HCA 13/70 f.709r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.709r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 24th of September

The keepers of the libertie of England by authoritie of}
Parliament against a certaine shipp named the Sampson}
whereof Otto George was commander, and the silver and other}
goods in the same, seized by the shipps of this Commonwealth in}
the immediate service thereof. Budd. ffrancklin, Smith.}

Examined upon the
allegation given in by
Mr Budd on the
behalfe of the State the
20th instant.


Abraham Johnson of the precinct of Saint Catherins
neere the tower of London Sailemaker, aged 35
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the seaventh article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knoweth the shipp the Sampson arlate and hath soe donne for theise eight or nine yeares last
past, during which space shee hath begun and made all her voyages
from Amsterdam, and returned thither and ended the same there, and saith
that for all the said time the said shipp the Sampson hath bin accompted
and reputed to belonge to Amsterdam, which hee knoweth to be true, because
hee this deponent for all the said time ended in September 1652 lived and was a saile maker in
Amsterdam and sawe such comming in and going thence of the said shipp.
And further saith that the said shipp began
this her last voyage from the said citie and port of Amsterdam in the
yeare 1649, and that at and before that time and since one Peter Eleson
residing in Amsterdam was a part owner and proprietor of the said shipp
and unto him as a part owner thereof the said Otto George hath at Amsterdam
severall times accompted for the freight which the said shipp had earned of
this deponents sight and knowledge, being often present at the said accompting at the house of
the said Peter Eleson, who then kept an ordinary at the signe of the Redd post horne
at the sea dike, and for a part owner of the said shipp the Sampson the
said Peter Eleson hath bin for all the time aforesaid
commonly accompted and reputed./.

To the eighth and 9th articles hee saith and deposeth that about nine yeares since hee this
deponent as one of the company of the said shipp the Sampson sailed from Amsterdam
to Cadiz being hired by the said Otto George to goe the said voyage
saile maker of the said vessell, and after the said shipps arrivall at Cadiz the
said Otto George having dischardged his outward lading from Amsterdam went
and made voyages into the Straights and to Malaga for freights and
to linger out the time untill the retourne of the Spanish fleete from
the West Indies, and while hee soe stayed there or came into any other
port of Spaine that voyage, hee the said Otto George usually gave out
and affirmed that the said shipp belonged to hamburgh (there being then warrs
betwixt Spaine and holland) and when hee hird men that voyage at Cadiz
or in the Straights hee the said Otto George still hired them for hamburg
and even this deponent and other of the company that came with him from
Amsterdam being dischardged at Cadiz, were rehired by him for
hamborough and told by him that hee fully purposed to goe with the
said shipp from Cadiz to hamborough, and yet hee went and
unladed at Amsterdam, and this pretence hee made that it might not
be knowne that the said shipp belonged to Amsterdam and was unfree
in regard of the said warrs, and upon the accompt of belonging to
hamborough the said shipp in her retourne that voyage from Cadiz
comming into the Channell was boarded by the dunquirkers, and the men
strictly examined whether the said shipp was bound, and they affirmed for
hamborough, they were tortured, and this deponent who knewe not but
in truth shee was bound for hamborough had lighted matches tied