HCA 13/70 f.71v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.71v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 24th of January 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of the foresaid domingo}
Centurione in the Sophia Saphire}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.

dt. 3

Egidio Motet Secretary to his Excellency
the Lord Embassador of Spaine, aged
33 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first and the rest of the articles of the said allegation hee saith
and deposeth that hee hath seene and perused a letter from his
Catholique Maiestie the king of Spaine, bearing date the 21th
day of May 1653 signed with his Maiesties owne hand and directed to
his Embassador here resident, wherein (after recitall made the
said don domingo Centurione, one of the Counsell of his said Maiestie
had laden aboard the shipp the Sophia Saphire whereof Peter
Johnson [?Part] was master eighteene baggs of wooll of Andaluzia
at Cadiz to be transported to dunquirke, Ostend or Amsterdam for
accompt if his Maiesties factories, and for supplie of his Maiesties
owne affaires and army of fflanders according to a contract made
by the said domingo Centurione in that behalfe) his Maiestie
required the said Lord Embassador to speake for Restitution of
the said woolls in the behalfe of the said domingo Centurione
of and from this Commonwealth and the Courts of Justice
thereof into whose power the said woolls were come by occasion
of a seizure made of the said shipp and goods by some of the
frigats of this Commonwealth. And this deponent hath
likewise seene and perused another letter dated from Madrid
the 30th of december 1652 from his excellency don Lewes da haro
duke de Oliva[?res] his Majesties first and cheife Minister
of State directed to the said Lord Embassador of Spaine
here resident to the same effect and purpose with the
said letter if his Majestie, in which the said woolls are mentioned
to be thus marked, S. + M. And for the
foresaid reasons this deponent beleeveth that the said don
domingo Centurione the time mentioned in the first article
to have bin and at present to be lawfull owner of the said eighteene
baggs of wooll, and that hee laded them by his factor at
Cadiz for accompt of the foresaid factories managed by him
in his said Majesties name to be transported, as aforesaid and
to be delivered for supllie of his said Majesties Army
and affaires in fflanders, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
