HCA 13/70 f.720r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.720r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


did drive a trade attt Cadiz and Saint Lucar, yet he conceyveth it
very possible that they might so doe though this Rendent have
noe particular ground to beleive it And otherwise he cannot

To the 39th hee saith he was not any of the takers of the sayd three
shipps or any of them nor expecteth any share or part in them
or any of them if they be adiudged prize.

To the 40th hee saith if it were in his power to condemne or free
the sayd shipps hee would doe as he should see iust cause to doe
in such a matter. And further cannot depose.

To the 41th hee saoth hee was not att any tyme a Mariner or Passenger
in the sayd shipps or any of them.

To the 42. he saith he knoweth not the sayd Otto George neyther did
he ever receyve aby distast from him nor demannded any thing
of him.

To the 43. he saith that till within theis three monethes he did paye all taxes and dutyes to the Commonwealth
of all sorts, but att present an for theis three monethes
last he hath lived with his sonn in Law and daughter, and
made all over to them, and they and not him selfe doe now
beare and pay theise dutyes. And otherwise he cannot depose



The nynth day of November 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation.

Magdalena Hendricks the wife of Abraham
Johnson living in the Minneries neere
London aged thirty two yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth, videlicet.

To the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6th Articles of the sayd allegation she saith
she cannot depose.

To the seaventh article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that
she knew well the arlate Otto Jurians or George and so hath
done for the space of seaventeene yeares next before he went last
out of England which is now about a yeare agoe, and the shipp
the Sampson arlate whereof the sayd Otto George was master
she hath knowne by the space of twelve yeares now last
past, And saith the sayd shipp was built in Bockers Island in
holland, and for and during all the tyme aforesayd hath