de estas cartas, debía pagar 21.315 pesos a Pedro Colarte, vecino de Cádiz. Según la otra, la mitad de esa cantidad debería pagarla a Juan Mexía de Herrera. Por lo que "el dicho Salado se hallo confuso y por no saber cual de las dichas dos órdenes debía ejecutar, avisa a Jorge Boscarte que no había de cumplir ni una ni otra, hasta que Jorge Boscarte remita orden de conformidad" [Footnote 259]..."[167]

"Desde Amberes un tal Jorge Boscarte da orden a Pedro de pagar y asentar dos letras en Sevilla, libradas ambas en la ciudad flamenca hace bastante tiempo, en concreto el 22 de diciembre de 1659 (footnote 31)..." [EDITOIRAL NOTE: Refers to a letter from Boscarte in Antwerp ordering Pedro (?Colarte) to settle two bills of exchange][168]

Felix archief: J. en W. Bosschaert, 1659-1800; Inventarisnummers: IB#3032-3034, Grootboeken van J. en W. Bosschaert

Felix archief: "van den Berge 1671-1685; Inventarisnummers: IB#1862, 1863, 1866, 1881, 1907, 2156-2195: Grootboek, journalen, handelsbriefwisseling en handelsrekeningen van henry van den Berghe handelaar in was. Hij was verwant met de familie de Brier.."

Felix archief: "Jean de Schott 1676-1677; Inventarisnummers: IB#2926 Bundel met briefwisseling van Jean de Schott, een koopman die handel dreef op Spanje."

Jacques Pincquet [=? same or family of James Pincquett]

Belgian spelling variants: Pyncquet, Pincquet, Pincket

- List of advances by Susanna Vanseult to Jacques Pincquet and his wife 1652-1640, with interest till 1671, used in a lawsuit, Antwerp?, 1671? {See JAL Velle Collectie Antwerpen image]

"1) Schepenbrief van de hoofdbank van Deurne (bij Antwerpen) van 15 juni 1671
Catlijne Verhellen Gillisdochter, wiens moeder Neelken Meuldermans, weduwe van Niclaes de Leeuw, met haar wettige voogd, verkoopt aan Jacques Pincquet, koopman, gehuwd met Maria Cornelissens
-eene stede met huisinge, schuur, landerijen, groot twee bunder in Doorne aan het Hordekensveken, dat gepacht wordt door Jan Scheurwegen, en de helft van een perceel zaailand, voorheen bos, daaraan gelegen, groot een gemet, waarvan de andere helft toebehoort aan de parochie van Mortsel.
Zij heeft dit onroerend goed gekregen uit de erfenis van Jan Verhellen, haar oom, bij de scheiding en deling op 9 januari 1637 voor schepenen van Doorne
Lasten uit het onroerend goed zijn een cijns van zeven stuivers aan de kerk van Deuren.
De schepenen Thomas Neuport en Niclaes Noijts hebben het schependomszegel van Doorne onder de akte gehangen. (het papieren zegel is slecht leesbaar)"[169]

"NN, 3 perkamenten Schepenbrieven van Antwerpen. [ Schepenbrief van de hoofdbank van Deurne (bij Antwerpen) van 15 juni 1671; Schepenbrief van de heerlijkheid Deurne (bij Antwerpen) van 9 februari 1683; Schepenbrief van Antwerpen van 21 maart 1702 ] betreft: Catlijne Verhellen Gillisdochter; Neelken Meuldermans; Niclaes de Leeuw; Jacques Pincquet; Maria Cornelissens (schepenen Thomas Neuport en Niclaes Noijts); Barbara Taelman; Jacques Taelman, Niclaes Taelman, Joost de Mol; Joannes van der Graght, Bartholomeus Taelman, Maria Lepire, Jan Pauwels Herreijns, Constantia en Alexandrina Schenaerts ( Schepenen Anthonij van Leijen en Paesschier Ignace van de Cruijce); Adriaan van Eeckhoven, Jacques de Richebourq, Catharina Bouwens, Maria van der Capellen, Gillis de Pauw, Maria van der Capellen, Gillis de Pauw, Cornelis van Cauwenbergh, Balthazar van der Heijden, Isabella van Eversdijck, Joanna Maria van Eeckhoven, Constantia Broeckmans, Jan Baptista van der Elst, Adriaan van Eeckhoven, Philip Maria Francot.
1771, 1683, 1702. 3 akten met o.a. papieren zegels. Voor volledige tekst zie website Duthmala.
Offered for EUR 100.00 = appr. US$ 137.09 by: Antiquariaat Duthmala - Book number: 30448"[170]

"Inventory of the Flemish Council of Archives (National Archives in Ghent), 9 vols., 1964-1979 / J. Buntinx
[Item] 12608 Louis van Haveskercke, baron van Wingene, c. Jan Pincquet (Kortrijk): koop van hoeve te Nederwaasten.
[Item] 12613 Louis van Haveskercke, baron van Wingene, c. Jan Pincquet (Kortrijk): koop van hoeve te Nederwaasten."[171]

"INVENTARIS. N° 502. Bundel brieven aan Jacob de Man en aan zijn weduwe, te Antwerpen, van 1699 tot 1708, van Pedro Fernandez Binghe, Guillermo De Wint, A. Cordeniers, Juan Pincquet, Francisco de Vree, alle uit Cadix en Sevilla, alle uit Cadiz en Sevilla"[172]

"1675, 25 Januari. - Pedro Wouters en zijn echtgenote Isabella Lenaerts hebben hun woonhuis de Drie Tinnen Potten in de Wolstraat en uitkomende in de Jeruzalemstraat aan Maria Cornelissen, weduwe van Jacques Pynquet (Pincquet), verkocht..."[173]

"Bundel brieven, o.a. van Giaberto van Colen, Nic. de Bruy, Guill, Herincks, Corn. Truyens, Herman Cornelis, Jacq. Pyncquet, alle uit Antwerpen. Zwager van Abraham Hennekin, Antwerpsch koopman die hem over waren en wissel schriift Verblleef [>ook} te Bordeaux, Pariis, Madrid.."[174]


Pierre sepulcrale.
sterft de 6 Iulius 1673
huyavrouwe sterft
den 27 December 1675
Bidt voer de sielen

J.Bastin, De Gentse lijnwaaadmarkt en linnenhandel in de XVIIe eeuw (XXXX, XXXX), pp.131-: http://ojs.ugent.be/index.php/hmgog/article/viewFile/107/104

Charles Mussely, Inventaire des archives de la ville de Courtrai (Courtrai, 1868)
- Courtrai = Flemish city of Kortrijk, south-west of Ghent and ca. 40-50 km from Dunkirk and Ostend
- See pp. 67-.68 (mention of a "Jacqyes Pynquet" (1690, 1695-97)

Francisco Boesdoncq

Francisco Boesdoncq appears in the HCA records of the Silver Ship claims as a deponent. At the time of his deposition, in June 1653, he was living in Antwerp, and described himelf as a twenty year old merchant, servant, cashier and book keeper of Antwerp merchant James [?Puiquet]. He had lived with his master for four and a half years when deposed.[177]

A secondary source suggests that there are primary manuscripts relating to Francisco Boesdoncq from the perios 1664-1668, including merchant correspondence. The source mentions "No. 1966. Francisco Boesdoncq, 1664-68; Antwerpsch koopman gevestigd te Cadix Bundel brievenn, o.a. van Gisberto van Colen, Nie, de Bruyn, Guill, Herincks, Corn. Truyens, Herman Cornelis, Jacq. Pyncquet, all uit Antwerpen. Zwager van Abraham Hennekin, Antwerpsch koopman die hem over waren en wissel schriift [?XXX] te Bordeaux, Paris, Madrid...Levert aan alle voorname Antwerpsche familiën: de Pret, Geelhand van Merxem, van Havre, de Bosschaert, Moretus, Wellens, van Ertborn, de Liddel, Stiers, baron"[178]

See Insolventen Boedelkammer letters of Francisco Boesdoncq

The same secondary source (which our research team needs to look at in the original) mentions also:
- Ast, van der [cf. ?"Aelst" in HCA depositions]
- Bois, de [cf. Abraham de/du Bois in HCA depositions]
- Bosschaert, D
- Bollart; Boeleart, D [cf. "Bollart" in HCA depositions]; "Rekeningsboek van M.J. Jacops de Bollart (XVIII eeuw")" (p.87)
- Cock; Coek de [cf ?Peter de Cock in HCA depositions]
- Hornaey, de [cf. ?Mornay/Morney in HCA depositions]
- Smeesters ("Jan Smeesters") [cf. "Smoosters" in HCA depositions]
- Vervoort ("de familie Vervoort de Tramasure" (p.77)

See also "Antwerpsch Archievenblad, VIII, 1, 1933, which contains articles of interest (as per contents list)[179]
- M. de Meulemeester, C. ss. R. Antwerpsch archief in Engeland. Het fonds der Engelsche Theresianen. 3.
- J. Denucé, De admiraliteit van de Schelde te Antwerpen. Documenten (slot.). 13.
- F. Prims. Inventaris op het archief van der Tol- en Wareandkamer. 81.
- Idem. Het genealogisch archieffonds op het stadsarchief. - alphabetisch register op het genealogisch archieffonds. 86.
- J. Denucé. De rekenkamer van Antwerpen. Inventaris van het archief. 110.
- F. Prims. De Antwerpsche Breede Raad en zijn Archief. 161.
- J. Denucé. De rekenkamer van Antwerpen. Inventaris van het archief. 241.
- F. Prims. Stadskeldereijnsen. Register. 277.
- J. Cools. Antwerpsche historische Bibliographie. September 1632-'33. 310.

Jan Bollaert [alt. Bollart; Bollard]

"...Louis Frarin, Anna de Smidt, en diens broer Jan Bollaert, die te Sevilla in compagnie stond met Pedro van de Weyer. Jan scheidde in 1635 in alle vriendschap van zijn compagnon en kwam te Antwerpen een gefortuneerde vrouw zoeken, Suzanne de Santi, em jaren later weer te Sevilla te werken"[180]

Pedro vander Weyer [alt. van de Weyer]

"...Louis Frarin, Anna de Smidt, en diens broer Jan Bollaert, die te Sevilla in compagnie stond met Pedro van de Weyer. Jan scheidde in 1635 in alle vriendschap van zijn compagnon en kwam te Antwerpen een gefortuneerde vrouw zoeken, Suzanne de Santi, em jaren later weer te Sevilla te werken"[181]

"...Sevilla, Juan Grout, Pedro vande Weyer en Jorge Noël, die naar het Noorden wilden trekken, gingen een weddenschap aan dar zij samen op een bepaalde dag zouden vertrekken. Wie op die nag niet klaar was om in het zadel te stijgen, moest een boete van honderd dukatten betalen, waarvan vijftig aan de foerier van de gevangenis zouden toekomen..."[182]

"580. VAN DE WEYER, Pedro van de Weyer te SEVILLA ca 1620-1650, compagnon van Pedro Michelesen ca. 1646. S.A.A., LB 223 en 1526 passim"[183]

John de Windt [alt. de Vindt; Juan de Wint]

"583. DE WINT. Juan de Wint, uit Ieper had vóór 1640 zijn handel te CÁDIZ gevestigd, waar hij de dochter van een stadsgenoot, Maria de Lilla gehuwd had. In 1656 bekwam hij zijn naturalistic. Hij werd levensland raadslid van de stad Cádiz en ridder in de orde van Calatrava. Ook zijn zoon Juan..."[184]

"Bij een nieuwe tocht over de Oceaan meldden zich als vertrouwvolle opdrachtgevers niet zijn Brugse verwanten en bekenden, maar Juan Potvliet en Juan de Wint uit Cadiz...."[185]

"La familia Colarte procedía de Dunquerque (Flandes). Su presencia en Cádiz se inicío con Pedro Colarte se instaló en la bahía en los años centrales del siglo XVII, Ilegando a ser uno de los más importantes hombres de negocios. Contrajo matrimonio con María de Lila y Valdés, cuñada de Juan de Vint, regidor perpetuo del cabildo municipal de Cádiz, Caballero de la Orden de Calatrava y su protector desde que Ilegó a la península. De la unión nacerían diez hijos..."[186]

"...Efectivamente, Carlos Francisco contrajo matrimonio con Juana Margarita Vint, hija de Juan de Vint su amigo y protector..."[187]

Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes, rares et curieux, sur les beaux-arts, la littérature, les voyages et principalement sur l'art dramatique, provenant de la bibliothèque de M. le baron Talairat, part 3 (Paris, 1877), p.226
- 3589. Voyage d'Espagne, curieux, historique et politique fait en l'année 1655 (par Aarsens de Sommer-dyck) Raris 1655; in-4,vol
- 3590. Voyage d'Espagne, avec une relation de l'Etat et gouvernement de cette monarchie et une relation particulière de Madrid. Cologne {Elzev. à la Sphère) 1667; 3 part, en un vol. pet.
in-12 fr. gr. d. rel.
- 3591. Journal du voyage d'Espagne, par l'abbé Bertault. Paris 1669, in-4° v. gr.

Daniel Sloyer

"[Footnote 65] ...o Daniel Sloyer, quien, en 1689, entregaba cera a Cristóbal Fernández para blanquearla en la cerería de Da Margarita de Sotomayor, su madre. (A.R.Ch.G., 511/2.135/6)."[188]

"...Estos plazos no tenían porqué ser anuales o mensuales, sino que se regían por e ritmo de Ilegadas o salidas de las flotas, Así, por ejemplo, Daniel Sloyer vendió a Cristóbal Fernández una partida de cera por valor de 2.359,5 pesps, que sería abonada de la siguiente forma. 750 reales de plata se los pagó al contado y 1.609,5 que debería it pagándole en cada salida de la flotta que se despachara para la provincia de Nueva España o de galeones para Tierra Firme, hasta que quedara extinguida la deuda." (citing in footnote A.R.Ch.G., 511/2135/6.)"[189]

"Una lista de comerciantes extranjeros naturalizados residentes en Sevilla y Cádiz, entre 1650 y 1700, se encuentra en GARCÍA FUENTES, L.: El comercio español con América, 1650-1700, Sevilla, 1980"[190]

Hamburg and Lübeck in 1650s

Two of the three silver ships were allegedly built in Hamburg (the Salvador and the Saint George), and the third allegedly in Lübeck (the Sampson).

Hamburg merchants and ship owners

A concerted physical effort is needed in the Hamburg archives to find the Hamburg merchants and ship owners mentioned in the Silver ship cases.

So far we have found in the digitally available metadata of the Staatsarchiv Hamburg traces of Vincent Von Kampen [alt. Vincent van Campen], Daniel Sloyer, Franz Sloyer and Johann Baptista Yuncker [alt. Juncker; Juncquer] The first of the three was a part-owner of both the Saint George and the Sampson, the second and third were part-owners of the Saint George, and the fourth ws a part-owner of the Salvador. A "Jan Baptista Juncker" and a "Johann Baptista Juncker" (apparently the same man) also appears in the archival metadata of the J.A.L. Velle Collectie NEHA Bijzondere Collecties in a commercial transaction and legal dispute in 1657 and 1658 with Franz Sloyer[191]

Owners of the Saint George of Hamburg

Henrick Vett, a Hamburg mariner familiar with the building of the Saint George, and brother-in-law of the master of her, deposed that "the said shipp the Saint George (whereof John Martens dorp was Master) was in the yeare 1642. Originally built at hamborough by a shippwright and Burger of hamborough named Joachim Moller, by the order and direction of the said John Martens dorp (who bought and provided the timber for the said ships structure) Vincent van Campen now dwelling at Cadiz in Spaine, Daniel Sloyer, Abraham de Bois, Decloffe Classoft Mathys Heyndrick and others all Burghers and subjects of the ffree Citie and State of hamborough"[192] The spelling of the owners names differs slightly in the deposition of another Hamburg mariner, Joachim Beene, who stated that in addition to the master "John Marten dorpe" the owners were "Abraham de Bois Daniel Sloyer dittelof Classoft Mathys hendricx and others all Burghers and subjects of the free state of hamborough". In contrast to Vett, Beene does not mention Vincent Van Campen as an owner of the Saint George.[193]

Owners of the Salvador of Hamburg

The Hamburg mariner Joachim Beane deposed "hee well knoweth Daniell Brandes Jeronimus Switger, John Baptista Yoncker, Vincent Clingeburgh Jerom Peterson, Derrick [?Rourke] Gerrit [?Bowmaster] and Henry Hambrooke' to be all Hamburgers and merchants of Hamborough of very great fashion, and to be commonly accompted and reputed owners of the said shipp, And saith the forenamed owners are persons of soe good qualitie that hee beleeveth they would not suffer any meane or slight person to be a part owner of any shipp with them"[194]

Owners of the Sampson of Lübeck

According to Henrik Martens, the Hamburg resident master of the Hope, the Sampson was in Cadiz in 1651, where she took on goods and set sail bound for Genoa, but was seized by the French in 1651 en route for Genoa and was carried to Toulon and declared prize. Otto George, her master, redeemed her on behalf of her owners, whom Martens listed as "Vincent Van Campen John de Windt ffrederique Bevan, Daniel de Loon, ffrancisco Pennincque Don Joseph and ffrancisco Peralti and Company". Otto George left his ship at Toulon and went to Genoa, where he arranged for 12,000 pieces of eight to be paid to redeem the vessel by Jacomo Maria and [?Thomaso] Van Harten, two merchants of Genoa. These Genoese merchants were satisfied by Vincent Van Campen from Cadiz, with whome Van Campen had a corresponding relationship.[195]

Other insurance cases in Hamburg in mi-C17th

See: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_L 46, (1655, 1659-1669): Dispute concerning "Bezahlung von 2619 Mark durch Jürgen Schrötteringk und die Erben des Paul Langermann, Assekuradeure und Kaufleute in Hamburg, in einem Streit um eine große Havarie, insbesondere um die Anrechnung einer Partie durch Hitze verdorbener Mandeln bei einem Seeschaden; Hinweis der Kläger, dass der Prozess nur deshalb so langwierig sein, weil die verklagten Assekuradeure Mitglieder des Kollegiums der Oberalten seien und verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen zu Ratsmitgliedern hätte"[196]
- John Scrothing and Paule Langemann had claims in a Hamburg shipp called the Switzer (Master: Jacob Hinsh) in a case in the English High Court of Admiralty in August 1655[197]
- Letter sent by "Paulus Langerman dated from Hamburgh 8:° Novembris . 1653 . which came to this deponents hands [Tobias Zollicoffer] here in London 18 . Novembris 1653. the sayd Pauly Langerman did advise this deponent that the foresayd Zollicofferes had about the moneth of October 1653 laden on board the sayd shipp the Saint Peter att Toloone (sic) for accompt of him the sayd Langerman one Chest of ?Storax (being a phsicall drug and marked P/L A) to be transported to Hamburgh and there delivered for like accompt."[198]

Hamburg names of repute

Jürgen Schrötteringk
- "Seine 15 Kinder sind a.a.D. genannt, unter inhnen waren der Bürgermeister Johann, der Oberalte Diederich...und der Pronotar hinrich J.U.L."[199]

184. Jürgen Schrötteringk
- "Sohn des Oberalten Diederich (157), geb. am 4. Juni 1622, an die Biehaccise gewählt am 22. Sept. 1652, zum Kriegscommissair am 13. April 1654, an die Weinaccise am 29. Sept. 1655, an die
Förtification 1656, an das Riebergericht am 28. Febr. 1657, zum Oberalten für Wulff (183) am 11. Jan. 1669, gestorben am 10. Jan. 1670. Mit seiner Ehefrau Anna Katharina, Tochter von Diederich von dem [?E]ränssen, verheiratet am 4. Febr. 1650, hatte er 5 Kinder, von denen aber Diederich und Anna früh starben; die übrigen waren..."[200]

Paulus Langermann
-"Der Oberalte Paul, aud den wir jetzt zurückkommen, wirde am 4. Dec. 1596 geboren, am 31. Juli 1638 in die niederländische Deputation, 1642 am 18. Febr and das Riedergericht hewählt, 1943 am 30. Mai zum Kriegscommissar, 1644 and did Fortification, 1647 zum Waisenhausprovisor, 1649 zum Zuchthausprovisor, 1654 and die Admiralität, am 7. Mai 1655 zum Oberalten für Heldt (142), 1658 Präses, starb am 17. Oct. (oder Nov.) 1661. Verheiratet war er 1629 mit Marie, Tochter von Cornelius Petersen, Witwe von Wilhelm le Petit, die ihn bis 1665 überlebte und ihm 14 Kinder gebar, von denen Paul, Johann, Maria Elizabeth und Anna Maria in der Kindheit starben, Anton Friedrich, Gerhard, Joachim und wahrscheinlich Diederich unverheiratet blieben. Due übrigen 6 waren..."[201]

262. Vincent Moller[202]

Othe Hamberg names of possible relevance

Walter Buschaert

"Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Emanuel Jenisch, Kaufmann in Hamburg, sowie Rudolf Amsinck, Walter Buschaert, Hans Erlenkamp und Anton Erhart als Kuratoren der Ester Jenisch, geb. Amsinck, Witwe des Zimbert Jenisch, und ihrer Kinder in Hamburg (Kläger).- Beklagter: Hieronymus Petersen und Dr. David Plocius, als Kuratoren der Katharina von Horn, Witwe des Peter Pormann, sowie Hinrich Meyer, namens seiner Frau Katharina, geb. Pormann, und Michael Möller, namens seiner Frau Anne, geb. Pormann, in Hamburg (Beklagter).- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis; Zuständigkeit des Reichskammergerichtes in einem Streit unter den Erben des Zimbert Jenisch und des Peter Pormann um eine Forderung der Kläger in Höhe von 33.526 Mark lübisch aus einer Handlungsgesellschaft.
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_J 11
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> J
Laufzeit: 1641-1648
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Johann Georg von Gülich (senior), Beklagter: Dr. Abraham Ludwig von Gülich (junior).- Instanzen: 1. (Obergericht 1648-1659) 2. Reichskammergericht 1660.- Darin: Gesellschaftervertrag von 1641 zwischen Zimbert Jenisch, Peter Pormann, Severin Terekells und Lorenz Schröder, Faktor, sowie Andreas Jensen, Zöllner in Drontheim, und Heinrich Moller in Kopenhagen über einen Handel zwischen Glückstadt und Drontheim, auch über Holztransporte nach Spanien und Portugal; Erklärung von 1641 des Peter Pormann und Lorenz Schröder über Vorzugsrechte für das von Zimbert Jenisch eingebrachte Kapital; Vertrag von 1645 zwischen Peter Pormann, Lorenz Schröder und Franz Hagen über die gemeinsame Drontheim-Fahrt; zahlreiche Abrechnungen über die Geschäfte der Gesellschaft in der Zeit 1642-1648.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben:
Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11199 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[203]

Jean Baptista Juncker

Jean Baptista Juncquer [alt. Juncker; Junker] was a part-owner of the Salvador of Hamburg.

Jorun Poettering (2013) has identified the Juncker merchant family of Hamburg as being of Flandrian origin, stating that Peter Juncker had his Flandrian conferred title of nobility confirmed by the Holy Roman Emperor "unde erhielt zugleich eine Wappenmehrung".[204]

"The biggest foreign firms took the precaution of registering some of their family and partners as burghers or privileged equivalents. For example, Adrian and Johann Baptista Juncker were Dutch. They were also citizens of Hamburg, holding honorary offices and turning over 300,000 Marks a year in Iberian trade. However, the foreign element on the city council or among the Oberalte was in effect kept to a bare minimum."[205]

Julia Zunckel, Rüstungsgeschäfte im Dreißigjährigen Krieg: Unternehmerkräfte, Militärgüter und Marktstrategien im Handel zwischen Genua, Amsterdam und Hamburg (XXXX, 1997)
- Mentions "das Handelshaus Juncker" (p.232) [FOLLOW THIS UP AND SOURCES]
- Lists various Hamburg firms by size of foreign trade, and writes "Cornelis de Hertoghe war mit Johann Baptista Juncker, Johann Schröttering, den Henkel und den Moll stark am Indigohandel engaiert" (p.239)

A Jean Baptista Younker (sic) appears in an English Admiralty Court case unrelated to the Silver ships, in which he alleged on March 16th 1654 that the ship formerly called the Endeavour belonged to him.[206]

Abraham du Bois [alt. Abraham de Bois] [CHECK DU OR DE?]

Abraham du Bois was one of the part-owners of the Saint George of Hamburg.

Jorun Poettering (2013) has identified Abraham du Bois as a "Niederländer" who emigrated to Hamburg and suggests that he was of noble origin. Only following his arrival in Hamburg did he take up the profession of merchant. Poettering adds that du Bois left his possessions in Antwerp ("Religions halber seiner Güter bei Antwerpen in Braband")[207]

Daniel and Franz Sloyer [alt. Schloyer; Sloier]

Daniel Sloyer's testament appears dated 1691 in legal documentation from the early C18th held in the Staatsarchiv Hamburg. The archival metadata in which Sloyer's name appears concerns a legal dispute between the heirs of Daniel and Franz Sloyer, and lists a number of attachments, including "Inventar von 1687 des Nachlasses des Franz Sloyer, Kaufmann in Hamburg; Testament von 1691 des Daniel Sloyer, Kaufmann in Cadix"[208] A further archival deposit in the same legal dispute contains "Auszüge aus dem Testament des Daniel Sloyer von 1691; Vergleiche von 1693 und 1695 zwischen Sara Scholten, Heinrich Sloyer, Kaufmann aus Amsterdam in Hamburg, und Jacob Milich (der Ältere), Kaufmann in Hamburg"[209]

A separate legal dispute concerning Franz Sloyer, describes Franz as "Kaufmann und Bürger zu Hamburg". The dispute, dating from 1658-1663 in the Reichskammergericht, is between the plaintiff Franz Sloyer and the defendant "Rat der Stadt Hamburg" with co-defendant listed as "Engel Richter mit ihrem Kurator Lt. Johann Schulte, Bürgermeister, in Hamburg". Summary case details include the "Aufhebung des Arrestes einer Partie Zucker und Indigo auf dem Schiff des Christian Richter sowie Fragen der Kautionsleistung in dem Streit um die Erbschaft des Wilhelm Richter, Kaufmann in Cadix."[210] This dispute appears related to a separate legal record dating from 1674-1676 in the Reichskammergericht concerning "Daniel Schloyer, Kaufmann in Cadix" , which also concerns the arrest of a parcel of Indigo, supposedly belonging to Schloyer in a dispute over the inheritance of "Wilhelm Richter, Kaufmann in Cadix, zwischen der Kläger als Universalerbin und den Testamentsvollstreckern Daniel Schloyer und Johann Moller in Cadix."[211]

A later legal dispute involving Franz Sloyer, dating from 1675-1683, was brought by "Franz Sloyer und Franz Sabel, Kaufleute in Hamburg" against "Jan Pedy, Kaufmann, Reeder und Bürgermeister der Stadt Rotterdam". The archival metadata describes the dispute as covering: "Zahlung von 6566 Gulden durch die Kläger aus einer Bürgschaft und Eidesleistung des Beklagten über die Schadenshöhe in einem Streit um den vom Beklagten erwirkten Arrest des Schiffes "Potsdam", das Soldaten für den Kurfürsten von Brandenburg von Holland nach Hamburg gebracht hatte und dort von dem Schiffer Jasper Cornel(i)sen (Beklagter) an Thomas Chaire (Nebenbeklagter) verkauft worden war; Hinweis des Beklagten, dass er zusammen mit Benjamin Raule und Francois Versen Eigentümer des Schiffes sei". The Enthältvermerke in the metadata refers to a number of merchant letters and "Rechnung und Auszüge aus den Kaufmannsbüchern über die Forderungen des Beklagten und des Francois Versen, Kaufmann und Schöffe in Rotterdam, gegen Benjamin Raule 1675."[212]

Search hint: "...This day was presented a petition by Daniell Sloyer, Factor for the King of Sweden and residing in Hamburg, and Leonarde van Sorgen, Marchant of Hamburg..."[213]

Search hint: "...Daniel Sloyer...several of whom had relatives at Seville and elsewhere in Spain: See Dutch merchants resident at Cadiz to SG, 5 May and 19 Aug. 1656. ARH SG 70[?4]9"[214]

Other Staatsarchiv Hamburg records mentioning Cadiz trade in C17th

(1) "Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Walter de Hertoghe und Samuel Roqueslay (Rockschloe), Kaufleute in Hamburg (Beklagte).- Beklagter: Valentin Wevetzer, Kaufmann in Hamburg (Kläger).- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis; Zuständigkeit des Reichskammergerichtes in einem Streit um eine Forderung des Beklagten in Höhe von 12 455 Mark gegen die Kläger aus einem Kommissionsgeschäft mit einer Partie Mechocan (Purgiermittel), die von den Klägern angeblich gegen den Willen des Beklagten in Spanien gekauft und die auf der Reise von Cadix nach London durch die Türken gekapert wurde.
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_H 101
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> H
Laufzeit: 1637-1652
Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Conrad Blaufelder. Beklagter: Dr. Johann Ulrich Stieber.- Instanzen: 1. Obergericht 1644-1646. 2. Reichskammergericht 1646-1652.- Darin: Geschäftsbriefe und Rechnungen der beteiligten Kaufleute aus der Zeit 1637-1640; Aufzeichnung des Johann Martens, Schiffer und Bürger zu Hamburg, über die Aufbringung seines Schiffes "Rebecca" durch die Türken Ende Demzember 1639; Liste der hamburgischen Empfänger von Indigo- und Anil-Sendungen aus San Lucar in der Zeit um 1640; Gutachten und Zeugenaussagen von Kaufleuten in Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Hamburg, Nürnberg und Sevilla aus der Zeit um 1645.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11164 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
741-4_S11165 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand:211-2 Reichskammergericht"[215]

(2) "Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Manuel Rodrigues Isidro, portugiesischer Kaufmann in Hamburg, und Berendt Dreyer, Schiffer und Bürger zu Hamburg (Beklagter).- Beklagter: Duarte Nunes da Costa, portugiesischer Kaufmann in Hamburg (Kläger).- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis; Arrest einer Sendung Gold und Silber bei den Klägern wegen einer Wechselforderung des Beklagten über 1600 spanische Dukaten gegen Martin Ladron de Guevarra, Gouverneur und Ausrüster der spanischen Schiffs- und Silberflotte in Cadix, auf Grund einer Lieferung von Büchsenpulver und Schiffstauen; Einrede der Kläger, dass die Sendung zwar von Guevarra komme, aber zur Bezahlung einer von Rodrigues gelieferten Partie Schiffstaue bestimmt sei
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_D 11
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> D
Laufzeit: 1639-1650
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Conrad Blaufelder; Dr. J.G. v. Gülich (1650). Beklagter: Dr. Georg Goll.- Instanzen: 1. Niedergericht 1639-1643. 2. Obergericht 1643-1644. 3. Reichskammergericht 1646-1647 (1644-1650).- Darin: Konnossement von 1639 des Berendt Dreyer, Schiffer der "Goldenen Sonne", über den Empfang einer Sendung Gold und Silber im Werte von 50 000 Reales von Guevarra in Cadix für Manuel Rodrigues; 2 Konnossemente von 1639 des Ratke Stubbe, Schiffer der "St. Michael", und des Hermann Wegener, Schiffer der "St. Andreas", über den Empfang einer Partie Taue von Manuel Rodrigues für Guevarra in Cadix; Aktenstücke aus dem Prozess vor dem Obergericht zwischen Berendt Dreyer und Manuel Rodrigues 1644-1649.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben:
Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11090 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[216]

(3) See also " Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Kaiserlicher Fiskal und als Nebenkläger Jacques Budier, Kaufmann in Altona, dann in Speyer wohnhaft.- Beklagter: Rat der Stadt Hamburg und als Nebenbeklagte Duarte Nunes da Costa, portugiesischer Resident in Hamburg, und Silvio del Monte als Testamentsexekutoren des Johann da Rocha Pinto sowie Judith de Prado als Erbin des Johann da Rocha Pinto in Hamburg.- Streitgegenstand: Mandati ... sine clausula; Eintreibung einer Prozessstrafe gegen die Nebenbeklagten in Höhe von 4 Mark löthigen Goldes und Vollstreckung eines Urteils des Reichskammergerichtes in Appellationssachen auf Wiedereinsetzung des Nebenbeklagten in ein Erbe an der Wallstraße und in zwei Höfe in Lesigfeld im Kammerland (Amt Steinburg), die in der Vorinstanz den Nebenbeklagten zugesprochen worden waren
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_F 34
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> F
Laufzeit: 1631,1648-1662
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Kaiserlicher Fiskal. Beklagte: Dr. Georg Goll (1651), Dr. Johann Carl Müeg (1661). Nebenbeklagte: Dr. Paul Gambs (1655), Dr. Johann Carl Müeg (1657).- Instanzen: 1. Reichskammergericht 1651-1662.- Darin: Heiratsvertrag von 1631 zwischen Johann da Rocha Pinto, portugiesischer Jude, und Isabel de Fretes Garcia, Tochter des Pablo Gomez und Schwester des Manuel Gomez Prado, sowie Quittung über den empfangenen Brautschatz (in spanischer und deutscher Sprache); Auszüge aus dem Testament von 1648 des Johann da Rocha Pinto; Inventare von 1655 der dem Nebenkläger zugesprochenen Häuser und Höfe; Vertrag von 1657 über die Vermietung eines Hauses am Dreckwall durch Maria Budier an Estienne Fremion dit le Richmond; Vertrag von 1658 über die Vermietung eines Hauses an der Wallstraße durch Maria Budier an Georg Baron von Plettberg, kaiserlicher Hofkammerrat und außerordentlicher Gesandter und Resident in Hamburg; Aufstellung über die Ausgaben zur Reparierung des Hauses an der Wallstraße; Aktenstücke aus dem Prozess des Salomo de Casseres, Kurator der Judith de Pardo, gegen den Nebenkläger vor dem Niedergericht 1655-1657 wegen Impugnation der Zuschreibung eines Erbes an den Nebenkläger.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11116 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von] 741-4_S11117 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[217]

Enforcement of Judicial decisions made in geographies outside Hamburg and outside the Holy Roman Empire

Judicial decision in Brussels not enforced by Hamburg

Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Kay Holländer, Kaufmann in Hamburg (Kläger).- Beklagter: Claudio de Leon und Antonio Wahlschardt, Beauftragte des Königs von Spanien (Beklagte) sowie als Nebenbeklagter der Rat der Stadt Hamburg.- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis cum citatione per edictum; Vollstreckung eines Urteils der Justizkanzlei des Erzherzogs Leopold Wilhelm von Österreich in Brüssel durch den Rat der Stadt Hamburg nach einem entsprechenden Ersuch-Schreiben in einem Streit um eine Bürgschaft des Klägers für Caspar von Lützow, der als Oberst in spanischen Diensten in Hamburg 1647 ein Regiment angeworben hatte, den Beklagten aber angeblich 1150 Reichstaler schuldig blieb, da er nur weniger Landsknechte bereitstellte als vertraglich abgemacht war; Einrede des Klägers, dass nur ein Kriegsgericht in dieser Sache zuständig sein könnte
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_H 161
Alt-/Vorsignatur: H 5257
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> H
Laufzeit: 1647-1651
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Lt. Johann Walraff. Nebenbeklagter: Dr. Georg Goll.- Instanzen: 1. (Rat 1649). 2. Reichskammergericht 1650-1651.- Darin: Vertrag von 1647 zwischen den Beklagten und Caspar von Lützow über die Anwerbung von Truppen sowie eine entsprechende Verpflichtungserklärung des Caspar von Lützow.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11184 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[218]

French judicial documents reviewed in Reichskammergericht

"Vollständiger Titel:
Kläger: Adrian, Cornelius, Catharina und Susanna von der Strassen (van de Straten), sowie Johnanes von den Berg(h)e der Ältere, Kaufmann und Bürger zu Frankfurt am Main, sämtlich als Erben des Hans Wilhelm von der Strassen, Kaufmann und Bürger zu Frankfurt, und seiner Frau Susanna, geborene Rußland (Kläger).- Beklagter: Adrian, Daniel, Dominicus, Elisabeth, Johanna, Nicolaus, Peter und Susanna Juncker, sowie Johann von Overbeck, Johann Arnold Funcke, Gerard Russell und Theodor vom Holtze, namens ihrer Frauen, in Hamburg auch Heinrich von Brömbsen in Lübeck und Heinrich Juncker in Antwerpen, sämtlich als Erben des Peter Juncker, Kaufmann in Hamburg, und seiner Frau Anna, geborene von der Strassen (Beklagte) sowie als Nebenbeklagter der Rat der Stadt Hamburg.- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis, nunc (1681) citationis ad videndum se restitui; Desertwerden der Appellation, Arrest von Geldern bei den Beklagten und Verweisung der Kläger auf Regreß gegen andere Personen in einem Streit um eine Forderung des Hans Wilhelm von der Strassen in Höhe von 28 000 Gulden gegen seinen Bruder Thomas von der Strassen in Marseille; Hinweis der Kläger, dass Thomas von der Strassen ihnen wegen dieser Schuldforderung Teile der Erbschaft des Adrian von der Strassen, Kaufmann in Frankfurt, und seiner Frau Elisabeth, geborene Ketgen, sowie der Susanna Ketgen, geborene von der Strassen, im Werte von 5000 Reichstaler verpfändet habe und dass diese Erbgelder dem Thomas von der Strassen durch seine Tochter Elisabeth mit Zustimmung ihres Ehemannes zediert wurden; Einrede der Beklagten als Erben des Adrian und der Susanna von der Strassen, dass diese Gelder durch die Erblasser zu einem Fideikommiss bestimmt waren, also gar nicht zediert werden konnten und dass Thomas von der Strassen und seine Erben durch Zuwiderhandeln gegen diese Verfügung ihre Erbrecht verloren hätten
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_S 30 Teil 1
Alt-/Vorsignatur: S 2557
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> S
Laufzeit: 1615-1621,1637,1651-1688
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Lt. Johann Conrad Albrecht (1673). Dr. Johann Christoph Maurer (1681). Dr. Henrich Wilhelm Erhardt (1687). Beklagte: Dr. Friedrich Plönnies (1673). Dr. Johann Ulrich Zeller (1686). Nebenbeklagter: Dr. Johann Georg von Gülich.- Instanzen: 1. Niedergericht 1657-1671. 2. Obergericht 1672. 3. Reichskammergericht 1673-1688.- Darin: Testament von 1615 des Adrian von der Strassen und ein Revers seiner Ehefrau über die Einhaltung der testamentarischen Bestimmungen; Auszüge aus dem Testament von 1621 der Susanna Ketgen, Witwe des Johann Baptista Ketgen; Ehezärter von 1637 zwischen Elisabeth von der Strassen und Pierre d'Alberta, königlicher Rat und Besitzer von Gütern in Frankreich (in französischer Sprache); Vergleich zwischen Thomas und Hans Wilhelm von der Strassen 1651; Testament von 1651 des Thomas von der Strassen; "Schema genealogicum" der beteiligten Familien; Briefwechsel und Quittungen der Prozeßbeteiligten sowie Aktenstücke aus ihren Prozessen vor Gerichten in Frankreich (zum Teil in französischer Sprache; passim); Rechtsgutachten aus Lyon 1670 (in französischer und deutscher Sprache); Gutachten der Juristen-Fakultät der Universität Greifswald von 1672 ("Rationes decidendi"); Gutachten und Urteilsentwurf des zuständigen Reichskammergericht-Referenten.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11330 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[219]

Enlish Admiralty Court documents cited in German Obergericht

"Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Paul Klingenberg, Kaufmann und Bürger zu Hamburg (Beklagter).- Beklagter: Jochim Becker, Kaufmann und Bürger zu Hamburg (Kläger) und als Nebenbeklagter der Rat der Stadt Hamburg.- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis, nunc (1589) arctiorum executorialium; Einweisung in ein Erbe am Hopfenmarkt, Prozessführung in Abwesenheit und angeblich ohne Zitation des Klägers sowie Abweisung einer Widerklage in einem Streit um die Bezahlung von 1000 Gulden, die der Beklagte als Bevollmächtigter und Bürge des zunächst arrestierten, dann nach Frankreich gereisten Klägers bei einem Prozess vor der Admiralität in London ausgelegt hatte
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 43 Teil 2
Alt-/Vorsignatur: K 1817
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> K
Laufzeit: 1548-1623
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Georg Kirwang (1567), Lt. Johann Conrad Streit (1589), Dr. Marsilius Bergner (1594). Beklagter: Dr. Paul Haffner (1567), Dr. Jakob Sechel (1576), Dr. Christoph Behem (1577), Lt. Hartmann Kogmann (1589), Dr. Sigismund Haffner und Lt. Peter Paul Steuernagel (1602). Nebenbeklagter: Dr. Alexander Reiffstock. (6) 1. Obergericht 1562-1566. Reichskammergericht 1567-1623.- Darin: Schuldverschreibunge von 1549 des Klägers über 300 Pfund Sterling für den Beklagten; Aktenstücke aus dem Prozess vor der Admiralität in London wegen einer Lieferung Wein, die der Kläger Kaufleuten in York 1548 vertraglich zugesichert hatte, die aber nicht rechtzeitig aus der Gascogne in Hull eintraf, da das Schiff "Maria" wegen Unwetters London anlaufen musste und der Wein dort auf Anordnung des Königs beschlagnahmt worden war (in lateinischer Sprache); Aufstellungen über das Vermögen und die Schulden des Klägers sowie über die Prozesskosten und sonstigen Aufwendungen des Beklagten aus der Zeit 1549-1593; zahlreiche Briefe des Klägers aus Paris und Bordeaux über die im Prozess strittigen Fragen; Siegel des Beklagten; Vergleich von 1587 unter den Erben des Klägers. Sonstige Erschließungsangaben:
Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11222 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[220]

Legal action in Lübeck and Hamburg

"Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Henrich Porten, Kaufmann in Lübeck.- Beklagter: Rat der Stadt Hamburg und als Nebenbeklagte Edurd Ferver und Wilhelm Grysson, Kaufleute in Hamburg.- Streitgegenstand: Mandati executorialis cum clausula; Vollstreckung eines Urteils des Obergerichts in Lübeck in einem Streit um die Bezahlung von 3269 Reichstalern durch die Nebenbeklagten an den Kläger aus einer Bürgschaft der Nebenbeklagten für Johann Spenckh(a)usen, der als Bevollmächtigter der Landgräfin von Hessen vom Kläger eine Partie Roggen gekauft hatte; Hinweis der Nebenbeklagten auf die Rechtshängigkeit der Sache durch Appellation des Conrad Poppe, Bürger zu Bremen, an das Reichskammergericht
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_P 36
Alt-/Vorsignatur: P 2183
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> P
Laufzeit: 1642-1646,1653-1662(1650-1668)
Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Jonas Eucharius Erhardt (1653), Dr. Heinrich Wilhelm Erhardt (1668). Beklagter: Dr. Georg Goll. Nebenbeklagter: Dr. Abraham Ludwig von Gülich.- Instanzen: 1. Reichskammergericht 1653-1660 (1650-1668).- Darin: Vergleich von 1642 zwischen dem Kläger und Johann Spenckhausen mit einem ausdrücklichen Verzicht auf die Einlegung von Rechtsmitteln; Bürgschaft von 1642 und 1643 der Nebenbeklagten sowie Aufstellung über die Schulden der Nebenbeklagten; Aktenstücke aus den Prozessen der Parteien in Hamburg und Lübeck 1646 und 1661-1662; "requisitoriales" (Ersuchen um Rechtshilfe) des Rats der Stadt Lübeck an den Rat der Stadt Hamburg 1646; Liste der bei Eduard Ferver 1662 beschlagnahmten "geringschätzigen" Haushaltsgegenstände.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben:
Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11292 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
741-4_S11293 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[221]

Spanish (and German) claims of non fulfilment of contact on a ship from Malaga to Hamburg, escalated from Hamburg Admiralitätto Reichskammergericht

"Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Francisco Pardo und Manuel de Prado, Kaufleute in Hamburg (Kläger).- Beklagter: Cordt Moller, Notar in Hamburg, als Bevollmächtigter des Heinrich Meyer, Schiffer und Bürger zu Hamburg (Beklagter) und als Nebenbeklagter der Rat der Stadt Hamburg.- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis; Zuständigkeit des Reichskammergerichtes in einem Streit um die Zurückhaltung einer Partie Öl durch den Beklagten wegen der Weigerung der Kläger, Frachtkosten und Liegegelder in Höhe von 1400 Reichstalern zu bezahlen
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_P 3
Alt-/Vorsignatur: P 406
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> P
Laufzeit: 1650-1654
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Johann Georg von Gülich. Beklagter: Dr. Jonas Eucharius Erhardt. Nebenbeklagter: Dr. Georg Goll.- Instanzen: 1. Admiralität 1652. 2. Obergericht 1651-1654. 3. Reichskammergericht 1654-1656.- Darin: Vertrag von 1650 zwischen den Parteien über die Befrachtung des Schiffes "Die Hoffnung" auf einer Fahrt von Malaga nach Hamburg sowie Proteste und Zeugenaussagen wegen angeblicher Nichterfüllung dieses Vertrages (in spanischer und deutscher Sprache); Zeugenaussage des Notars Simon Floris über Fehler bei der Übersetzung spanischer Texte durch den Notar Cordt Moller.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11284 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[222]

Other Hamburg insurance cases from mid-C17th

(1) Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Witwe des Hermann van El(l)gen und Peter van Ellgen, Kaufleute und Bürger zu Hamburg.- Beklagter: Rat der Stadt Hamburg.- Streitgegenstand: Mandati de exequendo cum clausula; Vollstreckung eines 1663 ergangenen Urteils des Obergerichts in einem Streit zwischen den Klägern und den Assekuradeuren Marcus Funck und Konsorten wegen der Bestellung eines neuen Mitglieds für ein Schiedsgericht zur Beilegung von Streitigkeiten über einen Versicherungsvertrag, nachdem der neben Vincenz Klingenberg präsentierte Hans Gartz (Goertz) (der Jüngere) von den Klägern als parteiisch abgelehnt worden war
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_E 26
Alt-/Vorsignatur: E 1058
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> E
Laufzeit: 1656-1667
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Beklagter: Dr. Johann Georg von Gülich.- Instanzen: 1. Reichskammergericht 1667.- Darin: Assekuranz-Police von 1656 in Höhe von 2000 Pfund flämisch über die Versicherung einer von Hamburg nach St. Valery in Frankreich bestimmten und von Jan Petersen, Schiffer des "Braunen Hengst", zu transportierenden Partie Wolle durch Hermann und Peter van Ellgen bei Marcus Funck, Heinrich Momma, Georg Becceler, Johann Jakob Hübener (Hiebenaer), Abraham Stockmann, Anton Erhar(d)t, Hinrich Busch (der Jüngere), Joris Schrötteringk (der Jüngere, Dietrichs Sohn), Dietrich Vasmer und Dietrich Cordes; "Kompromiss" von 1658 zwischen den Klägern und den Assekuradeuren Marcus Funck und Konsorten über die endgültige Beilegung der entstandenen Streitigkeiten durch ein Schiedsgericht von unparteiischen Kaufleuten.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11099 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bemerkungen: Akte unvollständig.
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[223]

Legal records from the Hamburg Admiralität

Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Joachim Anckelmann, Oberalter in Hamburg, als Kurator der Johanna Hardt, Witwe des Elias Hardt, Kaufmann zu Hamburg (Kläger).- Beklagter: Katharina Conrad, Witwe des Lt. Conrad, Lt. Jakob Rotenburg, Sekretär des Rats der Stadt Hamburg, und andere Gläubiger des Abraham Sievers in Hamburg (Beklagte).- Streitgegenstand: Tertiae, quartae, quintae et sextae appellationis; Verurteilung in Abwesenheit und Fortführung des Prozesses vor dem Obergericht trotz Appellation an das Reichskammergericht in dem Streit zwischen den Gläubigern des Abraham Sievers
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_H 97 Teil 1
Alt-/Vorsignatur: H 1402
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> H
Laufzeit: 1660-1672
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Abraham Ludwig von Gülich (1667), Dr. Johann Georg Vergenius (1671). Beklagter: Dr. Johann Georg von Gülich.- Instanzen: 1. (Niedergericht 1659-1660). 2. Obergericht 1660-1667. 3. Reichskammergericht 1667-1672.- Darin: Aktenstücke aus dem Prozess des Dietrich Blocks und Konsorten als Reeder des Schiffes "Die Rose" ("Rosa") gegen Elias Hardt vor der Admiralität 1660.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11163 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bemerkungen: Protokoll stark beschädigt
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht[224]

Interesting find: "Carte Général de la France"

Archivaliensignatur: Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, N 100 Nr. 85
Kontext: Ältere gedruckte Karten >> Frankreich
Laufzeit: 1659
Enthältvermerke: Ausführlicher Titel: Karte von Frankreich
Umrahmt mit farbigen Wappen und Beschreibungen der verschiedenen französischen Fürstentümer und Grafschaften
Maße: Trägerformat: 117,5 x 160 cm (Höhe x Breite)
Urheber: Autor/Fotograf: Nicolas Sanson||Nicolas Berey
Archivalientyp: Karten und Pläne
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben:
Schaden: Papier Riss/Fehlstelle
Geografische Begrenzung: li.o. St. Lustin, re.o. Paderborn li.u. Kastilien re.u. Toskana
Ausführung: mehrfarbig
Entstehungsstufe: Ausdruck oder Fertigdruck
Beschreibstoff: Papier
Herausgeber: Melchior Tavernier, Pierre Mariette
Herstellungsort: Paris
Orientierung: N
Maßstab: ca. 1 : 5.300.000
Blattzahl: 1
Digitalisat im Angebot des Archivs:
Bestand: N 100 Ältere gedruckte Karten
Online-Findbuch im Angebot des Archivs: http://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/plink/?f=1-2925&a=fb
Rechtsstatus: Namensnennung 3.0 DeutschlandNamensnennung 3.0 Deutschland"[225]

Duarte Esteves de Pina

Follow up on "Duarte Esteves de Pina'", who was one of the insurers of silver for Vincent von Kampen (see: "Kläger: Johann Baptista Juncker, Abraham Stockmann und die Erben des Peter Finx und des Duarte Esteves de Pina, Assekuradeure in Hamburg (Beklagte).- Beklagter: Geronimo Snitquer, Bürger zu Hamburg (Kläger) und als Nebenbeklagter der Rat der Stadt Hamburg"[226]

(1) "Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: David de Pina, portugiesischer Kaufmann und Jude in Hamburg, sowie Samuel, Marcus, Raffael und Abraham de Pina, für sich, beziehungsweise als Kuratoren ihrer Mutter Rachel Milana und ihrer Schwestern Debora Ribea und Batseba de Pina, sämtlich als Erben des Duarte Estevers de Pina in Hamburg (Kläger).- Beklagter: Lt. Andreas Schwartz in Hamburg (Beklagter).- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis; Ablegung des Appellations-Eides durch Juden gemäß der Observanz des Reichskammergerichtes in einem Streit um die Bezahlung einer Obligation in Höhe von 2562 Reichstalern des Kaufmanns Hermann Beckmann für die Kläger durch den Beklagten, der die Erbschaft seines Schwiegervaters Hermann Beckmann (unter anderem ein Garten in Hammerbrook) trotz offizieller Erbschaftsausschlagung angeblich doch angetreten hatte
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_P 24
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> P
Laufzeit: 1656-1658
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Lt. Johann Hansen. Beklagter: Dr. (Paul) Gambs.- Instanzen: 1. (Obergericht 1655) 2. Reichskammergericht 1656-1658.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11289 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[227]

Diplomatic correspondence between Hamburg and London

The Hamburg Senate was in correspondence with the Council of State or with the Committee or Trade and Foreign Affairs regarding the seizure and retention of the two Hamburg ships, together with other Hamburg built and owned ships seized in 1652 and 1653 by the English during the English war with the Dutch (July 1652 - April 1654).[228]

Dec 15th 1652: Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs had received several letters from the Senate of Hamburg concerning ships of Hamburg seized by the English[229]

Sep 2nd 1654: "It appears by yours that the Hamburg agent urges a judgment on the Samson, Salvador, and George"[230]

Feb 9th 1655: Letter, in Latin and English, from Joachim Petersen, the Hamburg Resident, to Oliver Cromwell, complaining of the unjust detention of two ships of Hamburg, the St. Salvador and the St. George, which is dated February 9th 1654 (presumably 1655 modern style)[231]

Other Hamburg ships seized by English 1652-55

Listed in HCA 13/67: The ffortune; the Saint George; the Saint Peter (Master: Jasper Jacobsen); the Saint Peter (Master: Peter Hausen); the Hamborough (built at Rotterdam); the Morning Starr

Listed in HCA 13/68:

Listed in HCA 13/69: The Saint John Baptist

Listed in HCA 13/70: The Angel Gabriel, The Augustine, The Hope, the Morning Star, the Orbus Mundi, the Patriach, The Peter

Primary Sources


SP 82/9/f1 Joachim Petersen, Secretary of Hamburg, to Council of State 1653 Jan 31
SP 82/9/f3 Joachim Petersen, Secretary of Hamburg, to Council of State 1653 Feb 2
SP 82/9/f8 Joachim Petersen, Secretary of Hamburg, to Council of State 1653 Feb 2
SP 82/9/f11 J Petersen to Council of State 1653 Feb 21
SP 82/9/f34 J Petersen to Council of State 1653 Mar 22
SP 82/9/f36 J Petersen to Council of State 1653 Mar 29
SP 82/9/f42 J Petersen to Council of State 1653 Apr 13
SP 82/9/f101 J Petersen to Council of State 1653 Aug 8
SP 82/9/f153 J Petersen to Council of State 1653 Nov 21
SP 82/9/f181 J Petersen to Cromwell 1654 Jan 9
SP 82/9/f183 J Petersen to Cromwell 1654 Jan 21
SP 82/9/f189 J Petersen to Council of State 1654 Apr 11
SP 82/9/f193 J Petersen to Cromwell 1654 May 24
SP 82/9/f195 J Petersen's memorial on claim for ship taken [1654 c June]


Staatsarchiv Hamburg
Findbuch der Reichskammergerichtsakten im Staatsarchiv Hamburg, Teile 1-4 (Hamburg, 1993-1995)
Friedrich Battenberg, Bernd Schildt, Das Reichskammergericht im Spiegel seiner Prozessakten: Bilanz und Perspektiven der Forschung (Köln, 2010)
Hamburg Museum - Historical museum, Hamburg
Schleswig Holstein & Hamburg web database


Archiv de Hansestadt Lubeck

General interest case involving Lübeck ship masters and citizens in dispute with Hamburg (1600-1641)[232]
Vollständiger Titel: : Kläger: Hans Balhorn, Claus Holste und Jans Gronewoldt als Bevollmächtigter des Hans Brocktorp (Bruchdorff), namens der Witwe des Dietrich Meins, sämtlich Schiffer und Bürger zu Lübeck, für sich, Gorries Westhof und die anderen Reeder ihrer Schiffe in Lübeck (Beklagter).- Beklagter: Johann Moller, Kaufmann in Lissabon, und als Nebenbeklagter sein Bevollmächtigter Johann van de Wielen, Kaufmann in Hamburg (Kläger).- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis, nunc (1638) citationis ad reassumendum per edictum; Ladung des Nebenbeklagten, Verweisung der Kläger auf eine Rekonventionsklage, Deponierung von Geldern, Abtrennung der Klage auf Erstattung der Vorschüsse und der vereinbarten Provision sowie Zuständigkeit der Gerichte in Hamburg oder Lübeck in einem Streit um den Arrest von Frachtgeldern und um Forderungen des Beklagten in Höhe von 11479 Mark lübisch gegen die Kläger aus einer Obligation und Schadlosverschreibung der Kläger für den Beklagten; Hinweis des Beklagten, dass er mit 3000 Dukaten dafür gebürgt habe, dass die Kläger ihre Schiffsladungen von Brasilien nach Lissabon bringen würden; Einrede der Kläger, dass die Schadlosverschreibung nicht erfüllbar sei, da sie wegen der englischen Armada vor der portugisieschen Küste statt Lissabon Hamburg anlaufen mussten.
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Johann Jacob Kölblin. Beklagte: Lt. Peter Paul Steuernagel (1610). Dr. Lucas Goll (1637).- Instanzen: 1. Obergericht 1606-1609. 2. Reichskammergericht 1610-1639 (1610-1641).- Darin: Vertrag von 1600 über die Befrachtung der Schiffe "Der halbe Mond", "Die blaue Taube" und "Der goldene Adler" mit Holz und Zucker; Bürgschaft des Beklagten für die Kläger sowie eine Obligation und Schadlosverschreibung der Kläger für den Beklagten aus dem Jahr 1600; Rechnung des Beklagten und Brief eines beteiligten Schiffers an den Beklagten 1603; Aktenstücke aus dem Streit der Parteien vor dem Niedergericht in Lübeck und dem Reichskammergericht 1607-1609; Briefwechsel zwischen den Räten der Städte Hamburg und Lübeck aus den Jahren 1606-1609; Aufstellung über Gerichtskosten 1610-1611

Vincent van Campen [alt. Vincent von Campen; Vicente del Campo]

Vincent van Campen, in various name variants, is emerging as an important figure in the Silver Ships litigation. He was a significant Hamburg born merchant resident in Cadiz. He is named as the first of the part-owners of the Saint George of Hamburg and the Sampson of Lübeck by multiple deponents, and had silver on board all three Silver Ships. He died sometime between 1654 and 1656, apparently in dire financial straits, either during or shortly after the conclusion of litigation in the English High Court of Admiralty. Secondary sources suggests that he was naturalised in Cadiz in XXX, and was married to a Spanish woman, Susana [alt. Sussana] Escon. Several sources suggest that he had been awarded a title of Spanish nobility, and there is secondary reference both to "Marqués del Campo (D. Vicente del Campo)", though with an apparent error in the year.[233]

Von Kampe (sic) family of Hamburg

Friedrich Georg Buek identifies Joachim vom Kampe (b.1517, Stade, d.? Hamburg) as the head of the extensive and well regarded Hamburg von Kampen family[234] In Buek's account of the family, one of Joachim vom Kampe's sons, Joachim vom Kampe married Gertrud Reding, and another son, Johann vom Kampe (b.?, d.1618) married Agneta Behrens, having been made an Oberalte (p.49).

A third son, Paridom vom Kampe (b.?, d.1617) was responsible for a signficant part of the later generations. In 1581 Paridom married Barbara Rodenburg, daughter of Hamburg senator Hermann Rodenburg, and had four daughters and five sons by her. Two of their sons, Joachim and Paridom, account for two significant parts of the ensuing family.(p.49)

Joachim (b.1586, m.1616, d.1638) [Is this Joachim von Kampen der Ältere - no mention of a daughter Anna] became Senator for Petri in 1618 and Amtmann in Ritzebüttel from 1627 to 1633. With his wife [?Sefa], daughter of the Bürgermeister Eberhard [?Zwestreng], they had four sons - Eberhard (b.1619, d.1675); Joachim (b.1627, d.1654), Paridom (b.1625, m.1666, d.1691). Johan (b.1627, m.1672, d.1691).(p.50)

Paridom (b.1589, m.(1) Gertrud Roller, 1619 (2) Margaretha Bötler, daugther of Bürgercapitains Hans Bötler, 1630, d.?1654. Their children were (1) paridom (2) Peter (3) Barbara (4) Daniel (5) Johann Joachim

Albert Behrens and Albert Balsasar Behrens [alt. Albert Balthazar Beerents; Albert Balthsar Berns]

(1) The thirty-three year merchant George Boschaert (Hamburg born, but Antwerp resident) deposed on November 9th 1653 in the English Admiralty Court in suppport of the claim of the Antwerp merchant Edward Peters. He stated that: "hee hath credibly heard that 2000 li flemmish is insured upon the moneys and silver now claymed, by one Albert Balthazar Beerents a Burgher and Merchant of Hamburg.[235] Genealogical records suggest that by the time of Boschaert's deposition in London, Albert Balthazar Beerents was alrady dead [d. 20 aug. 1652].[236]

(2) This Albert Balthazar Beerents is almost certainly "Albert Balthasar Behrens". In various secondary sources Albert Balthasar Behrens is decribed as a Hamburg citizen, who acquired the Wandsbek noble estate in 1645, and expanded the area through the purchase in 1646 of the villages of Hinschenfelde and Tonndorf.[237]

(3) However, it is clear that Albert Balthasar Behrens and Albert Behrens were different Hamburg merchants. Albert Balthasar Behrens [alt Beerents, Berns] (b.160s, Copenhagen, d.1652, Wandsbek, Schleswig-Holstein) was married to Elizabeth Marselis, the daughter of Brabant born Gabriel Marselis, with whom Albert Balthasar Behrens was in business until Gabriel's death in 143, with his daughter, Albert's wife, apparently continuing the business pf A.B. Berns and his heirs and Leonard Marselis after Albert's death in 1652, until her own death in 1664. In contrast we know that Albert Behrens was married to Anna von Kampen, daughter of Joachim von Kampen (der Altere).

(4) There is a record in the Staatsarchiv Hamburg referring to "Anna Behrens, Frau das Albert Behrens und Tochter des Joachim von Kampen (der Ältere) in Hamburg[238]

(4) There is a record in the Staatsarchiv Lubeck referring to "Albert Behrens, Kaufmann in Hamburg". Since the litigation dates from after Albert Balthasar Behrens' death in 1652, we can assume this refers to the Albert Behrens who was married to Anna von Kampen.

See: "Lubeck Archive: Bestand: 03.02-1.3/1 - Reichskammergericht: Datierung: 1658 - 1660; Signatur AHL:: F 02; Signatur Generalrepertorium:: F 0628; Kläger; Antragsteller; Nebenkläger beim RKG: Nicolaus von der Fechte, Ratsherr, und Albert Behrens, Kaufmann in Hamburg (Kläger vor dem Obergericht); Beklagter; Antragsgegner; Nebenbeklagter: Nicolaus Brüningk in Lübeck (Beklagter vor dem Obergericht); Prokuratoren: Kläger: Georg Goll, Dr., Beklagter: Bernhard Henning, Lic.; Streitgegenstand: Appellationis; Eidesleistung des Handelsdieners des Albert Behrens über eine Verabredung mit Nicolaus Brüningk in einem Streit um eine Wechselforderung über 1200 Reichstaler; Hinweis des Nicolaus von der Fechte und des Albert Behrens, daß Nicolaus Brüningk als "Inducent" (Indossant) des Wechsels haften müsse, da die Akzeptanten des Wechsels falliert seien; Instanzen: 1. Obergericht 1658-1659 2. Reichskammergericht 1660; Darin: 2 Wechsel von 1658 des Matthäus Rodde (d.J.) für Nicolaus Brüningk, akzeptiert von Johann We(h)rrieder und Johann Guntermann in Lübeck, indossiert von Nicolaus Brüningk an die Gegenpartei (Acta priora, o. Bl., Beilage Nr. 2 zum 2. Rezeß); Gutachten der Juristen-Fakultät der Universität Gießen von 1660 (o. O., nach Q 11); Umfang: 2 cm."[239]

(5) There is a record in the Staatsarchiv Hamburg referring to "Maria Behrens (Berns), Witwe des Gabriel Behrens in Wandsbek, und Anna van de Wiele als Erben des Albert Balthasar Behrens, Kaufmann in Hamburg und Besitzer des adeligen Gutes Wandsbeck". The record contains business records of the dissolution of the company of Leonhard Marsellis and teh heris of Albert Balthasar Behrens in 1662.

"Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: Isbrant Dicks in Harlem als Vormund der Erben des Johann van de Wiele.- Beklagter: Maria Behrens (Berns), Witwe des Gabriel Behrens in Wandsbek, und Anna van de Wiele als Erben des Albert Balthasar Behrens, Kaufmann in Hamburg und Besitzer des adeligen Gutes Wandsbeck, sowie Andreas de la Fontaine, Prediger in Altona, Conrad Kohlbladt und Jakob Lange als Vormünder anderer Erben des Albert Balthasar Behrens und als Nebenbeklagte König Christian V. von Dänemark und Christian Albrecht, Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf.- Streitgegenstand: Citationis ad videndum exigi debitum et condemnari; Schuldforderung des Klägers gegen die Beklagten in Höhe von 50 000 Mark lübisch
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_D 22
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> D
Laufzeit: 1662-1686
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Gotthard Johann Marqard. Beklagter: Dr. Johann Ulrich Zeller. Nebenbeklagter: Lt. Bernhard Henning(h) (1678), Dr. Johann Friedrich Stieber (1680).- Instanzen: 1. Reichskammergericht 1678-1686.- Darin: Obligation von 1661 des Leonhard Marselis und der Erben des Albert Balthasar Behrens über empfangene 50 000 Mark lübisch für die Erben de Johann van de Wiele mmit der Verpflichtung der Haftung für die Gesamtsumme; Aufstellung über die Schulden und Vereinbarung über die Auflösung der Compagnie des Leonhard Marselis und der Erben des Albert Balthasar Behrens 1662; Obligation von 1671 der Aletta van de Camer auf Lund und Dueholm, Witwe des Leonhard Marselis, über empfangene 11 496 Gulden für die Erben des Johann van de Wiele
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11092 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[240]

See also genealogical records of family 'Skeel-Schaffalitzky, Santasilia - finnholbek.dk':
[In Danish] "Elizabeth Marsellis (b.ca.1615, d.1664, age ca.49)"[241]

Navn [Name]: Elisabeth Marselis
Født [Born]: ca. 1615
Køn [Gender]: Kvinde
Død [Death]: 1664 Wandsbek, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Notater: Hun førte efter Mandens Død med stor Myndighed Firmaet videre under Navn af "Elisabeth, Enke efter A. B. Berns og hans Arvinger samt Leonhard Marselis". I 1657 (12 Marts) indgik Firmaet en Kontrakt med Kongen om at levere 100.000 Pund Krudt og 240.000 Pund Lunter for 41.620 Rd. Den 10 Okt. 1660 fik hun af Kongen et Testimonium, udstedt for "Elisabeth Berens, commissarii Alberti Balthasari Berens vidua, cum filiabus suis tribus Anna, Elisabeth et Cornelia et earum quidem una cum marito suo Paulo Klingenberg, altera cum marito suo Francisco Ludovico van der Wielen, residente nontro commissario Hamb., tertia vero adhuc innupta?cum binis filsis minorennibus Alberto et Gabriele". I 1661 fik hun med Livsarvinger og Leonhard Marselis udlagt af Kronen Gods i Mors N. Herred som Udlæg i en Fordring paa 56.112 Rd., endvidere Ørumgaard for 105.625 Rd., Dueholm Gods, før under Vestervig Kloster, for 8850 Rd. og Skarpenberg Gods (Harre H.), ligeledes forhen under Vestervig Kloster. for 19.883 Rd. Elisabeth Berns, der berømmes for sin store Godgørenhed, oprettede et Fattighus ved Wandsbek og døde her i 1664 ved Nedstyrtning.
Far [Father]: Gabriel Marselis, f. ca. 1575, Brabant, The Netherlands, d. 20 jul. 1643, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (Age ~ 68 år)
Mor [Mother]: Anne L'Hermite, d. eft. 1617
Gift [Married]: ca. 1597 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Familie: Albert Balthasar Berns, f. 20 jan. 1602, København (Copenhagen), d. 20 aug.1652, Wandsbek, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (Age 50 år)
Gift {married]: 26 apr. 1629 Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Børn [Children]:
1. Albert Berns, f. 1632, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, d. før 1642 (Age 10 år)
+ 2. Anna von Berns, f. 1635, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, d. 1700 (Age 65 år)
+ 3. Elisabeth Berns, f. 1637, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, d. 1663 (Age 26 år)
4. Cornelia Berns, f. 1638, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, d. 1660 (Age 22 år)
5. Dorothea Berns, f. 1639, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, d. før 1641 (Age 2 år)
6. Albert Berns, f. 1641, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, d. før 1642 (Age 1 år)
7. Albert Baltzer Berns, f. 1642, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, d. dec. 1670 (Age 28 år)
+8. Gabriel Berns, f. 1646, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, d. 1678 (Age 32 år)"

Brief notes on Escon merchant family

There is also reference to "Susana Escón y Enríquez, 1ª marquise of Campo Fuerte".

"Marqueses de Campo Fuerte: Concedido por Don Carlos II, Real Decreto de 3 de Junio de 1690 y Real despacho de 31 de Julio del mismo año, con el Vizcondado previo de la misma denominación, a Doña Susana Escón y Enríquez."[242]

Escon merchant family

- "Código de Referencia:ES.41091.AGI/,5440,N.2,R.179; Titulo Nombre atribuido: JUAN ESCON ENRIQUEZ; Alcance y Contenido:Expediente de información y licencia de pasajero a indias de Juan Escón Enríquez, mercader, natural y vecino de Cádiz, hijo de Juan Escón y de Margarita Enríquez, a Tierra Firme; Notas del Archivero: Descripción elaborada por ARCHIVO GENERAL DE INDIAS"[243]

Portal de Archivos Esopanoles - Advanced search (Bǘsqueda Avanzada)

Litigation concerning Vincent Von Kampen [alt. Vincent van Campen] and other owners of the Silver Ships

Staatsarchiv Hamburg metadata showing record of a dispute about estate of Vincent von Kampen [alt. Vincent van Campen], deceased, merchant of Cadiz. Vincent Von Kampen was a part-owner of silver ship the Saint George seized by the English. Archival file contains merchant letters and bills from merchants in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Cadiz, Rouen and Hamburg, 1653-1657 and documents from Cadiz legal action, 1657
Staatsarchiv Hamburg showing record of a dispute about estate of Vincent van Kampen [alt. Campen], deceased, merchant of Cadiz - names Franz Schloyer [alt. Sloyer], brother of Daniel Sloyer. Both the Sloyer brothers and Vincent von Kampen [alt. Vincent van Campen] were owners of silver ship the Saint George seized by the English
Staatsarchiv Hamburg showing record of a dispute about insurers paying out on an insurance policy on a shipment of silver. The insurance policy was taken out by the deceased Cadiz based Hamburg merchant Vincent von Kampen. The sum in dispute was 10,000 Reichstaler. The dispute was between on the one side Johann Baptista Juncker (a known part owner of one of the Silver Ships, the Saint George, Abraham Stockmann (a Hamburg merchant, who had also written insurance on another silver ship, the Saint John Evangelist), the heirs of the merchants Peter Finx and Duarte Esteves de Pina, and on the other side the Hamburg merchant Geronimo Snitquer, in whose name the insurance policy was made, though paid for by Vincent von Kampen. See also: Friedrich Plass, Friedrich Robert Ehlers, Geschichte der Assercuranz und der Hanseatischen Seeversicherungs-börsen: Hamburg, Bremen, Lubeck (Hamburg, 1902), p.97

The Staatsarchiv Hamburg contains a number of legal records dating from the mid to late 1650s, which mention several of the Hamburg owners of the Salvador and the Saint George.[244]

One of the part-owners of the Saint George of Hamburg and the Sampson of Lübeck was Vincent van Campen [alt. Vincent von Kampen], Hamburg born, but living in Cadiz, where he was the factor of Hamburg merchant Franz Sloyer. Vincent van Campen had silver on all three of the Silver Ships and brought a claim against the Commonwealth for restitution of his silver.[245] He died between November 1654 and the year 1656, and legal actions were brought by his heirs and debtors in Hamburg and Cadiz in a dispute over his estate.

The archival metadata for these legal records look very promising, and may enable the Silver Ships research team to reconstruct the Hamburg/Antwerp/Cadiz/Rouen trading networks of a number of Hamburg and Antwerp based merchants and their Spanish factors. The metadata suggest that the material in the Staatsarchiv Hamburg contain letters and bills from merchants in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Cadiz, Rouen and Hamburg, 1653-1657 and documents from Cadiz legal action, 1657. The metadata also make reference to Joachim von Kampen (the elder) in Hamburg, who may be Vincent von Kampen's father, and also to Joachim von Kampen (the younger), Vincent's brother. The latter may well be the "John van Campen" of Hamburg, who appears in a number of English High Court of Admiralty records in the 1650s.[246] John van Campen appears in the early/mid-50s to have been one of the Rouen factors of John Scrothering, a Hamburg merchant. This John Scrothering (as his name is rendered in the English Admiralty Court records) is presumably the "Jürgen Schrötteringk [alt. Jürgen Schröttering], merchant of Hamburg", identified as one of the defendants in the litigation over the estate of Vincent von Kampen.[247] John Scrothering is described elsewhere by a Hamburg ship master as a Senator of Hamburg.[248]

One of the protagonists in the von Kampen litigation was Leopold Mittag, Advokat in Hamburg, as "Jurator der Anna Behrens, geb. von Kampen, Frau des Albert Behrens in Hamburg".[249]

The metadata make reference to what are almost certainly the three Silver ships (the Salvador and the Saint George of Hamburg, and the Sampson of Lübeck. ("Streit um die Erbschaft des Vincent von Kampen, Kaufmann in Spanien...sowie Verhinderung der Auszahlung der Versicherungssumme für verunglückte und von dern Engländern aufgebrachte Schiffe in Höhe von einigen tausend Mark durch die Beklagten an Hieronymous Schnitger, da dieser angeblich nur zum Schein and zur Anwendung von Gefährdungen aus der durch Vincent von Kampen getätigten Ausfuhr von Silber die Policen unterzeichnet, Vincent von Kampen die jedoch bezahlt hatte".[250] It remains to be seen if there are any letters, accounting records and legal material surviving in the Staatsarchiv Hamburg relating directly to Vincent van Campen/von Kampen's legal claims brought in the English Admiralty Court in 1653 and 1654.

See also Objectdetails: Dergl. den von Campen; Archivaliensignatur: BArch, AR 1-MISC./416; Kontext: Reichskammergericht.- Miscellanea >> AR 1 Misc. Reichskammergericht.- Miscellanea >> Rechtsprechung, Geschäftsführung >> Beschwerden, Beleidigungen des Reichskammergerichts und seiner Beamten; Laufzeit: 1677; Provenienz: Reichskammergericht (RKG), 1495-1806 ; Archavielientyp: schriftgut; sprache der unterlagen: deutsch; Bestand:[251]

See also: Objecktdetails: Gesandtschaftsrechnungen, teilweise mit Schriftwechsel - Gesandtschaft von Ratsherr Eberhard von Kampen nach Lüneburg; Archivaliensignatur: taatsarchiv Hamburg, 311-1 I_186 Band 46[252]

See also: Objecktdetails: Kläger: Johann Keding, namens seiner Tochter Gertrud, Frau des Joachim von Kampen, Kaufmann in Hamburg (Kläger).- Beklagter: Sebastian de Cuyper, Matthias von Kessel und andere Gläubiger des Joachim von Kampen in Hamburg (Beklagter).- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis; Streit um das Vorzugsrecht der Ehefrau des Falliten wegen ihres eingebrachten Vermögens; ArchivaliensignaturStaatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 19 ; Laufzeit: 1601[253]

Depositions on behalf of "The clayme of Vincent van Campen and others owners of the shipp the Sampson of thereof Otto George was Master" started on December 30th 1653, with the deposition of Henrick Martins, master of the Hope of Hamburgh.[254] All her owners were described as dwelling and residing at Hamburg "excepting Vincent
van Campen a Hamburgher who liveth and resides at Cadiz in Spaine".[255]

Other sources on Vincent von Kampen [alt. Vincent van Campen; Vincent von Kampe; V. del Camp; Vincente del Campo; Vicente del Camp; also Vincenz]

The Von Kampen family name dates back in Hamburg until at least the late sixteenth century, with a dedication of a book in 1590 in Hamburg to a Bürgermeister named "Joh. von Kampen"[256]

Jorun Poettering, in his recent book on merchants and trade between Hamburg and Portugal in the seventeenth century, identifies "Vincenz von Kampen" as a member of a major Hamburg merchant family. He reports that von Kampen unsuccessfully attempted suicide following his large business losses, then sought religious support, and finally lost his reason.[257] His source appears to be the above mentioned litigation regarding Vincent Von Kampen's estate in the Staatsarchive Hamburg.

Martin Reissmann places the date of Vincent von Kampen's death in the year 1655. Calling him "Vincent von Kampe", he states that he acquired great wealth in Cadiz, and married a Spanish woman, Susanna Escon, who bore three children.[258]

Roland Baetens, writing in Dutch, makes a substantial number of references to "V. del Campo", resident in "Cadix" [Cadiz].[259] He quotes from primary sources, which the Silver Ships research team needs to follow up.

For example (in page order):

(1) Many of the primary sources Baetens cites from have the archival code "IB", e.g. "Footnote 96 IB 146, copie schepenakte 19 juli 1660. Voor deze £1.143 transporteerde wed. B. de Groote [ED. NOTE: Probably "Balthasar de Groot"] £6.552, die het sterhuis D. Fourment nog schuldig was en 15.648 realen zilver, die V. del Campo betalen moest."[260]

(2) He mentions that "V. del Camp reside van Cadiz over Hollannd naar Antwerpen in oktober 1641".[261]

(3) In another fragment Baetens writes "De firma koopt te Haarlem door bemiddeling van J. van Sittart een kas lijnwaad die geconsigneerd wordt aan Del Campo te Cadix. Deze zal de goederen dan naar Amerika..." [referring to goods consigned from Haarlem to Vincent van Campen whch will be sent to America].[262]

- Pit Dehing, in his recent book Geld in Amsterdam: Wisselbank en wisselkoersen, 1650-1725 (Amsterdam, 2012) refers records of the firm N. de Groote-Meerts> He may have had access to a general ledger of the firm, which if so, is presumably located in the Felix Archief, Antwerpen.[263] It may well be, given Baertens frequent references to correspondence between the firm and Vicente del Campo in Cadiz, that there are general ledgers relating to trade with Del Campo, as well as merchant letters and other documentation. This needs to be explored by the Silver Ships research team in the Felix Archief, Anterpen. Dehing also makes reference to the firm J.Bollaert & Cie, which is probably related to the Silver Ship freighters.[264]

Insolventenboedelskammer records in Felix Archief search tool

See: Felix Archief: Private archieven: Bedrijven en vereinigingen: Handelshuizen verzameld in de "Insolvente Boedelskamer": Titel: de Groote-Herincx (familie) Inventaris; Datering: 1999; Actor: auteur: Stadsarchief Antwerpen; historiek:Beschikbaar in de leeszaal als LZ # 78, nog om te zetten naar isadfiches [available for consultion in reading room, but not yet on fiches]; inhoud: Detailinventaris op de handelsbriefwisseling, akten, rekeningen en andere handelsdocumenten, 1580-1736 [Inventory detail on the trade correspondence, deeds, bills and other commercial documents, 1580-1736]; Inventarisnummer: 100#2761

See: Felix Archief: Private archieven: Bedrijven en vereinigingen:Handelshuizen verzameld in de "Insolvente Boedelskamer": Titel: van Colen (familie), de Groote (familie), Hureau (familie); datering: 01/01/1606 - 31/12/1771; actor: archiefvormer: Bedrijven; archiefvormer: Handelaars en verenigingen [creator: Companies; creator: Traders and associations]; inhoud: Een van de kinderen uit het huwelijk van Jan van Colen en Susanna Hureau (1632) was Gisberto van Colen, van wie het grootste deel van deze inventaris komt. De familie handelde vooral in wol, lijnwaad, kant en boeken. Ook van Susanna Hureaus moeder, Margaretha de Groote, worden documenten bewaard; For inventory of items see Inventarisnummer: 100#2741

See also: Felix Archief: Private archieven: Bedrijven en vereinigingen:Handelshuizen verzameld in de "Insolvente Boedelskamer": titel: Francisco Boesdoncq; datering: 01/01/1664 - 31/12/1668; actor: archiefvormer: Bedrijven; archiefvormer: Handelaars en verenigingen; inhoud: Francisco Boesdoncq was koopman in Cadix.; Inventarisnummer IB#2800

See also: Felix Archief: Private archieven: Bedrijven en vereinigingen:Handelshuizen verzameld in de "Insolvente Boedelskamer": Titel: J. en W. Bosschaert; datering: 01/01/1657 - 31/12/1800; actor: archiefvormer: Bedrijven; archiefvormer: Handelaars en verenigingen; inhoud: J. en W. Bosschaert laten grootboeken uit de periode 1659-1800 na. [J. and W. Bosschaert make great books from the period 1659-1800 after.]; Inventarisnummer: IB#3032, 3033, 3034

(4) "V. del Campo wordt gepord om alles zo vlug mogelijk om te zetten want "sullen dan tweemaal op een jaar met een kapitaal [?negocieren]..."[265]

(5) "[Footenote 16] IB 104, brief van De Groote-Meerts aan V. del Campo, 11 sept. 1642. De Ieren, die varen op Spanje, worden door Engelsen aangevallen. In Bristol worden in September 1643 schepen..."[266]

(6) "...buiten de De Groote's, de firma V. del Campo, J.B. van Colen en de Cie. Brandes-Snutquer, die als inkoopcommissionair optrad"[267] [NB. David Brandes and Jeronimus Switger were two of the part-owners of the Silver Ships]

(7) "Met huis De Groote maakte gebruik van d namen van V. del Campo, M. de Irrebery, A. Jacomo en M. Perry en liet onder hun directie de goederen verkopem."[268]

(8) Interestingly, he quotes from a leter dated "Cadix 1645, Vincente del Campo 8 January; beantwoort...3 meerty".[269]

Baetens also mentions a number of other Antwerp merchants definitely or possibly connected with the Silver Ships
- Boelaert, Jan Antoni (I, p.130)
- Franc. Boesdocnk (I, p.170)
- Gillis Bollart (p.245)
- Jean Jacques Bollart en Cie (p.216)
- Cornelis Bosschaert (p.149)
- Wouter Bosschaert (p.150)
- Casteels, Michiel (II, p.58)
- Herman Cornelissen (p.170)
- Cordes (various references)
- Ch. Crombeen (p.55; p.262)
- J.B. Jonckers (p.58)
- J.B. Jonckers [Footnote: "1B 119, brief van N.D.G.-Meerts san J.B.Jonckers, 8 januari 1647"] (p.57)
- J.B. Jonckers [Footnote: IB 119, brief aan J.B. Jonclers, 25 mei 1646. Hetzelfde gebeurde toen er geen exportlicentie werd verleend en b.v. in juli 1645 de wissel terugviel op 116 groten en de neiging had nog meer te daten (IB, brief ann J.B. van Colen, 18 juli 1645),"] (p.356)
- Conrad Moller (p.291)
- Jacques Pincquett (p.170)
- D. Sloyer (p.58)
- Sloyer (p.263)
- J.Snutquer (p.58)
- Peter Tam (p.371)

Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vols. 1-2 (XXXX, ?1976)
- Book Review: Bromley, J.S.(1981) BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, volume 96, issue 1, pp. 105 - 108

A Belgian academic source states that "98. DEL CAMPO. Vicente del Camp bekwam in 1635 te CÁDIZ zijn naturalisatie."[270]

Spanish sources on Vincente del Campo of Cadiz

(1) "La venta casi siempre es incondicional, sin que el propietario introduzca ninguna cláusula de reserva. Pero éstas, aunque excepcionales, se dieron en algunas ocasiones. Vicente del Campo vendía en 1650 a su esclava María, de color membrillo cocho, con la condición de que se embarcara a Tierra Firme y jamás regresara a España."[271]

(2) "...nieta paterna de don Vicente del Campo u de doña Susana Esćon y Enriquez, I Marquesa de Campo Fuerte..."[272]

(3) "sur la pétition de marchands de Cádiz en majorité étrangers, comme le prouve les noms: Albertus Martin, Ricardo Oguin, Vicente del Campo, Juan Filiban, Juan Escon, Alonso Sierra, ..."[273]
- Reference also to "Juan de Campo" (sic) (p.170), and "Juan Martin del Campo" (p.464)

(4) "En los tres años que transcurren entre 1636 y 1638 se concedieron permissiones a otros comerciantes y hombres de negocios, muchos de los cuales habian participado ostensiblemente en actividades de contrabando y comercio fraudulento, como Vicente del Campo, del comercio de Cádiz, Antonio Montañes, del de Granada; o los conversos portugueses Bartolomé Febo, Jerónimo de Fonseca o Pablo de Saravia..."[274]
- Reference also to "Vicente del Campo y otros vecinos de Cadiz 340.000 [unit unclear]; 40.800 [unit unclear]" (p.141)

(5) Meta data from CENTRE DE DOCUMENTACIÓ I MUSEU TÈXTIL, located in Barcelona

Item : Instancia de Juan Escón y Alberto Martín pidiendo les devuelvan unas ropas apresadas[275]

AUTOR: Escón, Juan, s. XVIII
TÍTOL: Instancia de Juan Escón y Alberto Martín pidiendo les devuelvan unas ropas apresadas [Manuscrit]
DESCRIPCIÓ: [3] p. ; 21 cm
NOTA: Inici de text: "Excellentissimo señor. Jhoan Escon y Albertos Martin Diputados de este Conmerçio, diçen que Viçente del Canpo, Alonso de Sierra, Julio de Vint, Nicolas de Penalba y otros vessinos y conmerçiantes desta ciudad ..."
Títol proporcionat pel catalogador
Lloc d'escriptura: [Cádiz]
Lletra bastarda espanyola
Personalitats: Juan Escón i Alberto Martín, diputats de comerç [de Cadis]; Vicente del Campo Alonso de Sierra; Julio de Vint; Nicolás de Penalba; Esteban Crosnier
Inclou un petit full manuscrit amb data posterior, que conté el resum del document
RESUM: Juan Escón y Alberto Martín, diputados de comercio de Cádiz solicitan la devolución de diferentes fardos y mercancías que los comerciantes Vicente del Campo, Alonso de Sierra, Juan de Vint, Nicolás de Penalba, entre otros, habían cargado en Saint-Malo en la nave "Virgen de Saint-Malo". Estos comerciantes tenían permiso real para importar ropa de Francia y Holanda. Por culpa de los fuertes temporales que azotaron las costas de Cádiz aquellos días, la nave, capitaneada por Esteban Crosnier, llegó al puerta de Gibraltar, donde una de las galeras de España la aprehendió y confiscó "el libro de soboro, conoçimientos y papeles", junto con las mercancías. Se solicita la reposición de los bienes confiscados por ser gran perjuicio y vejación al comercio de Cádiz y de los interesados
NOTA: Localització: Terrassa, CDMT
NOTA: Enquadernació de protecció en holandesa puntes (Brugalla, 1952)
MATÈRIA: Martin, Albertos,--s. XVIII
MATÈRIA: Importacions--França--S. XVIII
Registres i confiscacions--Gibraltar--S. XVIII
Indústria tèxtil--Espanya--S. XVIII
MATÈRIA: Espanya--Comerç--França--S. XVIII
MATÈRIA: Manuscrits castellans--S. XVIII
TÍTOL: Memòria Digital de Catalunya
Fons bibliogràfic s. XIV-XVIII del Centre de Documentació i Museu Tèxtil
LLOC: Espanya Cadis

Notes on Spanish Archives

A.H.R.C. Protocolos Notariales. See: Andrés Hoyo Aparicio, Todo mudó de repente: el horizonte económico de la burguesía mercantil en Santander, 1820-1874 (Cantabria, 1993), p.99

Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cádiz - Facebook page
Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cádiz - Main page
Contact: informacion.ahp.ca.ccd@juntadeandalucia.es
AHPC website bibliography includes:
- Arturo MORGADO GARCÍA, "El mercado de esclavos en el Cádiz de la Edad Moderna (1650-1750)", en TIEMPOS MODERNOS, Revista electrónica de Historia Moderna, vol. 6, nº 18, 2009.
- States "Para su investigación, Morgado ha realizado un sondeo de los Protocolos Notariales de Cádiz terminados en 0 ó 5, entre 1650 y 1750" [For his research, Morgado has conducted a survey of the Notary Protocols of Cadiz ending in 0 or 5, between 1650 and 1750]

Catálogo Colectivo de la Red de Bibliotecas de los Archivos Estatales - Digital search tool for Spanish Archives

Suggested search term = "los Protocolos Notariales de Cádiz"

- Manuel Ravina Martín y Joaquín Baquero Molina con la colaboración de Antonio J. García Sánchez, Catálogo de los planos y dibujos de los protocolos notariales de Cádiz (2009)
- Mª A. Carmona de los Santos..., Mª Esperanza Parera F.- Pacheco, Índices de los protocolos notariales del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cádiz (1977)
- Manuel Ravina Martín Inventario de los protocolos notariales y catálogo de las disposiciones testamentarias de San Fernando (Cádiz) [Recurso electrónico, CD-ROM (Date unclear)]

Manuel Ravina Martín, Catálogo de los documentos genealógicos del Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cádiz (Cádiz, 1993) - Google viewable

Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica
- Where is this located?

Manuel Ravina Martín, director of the Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cádiz (1986-2013). In 2013 he took over as director of the Archivo General de Indias[276]

Woolwich in 1650s


Spanish ambassador in London

Don Alonso de Cardenas was the Spanish ambassador in London between 1638 and 1655.[277]

Reference is made to interaction with the Spanish ambassador over the silver ships in the Calendar of State Papers Domestic in the early 1650s and in the Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorium Bibliothecae Bodleianae: Pt. V: Ricardi Rawlinson (Oxford, 1862). Reference is also made to the sending of a letter from the English parliament, via the Spanish ambassador, to Archduke Leopold.

The English State Papers contain a paper from Don Alonso de Cardenas complaining as to the behaviour of the Commissioners for Prize Goods in two cases which were contemporaneous with the three silver ships.[278]

A letter from the ambassador addressed to the Council of State, dated November ? 1653 was published in Spanish in the 1742 edition of Thurloe's papers.

Letter from Spanish Ambassador to the Council of State, Nov. 1653; source: Thurloe Papers, vol. I (London, 1742), pp.578-9

Spanish Transcription of Letter from Spanish Ambassador to the Council of State, Nov. 1653[279]

The Spanish ambassador to the council of State

Vol. viii. p.79.

Don Alonso de Cardenas del consejo de su mag. Catt. y su embaxador al parlamento
de la repub. de Inglaterra representa al hon. consejo de estado que algunos assentistas o
factores de su mag. Catt. han cargado de su orden en Cadiz de un aňo a esta parte diversas
sacas de lana en los navios Sampson, San Salvador, y san Jorge a consignar en Flandes por
quenta de la paga de sus reales exèrcitos.

Que dhos navios y su carga fueron tomados y traydos por fuerza a esta republica.

Que haviendose traydo el negocio a la corte del Almirantazgo fueron los dhos navios por
orden della descargados y las lanas puestas en custodia de los comisarios de presas para que
las guardassen en especie hasta el juycio final de dha corte.

Que su mag. hizo reclamacion de dhas lanas, y por induvitables evidencias y testimonios
probo que eran suyas.

Que sobre dhas evidencias y testimonios hallando la corte del Almirantazgo que pertene-
cian al rey su S[re] dieron decreto para que se las restituyessen enteramente.

Que por las leyes y derechos de naciones se deve executar la restitucion con bolver a em-
barcar dhas lanas con proteccion de l corte para que seguramente se puedan sacar de aqui
sin embaraço y interupcion.

Que por la brevedad del despacho dise el decreto que dhas lanas se entreguen al dho em-
baxador o, aquien tuviere dicho poder para el uso del rey o sus vasallos.

Que aunque el dho embaxador ha dado poder a Egidio Mottet para recevir dhas la-
nas sin embargo de esto Pedro Richaut, Jacabo Richaut, Samuel Richaut, y Felipe Ri-
chaut, han de hecho propio estorbado que el dho embaxador no reciviese dhas lanas con
procurar un embargo de la corte de los cherises contra, dhas lanas con pretexto de una pre-
tendia deuda que dizen ellos les debe el rey su S[re].

Que el dho embaxador dio` orden que se diesse quenta sumariamente de esta accion a la
corte del Almirantazgo juzgando que dha corte mandaria quitar luego este embargo y dar
orden que se executasse el decreto de restitucion de dhas lanas con efecto pero los dhos

Pedro Richaut, Jacobo Richaut, Samuel Richaut, y Felipe Richaut haviendose opuesto a
ello, reconoce el dho embaxador que el negocio va encaminandose a debate pues no han dado
dha orden.

Con que hallando el dho ambaxador que este modo de proceder no solamente es de suma
violacion de las leyes de naciones y materia de tanta import. y de razon de estado con el co-
nociemento della toca pro p'ramte a este consejo sino tambien que la reputacion y justicia de
esta repub. esta en sumo grado interesada en que el decreto justo de su corte del Almirantazgo
seu executado enteramente y con efecto con restituir la hazienda y bienes de principes y estados
sorasteros que estan en amistad con esta republica, no siendo dhos bienes traydos aqui' por
via de comercio sino por fuerza apresados y traydos por los propios navios de guerra d'esta
republica y des pues por examinaciones y evidencias declarados por libres.

Y que no se publique en partes sorateras que esta republica embia su armada a la mar para
apresar has haziendas de sus amigos que pretexto de que son[de] enemigos della para que quando
despues por evidencias se hallaren ser de amigos se de lugar a que puedan ser con este color
embargados por quales quiera preten[es] particulares en virtu de pretensiones.

Y assi el dho embaxador no teniendo aqui por aora letrado suyo y hallando que el honor,
justicia, y interes de esta republica esta unido en este part. con el del rey su S[re], suplica al
consejo se sirva de reservar asta' la decision de este negocio y con el abogado de este estado
sea asignado y permitido de abogar por su mag. en esta causa, y con entretanto se sirva el
consejo de dar orden expresa para que sin ning[a]. interrupcion se puedan embarcar dhas lanas
en los navios que ha sletado para sa transportacion a Flandes, a fin que esten listas par que
puedan sin' ulterior dilacion hazerse a la vela. Luego que el consejo huviere tornado en con-
sideracion este negocio, y mandado remover todos los embarasos como lo espera de la justicia
del consejo. Fha en Londres a [?25] de Nov. 1653.

Don Alonso de Cardenas.

Translation into English of Letter from Spanish Ambassador to the Council of State, Nov. 1653

Translation by Nga Phan-Bellis

Don Alonso de Cardeas [member] of the council of his Most Catholic [Majesty] and his ambassador at the Parliament of the Republic of England represented the [Honourable?] State Council that some suppliers or business agents of his Most Catholic [Majesty] loaded, under his order at Cadiz of one year at this part, severall big sacks of wool on the ships Sampson, San Salvador and San Jorge to consign in Flanders in order to do the payment of his royal armies.

That the said ships and their cargo were taken and brought by force to this republic.

That having himself brought the case to the Court of Admiralty, the said ships were ordered to unload and the wool put into custody of the officers responsible for seizures, who would keep them in kind (in nature) until the final decision of the said court.

That his Highness did the reclamation of the said wool, and for undoubted evidences and testimonies proved that those were his (property).

That upon the said evidences and testimonies, was found in the Court of Admiralty that (the goods) belong to the King his Lordship, they gave the order to restitute them entirely to him.

That in reason of the laws and rights of Nations, the restitution should be executed by loading back the ships with the said wool with the protection of the Court, so that they can get out of here in security without any obstacles or interruptions.

That because of the brevity of the dispatch/sending, the decision ordered the said wool to be delivered to the said ambassador or, anyone who would have the said power in service the King or his vassals.

That although the said ambassador has given power/procuration to Egidio Monttet to receive the said [lanas], despite this fact, these Pedro Richaut, Jacobo Richaut, Samuel Richaut, and Felipe Richaut, have done [strict nuisance] so that the ambassador doesn't receive the wool, in requesting a seizure by the court of the [cherises ?] against the said wool pretexting a pretended debt they said due to them by the King his Lordship.

That the said ambassador gave order that account should be given summarily on this lawsuit to the Court of Admiralty, judging that the said court would tell/send to [remove] soon this seizure, and gave order that the decision to restitute the [lanas] should be executed with effect, but the said Pedro
Richaut, Jacobo Richaut, Samuel Richaut and Felipe Richaud having opposed to them, the said ambassador recognizes that the business were set for debating, (so) then they didn't give the order.

With what the said ambassador, finding this way to proceed not only of extreme violation of the laws of Nations and matter of such importance and of reason of State, with the knowledge of the [toca pro p'rampte] of this Council, but also that the reputation and justice of this republic is in the highest degree interested in that the just decision of its court of Admiralty would be executed entirely and with effect of restituting the property and goods brought here by way of commerce, if not by force captured and taken by the ships of war of this republic itself, and then for examinations and evidences declared as free.

[??] And do not make public in foreign parts that this republic sends its armada in sea to capture the properties of its friends, pretexting that [they are ?] its enemies so that when later, by evidences, it's found to be friends, they can be instead, with this color, seized for such particular pretentions, in virtue of pretensions.

As soon as the said ambassador doesn't have here for now his lawyer, and finding that the honor, justice and interest of this republic is united in this part with those of the King his Lordship, implores the Council keep until the decision of this case and as the lawyer of this state is paid in kind and permitted to defend his Most [Catholic Majesty]'s cause, and meanwhile the Council uses to give express orders so that without any interruption one can load the said [lanas] to the ships chartered for the transportation to Flanders, so that those lists by which they can, without ulterior delay, have the sailing being done. As soon as the Council have taken in consideration this case, and ask to remove all the obstacles as it is expected of the justice of the Council.

Done in London, the 25 of November 1653.

Don Alonso de Cardenas.

See: Deposition of Egidio Mottet Secretary to his Excellency the Lord Ambassador of his Catholique Majesty the King of Spayne aged 30 yeares, dated November 4th 1653[280]

See: Deposition of Egidio Motet Secretary to his Excellency the Lord Embassador of Spaine, aged 33 yeares, dated January 24th 1655 (1654 old stile)[281]

See: PRO 31/12/43 Simancas, Secretaría de Estado: A de Cárdenas; dispatches from London, Oct 1652-Dec 1655; presented by Dr S R Gardiner[282]

Civil lawyers of Louvain

Documents inventoried in the Oude Universiteit Leuven

- Item. 626: Dossier van het proces tussen het Strikte college en een van zijn leden, prof. Ch. de Vignacourt die gevraagd had om de rekeningen in te zien; de rector gaf hem ongelijk, de Raad van Brabant staafde zijn recht. 1651- 1655. 1 omslag (Archief van de Universiteit van Leuven 1426-1797 [II. Het archief van de vijf faculteiten; 2. De rechtsfaculeiten; b. Het personeel; (2) Het "Collegium strictum"[283]

- Item 643: Dossier van een proces ingespannen door de Faculteiten tegen prof. Jan de Liser voor zijn onjuiste rekeningen van de werken uitgevoerd aan de rechtszalen en aan de vergaderzaal van de Faculteiten in de Hallen. 1676-1692.[284]

- Item 651: Nota's van de cursus kerkelijk recht. 1580-1600, en 17de eeuw. [II. Het archief van de vijf faculteiten; 2. De rechtsfaculeiten; d. Het onderwijs en de academische proeven; (1) Cursussen en onderricht[285]

- Item 652: Bundel van vraagstukken kerkelijk recht: vraagstelling en oplossing. 16de en 17de eeuw.[286]

- Item 653: Bundel van consulten en adviezen m.b.t. huwelijken, testamenten, benoemingen tot beneficiën, enz., door de professoren Antonius Brenard, Z.B. van Espen en Antonius Bauwens. 1660-1724.[287]

- Item 654: Cursus burgerlijk recht: stukken 1633-1643; nota's van de professoren. 16de-18de eeuw. [=Civil law course: pieces 1633-1643; notes from the professors. 16th-18th century.][288]

- Item 660: (Gedrukte) opsomming van de bij de Disputationes te verdedigen thesissen. 1603-1796.[289]

- Item 661: (Gedrukte) opsomming van de uiteen te zetten en te verdedigen thesissen bij de Repetitiones. 1595-1795.[290]

- Item 663: Het doctoraat in de rechten: reglementen en briefwisseling m.b.t. de toelating of de weigering van bepaalde kandidaten. Lijst van de geslaagden, onkosten nota's. 1620-1789. [
The doctorate in law: regulations and correspondence relating to the acceptance or refusal of certain candidates. List of successful candidates, expense reports. 1620-1789.][291]

- Item: Feesten ter gelegenheid van de doctoraten: Ordo Doctoratus en Missae Doctorales bij de banketten; incidenten in dit verband: nota's brieven, memoranda, enz. 1630-1776. [Celebrations on the occasion of the doctorates: Ordo Missae Doctoratus and Doctorales at banquets; incidents in this field: notes letters, memos, etc. 1630-1776..][292]

- Item 665: Orationes in Aula Doctorali(uitgesproken door de professoren: 1610-1616; Oratio in Licentia D[omi]ni U. Narez. 17de-18de eeuw. [Orationes Aula Doctorali (pronounced by the professors: 1610-1616; Oratio in Licentia D [omi] ni U. Narez 17th-18th centuries..][293]

- Item 667: Register van de "akten", graden en proeven. Baccalaureaat, licentie en doctoraat. 1639-1649. [Register of the 'Acts', degrees and taste. Baccalaureate, license and doctorate. 1639-1649.][294]

- Item 668: Bezoldigingen geïnd op de proeven en hun verdeling: stukken hierover. 1630-1788. [Remuneration collected on the trials and their distribution: pieces about this. 1630-1788.][295]

- Item 670: Statuten van het Collegium Baccalaureorum of vereniging van de baccalaurei die de proeven en disputen organiseerde: verkiezing van de decanus, fiscus en notarius van dit college. 1623-1779. [Statute of the Collegium Baccalaureorum or association of baccalaurei who organized the trials and disputes: election of the serjeant, tax and notary of this college. 1623-1779.][296]

- Item 676: Rekeningen van de uitgaven en inkomsten van de rechtsfaculteiten door de pedellen P. de Zangré en P. Paugart. 1622-1646. [Accounts of expenditure and revenue of the law faculties by the beadles the Zangré P. and P. Paugart. 1622-1646.][297]

- Item 677: Rekeningen voorgelegd door de Prior Stricti Collegii: door Gul. Masius,J.A. Perez en Ch. de Vignacourt. 1646-1648. [Bills submitted by the Prior stricti Collegii: by Gul. Masius, J. A. Perez and Ch. the Vignacourt. 1646-1648.][298]

- Item 678: Rekeningen van de pedellen J. van der Borcht en P. de Zangré. 1648-1660, 1682-1683, 1691-1695. [Bills beadles J. van der Borcht and P. the Zangré. 1648-1660, 1682-1683, 1691-1695.][299]

- Item 679?BIS: Rekening van de diploma's van de Rechtsfaculteit. 1579-1769. [Taking the diplomas of the Faculty of Law. 1579-1769.][300]

- Item 684: Stukken m.b.t. de studenten: door de regering verleende vrijstellingen, getuigenissen over hun verblijf, lijsten, enz. 1623-1789. [Documents regarding the student: exemptions granted by the government, testimonials about their stay, lists, etc. from 1623 to 1789.][301]

- Item 688: Bundel getuigschriften van licentie. 1619-1786. [Bundle vocational license. 1619-1786.][302]

Thomas Violet

Charles William Sutton, 'Violet, Thomas', Dictionary of National Biography, vol.56, p.374, repub. by Wikisource
Ariel Hessayon, '‘The Great Trappaner of England’: Thomas Violet, Jews and crypto-Jews during the English Revolution and at the Restoration' in Michael J. Braddick & David L. Smith (Eds.), The Experience of Revolution in Stuart Britain and Ireland (Cambridge, 2011), p.216

Thomas Violet (b.?, d. 1662/3). Described by Anita McConnell in her ODNB profile of Thomas Violet, published in 2004, as a "goldsmith and writer on trade".[303]

An earlier entry for Violet in the Dictionary of National Biography, written by Charles William Sutton, suggests he flourished between 1634 and 1662, and described him as a writer on trade, and as a goldsmith and alderman of London. Rather vividly, Sutton summarise Violet as being "probably a restless, meddling man, who failed to please his friends, while he certainly displeased his enemies."[304]

The character of Thomas Violet has attracted some recent historiographical attention. Adrian Hessayon devotes a chapter to him in a volume of essays edited by Michael Braddick and David Smith, focussing on XXX.[305] Gijs Rommelse devoted a paragraph to him in the context of Violet's polemic against the export of bullion.[306]

H.S.Q. Henriques, writing on the subject of Jews and the English Law, makes reference to an alleged petition by Violet against the Jews presented to the King and Houses of Parliament in December 1660, and to an anonymously published pamphlet in which Violet was lampooned as the "Great Trappaner of England".[307]

Dr Walter Walker

Extract, John Venn, J.S.Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses, pt. I, vol. IV (Cambridge, 1927), p.319

Dr Walter Walker (b. ca. 1600, d. 1674) was the judge advocate of the Commonwealth in the Admiralty Court in the early 1650s. Often referred to simply as Dr. Walker.

Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses lists him as transferring to Christ's College Cambridge from Oriel College, Oxford, with the award of an LL.B. in 1628 and an LL.D. in 1640, followed by admission to the Inner Temple in 1642. He was knighted in 1661.[308]

He is described in secondary literature, but without clarification as to dates, as "a judge of the admiralty and prerogative courts"[309] Another secondary source describes him "Sir Walter Walker" to be "judge advocate to the queen consort Catherine" and states that he died in 1674, when his son George succeeded him to the manor of Goldicote, which itself was held of the manor of Alderminster.[310]

Appointed by the parliament to the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, March 12th 1659[311]

Author of the "Statute of Distributions" (1670)[312]

Samuel Pepys mentions Dr Walter Walker a number of times in his diary. In his entry for Jan 21st 1666/67 he describes Walker at Doctors Commons discoursing most understandingly of Pepys' matters, despite being "not very well". Pepys "was mightily taken to hear his manner of discourse"[313] Pepys suggested in his diary entry of Thursday March 21st 1666/7 that Walker was receptive to a little inducement, writing that "Yesterday, Walker was mighty cold on our behalf, till Sir W. Batten promised him, if we sped in this business of the goods, a coach; and if at the next trial we sped for the ship, we would give him a pair of horses. And he hath strove for us today like a prince, though the Swedes’ Agent was there with all the vehemence he could to save the goods, but yet we carried it against him.[314] Five days later, Pepys' recounted the pleading of his case in Court, commenting favourably on Walker: "Sir [Edward] Turner, Sir W. Walker, and Sir Ellis Layton being our counsel against only Sir Robert Wiseman on the other. The second of our three counsel was the best, and indeed did speak admirably, and is a very shrewd man."[315]

Potential Sources

SP 89/4/35 Folio 84: Dr. W. Walker to Admiralty Committee. His legal opinion on the seizure of the 9 English Brazil ships. Date and place: 1651 Mar 31 London.; Original, autograph
DEL 2/158 The Percy: Dr Walker's report on; paper 2 fos; 1650s no date (Registrar of the High Court of Delegates and of the High Court of Admiralty: Cause and Miscellaneous Papers)

The Prize Commissioners

Richard Hill

Feb 2nd 1653: Otto George, commander of the Sampson, alleged to have come into the Office for Dutch Prize Goods in Bishopsgate street at half past nine in the morning desiring to speak with the Commissioners for prize goods
- witnessed by John Gover, a twenty one year old London merchant, who subsequently deposed on February 23rd of the same month that he, Gover, informed Mr Richard Hill[316] and Mr Robert Tur[?pin], two of the Commissioners then there, and they willed that Otto George come in. In Gover's account, Otto George "came into the Parlour where the said two Commissioners were sitting", and was asked by Mr Hill whether he had not conveyed some silver ashore out of his ship, which Otto George denyed. Gover describes further questioning by Hill leading to Otto George then at length confessing and acknowledging "that hee had conveyed some bullion and plate out of the said shipp ashore which hee pretended to be his owne, and for his owne private use if necessitie did require, which hee affirmed was to buy provisions for his shipp and to pay off some of her men who wanted money".[317]

Robert Turpin

See "Turpin (Robert). Appointment of, as Commissioner for Dutch Prizes, with other papers, 1654. 5500.f.9"[318]

Admiralty Court Judges

Dr John Exton: Heard the depositions of a number of Silver ship witnesses in March 1653

Evidence in Whitelocke papers

Whitelocke Papers, Volume XIII, Jan-Sep 1653

"Item 11: 'The case concerning the Sampson and other silver ships, stated in the matter of fact, and an opinion thereupon in the Admiral Court’, addressed ‘For the Lord Commissioner Whitelocke’. These ships having been laden in Spain and being bound to the United Provinces, were by the way seized in the Downs. The Court had ordered Otto George, master of the Sampson, to specify the names of the persons to whom the goods belonged, and of those to whom they were assigned. This order was protested against by George and the Spanish Ambassador; 25 February 1653, f.20."[319] [320]

Evidence in Thurloe papers

Three references to the cases of the silver ships appear in the Thurloe papers. The first reference is to "An answeare to what is sett forth by the Spanish ambassador, concerning the decree made by the judges of the admiralty, the 10th of November [1652]" regarding the unlading of two Plate ships, the Sampson and S. Salvador[321] The second reference is to the "Proceedings on the court of admiralty, 10 Nov. 1652, with depositions concerning the two Plate ships", and is an eleven page document.[322] The third reference is to a letter, in Latin and English, from Joachim Petersen, the Hamburg Resident, to Oliver Cromwell, complaining of the unjust detention of two ships of Hamburg, the St. Salvador and the St. George, which is dated February 9th 1654 (presumably 1655 modern style).[323]

Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorium Bibliothecae Bodleianae: Pt. V: Ricardi Rawlinson (Oxford, 1862), p.6
Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorium Bibliothecae Bodleianae: Pt. V: Ricardi Rawlinson (Oxford, 1862), p.18

Involvement of the Council of State and the Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs


Apr 1652: Manuell Correa saw Tobacco in Marachaio in the Spanish West Indies, which was subsequently shipped in the Nostra Seigniora del Rosario to Cadiz[324]

Dec 3rd: The Council of State recorded on Dec. 3rd 1652 that "The Committee for Foreign Affairs to sit on Monday. The Admiralty Judges and Dr. Walker to attend, and report what has been done in that court about the ships Samson, Salvador, and George."[325]

Dec 6th: The Council of State recorded on Dec. 6th 1652 making an "Order, on consideration of the proceedings in the Admiralty Court against the Samson, Salvadore, and George, that Council sees no reason to alter their resolutions, but the Admiralty Judges are to proceed against them according to law and justice."[326]

Dec 7th: The Council of State recorded on Dec. 7th 1652 that "The Committee for Foreign Affairs to consider Mr. Violet's paper concerning the silver on board the Samson, Salvador, and George."[327]

Dec 9th: The Council of State recorded on Dec. 9th 1652 that "The petition of the officers and mariners of the Samson referred to the Admiralty Judges."[328]

Dec 10th: Of possible relevance, the Council of State recorded on Dec. 10th 1652 that "The paper for the Spanish Ambassafdor, now read, to be signed and sent to him to-morrow by Sir Oliver Fleming."[329]

Dec 13th: The Council of State recorded on Dec. 13th 1652 that "Mr. Violet to assist, on behalf of the commonwealth, in the prosecution of the suits now in the Court of Admiralty against the Samson, Salvador, and George, and to acquaint Dr. Walker from time to time what he has to offer in reference to them."[330]

Dec 15th: Of possible relevance, the Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Dec. 15th 1652 "Mr. Thurloe to look over the several letters from the Senate of Hamburg, concerning their ships stayed here, and to inquire into the proceedings in the Admiralty Court against those ships, and report."[331]

Dec 20th: Of possible relevance, Council of State recorded on Dec. 20th 1652 that "The Commissioners for Sale of Dutch Prize Goods to send all bullion, gold, and silver, taken from time to time and adiudged prize, to the Tower to be coined."[332]

Dec ?: Nine and a half page, unfinished, certificate of the Admiralty Judges to Parliament, dated Dec. ? 1652, "on their order to peruse the acts made by the Admiralty Court concerning the seizure of the ships St. Salvador and St. George of Hamburg, and the Samson of Lubec, as also their lading, and to state the whole matter of fact thereupon, as it stands in their court; also to consider the reasons given by the Spanish Ambassador against their proceedings, as being injurious and against the law and practice of nations. That it was alleged in November 1652, that the Samson and Salvador belonged to subiects of the King of Spain, and the Ambassador complains that the Admiralty Court, instead of ordering the takers to prove them enemy's goods, order the Spaniards to prove the contrary, which is against law, they being in possession. Arguments on both sides. Presumptions that the goods are Hollanders', because the States gave particular order for them to be protected against the English, which were needless had they been from Spain, with which there is free trade and no war. The rule is that neutral powers are to be impartial, and not colour the goods of nations in hostility. Any silver or goods of the Hollanders, though laden in ships of Spain, Flanders, or Hamburg, are prize."[333]


Jan 3rd: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Jan. 3rd 1653 that "The deposition of Mr. Violet to be considered to-morrow, Sir Sack. Crowe, Pompey Kalendrine, the Admiralty Judges and Dr Walker to attend."[334]

Jan 7th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Jan. 7th 1653 that "The Admiralty Judges to send an account to Mr. Thurloe tomorrow of their proceedings against the Samson, Salvador, and George, and the whole state of that business."[335]

Jan 7th: The Council of State recorded on Jan 7th 1653 that "The Committee for Foreign Affairs to consider what further allowance should be made to Dr. Walker, as advocate for the commonwealth in the Admiralty Court; and whether it may not be fit to add two able civilians to assist him for the effectual managing of the business."[336]

Jan 10th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Jan 10th 1653 an "Order on Council's reference of the 7th instant, that as Admiralty employment is very much increased by the war with Holland, Dr. Walker's allowance of 100 l. a year as advocate in the Admiralty Court be made 200 l. for the ensuing year. Also that for better managing the multiplied and weighty affairs in that court, Dr. Clerk, late one of the Admiralty Judges, be added to Dr. Walker for a year, with the same allowance."[337]

Jan 27th: Of possible relevance, the Council of State recorded on Jan 27ththat "Mr. Thurloe to prepare the letter to Archduke Leopold this day passed in Parliament, for the signature of Mr. Speaker, and Fleming to send it to the Spanish Ambassador, that he may forward it."[338]

Jan. 27th: The Council of State recorded on Jan 27th that "The papers sent from Parliament concerning the Samson, Salvador, and George referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs, who are to prepare them to be presented to Parliament by Wednesday next."[339]

Jan 28th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Jan 29th that "The Admiralty Judges then to bring in the case of the Samson, Salvador, and George, avowed under their hands."[340]

Feb 11th: Of possible relevance, the Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Feb 11th "The business of Spanish wools, represented to this Committee by the Admiralty Judges, to be reported to Council in the afternoon."[341]

Feb 18th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Feb 18th that "Dr. Walker to move the Admiralty Court to give a speedy order on the Samson, Salvador, and George, according to justice."[342]

Feb 18th: Of possible relevance, The Council of State recorded on Feb 18th "The appointed Committee to meet the Spanish Ambassador next Monday at 4 p.m., in Whitehall. Fleming to give him notice."[343]

Mar 4th: The Council of State recorded on Mar 4th that "Mr. Thurloe to declare to Dr. Walker that he may give such answers as he think fit to the paper published by the advocate of Flanders, upon the proceedings in the Admiralty Court upon the Samson, Salvadore, and George, and publish the same if he see cause."[344]

Mar 11th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Mar 11th that "The former report concerning Drs. Walker and Clerk, recomitted for further consideration, to be again offered to Council, after debate thereof."[345]

Mar 14th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Mar 14th that "Dr. Walker to give a full accoun, with all speed, of some speeches lately used in open court, much derogating from the due respect and honour thereof, upon the trial of the ship Samson in the Admiralty Court."[346]

Mar 25th: The Council of State recorded on Mar 25th that "The petition of Juan de Lassa barrona and Juan Mexia de de Herrera, referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs."[347]

Mar 25th: The Council of State recorded on Mar 25th that "The petition of Thos. Violet referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs, who are to hear what he has to say."[348]

Mar 25th: Of possible relevance, the Council of State recorded on Mar 25th that "The petition of Manuel Corea, with others, referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs, to confer with Dr. Walker and others as they think fit, and report."[349]

Mar 30th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Mar 30th that "The Commissioners for Prize Goods to attend Dr. Walker, and give him their evidence on the Samson, Salvador, and George, to use as appertaining to his place."[350]

Mar 30th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on Mar 30th that "Mr. Violet to put in writing his information about Mr. Budd, proctor in the Admiralty Court, and Budd to attend the Committee and give in his answer."[351]

Mar 31st 1653: The Council of State recorded on March 31st 1653 that Dr Walker, the advocate for the Commonwealth, was "to print his arguments against the pleas of the advocate from Flanders, and the arguments of the civilians of Louvaine (?), made upon a sentence lately given in the Court of Admiralty against the plate ships."[352]

Mar 31st: The Council of State recorded on March 31st 1653 that an "Order on consideration of the great increase of labour in the Admiralty Court in the present state of things, that 100 l. a year be added to Dr. Walker's salary of 100 l.; that Dr. Wm. Clerke be the other next advocate, and that he have 200 l. a year; and order for Dr. Clerke's appointment accordingly"[353]

Apr 1st: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on April 1st 1653 that "the petitions of Juan Mexica de Herrera and Juan de Lossa Barrona to be sent to the Admiralty Judges, to report to this Committee what should be done in the cases, returning the petitions."[354]

Apr 7th: The Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs recorded on April 7th 1653 on the petition and remonstrance of severall Spaniards "claiming tobacco in the Samson, Salvador, and George, now in the Thames," that Thurloe confer with Drs Walker and Gierke and others, and inquire into the state of their case, and what should be done thereon, and report.[355]

May 3rd 1653: The Council of State recorded on March 3rd 1653 in the day's proceedings that: "9. Account by the Commissioners of Prize Goods of the malpractices of Otho George and others interested in the three silver ships, Salvador, Samson, and George. That they made the purser alter his book, taking out the names of all Hollanders and Zealanders That they threw letters overboard tied to an iron bar, on comng into the Downs. That they threatened and attacked the surgeon and others who could bear evidence against them. That they said at Calais they were for Amsterdam, but hearing of the war breaking out, said they were for Ostend. That they altered their bills of lading, and tried to hide the silver. That they contradict themselves in swearing, pretend to be Hamburghers, [?XXX]landers, and inserting others.itheow though only speaking low Dutch, "c. "c. [3 pages][356]


Sep 1st: The Council of State recorded on Sep 1st 1653 that "The Commissioners for Prize Goods and their agents, the State solicitors and proctors, and Mr. Violet, to be ordered forthwith to meet and confer with Dr. Walker, and to look up ail their informations touching the silver and lading in the Samson, Salvadore, and George, and to take down in writing all the preparations of evidence and proofs thereupon, and draw a full plea by his advice for the protection for the State's interest, and to give in the names of all the material witnesses they know of, that the points may be proved by them, and the witnesses brought in and examined, that the commonwealth may suffer no default in those"[357]

Sep 2nd 1653: The Council of State recorded on Sep 2nd 1653 that "Mr. Thurloe to prepare something declaratory for preventing frauds to the State in the not making of ships prizes, by their calling themselves Hamburgbers and Lubeekers when they really belong to the enemies of the State ; and if possible, to offer the same to Council to-morrow morning."[358]

Sep 3rd: Item 46. and Item 47. "[Sept. 7.] 45. Petition of Geo. Boachaert of Hamburg to the Council of State, for speedy hearing of his cause by the Admiralty Judges, that he may be preserved from rum. Returning from Spain, was taken by English ships, and has waited many months to prove his interest in what he claims, being his whole livelihood, but wanting friends, must perish unless some one or more of the Admiralty Judges be ordered to hasten his cause. Has waited 10 months, and they will not proceed on the present order. [Sept. 7.] 46. Order thereon that the Admiralty Judges proceed speedily to determine the case. Also note that Mr. Advocate answer to Council for the contents of this order"[359]

Sep 7th: Of possible relevance, the Council of State recorded on Sep 7 1653 that "The Committee of Council appointed to treat with the Spanish Ambassador to meet him at 5 next Friday at Whitehall. Fleming to give him notice."[360]

Sep 7th: The Council of State recorded on Sep 7th 1653 "To order Major Wigan to withdraw the guard of soldieirs which, by order of Council, was placed upon the ships Samson and Salvadore."[361]

Sep 15th: The Council of State recorded on Sep 15th 1653 that "The Mint Committee and the Lieutenant of the Tower to consider what allowances should be made to those employed on the business of the silver taken out of the Samson, Salvadore, and George, over and above the officers of the Mint, and to report."[362]

Sep 30th: Item 151 "Report hy Dr. Walker to Council, on the petition of George Boschaert, referred to the Admiralty Judges. He represents in general terms that being a Hamburgher, on his return from Spain, he was taken by our ships, and has waited many months to prove his interest in what he claims. His claim, often agitated, is for 20,000 l.. if not 40,000 li. of silver in the Samson, Salvador, and George. The masters alleged the ships were free, being laden in free ports and to and from free ports. I required specification, and the rule of the Court was consonant thereto, and after long debate between the English and Spanish advocate, I obtained an order for it.

The shipmasters asked 6 months to make their claims, but meanwhile many particular claims were put in, and among them this of Boschaert, on 24 May 1653, for several great parcels of silver, on which I protested.

Many witnesses were examined, but weighty affairs prevented my having the matter heard before Council. Perusing Violet's book offering to prove the falsity of the bills of lading, and the frauds used by the Dutch, to make it out that most of the silver belonged to them, I tried to gain all the information I could from him, the Commissioners for Prize Goods, and the agents and solicitors. By the late order of 1 Sept. they were to confer with me, and I urged them to write down all their evidence, and issued a warrant for the claims, bills of lading, &c. to be shown to Violet.

Some examinations have since been taken, but more are required. Violet promises his help as soon as he has despatched something now before Council.

Therefore the matter is not ready for settlement, for though the proofs are published on Boschaert's part, they have to be made on the other side. But lest the time should run out and the claimers press an hearing, dispatch should be used that Violet may produce his evidence, it being very important that the case be managed according to the laws and practice of nations. [2 2/3 pages. Date endorsed on the reference, of 7 Sept. No. 46.]"[363]

Oct 12th: The Council of State recorded on Oct 12th 1653 that "Thos. Violet to be authorised from time to time to produce before the judges in the Admiralty Court such witnesses as he has to offer for the commonwealth, against the Samson, Salvadore, and George, or any of the goods brought in them, and to assist in bringing the same to trial."[364]

Oct 21st: The Council of State recorded on Oct 21st 1653 an "Order on consideration of the business of the wools taken in the Salvadore, Samson, and George, and in the Morning Star and Augustine, now depending in the Admiralty Court, which are claimed by the Spanish Ambassador as belonging to the King his master, that the Admiralty Judges proceed to sentence upon the wools, according to law."[365]

Oct 31st: The Council of State recorded on Oct 31st 1653 " The petition of Jas. Walker and Rich. Scott, Scotchmen, and Peter Nott, a Lubecker, for three butts of sack taken in the Samson, being their own proper adventure, referred to the Admiralty Committee."[366]

Nov 7th: The Council of State recorded on Nov 7th 1653 that "Rouse, Jones, Roberts, Fleetwood, Goddard, and Col. Cromwell, to be a Committee to consider of a paper from the Spanish Ambassador, presented this day, concerning bags of wool taken out of the Samson, Salvador, and George, to examine the fact, to send for Dr. Walker and such other persons, papers, and witnesses as they find necessary, and to report."[367]


Feb. 22. "Item 52. Petition of Thos. Violet to the Protector. By several orders of the late Council of State I have assisted 14 months in prosecuting in the Admiralty Court the silver ships Samson, Salvador, and George, I find hundreds of claims put in for the silver and merchandise, by Spaniards, Flandrians, and Hamburghers, and scores of examinations to prove them to belong to Spaniards and Hamburghers, and I think it my duty to acquaint you therewith.

I beg you to appoint a Committee to take an exact account of all the transactions in that business, and of how it stands in the Admiralty Court, what claims are fit to come to trial, and what should be respited till the return of commissions from foreign parts. Also to order Dr. Walker and me to attend the said Committee, to advise how the business may best be carried on, and vindicate the justice of this nation for staying the silver and merchandise. With reference thereon to Council, 3 Feb. 1654. [1 page.]

Order in Council referring the same to Lambert, Lisle, and Sydenham, who are to send for the petitioner and Dr. Walker, and any other persons or papers they think fit, and report. [1. 75, p. 131.]"[368]

Mar 28th: "March 28. Item 60. Account presented by Thos. Violet to the Committee on the plate ships [see 22 Feb. 1654] of all his previous proceedings relating to the said ships; of the best mode to prevent embezzlement; of the nature of the claims made upon the silver, &c.; suggestions as to the best mode of proceeding in reference to them, and details of his own expenditure and services therein. [53/4 closely written pages.]"[369]

Mar 31st: The Council of State recorded on March 31st 1654 that "Order on petition of Wm. Astoll and Wm. Pembridge, about the discovery of the silver ships, that the master of requests procure the Admiralty judges' report mentioned, so that further order may be taken."[370]

May 4th The Council of State recorded on May 4th 1654 that "21. Order — on representation that the goods in the Samson, Salvadore, St. George, Golden Morning Star, and St. Augustine, having remained many months in warehouses, will decay and he rendered of little value to the State or their claimers, if order be not taken for their disposal; — that the Admiralty Commissioners order their sale, unless on speaking with Dr. Walker, they see cause to the contrary; if they are sold, Council will order satisfaction to those claiming interest in them according to their rate of sale, if, on determing their claims in the Admiralty Court, there shall appear just cause. Approved 4 May."[371]

Aug. 25th "Aug. 25, 21. Accounts presented to the Mint Committe by Col. John Berkstead, on their order of 3 May, of the money lately coined in the Tower : —

Silver received from the Samson, Salvador, £ s. d.

George, Morning Star, and Angel of Flushing, from 17 June 1653 to 10 May 1654, when coined at 3 l. the pound-weight £276,702 16 s 0 d
Expense of coinage, 9,223 l. 8 s. 6 d.
Paid on orders given to G. Frost, the Navy treasurer, deputy treasurer of the fleet, Col. Wm. Goffe and Lieut-Col. White, and the Treasurers-at-war £239,560 0 s 0 d

Balance £37,142 16 s 0 d

Received back in part of two of the above orders £9,260 0 s 0 d

Balance £46,402 16 s 0 d

Account of the sheer money of the aforesaid silver, adding 594 l. 6 s.. 4 d. gold, taken from the silver ingots. Total £1,?673 12 s 5 d

Paid for Treasury contingencies, counting rooms, and service from other than the Mint officers £1,122 14 s 2 d

Total receipts £287,536 8 s 5 d

Total payments £240,682 14 s 2 d

Balance in hand £46,853 14 s 3 d

Also a parcel of gilt plate and of West India bezar.

List of the persons employed about the silver from the Samson, Salvador, and George, and other services connected with the aforesaid accounts. Account of receipts and payments from 10 May to 15 Aug., leaving the balance in hand £37,225 l. 10 s. 5 d., of which 3,400 l. being already charged on the Treasury by an order of Council, the remainder is 3,225 l. 10 s. 5 d. Noted as carefully examined by Wm. Jessop, [7 sheets.]"[372]

Aug 31st [ADD ENTRY FROM PP. 346-347 CSPD 1654]

Sep 2nd: "[Sept. 2.] Item 12. Dr. Walter Walker to Sec Thurloe. It appears by yours that the Hamburg agent urges a judgment on the Samson, Salvador, and George. I waited on you yesterday at Whitehall about it, but could not see you.

The matter of the silver is much stronger than that of the ships. I attended a Committee of Council upon it, on a reference from his Highness on Mr. Violet's petition, and sent a report, which remains with Council, about the silver, the ships, and the tobacco, and other goods.

The ships have lain so long in the river that they are much injured, and grow worse daily, and ought to come to judgment; and the owners are clamorous for a hearing before they perish. The reason of the firet opposal was to prevent the enforcement of the argument upon the silver, that it should not be pressed upon us that it came In free ships, but cautions may be taken that this should
not be ui^ed as a consequence.

The judges have been threatened in court for not assigning a hearing, which, by the rules of juaticc, cannot be denied, but I leave
it to your wisdom and reason of State. [1 page.^

Sept. 2. Order in Council that the Admiralty judges determine the ease of the said ships according to law and justice. Approved 2 Sept. [7. 75,3Jp. 558,.565.]"[373]

Dec 13th: The Council of State recorded on Dec 13th 1654 an "Order in the Admiralty Committee to request the Protector and Council for an order to dispose of the Samson, Salvadore, and George, which had the great quantity of silver on board, to the best
advantage of the State, the Prize Goods' Commissioners reporting that they are much injured by having lain 2 years in the Thamea,
and arc in a perishable condition, and a great charge, by keeping men on board. Noted as read 28 Dec, but respited till Gen. Desborow be present. [1 page.]"[374]


Feb ?X: "Note of a petition referred to the Committee for Petitions of Henrique Geo. Mendez, on behalf of Ferdinando Montesines Assentista, of the kingdom of Spain, for restitution of Spanish wools and cochineal imported in the St. George and Salvador, Order in Council — as to wools brought in by the Peter, Swan, and Hope, and the proceeds assigned for the King of Spain in Flanders, but the vessels taken at sea, and restitution ordered in the Admiralty Court to Montesines, in spite of which part has been seized by attachment from the Court of the Sheriff of London, at suit of Antonio Duarte Rodrigues Lamego, merchant of Rohan, — that the wools be entirely freed, as decreed in the Admiralty Court, Approved 23 Feb. [I.92, No.144; I.75, pp. 685, 695.]"[375]

Apr 25: "Notes of petitions, the consideration of which was transferred in 1654 to the Committee for Petitions, but on which nor reports were made, nor Council orders given...John Dethick, Nathan Wright, &c, that Serjeant (?) Eltonhead may receive a determination in the Admiralty on 8,000 l., in pieces of 8, taken in the silver ships Salvadore, &c., he pretending the dependence there a bar for doing them justice upon a contract for a sum of ryals. [No.228.]"[376]

Jul 4th "July 4. Item 14. Wm. Astell to the Protector. Abr. Johnson, a Dutchman, pretends to be an Englishman, and the discoverer of the 3 silver ships. I confess he discovered them to me and Wm. Pembridge, and we were examined before the Prize Commissioners, who sent us to Woolwich, to see what we could gather from the Dutch, when we heard that the trumpeter had confessed that the ships, with their silver and lading were of Holland, but Johnson never acted with us after. He was very obstinate and drunken, and would hardly be examined unless he knew what he should have for it, and by his contradictions, we lost the ships, though three of their own men said they were of Holland. He pretends to have lost a ship worth 300 1. by a Flushinger. He sold the sails and cables of a Mr. Baron who employed him. He was pressed on board the Plymouth frigate, but got off with a month's pay, by pleading that he was a Dutchman, and should be hanged if he were taken. [1 sheet]"[377]

Jul 4th: "July 4. Item 15, Petition of Wm. Astell to the Protector. Thanks for your gracious promises to put an end to my long waiting, but there is a stop by one, Johnson, a Dutchman, pretending to be English, who has laid a great scandal on me, which I hope you will not believe, as he is a vile wretch ; I bear it patiently, for wicked men scandalize you without cause, and the servant must not be above his master. Pray let me see the paper put in against me, and give me a reference to the Admiralty Judges, or Prize Office Commissioners. [1/2 page]"[378]

Jul ?4th "July 4? Item 16. Wm. Astell to Wm. Jessop. Thanks for your promise of help. I have long lived in a sad condition for my fidelity to the State, having left my calling and joined the people of God, to help the Lord against the mighty. I have been an officer throughout, am much in arrears, and never had a penny; yet I undertook the labour of prosecuting those silver ships, and have only had 40 l. on a report from the judges to his Highness; and now I suffer on a wrong information; yet I am content if I may obtain a place. I dare not speak to Maj.-Gen. Skippon, for he has been the best friend in England to me and my wife. Let me know if his Highness or Council have been moved for a place for me. [1 page.]

Item 16. I. Warrant by Council, on an Order of 3 May, to Gualter Frost, to pay to Wm. Astell 40 l., for special service, out of Council moneys. Whitehall, 8 May 1654. [Copy 1 page.]"[379]

Jul 12th: The Council of State recorded on Jul 12th 1655 "The petition of Abr. Johnson and his wife Magdalene, which was referred to the Committee on the Salvadore and other silver ships; also the petitions of Wm. Astell and Anne Pembridge concerning the same matter, referred to Lambert, Jones, Strickland, Sydenham, and Montague, to report."[380]

Aug 20 "[Aug. 20.] Tem 38. Abstract by Wm. Astell of his proceedings in reference to the silver ships

On 21 January 1652-3, Ab. Johnson told me and Wm. Pembridge that the Samson, Salvador, and George belonged to Holland, and said he would confess it before the Prize Commissioners. They sent 4 of us to Woolwich to make discoveries, and we met with the trumpeter of the Salvador, Corn. Petersen, who discovered to us what I have already alleged, and said they could get at the silver and fill their pockets when they pleased. I told the Prize Commissioners this, in order that the waiters might search them, and they gave me and Pembridge a letter to Col. Barkstead, who gave us a search warrant; but our intentions were soon known; though we took no silver, we kept them from stealing, as the seamen were to be searched before leaving the ship; but 2 bars taken by the gunner and hidden in his cabin were seized.

I showed my paper of discovery to Dr. Walker, and he was angry that it had not been brought in before; then I sent it to the Council of State by Maj.-Gen. Desborow, who hade me see what more I could discover.

I was from January to October before I could get my witnesses examined, and then the examinations were delivered to Mr. Violet, who pretended to the discovery, and my labour would have been imputed to him, but my wife informed Dr. Walker to the contrary. I often went to the Admiralty Judges for publication, but could get none, so I thought all was done, and begged a gratuity, when his Highness sent to the Judges for examination and report. At last the Judges brought a report, I know not what; Judge Godolphin said it was not ripe, but I might ask for charges, when I got 40 l. I had then been 16 months on the business, and still went on, till at last I got publication, and then the trial was 3/4 of a year, and I followed it to the end; but by means of Ab. Johnson and his wife, the Samson was cleared, though afterwards made prize, because some Spaniards were part owners. It was in the height of our Holland war, and I prosecuted the ships because they sailed from Amsterdam, and were bound to Amsterdam, and that not on Johnson's discovery, but on what I heard from Corn. Petersen, the trumpeter. Johnson claims the discovery, but he never put in a paper, nor brought witnesses, nor was at any charge. [41/2 pages.]"[381]

Aug 20th "Aug. 20. Item 39. Similar paper, but more lengthy in its details. [61/2 pages.}

Item 39. I. Warrant by Col. John Barkstead, Lieutenant of the Tower, to all constables, officers, &c. of the Thames, and in Middlesex and Surrey, to assist Wm. Astell and Wm. Pembridge in finding out silver conceived to be embezzled from the Dutch prizes between the Tower and Gravesend, and to apprehend those concerned therein, and bring them before him, or a justice of peace near, to be proceeded against according to law. Tower, 5 Feb. 1652-3. [Copy, 1 page.]

Item 39. II. Dr. Walter Walker to Sec. Thurloe. The bearer begs that Urian Martesen may be examined about the silver in the Samson, &c. I tell him this cannot be without Council's order, hut he is so importunate, because the man is soon
going out of England, that I trouble you with these lines. 4 July, 1653. [I page.]"[382]

Sep "[Sept] Item 162. Answer by Wm. Astell to the report about him sent by the Prize Commissioners to Council. It was Mr. Violet, not my wife and I, who accused Ab. Johnson of perjury. I repeated it because Johnson said he had spent 300 l.. in maintaining me and the rest of the witnesses, whereas he never spent a penny, for all the charge lay on me, and he said a thing one day and denied it the next. I have not been perfidious, as he accuses me. The Commissioners join me with Mrs. Pembridge, but she had nothing to do with it. I only asked them for my charges in lying 4 months on the Thames, but am not yet paid.

Dr. Walker said that no one came in on the case except Mr. Violet, and so the onus prohandi was cast upon them, but I had given in my paper long before to the Commissioners of Prize Goods, and thought they would look after it, I showed a copy to Dr. Walker when I heard the Spanish agent plead, and he was angry because it was not brought in before, which was the Prize Commissioners' fault.

It was the long delay, and the death of some of our witnesses that caused the claimers' proofs to be more effectual than ours. The Commissioners say they have paid me 5 l. 8 s. 0 d. more than ever I have received. [4 pages, containing beside the above, much repetition of his other statements] Annexing,

Item 162. I. Depositions on 39 interrogatories of Urian Marteson. {51/4 pages.] Also,
Information of Roger Thorpe as to the taking of 2 bars of silver by the gunner of the George, 30 Jan. 1654-5. [I3/4 pages.] Also,
Answer of Wm. Astell, surgeon, of Allhallows, Barking, aged 60, to 10 interrogatories, 13 Oct, 1653. [3 pages.]

Item 162. II. Further depositions of Urian Marteson, 7 Aug. 1655. [2 pages.]

Item 162. III. Certificate by Geo. Parker that Ah. Johnson did not maintain Wm. Astell nor Wm. Pembridge with meat or drink in his house. 22 Sept. 1652. [Scrap.]

Item 162. IV. Affidavit of Barbara, wife of Wm. Astell, that when Ab. Johnson had been examined several times ahout the silver ships, he would come no more, and told her he would be hanged before he would come, unless he knew what he should have; she persuaded Mr. Arnold to send for him. which was unusual, as those that come in for the State should come freely, and then he and Urian Marteson both were exainined at the Admiralty Court, in Sept. 1653. 24 Sept. 1655. [1 page.]

Item 162. V. Depositions of Ab. Johnson's witnesses, in the case of the
Samson, &c., viz. : —

Rich. Chambers, 20 Sept. [3/4 page.]
Hen. Groome. [1/4 page.]

162. VI. Certificate hy Edw. Bendall, rector of Cotgrage, co. Notts, that he found on enquiry that Johnson was the prime discoverer, and that Astell and the others who wished to share in the premium, had no right thereto; and that he promised to try to get Johnson a reward from the Prize Cowmissioners, if he would not join the others. Attended the Commission thereon, when the objections raised were, —
1. Whether Johnson was the primary discoverer?
2. That they could pay nothing till it it was fully proved that the ships were prizes. [3 pages.]"[383]

Oct 5th "Oct. 5 Prize Office, London. Item 19. Commissioners for Prizes to Wm. Jessop, Whitehall. We request you to annex the enclosed to the papers already delivered you concerning Ab. Johnson and the other petitioners about the Samson, &c. [1/2 page.]"[384]

Oct 12th "Oct. 12. Note of a petition, referred to the Committee for Petitions, of Anne, widow of Wm. Pembridge, searcher for the Port of London, for allowance for his charges as one of the discoverers of the plate ships, Astell, another discoverer, having had 501. ; reported for lOL from Council's contingencies. [I.92, No. 242.][385]

Oct 12th: "Oct. 12. Like note of a petition of Wm. Astell, for consideration of his pains, time, and charge about discovering the silver ships, for which iOl. or 501. was ordered him, S May 1651. [I.92, No. 192.]"[386]

Oct 12th: "Oct. 12. Like note of a petition of Abr. Johnson for payment for his aervJees in discovering the silver ships. Order in Council on a report of the Committee of Council, who were to consider a report from Dr. Walker and the Prize Goods' Commissioners on the petitions of Johnson and Astell, and Anne Pembridge, — that neither the said persons nor Mrs. Urdge obtained any advantage to the State by their testimony, and that they have been paid for their pains, — that the said petitions be dismissed. [I.92, No 469, I. 76, p.334.]"[387]


Jan 16th: The Council of State recorded on Jan 16th 1656 that "The petition and papers of Thos. Violet referred to Montague and Sydenham, to report."[388]

Jan 22nd: The Council of State recorded on Jan 22nd 1656 "Strickland added to the Committee on Thos. Violet's petition."[389]

Jan 26th The Council of State recorded on Jan 26th 1656 the "Petition of Chris. Boone, merchant of London, to the Protector. Having lately resided and traded in Spain, since my return, I delivered to Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerp goods value 200,000 ryals, and for payment, on 6 Nov. 1654, he assigned to me some silver and cochineal on board the Samson, Salvador, &c., which were seized and brought in, and his claim thereto proved.

As such transfers are always held good among merchants, and cannot well be denied for the upholding of trade, and as the assignment was made 14 Feb. 1654-5, long before the differences with Spain, I beg the benefit of the assignment, and of Goldsmith's right to the goods. With reference thereon to Council. [1 page.][390]

Mar 21st: The Council of State recorded on Mar 21st 1656 an "Order on report from the Commissioners on Thos. Violet's petition, — praying that certain bonds seized by the Committee of Salop may be restored to him; as they were for 40 l., used by the Committee for public good, — that on his paying 40l. he receive the bonds, which he may sue, as he might have done before, and that John Corbett see the bonds delivered. Approved 31 March."[391]


Please enter below all events relating to the Admiralty court case of three Silver ships. Be as specific as possible in terms of day, month, and year.

Please note whether the dates you enter are New or Old style (typically non-English witnesses will use New Style dates, and English witnesses will use Old style dates. In the 1650s the same day in New style was ten days ahead in terms of date compared with Old style.[392]


Month unspecified: The ship the Saint George was built at Hamburg.[393]








Month unspecified: The ship the Sampson was built and completed in Lubeck in 1646.[394]


Month unspecified: The ship the Salvador was built at Hamburg[395]

June 1647: Departure of the Salvador on her first voyage from Hamburg to Spain[396]










June 1652: The ship the Golden Sunn (Master: Peter Tam) departed Cadiz bound for Ostend. The ship ws laden with cutcheneale by the Governor of Cadiz "in the service of his Catholique Majestie in fflanders.[397]

?July/August/September 1652: Arrival at Cadiz of the "Plate fleete of Spaine" from the West Indies[398]

September 1652: The ship the Mercurius (Master: Hance Yonger) departed Cadiz a full month and above before the ships the Sampson, Salvadore and Saint George departed from the same port.[399] According to Henry Slegar, a sailor on the Salvadore, the Mercuius set sail from Cadiz in the company of the Saint John Evangelist (Master: John de Vas).[400]

October 10th, 11th or 12th 1652 [old style]: Departure of the ships the Sampson, Salvadore and Saint George from Cadiz bound allegedly for Ostend.[401]

As early as October 28th 1652; as late as November 2nd 1652 [old style]: Seizure of the ships the Sampson, Salvadore and Saint George by the English in the English Channel. Matter of legal dispute as to the intended destination of the ships. Hamburg sailor Henry Slegar, who was onboard the Salvadore at the time of her seizure, states that she was seozed "in the English Channell off of Portsmouth" about eighteen days or three weeks after departing Cadiz.[402] Christian Cloppenburgh, master of the Salvador, states the three silver ships departed Cadiz on October 10th, 11th or 12th 1652 and were seized in the English channell eighteen or twenty days later.[403]

October 28th 1652: London merchant Gyles Vandeputt claims he took out several policies of assurance drawn at the Assurance Office in London for Antwerp merchant John Bollart's silver on bord the ships the Saint George and the Salvador.[404]

November 22nd 1652 [new style] [November 12th old style]: London merchant Stephen Puckle described being in the company of a number of Dutchmen on November 22nd 1652 (new style), travelling on a barge or skute from Delft to the Hague. He stated that "the sayd Dutch amongst other matters fell into discourse about the takeing of the sayd three shipps by the English which had the plate and sylber in them, meaning and speaking of the sayd shipps Sampson Salvador and Saint George above mentioned, And in that discourse one of the sayd dutch men who was one of the Lords of delph and a Bewinthebber of the Dutch East India Company did then and there in the presence and hearing of him this deponent confidently affirme to the rest of the gentlemen in company together in the sayd skute, that the plate and sylver which was on board those shipps then lately seized by the English meaning and speaking of the foresayd three shipps did belong to severall dutchmen of Amsterdam and harlem or to that effect, And further also sayd that although it might be pretended that the sayd sylver did belong to Hamburgh, yet att last (sayd he) it will fall upon our owne heads, meaning and speaking of the Dutch that were subiects of the States aforesayd, And further then likewise added that the English were subtile enough to find out the ground of the busines, or to the selfe same effect and purpose, for which reasons this deponent for his part did and doth verily beleive that the plate and sylver in the sayd three shipps did and doth really belong to the subiects of the sayd States of the United Netherland Provinces."[405]

November & December 1652: Spanish Ambassador in London and various agents of Duke Leopoldus and Licencees of the King of Spain living in Antwerp asserted to the Admiralty Court, the Council of State and the English Parliament that "all the lading, both silver and merchandize in the said ships, did appertain to the King of Spain and his subjects, and none other"[406]

Early December 1652: Order of English Parliament to the Admiralty Court Judges to proceed to judgement concerning the three silver ships[407]

December 8th 1652: The goldsmith Thomas Violet laidd a paper before the Council of State begging a strict enquiry relative to the three silver ships as they awaited judgement in the Admiralty Court as to whether they were good prize.[408] Violet claims subsequently that his paper or writing was referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs, and that in his writing "Your Supplicant discovered the fraudulent Practises of the Spanish Embassadour, an[?d] Duke Leopoldus and his Agents, to defraud the Parliament of a Vast Summ of Treasure, above three hundred Thousand Pounds; which was brought up into the River as a Prize, in three ships, viz. The Sampson, Salvador, and George".[409]

December 13th 1652: Council of State ordered that Thomas Violet assist Dr Walker, the Commonwealth advocate, in prosecuting the three silver ships.[410]

December 17th 1652: Thomas Violet made a protest in the Admiralty Court "against the Judges and their Proceedings." Apparently this was the day the Judges were intending to discharge the ships.[411]

December 17th 1652: Thomas Violet was required to appeare before the Council of State at 3 pm, at the demand of the Admiralty Court, "to answer before the Counsel for his actions. Judge Exton, for the Admiralty Court, apparently clained that Violet's protest was "made against and contrary to an order of Parliament". Violet claims that "upon full debate in the Counsel of State, these three ships and silver were all (by Order of Counsel) stayed" and Violet thanked for his service, "and presently commanded with all diligence to make his proof, whereby to disprove the Spanish Ambassadors Claims"[412]


Possibly early 1653: Petition of Juan de lossa Barrona, a Spaniard born in Segovia, Spain, regarding the seizure of his goods in the ship the Saint George of Hamburg (Master: John Martin), leading to he himself being detained in London hoping that the ship with her lading would be released "to finish her voyage to Ostend". The ship not being released, the petitioners business affairs pressed for him to depart to Flanders.[413]

January 21st or 22nd 1653: Various Admiralty Court deponents testifying on behalf of the Commonwealth claim to have been in company of Cornelius Peterson, trumpeter of the ship the Salvador at the sign of the ship in Woolwich, and that Petrson confessed that all three silver ships belonged to Holland and specifically that the ship the Salvador was bound for Amsterdam when she was seized.[414]




April 3rd 1655: Petition to the English Admiralty Court judges of Christian Cloppenburgh, master of the ship the Sampson, on behalf of himself and the rest of the owners of the ship. States his ship has been detained for more than two years depending on a suit in the Admiralty Court about proving her to be prize and that a sentence had recently been passed by the Court setting the ship and her freight free. However, Thomas Violet had put in information that some silver had been purloyned or embeazled out of a different ship (the Salvadore (Master: Otto George)), and that under this pretence the ship had been further detained. Asked the Court that his ship be speedily discharged to save him and it from utter ruin.[415]

April 3rd 1655: Petition to the English Admiralty Court judges of John Martindorp, master of the ship the Saint George, on behalf of himself and the rest of the owners of the ship. Similar plea to the petition of the same date made by Christian Cloppenburgh.[416]









Witness list

Witnesses in HCA 13/66


Witnesses in HCA 13/67

Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[417]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[418]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[419]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[420]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[421]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[422]
Guillermo Crombeen of Cadiz Spaine Merchant aged about twenty five yeares[423]
Anthonio Da La Rosa of Sivill in Spayne Marriner aged about 32 yeares[424]
Antonio De La Rosa of [?XXX] [?XXX] in the West Indies Mariner aged 32 yeares[425]
Anthonio Da La Rosa of Sivill in Spayne Marriner aged about 32 yeares[426]
Anthonio Da La Rosa of Sivill in Spayne Marriner aged about 32 yeares[427]
Philipp de La [?Surpe] of Dunkirk merchant where he hath lived for fifteene yeares or thereabouts aged 23 yeares[428]
John Gover of London Merchant aged 24 yeares[429]
Thomas Juan of Cadiz in Spayne Marriner aged about [?40] yeares[430]
Domingo Padellas of Saint Lucar in Spayne Merchant aged 29 yeares[431]
Domingo Padellas of Saint Lucar in Spayne Merchant aged 29 yeares[432]
Domingo Padilla (sic) of Saint Lucar in Spayne merchant where he hath lived for most the part from his birth being there borne aged 29 yeares[433]
John Perryn of Feversham in Kent mariner aged 32 yeares[434]
Joachim Pesler of der [?Meuble] in Prussia, Chirurgeon and late Chirurgeon of the said shipp the Sampson aged 36 yeares[435]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[436]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[437]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[438]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[439]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[440]
Thomas Swann of Cadiz in Spaine Marriner aged 40 yeares[441]
Thomas Swann of Cadiz in Spaine Marriner aged 40 yeares: upon Interrogatories[442]
Roger Thorpe one of the Weighters of the Custome house London, aged 43 yeares[443]
William Turner of Blackffryars London one of the Waiters under the Commissioners for prize goods, aged 39 yeares[444]
Thomas Sanchez de Vacar of Cadiz in Spayne Merchant about 30 yeares[445]

Witnesses in HCA 13/68

Antonio da Ponte of Teneriffa in the Canary Islands merchant aged twenty eight yeares[446]
Antonio da Ponte of Tenariffa merchant aged 28 yeares[447]
Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Madrid an Inhabitant of Limma in the Indies merchant aged thirty eight yeares[448]
Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Limma in the West Indies merchant aged 38 yeares[449]

Witnesses in HCA 13/69

Roderigo Alonzo of Cadize in Spayne merchant aged three and thirty yeares[450]
Roderigo Alonso of Cadiz in Spaine merchant aged 33 yeares[451]
Pasquall Andrada of Garachicho in the Island of Teneriffa Servant aged twenty yeares[452]
Pasquall Andrada of Garachicho in the Island of Teneriffa Servant aged twenty yeares[453]
Joos Arnoult of Dunkerke in fflanders merchant aged thirty yeares[454]
Antonio Aevan Balderas by birth of Madrid in Spayne by habitation of Lima in the West Indies merchant aged eight and thirty yeares[455]
Antonio Estevan da Balderas borne att Madrid in Spaine an Inhabitant of Limma Merchant aged thirty eight yeares[456]
ffrancisco Boesdonck of Antwerp merchant aged 20 yeares or thereabouts, servant of James [?Puiquet][457]
Manuel Corea of the Citty of Varinas in the West Indies merchant of the age of four and thirty yeares[458]
Antonio da Ponta of Garachicho in the Iland of Teneriffa Merchant aged thirty yeares[459]
Antonio da Ponta of Garachicho in the Iland of Teneriffa Merchant aged thirty yeares[460]
John Mexia de Herrera borne at Temblick in the Territories of the [?Archbishop] of Toldeo in Spaine living for the most part at [?Lima] in the West Indies aged thirty yeares[461]
Lawrence de Veles of Cadize in Spayne merchant aged eight and thirty yeares[462]
Lorenzo da Veloes of Dunkirke in fflanders merchant aged thirty eight yeares[463]
Larenzo de Veles [CHECK] of Dunkirke in fflanders merchant aged eight an thirty yeares[464]
Lorenzoe Veles of Duinkerke in fflanders merchant aged eight and thirty yeares[465]
Thomas Sanchez de Vicar of Valladolid in Nova Castilia in Spayne Merchant aged thirty four yeares[466]
John de la Barona by birth of Segovia in Spaine by habitation of Lima in the West Indies merchant aged forty yeares[467]
ffrancois du Boys of Cadiz in Spayne Merchant aged thirty yeares[468]
Thomas Sanchez Durissa of Peru in the Indies borne att Spaine Merchant aged about thirty four yeares[469]
Hendrick Grube of [?Vemar] in the Jurisdiction of the Duke of Holsteyn Mariner Steersman of the said shipp the Salvador aged thirty yeares[470]
Thomas John of Caddiz in Spayne aged forty yeares[471]
Anthonie Lois of Antwerp in Brabant Merchant aged thirtie yeares[472]
Diego [?Maestre] of Sevilia in Spayne, Merchant aged four and twenty yeares[473]
Diego Maiestre of Sivil in Spayne merchant aged twenty four yeares[474]
Diego Maistre of Sevilia in Spayne Merchant aged twenty four yeares[475]
Diego Maestre of Sevill in Spaine merchant aged four and twenty yeares[476][477]
John Martinsdorp of Hamburg Mariner master of the shipp Saint George aged one and fifty yeares[478]
John Moller of Antwerp, servant of the said Mr Boscaert one of the producents, aged 22 yeares[479]
Jan [?Stueten] Paep of Naer in Luke Land Merchant aged three and thirty yeares[480]
John [?Stueten] Paep of Naer in Lukeland merchant aged three and thirty yeares[481]
Michael Perry of Severino of Saint Lucar in Spayne merchant, aged eight and twenty yeares[482]
Michael Perry Severino of Saint Lucar in Spaine merchant aged four and twenty yeares[483]
Michael Perry Severino of Saint Lucar in Spayne merchant aged four and twenty yeares[484]
Michael Perry Severino of Saint Lucar in Spaine merchant aged four and twenty yeares[485]
Antonio Ala (sic) Rosa of Sevill in the Kingdome of Spayne Mariner, aged two and thirty yeares[486]
Tobias Sollicoffre, of the Citie of Saint Gallen in Switzerland Consull for the Hansa Townes in the Maritime parts of Provence in ffrance aged 27. yeares also deposed on the seizure of the Sampson by the French[487]
Michael van Lubkin of Hamborough Mariner aged [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT][488]
Adrian Valzolio of Antwerp Merchant aged 25 yeares[489]
John Vervoort of Antwerp in Brabant , Cashier and Bookekeeper to the said John Smoosters, aged 25 yeares[490]

Witnesses in HCA 13/70

William Astell of the parish of Allhallows Barking London Chirurgeon aged 60 yeares[491]
William Astell of the parish of All Hallowes Barking London Chirurgeon, aged 60 yeares[492]
John Bacon of the parish of Saint Giles Criplegate in the Citty of London Mariner Owner and master of the shipp the John of London aged five and forty yeares[493]
Albert Bechere of the free Citie of Lubeck Mariner at present Master or Commander of the shipp the King David of London aged 47. yeares[494]
Joachim Beene of hamborough Mariner aged 35. yeares[495]
Joachim Beene of hamborough Mariner aged 35. yeares[496]
Antonio Fernandez Caravashall of London Merchant aged 54 yeares[497]
Antonio Fernandez Caravashell of London Merchant aged 54 yeares[498]
Christian Cloppenburgh of hamborough Mariner aged 43. yeares[499]
Christian Cloppenburgh of Hamborough Mariner Master of the shipp the Salvadore aged 44 yeares[500]
Christian Cloppenburgh of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the said shipp Salvador aged 44 yeares[501]
Christian Cloppenburgh of hamborough Mariner aged 43 yeares[502]
Carsten Franck of Lubeck Shipwright aged 32. yeares[503]
Carsten Franck of Lubeck shipwright aged 32. yeares[504]
Magdalena Hendricks the wife of Abraham Johnson living in the Minories neere London aged thirty two yeares[505]
Magdalena Hendrickes the wife of Abraham Johnson living in the Minneries nere London wall saylemaker, aged thirtie two yeares[506]
Abraham Johnson of the precinct of Saint Catherins neere the Tower of London Sailemaker aged 35 yeares[507]
Roger Kilvert of London Marchant, aged 67 yeares[508]
Robert Kilvert of London Merchant aged 67. yeares[509]
John Lowers of Masterland in Norway Mariner aged 26. yeares[510]
John Lowers of Masterland in Norway Mariner aged 26. yeares[511]
John Martenson-Dorp of hamborough Mariner aged 53. yeares[512]
John Lowers of Masterland in Norway Mariner aged 26. yeares[513]
John Lowers of Masterland in Norway Mariner aged 26. yeares[514]
John Martenson-Dorp of hamborough Mariner aged 53. yeares[515]
Jurian Martinson of fflintzbourgh in Holsteinland Mariner, aged 34 yeares[516]
William Pembridge of the Parrish of Saint Magnus London Habberdasher aged 42 yeares[517]
William Pembridge of the parish of Saint Magnus London haberdasher, aged 48 yeares[518]
Stephen Puckle of Eastsmithfeild neere London Merchant aged fifty nine yeares[519]
Stephen Puckle of Eastsmithfeild neere London Merchant aged fifty nine yeares[520]
Stephen Puckle of East Smithfeild neere London Merchant aged fifty nyne yeares[521]
Hance Ramke of Hamborough Mariner aged 40 yeares[522]
Hans Ramkey of hamborough Mariner aged 40 yeares[523]
Peter Rokes of Lubeck in Germania Mariner Steeresman of the shipp the Goulden Grape of dantsick aged 43. yeares[524]
Henry Slegar of hamborough Saylor aged 23. yeares[525]
Henry Slucker of hamborough Mariner aged 23 yeares[526]
Giles Vandeputt of the parish of Saint Martins Orgers in the City of London Merchant aged 32 yeares[527]
Henrick Vett of hamborough Mariner aged 36. yeares[528]

Witnesses in HCA 13/71

Beniamin Bathurst of London Merchant aged 19 yeares
John Hanschen of Antwerp Marchant aged 21 yeeres[529]
ffrancis Thoris of London Merchant aged forty eight
John Willmott of London Merchant aged twenty eight yeares

Consolidated witness list, HCA 13/66 - HCA 13/71

William Astell of the parish of Allhallows Barking London Chirurgeon aged 60 yeares[530]
William Astell of the parish of All Hallowes Barking London Chirurgeon, aged 60 yeares[531]
John Bacon of the parish of Saint Giles Criplegate in the Citty of London Mariner Owner and master of the shipp the John of London aged five and forty yeares[532]
Beniamin Bathurst of London Merchant aged 19 yeares
Albert Bechere of the free Citie of Lubeck Mariner at present Master or Commander of the shipp the King David of London aged 47. yeares[533]
Joachim Beene of hamborough Mariner aged 35. yeares[534]
Joachim Beene of hamborough Mariner aged 35. yeares[535]
Antonio Fernandez Caravashall of London Merchant aged 54 yeares[536]
Antonio Fernandez Caravashell of London Merchant aged 54 yeares[537]
Christian Cloppenburgh of hamborough Mariner aged 43. yeares[538]
Christian Cloppenburgh of Hamborough Mariner Master of the shipp the Salvadore aged 44 yeares[539]
Christian Cloppenburgh of Hamburgh Mariner Master of the said shipp Salvador aged 44 yeares[540]
Christian Cloppenburgh of hamborough Mariner aged 43 yeares[541]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[542]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[543]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[544]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[545]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[546]
Manuell Corea Citizen of Varines in the West Indye Merchant aged about 34 yeares[547]
Guillermo Crombeen of Cadiz Spaine Merchant aged about twenty five yeares[548]
Anthonio Da La Rosa of Sivill in Spayne Marriner aged about 32 yeares[549]
Antonio De La Rosa of [?XXX] [?XXX] in the West Indies Mariner aged 32 yeares[550]
Anthonio Da La Rosa of Sivill in Spayne Marriner aged about 32 yeares[551]
Anthonio Da La Rosa of Sivill in Spayne Marriner aged about 32 yeares[552]
Antonio da Ponte of Teneriffa in the Canary Islands merchant aged twenty eight yeares[553]
Antonio da Ponte of Tenariffa merchant aged 28 yeares[554]
Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Madrid an Inhabitant of Limma in the Indies merchant aged thirty eight yeares[555]
Antonio Estevan de Balderas of Limma in the West Indies merchant aged 38 yeares[556]
Philipp de La [?Surpe] of Dunkirk merchant where he hath lived for fifteene yeares or thereabouts aged 23 yeares[557]
Carsten Franck of Lubeck Shipwright aged 32. yeares[558]
Carsten Franck of Lubeck shipwright aged 32. yeares[559]
John Gover of London Merchant aged 24 yeares<ref?HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1529</ref>
John Hanschen of Antwerp Marchant aged 21 yeeres[560]
Magdalena Hendricks the wife of Abraham Johnson living in the Minories neere London aged thirty two yeares[561]
Magdalena Hendrickes the wife of Abraham Johnson living in the Minneries nere London wall saylemaker, aged thirtie two yeares[562]
Abraham Johnson of the precinct of Saint Catherins neere the Tower of London Sailemaker aged 35 yeares[563]
Thomas Juan of Cadiz in Spayne Marriner aged about [?40] yeares[564]
Roger Kilvert of London Marchant, aged 67 yeares[565]
Robert Kilvert of London Merchant aged 67. yeares[566]
John Lowers of Masterland in Norway Mariner aged 26. yeares[567]
John Lowers of Masterland in Norway Mariner aged 26. yeares[568]
John Martenson-Dorp of hamborough Mariner aged 53. yeares[569]
Jurian Martinson of fflintzbourgh in Holsteinland Mariner, aged 34 yeares[570]
Domingo Padellas of Saint Lucar in Spayne Merchant aged 29 yeares[571]
Domingo Padellas of Saint Lucar in Spayne Merchant aged 29 yeares[572]
Domingo Padilla (sic) of Saint Lucar in Spayne merchant where he hath lived for most the part from his birth being there borne aged 29 yeares[573]
William Pembridge of the Parrish of Saint Magnus London Habberdasher aged 42 yeares[574]
William Pembridge of the parish of Saint Magnus London haberdasher, aged 48 yeares[575]
John Perryn of Feversham in Kent mariner aged 32 yeares[576]
Joachim Pesler of der [?Meuble] in Prussia, Chirurgeon and late Chirurgeon of the said shipp the Sampson aged 36 yeares[577]
Stephen Puckle of Eastsmithfeild neere London Merchant aged fifty nine yeares[578]
Stephen Puckle of Eastsmithfeild neere London Merchant aged fifty nine yeares[579]
Stephen Puckle of East Smithfeild neere London Merchant aged fifty nyne yeares[580]
Hance Ramke of Hamborough Mariner aged 40 yeares[581]
Hans Ramkey of hamborough Mariner aged 40 yeares[582]
Peter Rokes of Lubeck in Germania Mariner Steeresman of the shipp the Goulden Grape of dantsick aged 43. yeares[583]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[584]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[585]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[586]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[587]
John Baptista Sabino of Cadiz in Spaine Merchant aged 27 yeares[588]
Henry Slegar of hamborough Saylor aged 23. yeares[589]
Henry Slucker of hamborough Mariner aged 23 yeares[590]
Tobias Sollicoffre, of the Citie of Saint Gallen in Switzerland Consull for the hansa Townes in the Maritime parts of Provence in ffrance aged 27. yeares also deposed on the seizure of the Sampson by the French[591]
Thomas Swann of Cadiz in Spaine Marriner aged 40 yeares[592]
Thomas Swann of Cadiz in Spaine Marriner aged 40 yeares: upon Interrogatories[593]
ffrancis Thoris of London Merchant aged forty eight
Roger Thorpe one of the Weighters of the Custome house London, aged 43 yeares[594]
William Turner of Blackffryars London one of the Waiters under the Commissioners for prize goods, aged 39 yeares[595]
Thomas Sanchez de Vacar of Cadiz in Spayne Merchant about 30 yeares[596]
Giles Vandeputt of the parish of Saint Martins Orgers in the City of London Merchant aged 32 yeares[597]
Henrick Vett of hamborough Mariner aged 36. yeares[598]
John Willmott of London Merchant aged twenty eight yeares

Primary source material other than depositions

HCA 15/6 Box 2

Item: Petition of Christian Cloppenburgh: Date: April 3rd 1655[599]

Item: Petition of John Martindorp: Date: April 3rd 1655[600]

Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum

"1652: 26. The Committee for Foreign Affairs to sit on Monday. The Admiralty Judges and Dr. Walker to attend, and report what has been done in that court about the ships Samson, Salvador, and George. 27. Orders for regulating Council's proceedings to be considered on Monday. 28-30. Serjeant Dendy, Mr. Scutt..."[601]

"Jun 1653: ...Admiralty Court, and deliver in on oath after the usual manner the papers now sealed up, which were taken out of the Samson, Salvadore, and George. 10, 11. Mr. Perrott and Mr. Throckmorton, prisoners with the Serjeant-at-arms for being engaged in a challenge, to be dismissed on bonds in 1,000 l . and two..."[602]

"Dec. 1654: Warrants of the Council of State, Generals of the Fleet, &c ...Bristol, to transport 40 draugh t nags to Barbadoes, for the use of the sugar mills, on the same terms as others. 120 — — " 21 " Pass For Eliz. Meutis to Flanders 127 — — " " " Comrs. for Sale of Dutch Prizes. To seize and secure some gold and silver embezzled from the Samson, Salvador, and George in the..."[603]

"1654: the Admiralty Committee to request the Protector and Council for an order to dispose of the Samson, Salvadore, and George, which had the great quantity of silver on board, to the best advantage of the State, the Prize Goods' Commissioners reporting that they are much injured by having lain 2 years in..."[604]

"Sep 1653: the Samson, Salvadore, and George, and to take down in writing all the preparations of evidence and proofs thereupon, and draw a full plea by his advice for the protection for the State's interest, and to give in the names of all the material witnesses they know of, that the points may be proved by..."

"Nov 1653: consideration of a paper from the Spanish ambassador presented this day to the council, concerning certain bags of wooll, taken out of the Samson, Salvador, and George, and to examine the matter of fact, and for their better information to send for doctor Walker, and such other persons, papers, and witnesses as..."


Volume 32 - January 1653

Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum, 1652-3

send an account to Mr. Thurloe tomorrow of their proceedings against the Samson, Salvador, and George, and the whole state of that business. 3. The petition of Col. Ryley to be considered on Wednesday, and he to be here. 4. Mr. Thurloe to draw up a paper to be offered to Council, to be sent to foreign


Volume 34 - March 1653

Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum, 1652-3

referred to the Committee for Foreign Affairs. 15. Mr. Thurloe to declare to Dr. Walker that he may give such answers as he thinks fit to the paper published by the advocate of Flanders, upon the proceedings in the Admiralty Court upon the Samson, Salvadore, and George, and publish the same if he see


Volume 33 - February 1653

Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum, 1652-3

February 1653 Feb. 1. 4. Order in the Council for Trade and Foreign Affairs, that the account brought in by the Admiralty Judges of their proceedings in the Admiralty Court, on the Samson, Salvador, and George, be presented to Council. [ I . 132, p . 61.] Feb. 1. 1, 2. Petition of Thomas Jennings


Volume 76 - September 1654

Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum, 1654

into one treasury. [ Excise Coll. pp . 149–154, Vol . 98, June 1655.] [Sept. 2.] 12. Dr. Walter Walker to Sec. Thurloe. It appears by yours that the Hamburg agent urges a judgment on the Samson, Salvador, and George. I waited on you yesterday at Whitehall about it, but could not see you. The matter of


State Papers, 1654 - March (5 of 5)

A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, volume 2

ships the Samson, Salvadore, and St. George, in the port of Cadiz, being his own port, several bags of wools, to be transported to another port of his own in Flanders, for his own account, there to be delivered to his assistants, for his own account, towards the payment of his armies. That these ships


Volume 36 - May 1653

Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum, 1652-3

of Otho George and others interested in the three silver ships, Salvador, Samson, and George. That they made the purser alter his book, taking out the names of all Hollanders and Zealanders, and inserting others. That they threw letters overboard tied to an iron bar, on coming into the Downs. That


Volume 130 - October 1656

Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum, 1656-7

the next post after I have received the value. I am surprised your friends do not put another address on your letters. [1 page, French .] Oct. 20. 63. Shorthand notes of proceedings in the Committee upon the case of the [silver] ships Samson, Salvador, and George. [3¼ pages, undecyphered .] Oct. 21.



List of individuals

Peter Eleston/Eleson, innkeeper of the Goulden Posthorne on the sea dike in Amsterdam
John Martindorp (Master: The Saint George)
Tam (Master: The Goulden Sunn)
Hanse Younger (Master: The Mercurius)

Cast of Characters

Please add key characters in the affair of the silver ships, together with short referenced profiles of the characters.

Christian Cloppenburgh

Master of the ship the Salvadore of Hamburg. Aged forty-four in June 1655.[607]

Antonio Estevan de Balderas

Spanish merchant, resident in Lima in the Spanish West Indies.[608]

Otto George

Master of the ship the Sampson of Lubeck (December 1646-November 1654). According to the Hamburg mariner Joachim Beene, Otto George was earlier the commander of the ship the Saint Lucar de Barrameda, and sailed her in 1646 from Cadiz to Hamburg, where in December 1646 Otto George left the ship and went on to Lubeck "expressely (as hee the said Otto then declared to this examinate) to buy the said ship the Sampson.[609] Joachim Beene suggests that Otto George was "first made skipper of her about December 1646, or in the beginning of the ensueing yeare 1647, in which yeare this deponent saw her in Spaine under the conduct of the said Otto George." Beene states that the very first voyage of the Sampson was made from Lubeck to Spain in 1647.[610]

Born in Hamburg, Otto George died in 1654 a married man, keeping his wife in Lubeck from at least 1647.[611] Despite his birth in Hamburg, Otto George was "a citizen and inhabitant of Lubeck".[612]

According to the steeresman of the Danzig ship the Goulden Grape, Otto George left the city of London in roughly November 1653 "sick and weake" and returned to Lubeck where he "shortly after did depart this life", and was buried in Lubeck.[613] The Hamburg mariner Joachim Beene adds the detail that Otto George "being sick and diseased" imbarqued himself on the ship the Neptune of Hamburg (Master: Martin Holst) bound for Hamburg "with an intention to goe to Lubeck."[614]

Jaspar Lorenzo

Spanish merchant claiming to have lost three cerons of cutchineele in the ship the Salvadore.[615]

John Martindorp

Master of the ship the Saint George of Hamburg

Ferdinando Nunez

Spanish merchant.[616]


Please create profile of ships named in the case of the three silver ships.

Angel Michael, or Saint Michael

The Angell Michael of Hamburg (Master: John Lowe).[617]

The Angel Michaell or Saint Michaell sailed from Hamburg to Cadiz with a lading of deale boards, which were sold at Cadiz "for the accompt and adventure of the master and owners of the sayd shipp".[618] She took on a lading of silver and other goods at Cadiz in November 1652, and departed Cadiz in ?November 1652 allegedly bound for Hamburg. Seized by Captain John Bonner of the Marmaduke frigate en route from Cadiz near the Isle of Wight and carried to the River Thames.[619] The steersman of the ship gave a detailed deposition regarding silver laden on board ship for the accompt of the widow of Danyel Sloyer [the elder].

The steersman, Peter Scholenburg, gave a separate deposition regarding "five sackes or bagges of peeces of eight" similarly laden on board ship at Cadiz, for the account of a Spaniard with the wonderful name of Vande [?VenXXe] y Guarto Pedro De Villa Reall Ropez Roble[?ds]. These pieces of eight, which Scholenburg described also as "silver coins", were, like the silver, alleged to have been destined for Hamburg, where they were allegedly to be delivered to [?Samuel] [?Rockesloe], a merchant of Hamburg, who was the Spaniard's agent or factor there.[620]

In a third deposition in the claim of the master of the Angell Michaell for silver of his seized in his ship, Scholenburg listed the ship's owners as "Otto Boyer Thomas [?Neadome] Thomas Crock Hans and Asmes Egler, who are twoe brothers, Peter Simons Van Hereson thelder, and Peter Nicholson", together with the master John Lowe. He gave the reason for being certain of the ownership of the ship because he had seen all the men "att fflentzburg in Holsteine about tenne monethes since att which tyme the said producent and they did perfect the Accounts and reckeninges concerning the said shipp ".[621] All the ship's owners, with the exception of her master were "accompted to be Subiects of the Duke of Holsteine and are knowne to Live in fflintzburge in the Dominion of the said Duke and other parts and places in the said Dukedome". In contrast the master was a long term Hamburg resident and subject.

Golden Sunn

The Golden Sunn of ? (Master: Peter Tam)

The Golden Sunn was laden with cochineal in June 1652 at the port of Cadiz by Conte de Molino, Governor of Cadiz, and departed that month for Ostend.[622]


The Mercurius of Hamburg (Master: Hance Young)

Sailes from the Straights to Cadiz about Whitsuntide, 1652.[623]

Prophet Elias

Master of the Prophet Elias died whilst the ship was at Cadiz, in summer 1652. Bullion was then transferred from the Prophet Elias to the Salvador, the Sampson, the Saint George and the Mercury.

Saint George

The Saint George of Hamburg (Master: John Martindorp)

Henrick Vett, a Hamburg mariner familiar with the building of the Saint George, and brother-in-law of the master of her, deposed that "the said shipp the Saint George (whereof John Martens dorp was Master) was in the yeare 1642. originally built at hamborough by a shippwright and Burger of hamborough named Joachim Moller, by the order and direction of the said John Martens dorp (who bought and provided the timber for the said ships structure) Vincent van Campen now dwelling at Cadiz in Spaine, Daniel Sloyer, Abraham de Bois, Decloffe Classoft Mathys Heyndrick and others all Burghers and subjects of the ffree Citie and State of hamborough"[624]

The spelling of the owners names differs slightly in the deposition of another Hamburg mariner, Joachim Beene, who stated that in addition to the master "John Marten dorpe" the owners were "Abraham de Bois Daniel Sloyer dittelof Classoft Mathys hendricx and others all Burghers and subjects of the free state of hamborough". In contrast to Vett, Beene does not mention Vincent Van Campen as an owner of the Saint George.[625]


The Salvadore of Hamburg (Master: Christian Cloppenburg). Built in 1647 in Hamburg.

The forty year old Hamburg mariner Hance Ramke claims to have been an eye witness to the building of the ship the Salvador at Hamburg. Ramke names the exact place of building as "a place called the Tarr-host where this deponent sawe her as shee was building upon the stocks, and sawe her finished and sawe her launched, and ever since her said building shee hath belonged to the port of Hamborough."[626]

The thirty-five year old Hamburg mariner Joachim Beene similarly claims to have witnessed the building of the Salvador, and named her master shipwright as one John Henderson. Beene stated that "the said Henderson as hee taketh is a Hollander borne, but this deponent hath knowne him to be living in Hamborough thise foureteene or fifteene yeares where hee is a burgher, and an inhabitant and hath bin there maried about tenn yeares or upwards, and there hath kept his wife and family for the said space."[627] Bene also beleived that many of the servants and workmen employed by Henderson were Hollanders.[628]


The Sampson of Lubeck (Master: Otto George)

Built by the shipwright Jurian Steeckman, a burger and inhabitant of Lubeck, in 1646.[629]

Vincent Van Campen and other owners of the Sampson[630]
Christian Cloppenburgh (master of the Salvador) listed some of the owners of the Sampson, saying "Vincent van Campen, ffrederick Bevia, and John de Windt Merchants of principall worth and qualitie at Cadiz, and othrs of great qualitie at Sevill, (who are each of them severallty esteemed capable to be Owners of such a shipp as the Sampson and to freight her upon their owne particular accompt"[631]

XXX named Vincent Van Campen ("now dwelling at Cadiz in Spaine") as one of the individuals who commissioned the building of the Saint George in Hamburg in 1642.[632]

According to Henrik Martens, the Hamburg resident master of the Hope, the Sampson was in Cadiz in 1651, where she took on goods and set sail bound for Genoa, but was seized by the French in 1651 en route for Genoa and was carried to Toulon and declared prize. Otto George, her master, redeemed her on behalf of her owners, whom Martens listed as "Vincent Van Campen John de Windt ffrederique Bevan, Daniel de Loon, ffrancisco Pennincque Don Joseph and ffrancisco Peralti and Company". Otto George left his ship at Toulon and went to Genoa, where he arranged for12,000 pieces of eight to be paid to redeem the vessel by Jacomo Maria and [?Thomaso] Van Harten, two merchants of Genoa. These Genoese merchants were satisfied by Vincent Van Campen from Cadiz, with whome Van campen had a corresponding relationship. [633]

Tobias Sollicoffre, of the Citie of Saint Gallen in Switzerland Consull for the hansa Townes in the Maritime parts of Provence in ffrance aged 27. yeares also deposed on the seizure of the Sampson by the French[634]

List of ships crews, passengers and freighters


Jurian Martinson - one of company of the Mercurius
Hance Young - master of the Mercurius

Morning Starr

Nostra Seignora del Rosario

Antonio de la Rosa - master of the Nostra Seignora del Rosario[635]

Saint Augustine

Saint George

John Martindorp (aka. Martenson-Dorp) - master of the Saint George
John Lowers - member of the crew of the Saint George. A twenty-six year old mariner of Masterland in Norway.
Juan de Lossa Barron - passenger on the Saint George. Spanish merchant.
Henrick Vett - formerly a member of the crew of the Saint George. A thirty-six year old mariner of Hamburg. Brother-in-law of John Martindorp, the ship's captain. Witnessed the ships's building at Hamburg in 1642. Appears to have kept the books for the ship for the last 19 months prior to his deposition in the English Admiralty Court in November 1654.[636]

Saint John [of Hamburg]


Christian Cloppenburgh - master of the Salvadore
Carsten Franck - ships carpenter on the Salvadore
Hance Ramke - formerly a member of the company of the Salvadore. A forty year old mariner of Hamburg.
Henry Slegar - member of the company of the Salvadore at the time of her seizure. A twenty-three year old sailor of Hamburg.
fferdinando Numez - merchant of Sevill, laded 46 sacks of unwashed wool and 110 sacks of washed wool on the Salvador for transport to Ostend[637]
Manuell Corea - passenger on the Salvador citizen of Varines in the West Indye merchant aged about 34 yeares[638]
Thomas Juan [aka Thomas John]- passenger on the Salvador; of Cadiz in Spayne Marriner aged about [?40] yeares[639]; according to Manuel Corea, Thomas Juan was gunner of the ship the Nostra Seignior Del Rosario, in which Juan brought tobacco on his own account, which was subsequently laden into the Salvador[640] Stated he was born at Cadiz and had lived there constantly.[641]


Otto George (alt. Octavio George) - master of the Sampson
Antonio da Ponte - passenger on the Sampson accompanying goods from Cadiz. A twenty-eight year old merchant of Teneriffa in the Canary Islands.
[?Frocato] Millenes - merchant of Cadiz and owner of one bar of silver sent on the Sampson[642]
Anthony Rodriques - passenger on the Sampson from Cadiz; resident of Cadiz
ffrancis Machado - passenger on the Sampson from Cadiz; resident of Port Saint Mary near Cadiz
John Baptista Sabino - passenger in the Sampson from Cadiz (according to Manuel Correa [TBC])[643]
Anthonio Da La Rosa - passenger in the Sampson; resident of Sivill in Spayne Marriner aged about 32 yeares[644]
Joachim Pesler of der [?Meuble] in Prussia, Chirurgeon and late Chirurgeon of the said shipp the Sampson aged 36 yeares; came onboard the ship at Genoa as a passenger, but the existing ship's surgeon leaving, he was hired by Otto George for ten months at a fixed rate; gripes about not being paid[645]
Peter Hor[?seld] - alleged by Joachim Pesler to have been the Sampson's purser[646]
- The purser appears to have had a German and a Spanish name, or at least that is one interpretation of the deposition of Lorenzo de Veles, who states "the purser of the shipp Sampson arlate whose name is Peter Huckfelt or Pedro da Campo [?vieta]"[647]
Peter [?Maddt] - alleged by Joachim Pesler to have been the Sampson's stiersman[648]
Unamed carpenter - alleged by Joachim Pesler to have been involved in stealing silver on the Sampson[649]
Unnamed steward - alleged by Joachim Pesler to have been involved in stealing silver on the Sampson[650]
Jacob Elers - cabin boy on the Sampson; "of [?Barnestey] about foure miles from Hamburg, late Cabbin-boy of the said shipp the Sampson, aged 17 yeares; came on board at Genoa as the stiersman's boy, but at Cadiz was made captain's boy after Otto George's previous cabin boy left[651]
Lewis ffernandez Angell - passenger on the Sampson; owner of 13 bars of silver on the same ship; born a Spaniard, but resident in Caracas in the West Indies for the last 16 years[652]
Antonio da Ponte - passenger on the Sampson[653]
Pedro da Campo - Purser of the Sampson (mentioned by deponent Antonio da Ponte, who himself travelled on the Sampson)[654]
Michael Perry Severino - passenger on the Sampson; twenty-four year old merchant[655]
Lorenzo de Veles - passenger on the Sampson; merchant of Flanders

All legal cases and petitions relating to the three Silver Ships

Allegation made on behalfe of the State in the Acts of Court[656]
- The Keepers of the Libertie of England by authoritie of Parliament against the shipp the Saint George John Martinsondorp master

"Allegation made in the acts of Court on behalfe of the State the eleaventh of this instant March 1652"[657]
- "The Keepers of the Livebertie of England by authoritie against the shipp Sampson (Otto George commander) and silver and goods in the same"

The Lord Protector against the shipp the Saint George (whereof John Martendorpe is Master) and against daniel [?Sloter] and others coming in for their interest

The Lord Protector against the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenburgh is master and against Brandes and others[658]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the Sampson (whereof Otto George was Master) and against Vincent van Campen and others comeing in for their interest[659]

The Clayme of Lewis ffernandez Angell for thirteene barrs of sylver in the shipp the Sampson whereof Otto George is Captaine taken by some of the Parliament shipps.[660]

The clayme of Christopher Boone of London Merchant for severall parcells of silver and Cutcheneale hereto fore specially claymed by Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerpe having bin seized} in the Shipps the Sampson Salvador Saint George and Morning Starr and since legally transferred to him the sayd Christopher Boone and perticulerly conteyned in the Instrument of transfference exhibited into this Court the 14th of ffebruary 1654 and remayning in the Registry thereof
- See also: The clayme of Christopher Boone et cetera[661]

The Clayme of Manuall Correa for one hundred and seaventeene potacchaes of Tobacchoe of the first marke and for twoe patachaes of the second marke laden on board the Shipp the Salvadore whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is master and allsoe for three potachas Laden onboard the Shipp the Saint George of which John Martyn is Captaine or master marked with the third Marke [?XXXX] seized by some of the ffleet[?s] belonging to this Commonwealth[662]

The clayme of Nicholas Crombeene of Cortee[?p] in fflanders for sixtie one Potackes of Tobaccoe whereof sixtie are without marke and one Potaccoe marked laden on board the shipp called the Salvadore whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is Master lately seized by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth[663]

The Clayme of Blases da La Pyna of Sevill for his goods in the shipp the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is Captaine taken by a shipp of the Parliaments fleet under the Command of Capt PomXXX[664]

The Clayme of Anthonye da Ponta merchant of Spayne for his plate in the ship the Sampson whereof Otto George s Captayne lately seized by some of the Parliaments shipps[665]

The Clayme of Anthony de la Rosa for fourescore petacchoes of Tobacchoa of the first marke and one of the second and forre butts of wyne laden aboard the shipp the Samson whereof Octavio George is master of the third marke in the margent and allsoe of sixe potacchoes of Tobachoe and one hundred hydes laden aboard the Shipp the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is master marked with the fourth marke in the margent seized by some of the Shipps of this Commonwealth[666]

The Clayme of Thomas Juan for twelve Pptacchoes of Tobacchoe Ldaen on board the shipp the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is master marked as in the margent seized by some of the Parliaments ffleete[667]

The Clayme of Jaspar Lorenzo Merchant of Antwerpe for 3 Cerons of Cuchineale seized in the shipp Salvador (Christian Cloppenburgh Master)[668]

The Clayme of Baldwyn Mathewes English man for one Barre [?bono] of Silver marked and numbred as in the margent laden aboard the Shipp the Sampson whereof Otto [?Jurjus] is master and allso for three peeces of silver numbred as in the margent laden aboard the Shipp the Saint George wherepf John artynes is master lately seized by some or one of the Parliaments Shipps[669]

The Clayme of Peter Mathewes Arnold Beake and William Moore for twoe Cases of Silver of the marke number and weight under written taken and seized in the Shipp the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is master taken by some or one of the Parliaments Shipps[670]

The Clayme of fferdinando Numez (sic) merchant of Sevill for his goods and merchandizes in the shipps the Saint George John Martins Captaine, and in the shipp Salvador Christian Cloppenbergh Captaine taken by some of the Parliament ffleet[671]

The Clayme of fferdinando Nunez for his woolls in the Saint George

The Clayme of Domingo de Padilla of Cadiz merchant for 12 butts of sherry wines taken and seized in the shipp Sampson whereof Octavio George is Captaine taken by a Parliament ffrigott under the Command of Generall Blake[672]

The Clayme of ffrancisco Pellays a Subiect of Spaine for six barrells of mother of pearle of the first marke laden in the Salvadore Christian Cloppenbergh Master, and alsoe for six barrells of mother of pearle of the second marke laden on board the shipp cllaed the Sampson, of which Captaine Octavio George is master lately seised by some of the shipp sof this Comon wealth[673]

The Clayme of Anthony Rodriques of Cadiz of Spayne for twelve Potaccoes of Tobaccho marked with the first marke in the Margant and likewise of ffrancis Markadoe for fower Potacchoes of Tobacchoe of the second marke and countermarked with the third marke in the Margent Laden aboard the Shipp the Sampson whereof Octavio George is Master [?XXXed] by certayne of the States Shipps[674]

The Clayme of John Baptista Sabino for sixe Potacchoes of Tobaccho laden on board the Shipp the Sampson whereof Octavio George is master And for nine Potacchoes of Tobacchoe laden aboard the Shipp the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is master seized by some of the Parliaments Shipps[675]

"The petition of the officers and mariners of the Samson", dated before or on Dec 9th 1652 (mentioned in CSPD, Council of State proceedings) [No physical copy found to date, but mentioned in CSPD]

Te Clayme of John de [?Caudle] of Cadiz in Spayne Marchant for seaven butts of Sherrie wyne marked with the marke in the margent taken and seized in the Shipp Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh was and is master by some of the Parliaments ffleete under the Command of Generall Blake[676]

Petition of Juan de lossa Barrona[677]
- referred on March 25th 1653 to the Committee for Foreign Affairs (CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 25th 1653, p.232)
- referred by Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs on April 1st 1653 "to the Admiralty Judges, to report to this Committee what should be done in the cases, returning the petitions" ( CSPD, XXXV. April 1st 1653, p.249)

Petition of Juan Mexia de de Herrera [No physical copy found to date, but mentioned in CSPD]
- referred on March 25th 1653 to the Committee for Foreign Affairs (CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 25th 1653, p.232)
- referred by Committee for Trade and Foreign Affairs on April 1st 1653 "to the Admiralty Judges, to report to this Committee what should be done in the cases, returning the petitions" ( CSPD, XXXV. April 1st 1653, p.249)

The petition of Manuel Corea [No physical copy found to date, but mentioned in CSPD]
- referred on March 25th 1653 to the Committee for Foreign Affairs (CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 25th 1653, p.232)

Petition of Christian Cloppenburgh: Date: April 3rd 1655[678]

Petition of John Martindorp: Date: April 3rd 1655][679]



Belgian academic libraries

Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
Universiteits Bibliotheek Ghent - overview

FelixArchief, Antwerpen

FelixArchief - home page
Address: Oudeleeuwenrui 29 2000 Antwerpen
Contact: stadsarchief@stad.antwerpen.be

- Archief Insolvente Boedelskamer
--1518 individuals declared insolvent by the Antwerpse stadsmagistraat

Rijksarchief, Brussels

Rijksarchief in België - Online
- Archief van de Raad van Vlaanderen: inventaris online en nieuwe gebruikersgids
- Het archief van de Raad van Vlaanderen (1386-1795): Gids voor de gebruiker, 2014, Algemeen Rijksarchief, Gidsen 86, Publ. 5356, 8,00 €
- Belgian parochial registers online
- Guide to using Belgian provincial archives (in Dutch), PDF
- Rechercher dans les archives Un plan par etapes, PDF (in French)
- Oostende, parochie Sint-Petrus en Paulus: Archive structure: Parochial material
- [XX Oostduinkerke (Koksijde), parochie Sint-Niklaas: Archive structure: Parochial material

A.G.R. / J. Bolsée, Inventaire des archives des Conseils et Sièges d'Amirauté. Exemplaire annoté Salle de lecture A.G.R./J. Bolsée - Online Guide in French
- Admiralty archive contains 80 metres of inventory, covering 1597 to 1781
- Housed at Algemeen Rijksarchief / Archives générales du Royaume (Brussels)

Rijksarchief Leuven

- Overview of archival structure for province of Leuven - Dutch language, Online
- Items of interest:
-- Titel toegang: Inventaris van het archief van de gemeente Leuven; Identificatie van de toegang: 351/21; Archiefbewaarplaats: Rijksarchief te Leuven; Datering: 1799
-- Titel toegang: Inventaire des archives de la chambre pupillaire de Louvain + Index alphabétique des noms de famille des pupilles / A. Louant; Identificatie van de toegang: 67/1-2; Archiefbewaarplaats: Rijksarchief te Leuven; Datering: 1448-1795
-- Titel toegang: Inventarissen van het notariaat Vlaams-Brabant Notaris Thomas Henri, Leuven; Identificatie van de toegang: 882/821; Archiefbewaarplaats: Rijksarchief te Leuven; Datering: 1649-1683
-- Titel toegang: Inventarissen van het notariaat Vlaams-Brabant Notaris Van Baren Cornelius, Antwerpen, Leuven en Brussel; Identificatie van de toegang: 882/179; Archiefbewaarplaats: Rijksarchief te Leuven; Datering: 1685-1710
-- Titel toegang: Procesdossiers in het archief van de Raad van Brabant. Voorlopig algemeen overzicht, p. 5-24 / E. Put; Identificatie van de toegang: T 36/3; Archiefbewaarplaats: Rijksarchief te Anderlecht / Archives de l'Etat à Anderlecht; Datering: 1608-1794
-- Titel toegang: DUT: Inventaris van het archief van de Raad van Brabant processen van de steden(behalve Brussel); Identificatie van de toegang: I 54; Archiefbewaarplaats: Rijksarchief te Anderlecht / Archives de l'Etat à Anderlecht; Datering: 1596-1794
-- Titel toegang: Inventaris van het archief van de Raad van Brabant. Processen van de particulieren (eerste reeks); Identificatie van de toegang: I 57; Archiefbewaarplaats: Rijksarchief te Anderlecht / Archives de l'Etat à Anderlecht; Datering: 1574-1794

Henri De Vocht, Inventaire des archives de l'Université de Louvain 1426-1797 (XXXX, 1927) - Online listing f all 6338 items in Vocht's inventory
- archive created by (1) Universiteit van Leuven, 1425-1797 (2) Commissie beslast met het beheer van de goederen van de afgeschafte universiteit te Leuven
[Henrik De Vocht, Registres d'inscription d'étudiants (matricules) - Inschrijvingsregisters van studenten (matrikels) (XXXX, 1927)


Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, Wie is wie in laatmiddelleeuws Brussel? Hanleiding bij de consultatie van de databank van middeleeuwse Brsselaars (Mei 2015), pp.1-25
- Contains useful Dutch language register of late medieval document types, pp.17-19


Archives Portal Europe - Online


Staatsarchiv Hamburg - Overview, German language
Stadtarchiv Lübeck - German language finding aids
Stadtarchiv Lübeck - Findbuch
Archivportal - German language


Dutch archive search engine - Dutch language

Nationaalarchief - Netherlands

Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief (NEHA)
- Jacques van Gerwen, Co Seegers, To Promote and Facilitate: The NEHA 1914-2014, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiednis, vol. 11, No. 2, 2014, pp1-44

Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Gechiednis - Dutch language website
Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Gechiednis - Catalogue search engine
- History and structure of Collectie Jos Velle
- Highlights uit 100 jaar NEHA


Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cádiz
Archivo General de Simanacas - Spanish portal
General Archive of Simanacas - English portal

del Museo Naval de Madrid
- Armada Espagnol

Finding Aids

Biographical resources

Deutsche Biographie - Online
Biographisch Portaal van Nederland - Online
Digitale Bibloothek voor de Nederlandse Letteren - Online

General finding aids

Digitaal Platform Historische Pratijk - University of Gent
- Guide to Archieven & Bibliotheken in Belgium
- Felixarchief Antwerpen
- Stadsarchief Brugge
- Stadsarchief Brussel
- Stadsarchief Gent
- Archiefbank Vlaanderen - Onlinedatabase van private archieven

Genealogical finding aids

Frederic Lyna, Catalogue des Manuscripts de la Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique: Heraldique-Genealogie, vol. 13 (Bruzelles, 1948)

Palaeographical guides

Brigham Young University, The Spanish Script Tutorial, online guide

Professional bodies

Royal Historical Commission on Belgian History (Dutch Language) - Online
Royal Historical Commission on Belgian History (English Language) - Online


Ángel Alloza, Europa en el mercado español: mercaderes, represalias y contrabando en el siglo XVII (XXXX, 2006)
G. Asaert, Admiraliteiten (tweede helft 14de eeuw - 1794), Aerts (E.), Baelde (M.) e.a., eds. De centrale overheidsinstellingen van de Habsburgse Nederlanden (1482-1795). Brussel, Algemeen Rijksarchief, 1994, I, pp. 180-187.

Dr Ernst Baasch, Die Handelskammer zu Hamburg 1665-1915, Band I: 1665-1814 (Hamburg, 1915)
Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol. 1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976)
- Book Review: Bromley, J.S.(1981) BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, volume 96, issue 1, pp. 105 - 108
- [Google searchable volume
Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol. 2 [TBC] (XXXX, ?1976)
Margrit Schulte Beerbuhl, The Forgotten Majority: German Merchants in London, Naturalization, and Global Trade 1660-1815 (XXXX, 2014). First published as Margrit Schulte Beerbuhl, Deutsche Kaufleute in London: Welthandel und Einbuergerung (1660-1818) (Muenchen, 2007)
Wim Blockmans, Walter Prevenier, The Promised Lands: The Low Countries Under Burgundian Rule, 1369-1530 (Philadelphia, 1999 & 2010)
- Originall published as Wim Blockmans, Walter Prevenier, In de ban van Boourgondië (XXXX, 1988)
Lucassen Peter Boorsma and Jan Lucassen, Guide of the collections of the Netherlands Economic History Archive of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, 1992)
F. Georg Buek, Die Hamburgischen Oberalten, ihre bürgerliche Wirksamkeit und ihre Familien (XXXX, 1857)
Hanno Brand, Leos Müller (ed.), The Dynamics of Economic Culture in the North Sea and Baltic Region: In the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (Hilversum, 2007)
Friedrich Georg Buek, Handbuch der Hamburgischen Verfassung und Verwaltung (Hamburg, 1828)
Friedrich Georg Buek, Genealogische und biographische Notizen über dei seit der Reformation verstorbenen hamburgischen Bürgermeister (Hamburg, 1840)
Jan Butinx, Gustav Asaert, Willy Butinx, Jan Albert Van Houtte, Recht en instellingen in de oude Nederlanden tijdens de Middeleeuwen en de Nieuwe Tijd : liber amicorum Jan Buntinx / [red. G. Asaert ... et al. ter inl. J.A. van Houtte (Leuven, 1981)

Huguette Chaunu, Pierre Chaunu, Guy Arbellot, Séville et l'Atlantique (1504-1650): 1621-1650 (XXXX, 1956)
W. Couvrier, Antwerpen in de XVIIde eeuw, Antwerpen, Genootschap voor Antwerpse Geschiedenis (XXXX, 1989)

Christina Dalhede, 'Handelsfamiljer pa Stormaktstidens Europamarknad, 3 vols. (Stockholm, 2001)
Pit Dehing, Geld in Amsterdam: Wisselbank en wisselkoersen, 1650-1725 (Amsterdam, 2012)

J. Everaert, De internationale en Koloniale Handel der Vlaamse firma’s te Cadiz (1670-1700) (Brugge, 1973)

Maartje van Gelder, Trading Places: The Netherlandish Merchants in Early Modern Venice (Leiden, 2009)
- Extremely useful book as context for the Silver Ships research project
Oscar Gelderblom, Cities of Commerce: The Institutional Foundations of International Trade in the Low Countries, 1250-1650 (Princeton, 2013)
Fernando Fernández González, Comerciantes vascos en Sevilla, 1650-1700 (XXXX, 2000)
Ma. Guadalupe Carrasco González, Comerciantes y casas de negocios en Cádiz, 1650-1700 (Cadiz, 1997)

Donald J. Harreld, High Germans In The Low Countries: German Merchants And Commerce In Golden Age Antwerp (Leiden, 2004)
Donald J. Harreld (ed.), A Companion to the Hanseatic League (Leiden, 2015)
Enrique García Hernán et al. (ed.), Irlanda y la monarquía hispánica: Kinsale, 1601-2001: guerra, política, exilio y religión (?Madrid, 2002)
Paul Herre and others (ed.), Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte. Unter Mitwirkung von Ernst Baasch et al. 8th ed.(Leipzig, 1912)
Ariel Hessayon, 'The Great Trappaner of England': Thomas Violet, Jews and crypto-Jews during the English Revolution and at the Restoration' in Michael J. Braddick & David L. Smith (eds.), The Experience of Revolution in Stuart Britain and Ireland (Cambridge, 2011)
Lodewijck Huygens, The English journal: 1651-1652 (Leiden, 1982)

Jonathan Israel, Empires and Entrepots: Dutch, the Spanish Monarchy and the Jews, 1585-1713 (London, 1990)

Dietrich Kausche, Harburger Erbregister von 1667: ein Dokument zur Geschichte des alten Amtes Harburg, seiner Dörfer, Höfe und Bauern (Herausgeber: Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte) (?Hamburg, 1987)
Hermann Kellenbenz, Unternehmerkräfte im Hamburger Portugal-und Spanienhandel 1590-1625 (Hamburg, 1954)
- See review by Jürgen Bolland, in 'Zeitschrift des Vereins fuer Hamburgische Geschichte', Band XLIII (Hamburg, 1956), pp.226-228
Hermann Kellenbenz, Sephardim an der Unteren Elbe: Ihre wirtschaftliche und politische Bedeutung vom Ende des 16. bis zum Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts (Wiesbaden, 1958)
Sean Kelsey, Inventing a Republic: The Political Culture of the English Commonwealth, 1649-1653 (Manchester, 1997)
André Van Keymeulen, Munten van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden van Albrecht en Isabella tot Willem I : catalogus (Brussels, 1981)
Georg Arnold Kiesselbach, Die wirtschafts- und rechtsgeschichtliche Entwickelung der Seeversicherung in Hamburg (XXXX, 1901)
Wim Klooster, Illicit Riches: The Dutch Trade in the Caribbean, 1648-1795 (XXXX, 1995)
Henriette De Bruyn Kops, A Spirited Exchange: The Wine and Brandy Trade Between France and the Dutch Republic in Its Atlantic Framework, 1600-1650 (Leiden, 2007)

Martin Lappenberg, Die milden Privatstiftungen zu Hamburg (Hamburg, 1845)
Aron Di Leone Leoni, The Hebrew Portuguese Nations in Antwerp and London at the Time of Charles V and Henry VIII: New Documents and Interpretations (XXXX, 2005)
Clé Lesger, The Rise of the Amsterdam Market and Information Exchange: Merchants, Commercial Expansion and Change in the Spatial Economy of the Low Countries, C. 1550-1630 (Aldershot, 2006)
Mary Lindemann, The Merchant Republics: Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Hamburg, 1648-1790 (Cambridge, 2015)
- pp.27-30 review literature on Hamburg, and compare economic growth of Hamburg with Amsterdam

Guido Marnef, Antwerp in the Age of Reformation: Underground Protestantism in a Commercial Metropolis, 1550–1577. Translated by J. C. Grayson. (Baltimore and London, 1996)
- Includes lengthy introduction on urban society in sixteenth-century Antwerp
Linda Martz, A Network of Converso Families in Early Modern Toledo (Michigan, 2003)
William Monter, Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe, vol. 2 (Cambridge, 2006)

Patrick O'Flanagan, Port Cities of Atlantic Iberia, c. 1500–1900 (Aldershot, 2008)
- Ch.2: Formation and Georgaphy of the Atlantic and Transatlantic Economies, pp.19-38, especially The Inner Atlantic, pp.20-21, The Portuguese Atlantic, pp.22-24, The Spanish Atlantic, pp.25-26; Ships and ports of Atlantic Iberia, pp.34-38
- Ch. 3: Seville, pp.39-78
- Ch. 4: Cadiz and La Bahia de Cadiz, pp.81-113
Friedrich Plass, Friedrich Robert Ehlers, Geschichte der Assercuranz und der Hanseatischen Seeversicherungs-börsen: Hamburg, Bremen, Lubeck (Hamburg, 1902)

Ruth Pike, Aristocrats and traders: Sevillian society in the sixteenth century (Cornell, 1972)
François Joseph Pons, A Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma, Or the Spanish Main, in South-America, During the Years 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804, vol. III (New York, 1806)
- "Containing a Description of the Territory Under the Jurisdiction of the Captain-General of Caraccas, Composed of the Provinces of Venezuela, Maracaibo, Varinas, Spanish Guiana, Cumana, and the Island of Margaretta; and Embracing Every Thing Relative to the Discovery, Conquest, Topography, Legislation, Commerce, Finance, Inhabitants and Productions of the Provinces, Together with a View of the Manners and Customs of the Spaniards, and the Savage as Well as Civilized Indians"
- Francois Pons was former agent of the French goovernment at Caraccas
Jorun Poettering, Handel, Nation und Religion: Kaufleute zwischen Hamburg und Portugal im 17. Jahrhundert (Goettingen, 2013)
Floris Prims, Geschiedenis van Antwerpen, 29 parts (Brussels/Antwerp 1927-1949)

Martin Reißmann, Die hamburgische Kaufmannschaft des 17. Jahrhunderts in sozialgeschichtlicher Sicht (Hamburg, 1975)
- Book review: Gerhard Beneke, University of Kent, Histoire Scociale: Social History, vol. 11. No. 22 (1978), pp.502-504
Manuel Bustos Rodríguez, Burguesía de negocios y capitalismo en Cádiz: los Colarte (1650-1750) (Cádiz, 1991)
- appears to be printed version of doctoral thesis
Manuel Bustos Rodríguez, Cádiz en el sistema atlántico: la ciudad, sus comerciantes y la actividad mercantil (1650-1830) (Madrid, 2005)
Enrique Martínez Ruiz, Magdalena Pi Corrales, Commerce and navigation between Spain and Sweden throughout history (XXXX, 2000)

Thomas Max Safkley (ed.), A companion to multiconfessionalism in the early modern world (Leiden, 2011)
- Chapter: Marnef Guido. Multiconfessionalism in a commercial metropolis : the case of 16th-century Antwerp. See Guido Marnef publication list, Universiteit Antwerpen
Werner Scheltjens, Dutch Deltas: Emergence, Functions and Structure of the Low Countries’ Maritime Transport System, ca. 1300-1850 (Leiden, 2015)
Johann Siebmacher, J. Siebmacher's grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch: Der Adel der freien Städte Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck, Vol. 3, Iss. 1 (Nürnberg, 1871)
Oskar de Smedt, De Engelse Nation te Antwerpen in de 16e Eeuw (1496-1582), 2 vols. (Antwerp, 1950-4)
- Book review: Peter Ramsey, 'The English Historical Review', Vol. 72, No. 284 (Jul., 1957), pp. 500-503
Johann Anselm Steiger, Sandra Richter (ed.), Hamburg: Eine Metropolregion zwischen Früher Neuzeit und Aufklärung (Berlin, 2013)
Hans-Konrad Stein-Stegemann, Findbuch der Reichskammergerichtsakten im Staatsarchiv Hamburg (?Hamburg, 1993)
S.J. Stein, B. Stein, Silver, Trade and War. Spain and America in the Making of Early Modern Europe (Baltimore, 2000)
Jan Van der Stock (ed.), Antwerp: Story of a Metropolis, 16th–17th Century (Antwerp and Ghent, 1993)
- Collection of articles written by leading scholars
Eddy Stols, Spanish Brabanders or commercial relations of the Southern Netherlands with the Iberian world from 1598 to 1648, 2 vols (Brussels, 1971)

Barry Taylor, Society and Economy in Early Modern Europe, 1450-1789: A Bibliography of Post-war Research (Manchester, 1989)
Bert Timmermans, Patronen van patronage in het zeventiende-eeuwse Antwerpen: een elite als actor binnen een kunstwereld (Antwerp, 2008)

Vegiano, M. de, Seigneur d'Hovel; Herckenrode, Jacques Salomon François Joseph Léon, baron de, Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas et du comté de Bourgogne, vol.1 (Gand, 1865)

K. Weber, Deutsche Kaufleute im Atlantikhandel 1680-1830. Unternehmen und Familien in Hamburg, Cádiz und Bordeaux (München, 2004)
- Matthias Manke: Rezension zu: Weber, Klaus: Deutsche Kaufleute im Atlantikhandel 1680-1830. Unternehmen und Familien in Hamburg, Cádiz und Bordeaux. München 2004, in: H-Soz-Kult, 02.09.2004
H. van der Wee, , Antwerpens bijdrage tot de ontwikkeling van de moderne geld- en banktechniek, in Tijdscrift voor Economie (Leuven, 1965)
Joachim Whaley, Religious Toleration and Social Change in Hamburg, 1529-1819 (Cambridge, 1985)
Wiert Jan Wieringa (ed.), The Interactions of Amsterdam and Antwerp with the Baltic region, 1400–1800: De Nederlanden en het Oostzeegebied, 1400–1800 (?Dordrecht, 1983)
- Ch.3: A. Attman, 'The bullion flow from the Netherlands to the Baltic and the Arctic, 1500-1800', pp.19-22
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz, Stuart Jenks (ed.), The Hanse in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Leiden, 2012)

Kathrin Zickermann, Across the German Sea: Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Region (Leiden, 2013)
Julia Zunckel, Rüstungsgeschäfte im Dreißigjährigen Krieg: Unternehmerkräfte, Militärgüter und Marktstrategien im Handel zwischen Genua, Amsterdam und Hamburg (XXXX, 1997)

XXXX, Portuguese Jews in Amsterdam (XXXX, 1967)


Mark Haeberlein, 'German Communities in 18th-Century Europe and North America', pp.19-35, in Matjaz Klemenic, Mary N. Harris (ed.), European Migrants, Diasporas and Indigenous Ethic Minorities (Pisa, 2009)
- mentions German communities in Cadiz
C. Rahn Phillips, The growth and composition of trade in the Iberian Empires, 1450-1750, in J.D. Tracy (ed.), rise of merchant empires. Long-distance trade in the early modern world, 1350-1750 (XXXX, XXXX), pp. 34-101

Unpublished doctoral dissertations

Christian Jan van Bochove, The economic consequences of the Dutch; Economic integration around the North Sea, 1500-1800 (Utrecht, 2008)

Conference presentations

Catia Brilli, 'Genoese merchants in the eighteenth-century Spanish imperial trade. The central role of Gaditan Institutions', at IX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica, Sesión B-8, Sept 2008; PDF, pp.1-20


Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica, Murcia, 9, 10, 11 y 12 de septiembre de 2008
- Session of interest: B-8: Instituciones locales, mercado y desarrollo económico en la Europa mediterránea a través del espejo atlántico, 1500-1900; Coordinadores: Fernando Ramos (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) y Bartolomé Yun (Instituto Europeo Universitario de Florencia)
-- Session paper: El dilema moentaril de la monarquía española en el siglo XVII: pequeñas monedas o crédito internacional; Carlos Álvarez Nogal (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
-- Session paper: Genoese merchants in the eighteenth-century Spanish imperial trade. The central role of Gaditan Institutions; Catia Brilli (University of Pisa)
-- Session Paper: The political economy of the Spanish Imperial rule, revisited; Regina Grafe (Northwestern University) y Alejandra Irigoin (College of New Jersey)
-- Session paer: Estructura de incentivos e instituciones en el pensamiento mercantilista castellano del siglo XVII. Victoriano Martín Martín y Nieves San Emeterio Martín (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)


Antwerpsch Archievenblad
Ernst Baasch, 'Hamburg's Seeschiffahrt und Waarenhandel vom Ende des 16. bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts', special reprint from (Zeitschrift des Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte, Vol. 9 (1893), pp.295-420
- Ernst Baasch has published some important statistical material in his article
- Note the date of the special reprint is 1893 (not 1894)
'Droit et pratiques du cosmopolitisme marchand: la bourse de Hambourg au XVIIe siècle', P. GONZALES-BERNARDO, M. MARTINI et M.-L. PELUS-KAPLAN, Etrangers et sociétés. Représentations, coexistences, interactions dans la longue durée, P.U.R., Rennes, 2008, p. 351-360.
Erik Lindberg, 'The Rise of Hamburg as a Global Marketplace in the Seventeenth Century: A Comparative Political Economy Perspective', Comparative Studies in Society and History, Volume 50, Issue 03, July 2008, pp 641-662
Jacques van Gerwen, Co Seegers, To Promote and Facilitate: The NEHA 1914-2014, Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiednis, vol. 11, No. 2, 2014, pp1-44
M. Bustos-Rodriguez, Población, sociedad y desarrollo urbano (una aproximación al Cádiz de Carlos II), in Cádiz en su hisoria, IV jornadas de historia de Cádiz, 1985, p. 83 e sgg

Hermann Kellenbenz, La Place de l'Elbe inférieure dans le commerce triangulaire au milieu du XVIIe siècle. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 62, n°226-227, 1er et 2e trimestres 1975. La traite des Noirs par l'Atlantique : nouvelles approches. pp. 186-195
  1. HCA 13/70 f.736r
  2. HCA 13/70 f.739r
  3. HCA 13/70 f.144r
  4. HCA 13/70 f.743r
  5. HCA 13/70 f.142v
  6. HCA 13/70 f.139r
  7. [[HCA 13/70 f.710v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.710v
  8. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2548]
  9. Wikipedia, First Anglo-Dutch War
  11. "A true narrative of the proceedings in the Court of Admiraltie against the ships Sampson, Salvador, and George, their silver and lading and an accompt presented what silver was taken out of the said ships and coined in the Tower (being above two hundred seventy eight thousand pounds,) all which silver the Common-wealth got by the chargeable prosecution and discovery of Tho. Violet, who saved the Common-wealth this silver, Dec. 16. 1652"
  12. For example, The Clayme of Blases da La Pyna of Sevill for his goods in the shipp the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh is Captaine taken by a shipp of the Parliaments fleet under the Command of Capt PomXXX; and The clayme of Christopher Boone et cetera.
  13. Item: Petition of Christian Cloppenburgh: Date: April 3rd 1655; Item: Petition of John Martindorp: Date: April 3rd 1655
  14. CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXXV, Aug 25th 1654, p.336
  15. [XXXX CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXXVII, Dec 13th 1654, p.?412]
  16. 'Venice: November 1652', Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 28: 1647-1652 (1927), pp. 302-313, viewed 12/09/14
  17. 1651-52, vol. XXV, p.482
  18. 'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 20 December 1652', Journal of the House of Commons: volume 7: 1651-1660 (1802), pp. 231., viewed 12/09/14
  19. CSPD, 1651-52, vol. XXV, p.492
  20. CSPD, 1651-52, vol. XXV, p.491
  21. 1651-52, vol. XXV, p.482
  22. CSPD, 1651-52, vol. XXV, p.480
  23. 'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 20 December 1652', Journal of the House of Commons: volume 7: 1651-1660 (1802), pp. 231., viewed 12/09/14
  24. 'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 20 December 1652', Journal of the House of Commons: volume 7: 1651-1660 (1802), pp. 231., viewed 12/09/14
  25. Journal of the House of Commons: Aug 15 1651-Mar 16th 1659, vol. VII (London, 1813), p.229
  26. 'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 20 December 1652', Journal of the House of Commons: volume 7: 1651-1660 (1802), pp. 231., viewed 12/09/14
  27. CSPD, 1655, p.293
  29. Richard Hill: Treasurer of Sequestrations 1642-9 and a Prize Commissioner 1652-9 (Robert Latham, The Diary of Samuel Pepys: Companion (?London, 1983), p.185)
  30. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1529
  31. CSPS, 1655, p.293
  32. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1522
  35. HCA 13/67 f.1r Special
  36. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1522
  37. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  38. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1416
  39. CSPD, 1655, pp.293-294
  40. CSPD, 1653-54, vol.XXXIX, Aug 1653
  41. HCA 13/70 f.717v
  42. HCA 13/70 f.728r
  44. [XXXX CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXXVII, Dec 13th 1654, p.?412]
  45. HCA 15/6 Box 2 no fol.
  46. HCA 15/6 Box 2 no fol.
  47. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1497
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  54. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1502
  55. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1502
  56. HVA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2652]
  59. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2660]
  60. HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.4r
  61. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2665]
  62. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2547]
  63. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2550]
  64. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2562]
  65. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2651]
  66. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2665]
  67. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2656]
  68. [HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1502]
  69. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_2663
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  72. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2941]
  73. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2949]
  74. HCA 13/70 f.149r
  75. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2937]
  76. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2939]
  77. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2939]
  78. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2942]
  79. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2666]
  80. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2941]
  81. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2943]
  82. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2949]
  83. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2942; 2943]
  84. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2945]
  85. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2945]
  86. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1443
  87. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1442
  88. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1447
  89. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1447
  90. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1466
  91. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1494
  92. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2654]
  93. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2655]
  97. Christian Cloppenburgh was gifted a chest of sugar in Cadiz. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2657]ADD REFERENCE
  98. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2665]
  99. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1504
  100. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1505
  101. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1506
  102. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1506
  103. HCA 13/70 f.148v Annotate
  104. HCA 13/70 f.733r; HCA 13/70 f.714v; PROB 11/267/429 Will of Roger Kilvert, Merchant of London 17 September 1657; PROB 11/296/118 Will of Anthony Fernandez Carnajall, Merchant of London 03 December 1659
  105. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1459
  106. HCA 13/70 f.733r
  107. Deposition of Charles Chillingworth in case of 'Michaell de Haze ffoppe Wessell and other owners of the Sea ffortune against Antonio ffernandez Caravaihall and Roger Kilvert, Nov. 25th 1656', HCA 13/71 f.423v
  108. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2555]
  109. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2556]
  110. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2556]
  111. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1459; 1460
  112. HCA 13/70 f.734v
  113. HCA 13/70 f.735r
  114. HCA 13/70 f.752v
  115. HCA 13/70 f.735v
  116. HCA 13/70 f.735v
  117. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2655]
  118. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1529
  119. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1522; 1523
  120. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1523
  121. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1523
  122. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1523
  123. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1523
  124. HCA 13/70 f.713r
  125. HCA 13/70 f.712v; HCA 13/70 f.713r
  126. HCA 13/70 f.713r
  127. HCA 13/70 f.711r
  128. HCA 13/70 f.711v; HCA 13/70 f.709r
  129. HCA 13/70 f.711v; HCA 13/70 f.711v
  130. HCA 13/70 f.711v
  131. HCA 13/70 f.711r
  132. HCA 13/70 f.710v
  133. HCA 13/70 f.710v
  134. HCA 13/70 f.710v
  135. HCA 13/70 f.717v
  136. HCA 13/70 f.718r
  137. HCA 13/70 f.718r
  138. HCA 13/70 f.718r; HCA 13/70 f.718v
  139. Henry William Henfrey, Numismata Cromwelliana: or, The medallic history of Oliver Cromwell, illustrated by his coins, medals, and seals (London, 1877), pp.31-33
  140. Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century (Berkely, 1992), p.151
  141. British Civil War project timeline for September 1652 states that on Sep. 4th 1652 "Blake destroys a French supply convoy on its way to relieve the siege of Dunkirk, resulting in the surrender of Dunkirk to the Spanish the following day."
  142. Wikipedia: Dunkirk; [Wikipedia: Ostend
  143. Wikipedia: Dunkirk; Geoffrey Treasure, Richelieu and Mazarin (Routledge, 2002), p.81
  144. Wikipedia: List of governors of the Habsburg Netherlands; Wikipedia: Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria
  145. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1466
  146. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1468
  147. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1487
  148. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1357
  149. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1386
  150. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1375
  151. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1399
  152. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1466
  153. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1466
  154. Antwerp reading room contact page
  155. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/ead/index/eadid/BE-A0511_108110_106958_DUT
  156. State Archives in Brussels (Anderlecht) reading room contact page
  157. [XXX]
  158. IMG_117_07_1379
  159. http://www.museumplantinmoretus.be/docs/Stad/Bedrijven/Cultuur_sport_recreatie/CS_Musea/Museum%20Plantin-Moretus/Inventaris_Schilders.pdf
  160. http://www.museumplantinmoretus.be/docs/Stad/Bedrijven/Cultuur_sport_recreatie/CS_Musea/Museum%20Plantin-Moretus/Inventaris_Schilders.pdf
  161. Jean Denucé, Inventaris Op het Plantijnsch Archief: Inventaire des archives Plantiniennes (Antwerpen, 1926), pp.1-154
  162. Jean Denucé, Inventaris Op het Plantijnsch Archief: Inventaire des archives Plantiniennes (Antwerpen, 1926), p. X
  163. Jean Denucé, Inventaris Op het Plantijnsch Archief: Inventaire des archives Plantiniennes (Antwerpen, 1926), p.113
  164. Entry for Dirk Bosschaert (1604-1674) in Bosschaerts-Peryn Genealogical Record, viewed 29/07/2015
  165. Jean Denucé, Inventaris Op het Plantijnsch Archief: Inventaire des archives Plantiniennes (Antwerpen, 1926), p.113
  166. Vegiano, M. de, Seigneur d'Hovel; Herckenrode, Jacques Salomon François Joseph Léon, baron de, Nobiliaire des Pays-Bas et du comté de Bourgogne, vol.1 (Gand, 1865), p.269
  167. M.ª Guadalupe Carrasco González, Los Instrumentos del comercio colonial en el Cádiz del Siglio XVII (1650-1700), Banco de España, Estudios de Historia Económica, no. 35 (1996), p.74; Footnote 259 reads 'AHPC, prot. núm. 3.824, s. fol.'
  168. Manuel Bustos Rodríguez, Burguesía de negocios y capitalismo en Cádiz: los Colarte (1650-1750) (Cádiz, 1991), no page no.
  169. http://www.duthmala.nl/Schepenbrieven%20Antwerpen.htm
  170. http://www.antiqbook.nl/boox/dut/30448.shtml
  171. http://search.arch.be/eadsearch/ead/index/beginjaar/1300/eindjaar/1400/eadid/BE-A0514_105514_103627_DUT/open/c:1.c:0.c:3.
  172. Antwerpsch archievenblad (?Guil, 1929), p.119
  173. Erik Duverger, Antwerpse kunstinventarissen uit de zeventiende eeuw: 1674-1680 (XXXX, 1999), p.34
  174. Antwerpsch archievenblad uitg. op last van het gemeentebestuur (XXXX, 1932), p.213
  175. Inscriptions funéraires et monumentales de la province d'Anvers: arrondissement d'Anvers. Anvers, Église Cathédrale, vol. 1 (Antwerpen,1863), p.109
  176. Inscriptions funéraires et monumentales de la province d'Anvers: arrondissement d'Anvers. Anvers, Église Cathédrale, vol. 1 (Antwerpen,1863), p.407
  177. HCA 13/69 Silver 13 f.3r; HCA 13/69 Silver 13 f.4r
  178. Pierre Marie Nicolas Jean Génard, F. Jos. van den Branden, Antwerpsch archievenblad (Antwerpen, 1932), p.213
  179. F. Delatte, B. Phiippe, Revue belge de philologie et d'historie, 1933, vol. 12, Numéro 12-4, p.1301, viewed in Persee: Revue Scientifiques
  180. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, Issues ?1-2; Issue ?70 (XXXX, 1971), p.10
  181. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, Issues ?1-2; Issue ?70 (XXXX, 1971), p.10
  182. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, Issues ?1-2; Issue ?70 (XXXX, 1971), p.320
  183. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, Issues ?1-2; Issue ?70 (XXXX, 1971), p.71
  184. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, Issues ?1-2; Issue ?70 (XXXX, 1971), p.71
  185. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, Issues ?1-2; Issue ?70 (XXXX, 1971), p.246
  186. Margarita García-Mauriño Mundi, La pugna entre el Consulado de Cádiz y los jenízaros por las exportaciones a Indias (1720-1765) (Sevilla, 1999), p.272
  187. Margarita García-Mauriño Mundi, La pugna entre el Consulado de Cádiz y los jenízaros por las exportaciones a Indias (1720-1765) (Sevilla, 1999), p.272
  188. Ma. Guadalupe Carrasco González, Comerciantes y casas de negocios en Cádiz, 1650-1700 (XXXX, 1997), p.38
  189. Ma. Guadalupe Carrasco González, Comerciantes y casas de negocios en Cádiz, 1650-1700 (XXXX, 1997), p.67
  190. Ma. Guadalupe Carrasco González, Comerciantes y casas de negocios en Cádiz, 1650-1700 (XXXX, 1997), p.29
  191. J.A.L. Velle Collectie, Antwerpen, Inventaris: NEHA Bijzondere Collecties 471: Sec. 2, p.18 See items:;;
  192. HCA 13/70 f.752r
  193. HCA 13/70 f.753r
  194. HCA 13/70 f.735v
  195. HCA 13/68 f.419v
  196. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_L 46
  197. HCA 13/70 f.574r
  198. HCA 13/68 f.651v
  199. F.Georg Buek, Die Hamburgischen Oberalten, ihre bürgerliche Wirksamkeit und ihre Familien (XXXX, 1857), p.74
  200. F.Georg Buek, Die Hamburgischen Oberalten, ihre bürgerliche Wirksamkeit und ihre Familien (XXXX, 1857), p.123
  201. F.Georg Buek, Die Hamburgischen Oberalten, ihre bürgerliche Wirksamkeit und ihre Familien (XXXX, 1857), p.101
  202. F.Georg Buek, Die Hamburgischen Oberalten, ihre bürgerliche Wirksamkeit und ihre Familien (XXXX, 1857), p.200
  203. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_J 11
  204. Jorun Poettering, Handel, Nation und Religion: Kaufleute zwischen Hamburg und Portugal im 17. Jahrhundert (Göttingen, 2013), pp.164-65], citing Schramm, Adelsfrage, S.87,91
  205. Historie Sociale, Issues 21-22 (XXXX, 1978) p.503
  206. HCA 3/46 f.9v
  207. Jorun Poettering, Handel, Nation und Religion: Kaufleute zwischen Hamburg und Portugal im 17. Jahrhundert (Göttingen, 2013), pp.164. Poettering's source is not clear
  208. Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_M 42 Teil 3; Reichskammergericht
  209. Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_L 68 Teil 1; Reichskammergericht
  210. Archivaliensignatur: taatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_S 125; Reichskammergericht
  211. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_R 28
  212. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_S 126
  213. Acts of the Privy Council of England Issued by Authority of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury Under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls (XXXX, 1958), p.244
  214. Jonathan Irvine Israel, The Dutch Republic and the Hispanic World, 1606-1661(XXXX, 1982), p.420
  215. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_H 101
  216. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_D 11
  217. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_F 34
  218. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_H 161
  219. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_S 30 Teil 1
  220. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 43 Teil 2
  221. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_P 36
  222. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_P 3
  223. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_E 26
  224. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_H 97 Teil 1
  225. Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, N 100 Nr. 85
  226. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_J 18
  227. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_P 24
  228. Wikipedia: First Anglo-Dutch War
  230. [XXXX CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXVIII, Sep 2nd 1654, p.357]
  231. Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorium Bibliothecae Bodleianae: Pt. V: Ricardi Rawlinson (Oxford, 1862), p.18, referring to p.174 of the Rawlinson manuscripts
  232. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_W 18
  233. Pedro Parrilla Ortíz, La esclavitud en Cádiz durante el siglo XVIII (Cádiz, 2001), p.74
  234. Friedrich Georg Buek,, Genealogische und biographische Notizen über dei seit der Reformation verstorbenen hamburgischen Bürgermeister (Hamburg, 1840), pp.48-51
  235. HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.7v
  236. Elizabeth Marsellis (b.ca.1615, d.1664, age ca.49) in genealogical records of family 'Skeel-Schaffalitzky, Santasilia - finnholbek.dk'
  237. Johannes von Schröder, Topographie des Herzogthums Holstein, des Fürstenthums Lübeck und der freien und Hanse-Städte Hamburg und Lübeck: J - Z, Vol. 2 (XXXX, 1841), pp.441-442
  238. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 5 Teil 1
  239. [1]
  240. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_D 22
  241. Elizabeth Marsellis (b.ca.1615, d.1664, age ca.49) in genealogical records of family 'Skeel-Schaffalitzky, Santasilia - finnholbek.dk'
  242. http://www.losvargas.org/genealog/gene3007.html
  243. http://pares.mcu.es/ParesBusquedas/servlets/Control_servlet?accion=3&&txt_tipo_busqueda=dl&txt_busqueda=&txt_correo=S&txt_id_desc_ud=152527
  244. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 5 Teil 1; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 5 Teil 2; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 6; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 7; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 8; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_C 3
  245. Reference is made in an HCA deposition dated November 15th 1654 made by Magdalena Hendrickes to "certayne further Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of Vincent Van Campen and others interessed in the shipps Sampson Otto George Master Salvador Christian Cloppenburgh Master and Saint George John Martins Dorp Master, and goods in the same by vertue of a speciall decree of Court in this behalfe" HCA 13/70 f.724r
  246. For example HCA 13/70 f.579r
  247. Metadata: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 6
  248. [[HCA 13/70 f.577r|]]
  249. Hans-Konrad Stein-Stegemann, Findbuch der Reichskammergerichtsakten im Staatsarchiv Hamburg (?Hamburg, 1993), p.146
  250. Metadata: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 6
  251. BArch, AR 1-MISC./416
  252. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 311-1 I_186 Band 46
  253. Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_K 19
  254. HCA 13/68 f.419r
  255. HCA 13/70 f.726r
  256. Johann Martin Lappenberg, Zur Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Hamburg (Meißner, 1840), p.76
  257. Jorun Poettering, Handel, Nation und Religion: Kaufleute zwischen Hamburg und Portugal im 17. Jahrhundert (Göttingen, 2013), p.176, citing AHL, Nachloass Hagedorn, Packen 12-4, Bl.48-144 (StAHH, Reichskammergericht,K5)
  258. Martin Reissmann, Die hamburgische Kaufmannschaft des 17. Jahrhunderts in sozialgeschichtlicher Sicht (Hamburg, 1975), p.247
  259. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw (XXXX, 1976)
  260. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.33
  261. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw (XXXX, 1976), p.42
  262. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.45
  263. Pit Dehing, Geld in Amsterdam: Wisselbank en wisselkoersen, 1650-1725 (Amsterdam, 2012),p.225, See also P. Dehing's doctoral thesis: Chapter 7: P.Dehing, 'Geld in Amsterdam. Wisselbank en wisselkorsen, 1650-1727', University of Amsterdam, 2012
  264. Pit Dehing, Geld in Amsterdam: Wisselbank en wisselkoersen, 1650-1725 (Amsterdam, 2012),p.215
  265. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.67
  266. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.70
  267. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.95
  268. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.150
  269. Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.312
  270. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, Issues ?1-2; Issue ?70 (XXXX, 1970), p.14
  271. Arturo Morgado García, 'El mercado de esclavos en el Cádiz de la Edad Moderna (1650-1750): The slave market in Cadiz in Early Modern times (1650-1750)' in Tiempos Modernos. Revista electrónica de Historia Moderna, Vol 6, No 18 (2009), citing 'AHPC, Protocolos Cádiz, lib, 1413, fol. 576.'
  272. XXXX, Los Brizuela Condes de Fuenrubia y Familias Enlazadas (XXXX, 2009), p.138
  273. Huguette Chaunu, Pierre Chaunu, Guy Arbellot, Séville et l'Atlantique (1504-1650): 1621-1650 (XXXX, 1956), p.438
  274. Ángel Alloza, Europa en el mercado español: mercaderes, represalias y contrabando en el siglo XVII (XXXX, 2006), p.142
  275. http://cdmt.biblioteques.info/opac/detall_simple.php?biblionumber=8689
  276. 'Manuel Ravina toma posesión como director del Archivo General de Indias', Europa Press, Feb. 14th 2013
  277. Wikipedia: Alonso de Cárdenas (ambassador); Geoffrey Parker, 'The world beyond Whitehall: British historiography and European archives', in Malcolm Smuts (ed.), The Stuart Court and Europe: Essays in Politics and Political Culture (Cambridge, 1996), p.276]
  278. SP 46/101/fo37 Don Alonso de Cardenas (Spanish Ambassador) to -. Complaining that the Commissioners for Prize Goods refuse to deliver the wool on the "Morning Star" and "St. Augustine". London. 18/8 May 1654. In Spanish
  279. Letter from Spanish Ambassador to the Council of State, Nov. 1653; source: Thurloe Papers, vol. I (London, 1742), pp.578-9
  280. HCA 13/68 f.61v
  281. HCA 13/70 f.71v
  282. PRO 31/12/43
  283. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557636/level/file
  284. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/ead/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/node/c%3A0.c%3A0.c%3A2.c%3A1.#c:0.c:0.c:2.c:1.
  285. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557651/level/file
  286. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557652/level/file
  287. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557653/level/file
  288. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557654/level/file
  289. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557660/level/file
  290. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557661/level/file
  291. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557663/level/file
  292. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557664/level/file
  293. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557665/level/file
  294. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557667/level/file
  295. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557668/level/file
  296. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557670/level/file
  297. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557676/level/file
  298. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557676/level/file
  299. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557678/level/file
  300. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I10429710455767900000BIS/level/file
  301. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557684/level/file
  302. http://search.arch.be/nl/zoeken-naar-archieven/zoekresultaat/inventaris/index/eadid/BE-A0518_104297_104557_DUT/inventarisnr/I104297104557688/level/file
  303. Anita McConnell, ‘Violet, Thomas (d. 1662/3)’, first published 2004
  304. Violet, Thomas, Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 56, p.374, repub. by Wikisource
  306. Gijs Rommelse, The Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-1667): Raison D'état, Mercantilism and Maritime Strife (Hilversum, 2006), pp.48-49
  307. H.S.Q. Henriques, The Jews and the English Law (Oxford, 1908), pp.99, 122; XXXX, 'The Great Trappaner of England Discovered' (XXX, XXX)
  308. John Venn, J.S.Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses, pt. I, vol. IV (Cambridge, 1927), p.319, viewed 19/07/2015
  309. Richard Lee Bradshaw, God’s Battleaxe: The Life of Lord President John Bradshawe (USA, 2010), p.194
  310. 'Parishes: Alderminster', in A History of the County of Worcester: Volume 4, ed. William Page and J W Willis-Bund (London, 1924), pp. 7-12 http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/worcs/vol4/pp7-12, viewed 19/07/2015
  311. The Book of Dignities: Containing Rolls of the Official Personages of the British Empire
  312. W.D.Rollison, Principles of the Law of Succession to Intestate Property, 11 Notre Dame L.Rev. 14 (1935), pp.19-20, viewed 19/07/2015
  313. The Diary of Samuel Pepys Online, Monday 21st January 1666/67
  314. The Diary of Samuel Pepys Online, Thursday 21 March 1666/67
  315. The Diary of Samuel Pepys Online, Tuesday 26 March 1667
  316. Richard Hill: Treasurer of Sequestrations 1642-9 and a Prize Commissioner 1652-9 (Robert Latham, The Diary of Samuel Pepys: Companion (?London, 1983), p.185)
  317. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1529
  318. F.Madden, Index to the Additional Manuscripts, with Those of the Egerton Collection, Preserved in the British Museum, and Acquired in the Years 1783-1835, vol. I (London, 1849), p.461
  319. Whitelocke Papers, Volume XIII, Jan-Sep 1653
  320. See Wikipedia: Bulstrode Whitelocke (b.1605, d.1675)
  321. Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorium Bibliothecae Bodleianae: Pt. V: Ricardi Rawlinson (Oxford, 1862), p.6, referring to p.485 of the Rawlinson manuscripts
  322. Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorium Bibliothecae Bodleianae: Pt. V: Ricardi Rawlinson (Oxford, 1862), p.16, referring to pp.486-496 of the Rawlinson manuscripts
  323. Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorium Bibliothecae Bodleianae: Pt. V: Ricardi Rawlinson (Oxford, 1862), p.18, referring to p.174 of the Rawlinson manuscripts
  324. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1468
  325. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. 3rd 1652, p.7
  326. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. 6th 1652, p.11
  327. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. 7th 1652, p.15
  328. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. 9th 1652, p.19
  329. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. 10th 1652, p.20
  330. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. 13th 1652, p.23
  331. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. 15th 1652, p.27
  332. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. 20th 1652, p.45
  333. CSPD, vol. XXVI., Dec. ? 1652, Item 76, p.66
  334. CSPD, vol. XXXII., Jan. 3rd 1653, p.75
  335. CSPD, vol. XXXII., Jan. 7th 1653, p.87
  336. CSPD, vol. XXXII., Jan. 7th 1653, p.88
  337. CSPD, vol. XXXII., Jan. 10th 1653, p.92
  338. CSPD, vol. XXVII., Jan. 27th 1653, p.127
  339. CSPD, vol. XXVII., Jan. 27th 1653, p.128
  340. CSPD, vol. XXXII., Jan. 28th 1653, p.129
  341. CSPD, vol. XXXIII., Feb 11th 1653, p.160
  342. CSPD, vol. XXXIII., Feb 18th 1653, p.171
  343. CSPD, vol. XXXIII., Feb 18th 1653, p.172
  344. CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 4th 1653, p.198
  345. CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 11th 1653, p.209
  346. CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 14th 1653, p.210
  347. CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 25th 1653, p.232
  348. CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 25th 1653, p.233
  349. CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 25th 1653, p.233
  350. CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 30th 1653, p.241
  351. CSPD, vol. XXXIV., Mar 30th 1653, p.241
  352. CSPD, Vol. XXXIV., March 31st 1653, p.245
  353. CSPD, March 31st 1653, Vol. XXXIV. pp.245-246
  354. CSPD, XXXV. April 1st 1653, p.249
  355. CSPD, Vol. XXXV, April 7th 1653, p.316
  356. CSPD, 1653-53, May 3rd 1653, p.355
  357. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XL, Sep 1st 1653, p.123
  358. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XL, Sep 2nd 1653, p.125
  359. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XL, Sep 1rd 1653, p.135
  360. CSPD, Vol. XL, Sep 7th 1653, p.137
  361. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XL, Sep 7th 1653, p.137
  362. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XL, Sep 15th 1653, p.151
  363. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XL, Sep 30th 1653, p.178
  364. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XL, Oct 12th 1653, p.199
  365. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XLI, Oct 21st 1653, p.209
  366. CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XLI, Oct 21st 1653, p.224
  367. CSPD, Vol. XLI, Nov 7th 1653, p.233
  368. [XXXX CSPD, 1653-1654, Vol. XLI, Feb 22nd 1654, p.412]
  369. CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXVIII, Mar 28th 1654, p.55
  370. CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXVIII, Mar 31st 1654, p.65
  371. CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXXI, May 4th 1654, p.150
  372. CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXXV, Aug 25th 1654, p.336
  373. [XXXX CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXVIII, Sep 2nd 1654, p.357]
  374. [XXXX CSPD, 1654, Vol. LXXVII, Dec 13th 1654, p.?412]
  375. CSPD, 1655, Vol. XCIV, Feb ? 1655, p.44
  376. CSPD, 1655, Vol. XCVI, Apr 25th 1655, p.143
  377. CSPD, 1655, Vol. XCIX, Jul 4th 1655, p.228
  378. CSPD, 1655, Vol. XCIX, Jul 4th 1655, pp.228-229
  379. CSPD, 1655, Vol. XCIX, Jul 4th 1655, p.229
  380. CSPD, 1655, Vol. XCIX, Jul 12th 1655, p.241
  381. CSPD, 1655, Vol. C, Aug 7th 1655, pp.292-293
  382. CSPD, 1655, Vol. C, Aug 7th 1655, pp.293-294
  383. CSPD, 1655, Vol. C, Sep 1655, pp.360-361
  384. CSPD, 1655, Vol. CI, Oct 5 1655, p.372
  385. CSPD, 1655, Vol. CI, Oct 12 1655, p.379
  386. CSPD, 1655, Vol. CI, Oct 12 1655, p.379
  387. CSPD, 1655, Vol. CI, Oct 12 1655, p.379
  388. CSPD, 1655-1656, Vol. CXXIII, Jan 22 1656, p.117
  389. CSPD, 1655-1656, Vol. CXXIII, Jan 22 1656, p.129
  390. CSPD, 1655-1656, Vol. CXXIII, Jan 26 1656, p.139
  391. CSPD, 1655-1656, Vol. CXXV, Jan 22 1656, p.235
  392. Add reference
  393. HCA 13/70 f.752r
  394. HCA 13/70 f.135r
  395. HCA 13/70 f.387v
  396. HCA 13/70 f.735v
  397. HCA 13/70 f.139r
  398. HCA 13/70 f.140r
  399. HCA 13/70 f.138v
  400. HCA 13/70 f.141v
  401. HCA 13/70 f.144r
  402. HCA 13/70 f.141v
  403. HCA 13/70 f.144r
  404. HCA 13/70 f.148v Annotate
  405. HCA 13/70 f.718r; HCA 13/70 f.718v
  406. [XXX, p.9]
  407. [XXX, p.10]
  408. https://archive.org/stream/cu31924029825373#page/n49/mode/2up Henry William Henfrey, Numismata Cromwelliana: or, The medallic history of Oliver Cromwell, illustrated by his coins, medals, and seals (London, 1877), p. 32]
  409. [XXX, p.8-9]
  410. https://archive.org/stream/cu31924029825373#page/n49/mode/2up Henry William Henfrey, Numismata Cromwelliana: or, The medallic history of Oliver Cromwell, illustrated by his coins, medals, and seals (London, 1877), p. 32]
  411. [XXX, p.11]
  412. [XXX, p.11]
  413. HCA 15/6 Box 2 no fol.
  414. HCA 13/70 f.712v
  415. HCA 15/6 Box 2 no fol.
  416. HCA 15/6 Box 2 no fol.
  417. HCA 13/67 f.1r Special
  418. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1437
  419. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1463
  420. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1463
  421. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1470
  422. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1509
  423. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1468
  424. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1473
  425. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1484
  426. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1486
  427. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1511
  428. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1504
  429. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1529
  430. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1461
  431. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1420
  432. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1421
  433. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1472
  434. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1459
  435. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  436. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1416
  437. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1422
  438. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1424
  439. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1440
  440. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1495
  441. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1418
  442. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1435
  443. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1523
  444. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1522
  445. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1494
  446. |HCA 13/68 f.61r
  447. |HCA 13/68 f.169r
  448. HCA 13/68 f.167v
  449. HCA 13/68 f.175r
  450. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2573]
  451. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2690]
  452. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2566]
  453. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2579]
  454. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2594]
  455. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2627]
  456. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2635]
  457. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2941]
  458. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2559]
  459. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2547]
  460. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2576]
  461. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2576]
  462. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2562]
  463. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2644]
  464. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2651]
  465. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2665]
  466. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2570]
  467. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2623]
  468. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2597]
  469. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2582]
  470. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2669]
  471. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2551
  472. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_3023
  473. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2602
  474. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2621
  475. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2639
  476. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2647
  477. Menions "Hjeronimo Brudgmans, merchant of Seville in Spaine" to be owner of silver plate and money together with "Christian Aelst merchant of Antwerpe in fflanders". See possible reference to death of Brudgmans (alt. Brughmans): XX, Verzameling den Graf- en Gedenkschriften van de Provincie Antwerpen, pt. I (Antwerpen, 1863), p.LX
  478. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2654]
  479. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2937
  480. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2590
  481. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2605
  482. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2585
  483. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2657
  484. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2659
  485. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2662
  486. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2555]
  487. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2505]
  488. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_3044]
  489. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2946}
  490. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_3019]
  491. HCA 13/70 f.712v
  492. HCA 13/70 f.731v
  493. HCA 13/70 f.715r
  494. HCA 13/70 f.134r
  495. HCA 13/70 f.137r
  496. HCA 13/70 f.753r
  497. HCA 13/70 f.714v
  498. HCA 13/70 f.733v
  499. HCA 13/70 f.142v
  500. HCA 13/70 f.387v
  501. HCA 13/70 f.435v
  502. HCA 13/70 f.725v
  503. HCA 13/70 f.140v
  504. HCA 13/70 f.755r
  505. HCA 13/70 f.720r
  506. HCA 13/70 f.724r
  507. HCA 13/70 f.709r
  508. HCA 13/70 f.713v
  509. HCA 13/70 f.733r
  510. HCA 13/70 f.139v
  511. HCA 13/70 f.754v
  512. HCA 13/70 f.145v
  513. HCA 13/70 f.139v
  514. HCA 13/70 f.754v
  515. HCA 13/70 f.145v
  516. HCA 13/70 f.728r
  517. HCA 13/70 f.713r
  518. HCA 13/70 f.732r
  519. HCA 13/70 f.717v
  520. HCA 13/70 f.746v
  521. HCA 13/70 f.749r
  522. HCA 13/70 f.734v
  523. HCA 13/70 f.754r
  524. HCA 13/70 f.136r
  525. HCA 13/70 f.141v
  526. HCA 13/70 f.756r
  527. HCA 13/70 f.148v
  528. HCA 13/70 f.751v
  529. HCA 13/71 f.593v
  530. HCA 13/70 f.712v
  531. HCA 13/70 f.731v
  532. HCA 13/70 f.715r
  533. HCA 13/70 f.134r
  534. HCA 13/70 f.137r
  535. HCA 13/70 f.753r
  536. HCA 13/70 f.714v
  537. HCA 13/70 f.733v
  538. HCA 13/70 f.142v
  539. HCA 13/70 f.387v
  540. HCA 13/70 f.435v
  541. HCA 13/70 f.725v
  542. HCA 13/67 f.1r Special
  543. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1437
  544. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1463
  545. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1463
  546. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1470
  547. HCA 13/67 f? IMG_117_07_1509
  548. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1468
  549. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1473
  550. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1484
  551. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1486
  552. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1511
  553. |HCA 13/68 f.61r
  554. |HCA 13/68 f.169r
  555. HCA 13/68 f.167v
  556. HCA 13/68 f.175r
  557. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1504
  558. HCA 13/70 f.140v
  559. HCA 13/70 f.755r
  560. HCA 13/71 f.593v
  561. HCA 13/70 f.720r
  562. HCA 13/70 f.724r
  563. HCA 13/70 f.709r
  564. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1461
  565. HCA 13/70 f.713v
  566. HCA 13/70 f.733r
  567. HCA 13/70 f.139v
  568. HCA 13/70 f.754v
  569. HCA 13/70 f.145v
  570. HCA 13/70 f.728r
  571. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1420
  572. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1421
  573. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1472
  574. HCA 13/70 f.713r
  575. HCA 13/70 f.732r
  576. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1459
  577. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  578. HCA 13/70 f.717v
  579. HCA 13/70 f.746v
  580. HCA 13/70 f.749r
  581. HCA 13/70 f.734v
  582. HCA 13/70 f.754r
  583. HCA 13/70 f.136r
  584. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1416
  585. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1422
  586. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1424
  587. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1440
  588. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1495
  589. HCA 13/70 f.141v
  590. HCA 13/70 f.756r
  591. [HCA 13/69 ? Annotate|XXX
  592. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1418
  593. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1435
  594. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1523
  595. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1522
  596. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1494
  597. HCA 13/70 f.148v
  598. HCA 13/70 f.751v
  599. HCA 15/6 Box 2 no fol.
  600. HCA 15/6 Box 2 no fol.
  601. CSPD:Interregnum: Volume 26 - December and Undated, 1652. 1652
  602. CSPD:Interregnum: Volume 37 - June 1653
  603. CSPD:Interregnum: Volume 77 - December 1654
  604. CSPD:Interregnum: Volume 77 - December 1654
  605. CSPD:Interregnum: Volume 40 - September 1653
  606. A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, volume 1: State Papers, 1653 - November (2 of 5)
  607. HCA 13/70 f.387v
  608. HCA 13/68 f.175r
  609. HCA 13/70 f.137v
  610. HCA 13/70 f.138r
  611. HCA 13/70 f.135v
  612. HCA 13/70 f.136r
  613. HCA 13/70 f.136r
  614. HCA 13/70 f.138r
  615. HCA 13/70 f.387v
  616. HCA 13/70 f.387v
  617. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1498
  618. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1499; 1500
  619. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1498
  620. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1501; 1502
  621. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1508
  622. HCA 13/70 f.139r
  623. HCA 13/70 f.741r
  624. HCA 13/70 f.752r
  625. HCA 13/70 f.753r
  626. HCA 13/70 f.734v
  627. HCA 13/70 f.736r
  628. HCA 13/70 f.736r
  629. HCA 13/70 f.135r
  630. HCA 13/68 f.419r
  631. [[HCA 13/70 f.144r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.144r
  632. [[HCA 13/70 f.752r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.144r
  633. HCA 13/68 f.419v
  634. [HCA 13/69 ? Annotate|XXX
  635. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1466
  636. HCA 13/70 f.752v
  637. HCA 13/68 f.167v
  638. HCA 13/67 f.1r Special
  639. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1461
  640. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1509
  641. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2554]
  642. HCA 13/68 f.419r
  643. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1468
  644. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1473
  645. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  646. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  647. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_2666
  648. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  649. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  650. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  651. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1527
  652. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2547; 2548]
  653. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2547]
  654. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2547]
  655. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2660]
  656. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1522
  657. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1526
  658. HCA 13/70 f.734v
  659. HCA 13/70 f.134r
  660. [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2547]
  661. HCA 13/71 f.382r
  662. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1455
  663. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1416
  664. HCA 13/68 f.175r
  665. [HCA 13/69 f.? UMG_118_07_1562]
  666. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1463
  667. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1386; 1509
  668. [HCA 13/70 f.435v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.435v]]
  669. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1504
  670. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1505
  671. HCA 13/68 f.167v
  672. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1494; 1511
  673. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1440
  674. HCA 13/67 f.1r Special
  675. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1468
  676. HCA 13/67 f.? IMG_117_07_1470
  677. HCA 15/6 Box Two: Item: Petition of Juan de lossa Barrona a Spaniard borne in Segovia: Date: XXXX
  678. Item: Petition of Christian Cloppenburgh: Date: April 3rd 1655
  679. Item: Petition of John Martindorp: Date: April 3rd 1655