MRP: Cadiz
(Known in England in seventeenth century as Cales)
Editorial history
26/12/11, CSG: Created page
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See Brasil
See Portugal
See Spain
See Canaries
See Alicante
See Lisbon
See Madrid
See Malaga
See Seville
See Tangiers
Andaluzia & Granada, Mercatoris (Amsterdam, 1632)
Isle, Ville, et Port de Cadiz, Nicholas de Fer, c. 1696-1708
Baye et Rade de Cadiz, Roux, 1784
Insert Townscape
Image credits & copyright information
(1) Mercatoris, Gerard, 'Andaluzia & Granada', Atlas minor (Amsterdam, 1632), p. 167
- Book and image are out of copyright; image sourced from Internet Archive edition
(2) De Fer, Nicholas, 'Isle, Ville, et Port de Cadiz' (XXXX, c. 1696-1708)
- Image reproduced with thanks to RareCharts, South Carolina, USA[1]
(3) Roux, 'Baye et rade de Cadis,' Recueuil des principaux plans, des ports, et rades de la Mer Mediterranée (Marseille, 1764)
- Copper plate, sheet 23 cm x 17 cm
Town profile
John Mathews & company, Cadiz
"[PROBATE INVENTORY OF SAMUEL MICO, 1666] John Mathewe and Company of Cadiz"[2]
"[WILL OF ANTHONY UPTON, SEVILL] ITEM I will and my desire is That of my goods there be given to Banjamin Bathurst my partner and to Joseph Gilbert my Bookekeeper and to John Mathews dwelling in the citty of Cadiz who are to be my Trustees That is to say To the said Benjamin Bathurst ffive hundred Rialls of eight silver money To the said Joseph Gilbert other ffive hundred Rialls of eight and to the said John Mathews Two hundred Rialls of eight"[3]
Gerrard Lloyd & company, Seville, Cadiz
"[DEPOSITION, 1656] the said Gerrard Lloyd and company had a very greate trade at Seville in Spaine and did there keepe a house and familie, and had at Sevile and other parts in Spaon a very greate commerce and traffique by ?many of Marchdize, w:ch hee knoweth for that hee this deponent lived at Sevill aforesaid with XXXX ?case where that kept their factory and managed their said trade and some came to take notice thereof
To the second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that at the time of
the difference breaking forth betweene England and Spaine in the yeare
1655, the said Gerrard Lloyd and company had severall debts owing them
by severall persons residing in Spaine, and alsoe severall goods
merchandizes , and other effects in Sevill, S:t ?Surar,
Cadiz and other parts of Spaine, and household stuff in Sevill aforesaid
all amounting in his estimaccon to the summe or valew of seaven
thousand and nine hundred pounds, ?w:th XXX XXX owing both
private to XXXX XXXX from XXXXX"[4]
Suggested image sources
Roux, 'Baye et rade de Cadis,' copper plate, sheet 23 cm x 17 cm (Marseille, 1764), from Recueuil des principaux plans, des ports, et rades de la Mer Mediterranée (Marseille, 1764)
Suggested primary sources
SP 46/189/23 Letter addressed to George Warner from Antonio Retano concerning payment of bills on behalf of John Fairfax and to the ships the Jeremy, the Golden Fleece and the Reformation from Allegant (?Alicante), the Charles from Cadiz and the Catt from Plymouth carrying pilchards 1641/2 Jan 3
SP 46/84/fo 155 Antonio Retano to Warner: bills of exchange; shipping movements; the Golden Fleece takes quicksilver to Cadiz; prices of pepper, indigo, rice, anniseed; Genoa; 14 Mar. 1642;
Suggested secondary sources
- Jump up ↑, viewed 01/01/12
- Jump up ↑ PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
- Jump up ↑ Anthony Upton will
- Jump up ↑ 'Gerrard Lloyd: Moses Bathurst deponent, 23:th of September 1656, HCA13/71