HCA 13/70 f.724r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.724r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


condemned the law and Justice of the Land will take pitty of and
reward her husbands great paynes in this busines taken by him
for the good and wealth of this Land which is his owne Country
And otherwise she cannot depose

To the 12th. she saith in regard her husband was a prosequutor and
imployed as a discoverer in this cause she conceyves that was the reason
she was nor dormerly examined, because a woman may not be
a witnes for her husband, but in regard the busines is for the
good of the Land she is now examined, other reason she knoweth
not nor can further answer to this Interrogatory, saving that she
did not acquaint her sayd husband how much and how farr she could
depose in this Cause till of late.

Magdalena M hendricks. [MARKE, RH SIDE]
her marke.

Repeated with her precontest
before Doctor Clarke.


The fifteenth day of November 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp}
Sampson Otto George Master and}
the sylver and goods in the same.}

Magdalena Hendrickes the wife of Abraham
Johnson living in the Minneries
nere London wall saylemaker, aged thirtie two
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined
upon certayne further Interrogatories ministred
on the behalfe of Vincent Van Campen and others
interessed in the shipps Sampson Otto George Master
Salvador Christian Cloppenburgh Master and Saint George
John Martins Dorp Master, and goods in the same by
vertue of a speciall decree of Court in this behalfe
made, saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the first Interrogatorie ministred by Mr ffrancklin on behalfe of his
sayd Clients by vertue of the sayd speciall decree, This deponent saith
she is the wife of Abraham Johnson interrogate, and hath a sufficient
Certificat of her marriage with the sayd Johnson to shew under the
hand of Prudentius Wilhelme minister of the holy gospell who did
marry them together the 23 day of September in the yeare 1640. And
sayth her sayd husband as he hath told her was examined in this
cause on the behalfe of the Commonwealth and she heard him, say
so neere upon a yeare agoe. And further she saith she cannot

To the second and third Interrogatories she saith, that the widdow of one
Pembridge (who as she hath heard was examined as a witnesse in this
cause of the sylver shipps,) about three monethes agoe being in