HCA 13/70 f.140v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.140v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day examined upon the said Allegation:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]


Carsten Franck of Lubeck Shipwright aged 32. yeares or
thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet/

To the 11. Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That the arlate
Shipp the Sampson in Companie with the said shipps the Salvadore and Saint
George was at and sett saile from Cadiz under the Conduct of Otto George her
then Commander upon the Voyage in question wherein the said shipps Sampson
Salvadore and Saint George were surprized and taken by some of the shipps of the
Commonwealth, about the middle of the moneth of October in the yeare
1652. arlate as this deponent now remembreth, And saith That to the best of
this deponents remembrance the said shipps were about three weekes or a moneth
at Sea between the time of their said departure in Companie from Cadiz, and
their said seizure in the English Channell, and did then stand in their direct
Course for Ostend or dunquirke, which of the two they could with most
convenience. The premises hee knoweth, being a seafaring person, and for
12. yeares last well experienced in Navigation, and for that this deponent and the
rest of the said ship Saint George her Companie were by the Master thereof
John Marrens dorpe of this deponents certaine knowledge hired expressely to
saile in the same from Cadiz to Ostend or dunquirke aforesaid. And further
hee cannot depose./

To the 12th hee saith, That the ship the [?Mermins] arlate, (whereof the
arlate hans Younge was Master) did in this deponents sight in the moneth of September 1652:-
arlate, and about a moneth before the departure of the three shipps predeposed
depart from Cadiz, and saith that the said ship [?Meruvins] did not after
the time of such her departure come in Companie at Sea, or was seene
any more by this deponent or any other of the said three shipps Company as hee beleeveth
in their passage from Cadiz to the time of the said seizure, neither was the
said ship Mercurie separated by any fowle weather from the said three
shipps in their said passage, And that there was no fowle or tempestuous
weather that happened during the said passage of the said three shipps whereby to separate them one from another The
premises hee deposeth for that hee this deponent was in the Company of the
said three shipps during the said Voyage and passage and was ships
Carpenter during all that time, of the said ship Salvadore, and saw and well
observed the premises by him predeposed. And further cannot depose/

To the 13th hee saith, That the ship the Goulden Sunn arlate (whereof
the arlate Peter Tam was Master and Commander) did depart from Cadiz about
five moneths before the departure of the said shipps the Sampson
Salvadore and Saint George or any of them from thence, and about 3 or 4 moneths
before the Plate fleet of Spaine arrived from the West Indies, and saith the
said ship the Goulden Sunn was then and there commonly reported to be laden with
Cutcheneale and other goods designed for fflanders for the service of his
Catholique Majestie the king of Spaine, And saith, this deponent hath