HCA 13/70 f.715r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.715r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


therein albeit the names in the bills are feigned or left with blancks or
otherwise obscured, such fictitious names being only prevention of discovery
as aforesaid, And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee answereth negatively.

To the fifth 6. and 7th hee saith hee verily beleeveth that severall persons liveing in
Antwerp, Gannt, dunquirke, lile and other parts and places of flanders
and Brabant subiects of the king of Spaine, had the voyage in question
severall and greate quantities of silver and plate laden and seized in the
shipps the Sampson, Salvador and Saint George in question, And otherwise
saving as afooresaid hee cannot depose, saving hee hath severall times heard
marchants of good worth and qualitie say and affirme that many of the
merchants of Gannt, Lile, Antwerp, dunquirke and other parts of
fflanders and Brabant subiects of the said kinge, had much
plate in the said shipp

Repeated before doctors Clarke and Godolphin.

Ant [?fz] Cara[?zala] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The seventh day of November 1654.

The Lord Protector et cetera against the}
shipp the Sampson of which}
Otto George was master, the}
Salvador Christian Cloppenburgh
Master, and the Saint George John}
Martindorpe Master, and their}
respective tackle and furniture}
and against Sloyer and others}
comeing in for their respective}
interests therein. Bud, Smith}

Examined upon an allegation made in
the Acts of Court and a certayne
schedule therein exhibited

John Bacon of the parish of
Saint Giles Criplegate in the Citty
of London Mariner Owner and master
of the shipp the John of London aged
five and forty yeares, or thereabouts
a wirnes sworne and examined upon the sayd allegation and paper, or schedule
therewith exhibited saith and deposeth
bey vertue of his Oath as followeth videlicet.

To the sayd allegation and to the Contents of the sayd paper or
schedule beginning thus [What will be proved that the
masters of the three shipps et cetera] and signed on the second page
of the first leafe [John Bacon]. This deponent saith, and
deposeth that the first leafe of the sayd paper is wholly of his
owne handwriting, and that he had, and tooke the information
there in made of and from Josuah Reeve, Abraham Johnson
and George Matison in or about the month of August one
thousand six hundred fifty three, and that about a moneth or
two after, he delivered the sayd paper in to the hands of