HCA 13/70 f.741v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.741v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Moneth of September 1652 and about three dayes before
the Sampson the Salvador and the Saint George aforesaid
came from Cadiz departed thence And afterwards namely
about a Moneth after mett at sea with the said three shipps
which had as it seemes not steered the same course with the Mercury
and therefore it was soe long before they mett at sea, and being soe mett
they sailed together and having sailed together about two dayes and nights space they were
parted by fowle weather, and soe the said shipp the Mercury having
lost the Company of the said shipps the Sampson the Salvador and
the Saint George, plied her course for Amsterdam and there safely arrived
and discharged all her silver and other lading, and delivered all her
silver there to Mathew Framson a saylemaker there dwelling. And
saith that about three Monethes after such arrivall of the Mercury
at Amsterdam hee mett there with some of the Companie of the
shipp named the Golden sunne arlate, or having the Golden sunne
on her sterne, and had speech with them and heard them say and
acknowledge that they came from Cadiz with silver and other Goodes
bound for Amsterdam and that in their course they were chased into
Ostend, and being there they delivered the silver (as they sayed)
which they brought from Cadiz. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourteenth hee saith that hee this deponent was at Amsterdam
when the newes there arrived (somewhat before Christmas last) of
the seizure of the said three shipps the Sampson the Salvador
and the Saint George with the silver and other Goodes in them brought
from Cadiz that upon the said newes there was much sorroweing
and lamentation at Amsterdam for and by reason of the said seizure
and it was then and there generally and comonly sayed that the said
silver or a greate part thereof was belonging to them of Amsterdam
and other the subiects of the States of the United Netherlands, and
that they would have a very greate losse and damage by the said
seizure And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the nineteenth hee saith hee cannot depose not having (as hee
saith had any speech with the Marriners of the said three shipps
or with any of them./

[?For] his answer to the Interrogatories following.



The 28th of September 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


Abraham Johnson of the precinct of Saint Catherines
neere the Tower of London Sailemaker, aged 3[?5] yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the fourth article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knoweth the shipp the Saint George arlate whereof John Martenson
dorp was master, and hath soe donnne for thise tenn yeares last or thereabouts,
in which space shee hath begun and made severall voyages from
Amsterdam, and returned thither and ended the same there, and saith that for
all the said time, the said shipp the Saint George hath bin accompted and reputed
to belong to Amsterdam, which hee knoweth for that hee this examinate for
all the said time untill September 1652 lived at Amsterdam where hee was