HCA 13/70 f.741r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.741r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Saint George./

The 26th of September 1653 [CENTRE HEADING]

The keepers of the Liberty of England by authority}
of Parliament against a certaine shipp named}
the Saint George whereof John Martenson Dorp was}
Master and the silver and other Goodes in the samme}
seized by the shipps of this Commonwealth in the immediate}
service thereof. Budd. ffrancklin. Smith}

Examined upon an allegation
given in on the twentieth of this
instant on the behalfe of the States

Jurian Martinson of
Flintsborough in Holstein land
Marriner aged 34, yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined

To the seaventh and eighth articles of the said allegation hee saith
and deposeth that about Whitsentide in the yeare 1652. the shipp
the Mercurius of Hamborough (whereof Hance Young was Master)
comeing out of the Streights to Cadiz, this deponent who was one of her
company and came thither with her found and sawe there the shipp the
Sampson arlate Otto George Master and the Saint George John Martinson
Dorp Master, and the shipp the Prophet Elias arlate. And saith the said
shipps the Sampson and Saint George were then at Cadiz comonly reputed to
be belonging to Amsterdam, where the said shipp the Sampson hath
one of her reputed Owners dwelling of his this deponents knowledge named Peter
Eleson. And the said shipp the Saint George is alsoe accompted to have
owners dwelling at Amsterdam. And saith the shipp the Salvador
arlate came thither about fourteene dayes after the said shipp the
Mercurius. and was alsoe accompted to belong to Amsterdam and to
have Owners there dwelling. And saith the said shipps tooke in
severall and greate quantities of Plate and money, and for a goods
space they were all accompted to be bound for Amsterdam, whether
of his knowledge the Mercurius was bound. But afterwards there
comeing newes of warr betwixt England and Holland, they the
said Masters gave out that they were all bound for Ostend or Dunkirke
And as hee heard gott passes at Cales to that purpose, And of his knowledge
the said shipp the Mercurius gott a passe for fflanders notwithstanding
that shee was (to the time of the said Newes of the said warrs) intended
for Amsterdam. And of the premisses hee this deponent tooke the
more notice lyeing there about four monethes with the said shipp
the Mercurius after such her comeing in thither. And saith there
was a common voice and report at Cadiz aforesaid that the said
shipps with their lading of silver and other Goodes were all bound
for Amsterdam. And otherwise cannot depose saving what followeth

To the ninth and tenth articles hee saith and deposeth That the
Master of the said shipp the Prophet Elias dyed at Cadiz the time
aforesaid, and shee then upon not departing thence on her intended
voyage her silver and other Goodes were taken out and distributed
and putt into the said other shipps the Sampson, the Salvador the Saint
George and the Mercurye to be therein transported for Amsterdam, which
hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid and being presenyt and seeing
her Goodes soe unladen and laded into the said other shipps. And otherwise
saving as aforesaid hee cannot depose

To the twelveth and thirteenth Articles of the said allegation hee
saith and deposeth, that the said shipp the Mercury in or about the