Evidence of the Spanish/Flandrian/Hamburg silver trade in the early 1650s
[hide]- 1 Trade in silver bullion
- 2 Claimants with large quantities of silver
- 3 Involvement of the Spanish Treasury
- 4 Use of Spanish galleons to carry silver from Spanish West Indies to Cadiz
- 5 Mapping the silver supply chain
- 6 Physical character, weight and markings of the silver
- 7 Sources of the silver on board the Silver Ships
- 8 Goods shipped outwards to exchange for silver in return
- 9 Goods other than silver shipped from Spanish West Indies to Spain
- 10 Role of Ostend and Dunkirk in silver trade
- 11 What would silver have been used for in Flanders?
- 12 Colourable names entered for consignees of silver
- 13 Absence of names of Cadiz laders of silver on bills of lading and in ship's book
- 14 Control of silver trade using Spanish licences
- 15 Getting to the true ownership of the silver
- 16 Were the goods on the Silver Ships insured?
- 17 How did foreign merchants pay for Spanish silver?
- 18 Bills of lading for silver
- 19 Other documentation of ownership of the silver
- 20 Merchants' correspondence concerning the silver
- 21 Merchant attempts to recover the silver
- 22 English involvement in Spanish silver trade
Trade in silver bullion
Several cases regarding ships other than the Sampson, the Salvador, and the Saint George mention merchants and ship owners who were connected with the silver ships. Depositions regarding claimants of goods seized in the Saint Michaell or Angell Michaell of Hamburg are particularly informative about the silver trade. The ship had departed Cadiz one month later than the three silver ships, and was bound allegedly for Hamburg, rather than Ostend, carrying silver and other goods.
One claim was brought by the widow and heirs of "Danyel Sloyer deceased".[1] The deceased Danyel Sloyer was quite clearly the father of Daniel Sloyer [the younger] and Franz Sloyer, who were part owners of the ship the Saint George of Hamburg. The forty-four year old steersman of the Angel Michael, Peter Scholenburg, deposed at the end of March 1653 that he well knew the deceased Danyel Sloyer whilst he lived and that he "departed this life at Hamboro about a twelve moneth". Moreover, Scholenburg likewise knew Sloyer's widow (who had brought a case for silver on board the Angel Michael in her and Daniel Sloyer's heirs names), stating that she was his "neere neighbour in Hamborowe where shee liveth with her childern and family".[2] Later in his deposition, Scholenburg described knowing the deceased Danyell Sloyer "for many yeares before his death", and that of his own direct knowledge Sloyer had been "a citizen and burgher of Hamborowe and a subiect of the same ffree city", being "a merchant of good worth and accompt in Hamborowe" and that it had been "commonly knowne and noted to have driven a greate trade and to have dealt much into Spayne for silver and other wares and merchandizes".[3]
This trade had continued since the death of Danyel Sloyer [senior], Scholenburg reporting that "the trade was and still is contynuall by the wydowe Sloyer arlate for and on the behalfe of her selfe and the heyres of her said husband deceased".[4] In answer to interrogatories, Scholenburg specified Daniel Sloyer Senior's precise dwelling place as the Ruyn{?s]markett in Hamborowe".[5] Scholenburg described receiving on board his ship, when lying in the bay of Cadiz in November 1652 "one barr of silver without a bag and one bag or sacke conteyning twoe little barrs of silver...".[6] He stated that he received the silver from the ship's boatswain, together with bills of lading, and that he passed it on to the ship's gunner "whoe stored the same amongest other goods and silver in the hold of the said shipp". He claimed that he heard at Cadiz that the silver was to have been transported from Cadiz to Hamburg in the Angel Michael "for the account of the said producent Wydowe Sloyer and her assignees.[7] The same Scholenburg deposed on behalf of another claimant in the same ship, a Spaniard.
[ADD SENTENCE ON CUSTOMARY BEHAVIOUR OF MERCHANTS TRADING IN SILVER FROM CADIZ TO HAMBURG][8] Spanish concerned about confiscation of their silver by the French, so used Hamburg names colourably as the consignees, when in fact the silver remained their property.[9]
Claimants with large quantities of silver
The claims made for silver were for very different quantities of silver - a number of very large claims were made, mainly by Antwerp based merchants, and a larger number of smaller claims for an assortment of merchants from the Spanish West Indies, Spain, London and Ireland.
Large claims
John De Losa Barona
Peru resident John de Losa Barona brought bag large quantities of silver from the Spanish West Indies and laded them onto the Sampson, Salvador and the Saint George
John Bollart
George Boschaert
Hjeronimo Brudgmans and Christian Aelst
Lorenzo de Veles described large quantities of bars of silver and pieces of eight purchased in Cadiz between July and September 1652 by Hjeronimo Brudgmans for the joint account of Brudgmans and Aelst:
Lorenzo de Veles stated that "the sayd Christian Aelst and Jeronimo Brudgmans were and are the true and lawfull owners of the moneys plate and sylver arlate by equall halfes or moyetyes"[10]. He further stated that "Jeronimo Brudgmans in the moneth of July buy att Cadiz of a Biscay merchant the four barrs of sylver arlate weighing according to the weight marked on them as the came marked from the Indies three hundred sixty six markes and five ounces, marked and numbred as in the margent; which sayd barrs were afterwards laden aboard the Salvador Christian Cloppenbergh master att Cadiz aforesayd as by the bills of lading for the same under the hand of the sayd Christian Cloppenbergh whoe character and manner of writing this deponent is well acquainted with, which this deponent afterwards saw att Cadiz did evidently appeare And allso in the moneth of September bought and procured att Cadiz three thousand seven hundred and fifty peices of eight coyne of Peru which were putt upp in fifteene baggs videlicet 250 peices of eight in every bagg more or lesse marked as in the margent which he saw afterwards videlicet toward the latter end of September laden aboard the sayd shipp Salvador; And moreover saith that the sayd Jeronimo Brugmans bought and procured att Cadiz three thousand peices of eight more coyne of Peru which were putt into twelve baggs videlicet into each and every bagg two hundred and fifty peices of eight more or lesse, marked as in the margent with the same marke the sayd fifteene baggs were marked with videlicet a large double crosse, sayd twelve baggs of money this deponent afterwards videlicet toward the latter end of September 1652 saw laden aboard the shipp Saint George arlate whereof John Martinsdorp was master, All the sayd moneys and barrs of plate for the use and accompt in halfes as is arlate of the sayd Christian Aelst and Jeronimo Brudgmans to be carryed and transported in the sayd shipps respectively from Cadiz to Ostend, and there to be delivered unto the sayd Christian Aelst and Jeronimo Brudgman for their use and accompt, or to their Order"[11]
Small claims
Involvement of the Spanish Treasury
Diego Maestre, the twenty-four year old servant of Hjeronimo Brudgmans, deposed in support of the claim of the heirs of George da Etton Heard, that " in the sayd moneth of July 1652. the aforesayd
Hjeronimo Brudgman of the certaine knowledge of this deponent being present att the contract did buy the sayd plate and moneys att Cadiz of certaine merchants Spaniards using the trade of the West Indies, for the Accompt of himselfe and one Nicholas Paulo a factor for the Treasury of Madrid of which Treasury the sayd heires of George da Etton heard were and are the principall masters and mannagers, and saith that afterwards in the sayd month of July this deponents sayd master did part with and passe over all his Interest in the sayd money and plate of the knowledge of this deponent to the sayd Nicholas Paulo as factor for the sayd Treasury, which said Paulo discharged this deponents master from the sayd Spanish merchants of whom the sayd sylver was bought by and with their consent and undertooke to satisfy them for the same, and thereby came to have the wole interest in the sayd sylver in himselfe to the use of the sayd heyres of George da Etton heard whose factor he is; And further saith that of the sight of this deponent He the sayd Nicholas Paulo drew bills of exchange for the sayd sylver upon the heyres of the sayd Etton heard and delivered the sayd Bills to the aforesayd merchants of whom the sylver was bought who goeing to Madrid had the sayd Bills there accepted and paid by the sayd Heires of George Etton heard arlate, as they the sayd merchants did by letters of advise certify this deponents sayd master Hieronimo Brudgmans, which letters this deponent saw and perused before his comeing away from Cadiz aforesayd; And further saith that the sayd sylver and moneys being laden as aforesayd from and after the tyme of the contract or agreement made betweene this deponents master and the sayd Nicholas Paulo was for the sole accompt of the sayd Heires of George Etton heard to be transported in the sayd shipp Sampson from Cadiz to Ostend att their hazard and there to be delivered to their use and Accompt; And saith as the sayd Nicholas Paulo told this deponent att Cadiz the sayd sylver and money [?was] ..."[12]
Use of Spanish galleons to carry silver from Spanish West Indies to Cadiz
John Mexia de Herrera stated in August 1653 that "the money and plate interrate" of John de losa Barona was brought from Limma in the Indies aboard Admirall Martin Saint Malvidos to Pannama in the sayd Indies and from Pannama to Porto vel[?a] in the sayd Indies upon Males, and from Porto vela to Cadize aboard Vice admirall Paplo de Contreras commander of the Spanish galleons"[13]
Antonio Estevan de Balderas came along with John de Losa Barona from Peru. De Balderas deposed in August 1653 that "the sayd moneys and plate were brought from Limma in the West Indies aboard the Generall of the South Seas Don [?Martin] Saint Malvedos to Pannama, from Pannama in the sayd Indies to Porto [?vela] upon mules, and from Porto Vela in the sayd Indies aboard the vice Admirall of the King of Spaines galleons to the Bay of Cadiz interrate this deponent comeing along with the same from Limma to Cadiz as aforesayd"[14]
John de Losa Barona stated in August 1653 in support of the claim of John Mexia de Herera for his Plate and moneyes in the Saint George the Sampson and the Salvador that "the sayd money and plate was brought from Limma in the West Indies in a shipp commanded by Admirall Saint Malvides General of the South Seas to Portovela, and from there aboard a shipp commanded by this Admirall Don Paulo de Contrera to Cadiz interrate."[15]
Mapping the silver supply chain
The claim of Paulus Cobrisse, merchant of Bridges in Flanders enables us to reconstruct three stages in the supply chain between Flanders, cadiz and the Spanish West Indies.
Paulus Cobrisse was based at Bruges in Flanders. He had an agent in Cadiz named Pedro Calvo, who receivedmanufactures of Flanders and England from Cobrisse and sent returns to Cobrisse in the form of silver. Pedro Calvo in turn had an agent namedJohn de Losa Barona, who moved between Cadiz and the Spanish West Indies, taking out the Flandrian and English manufactures Calvo had received from Cobrisse, and converting them in the Spanish West Indies into silver, which he brought back to Cadiz.
John de Losa Barona describes the above three person process in his deposition in support of the claim of Paulus Cobrisse for silber in the Saint George. He stated that " Paulus Cobrisse a merchant of Bridges in fflanders for eight yeares now past of the knowledge of this deponent hath driven a trade from fflanders and other places to Cales and Saint Lucar in Spaine for plate and sylver sending severall merchandizes of great value to Pedro Calvo a Spaniard an Inhabitant of Cadiz being the correspondent and agent of the sayd Cobrisse, and for and during the sayd tyme the sayd Pedro Calvo hath as agent and for the accompt of the sayd Paulus Cobrisse sent such merchandizes to the West Indies and receyved back the returnes thereof att Cadiz in sylver and plate, which he hath remitted and sent to fflanders to and for the accompt of the sayd producent Paulus Cobrisse, All which this deponent knoweth aswell by his correspondence with the sayd Paulus Cobrisse as with the sayd Pedro Calvo his sayd agent in Cadiz, this deponent himselfe being the agent and correspondent of the sayd Pedro Calvo doeing his busines of merchandizeing in the sayd Indies and thereby being perfectly acquainted with the trade and traffique of the sayd Paulus Cobrisse for plate and sylver as aforesayd"[16]
Physical character, weight and markings of the silver
A good deal of information is available from witnesses as to the physical character, weight and markings of the silver, together with its alleged owners.
The silver on board the ships came in many different physical forms - barrs, plate, and coins. Coins, for example, are described as "of Peru",[17] XXX,[18] and XXXX.[19]
"three hundred patacones or peices of eight of mexico moneyes"[20]
"Peices of eight of Peru".[21]
"peeces of eight Peru coyne"[22]
"eight thousand and fifty peices of eight old coyne of peru"[23]
Pieces of eight of Mexico
Pieces of eight of Sevile
"peeces of eight, Sevill and Mexico"[24]
"containing foure hundred Spanish Matts"[25]
"Ryalls of eight of Peru coyne"[26]
"Spanish marks"[27]
"one Pinah Clamp or pigg of sylver".[28]
Bags of silver
"baggs of peices of eight coyne of Peru conteyning three thousand peices of eight videlicet each bagg two hundred and fifty peices of eight"[29]
Little bagg
"one small case of sylver conteyning severall sorts or [?peices] of sylver as boules dishes cups and the like"[30]
"Barrs of silver four barrs of sylver which were of good alloy of Nova Hispania marked and numbred as in the margent and weighing in the whole three hundred sixty six markes and five ounces"[31]
Great barrs of silver (weighing ca. 130 marks each)
Small barrs of silver
Little barres
"the weight of the sayd barr of sylver by weight stamped thereon as it came from the Indies"<refHCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.26r</ref>
Fine silver
Cases of silver
Pieces of silver; silver peeces
Wedges (of silver)
John Martins (dorp), master of the Saint George, described how the silver was stored on his ship. He stated that "the silver aboard at the time of the said seizure was part in baggs and those baggs made up into caskes or barralls, and the rest is loose in barrs, and all are marked, and none of the baggs or chests to his [?remembrance] have the armes of the kinge of Spaine thereon"[33]
Christian Cloppenbergh, master of the Salvadore, described the storage of silver on his ship, stating that: "the silver money aboard is in baggs, and in a chest or two, and part of the small peeces [?carried] or send up in linen covers, and the rest of the small peeces with [?XXX] are loose, and saith they are all marked according to his said bilLs of lading, and hee doth not. knowe of any of the baggs having the armes of the kinge of Spaine thereupon"[34]
Otto George, master of the Sampson, described the storage of silver on his ship, stating that: "the money and silver aboard is some in baggs and some in chests, and some without either baggs or chests, and that part of it is coyned and the rest in barrs and barretons, and otherwise and some is marked and some without mark{?s], referring himselfe to his said book[?e] and bills remayning in this Court"[35] Otto George added that "there is noe silver [?hidX] in the said shipp nor any but what is entred in his booke aforesaid brought into this Court, some part of which silver hee saith is under his merchandize [?on] the ballast"[36]
John de losa Barona described the claimant Thomas Sanchez da Urisa melting down pieces of eight at New Cartagena, on his way to Spain from Lima in Peru, to form a third bar of silver. He stated that "comming out of the West Indies in company of the said producent and seeing him bring them thence with him, having at first only two barrs and the rest in wedges, peeces of silver and of eight, and at Newe Cartagena in his way for Spania hee melted soe many peeces of eight as made the third barr being the least of the three"[37]
Diego Maiestre, the Bruges born servant of Hjeronimo Brudgmans described bagging up silver coins at Cadiz and sewing up the bags. He deposed in August 1653 that "this deponent being privy to and knowing of the buying of the sayd moneyes att Cadiz and saith he told and counted the same and bagged up marked numbred and sewed upp the baggs wherein they were putt with his owne hands"[38]
Sources of the silver on board the Silver Ships
Much of the silver was reported to have been physically purchased by its owners in the Spanish West Indies, with places of purchase given as Havana, Mexico, and Peru.
Lewis ffernandez Angell, for example, purchased silver at Havana and accompanied it to Cadiz in the ship the Saint John Baptist (Master: John Jericho), where he transferred it into the Sampson for transport to Flanders, and again accompanied the silver as a passenger.[39] The bills of lading for ffernandez Angell's silver were signed by the Sampson's purser on "the eleventh day of September 1652. new stile aboard the sayd shipp the Sampson, when the ship was riding at anchor in the bay of Cadiz.[40]
Lawrence de Veles, a thirty-eight year old Cadiz merchant, reported seeing Don Antonio da Ponta lade various merchandizes at Lenera [CHECK THIS SPELLING!] Cruz in Nova Hispania into a small frigate, which he shipped to Havana. At Havana, De Veles purchased six bars of silver with the proceeds of his merchandizes.[41]; In support of a separate claim, Lawrence de Veles also reported seeing "all and singular the before mentioned sylver in the possession of the sayd Arangall and Mannrga att Mexico in the Indies where they bought the sylver"[42]
Thomas Sanchez da Vicar was at Havana when Don Antonio da Ponte arrived, and gave him advice to buy silver plate rather than pieces of eight. Da Vicar gave a detailed account of the transaction, saying that: "the arlate Antonio da Ponte being about the month of Aprill last past was twelve month neere about the latter end of the sayd month, att the Havana in the West Indies, there had some discourse with this deponent about the buying of plate, or peices of eight with the proceed of some merchandizes which he had there, and this deponent advised him rather to buy plate than peices of eight, and accordingly did of the sight and knowledge of this deponent buy six barrs of sylver, which this deponent saw afterwards carryed to the producents lodging att the Havana, and after the arrivall of the King of Spaynes galleons laded aboard a shipp that was called the Saint Juan Baptista Juan Sericho Master to be from thence transported to Cadize arlate for the use and Accompt of the producent and there this deponent saw him in the quiet possession of the sayd six barres. And otherwise he cannot depose saving that this deponent cast upp the value and weight of the sayd barrs att Havana aforesayd but the markes and weight thereof cannot now perfectly call to mynde"[43]
Lorenzo de Veles, a thirty-eight year old merchant of Dunkirk, had been in Mexico, where he saw the two Cadiz merchants Peter Arangel and John de Mann[?rga] acquire a whole range of silver objects. He deposed that they were the owners and proprietors of "five small packes of sylver conteyning together one hundred twenty eight peices weighing in the whole one hundred seventy four markes six ounces and four graines more or lesse marked with the first marke in the margent, mentioned in the first schedule arlate and allso of two small packes of sylver conteyning nine peices and weighing one hundred thirty five markes marked with the sayd first marke in the margent mentioned in the second schedule arlate and allso of one small case of sylver conteyning severall sorts or [?peices] of sylver as boules dishes cups and the like, which case is marked with the sayd first marke in the margent, and the Cambecha sack or bag where in the sayd case is putt is marked with the second marke in the margent mentioned in the third schedule arlate, the premisses this deponent knoweth to be true for that he this deponent saw all and singular the before mentioned sylver in the possession of the sayd Arangell and Mannrga att Mexico in the Indies where they bought the sayd sylver for their owne use, and for that this deponent knoweth that they brought the same from the Indies to Cadiz where this deponent saw all the sayd sylver of the weight whereof he hath predeposed exactly weighed"[44]
Juan delosa Barrona, a forty year old merchant of Lima in Peru, was correspondent for the Antwerp merchant Paulus Cobrisse, and Cobrisse's agent in Cadiz. Pedro Calvo. Delosa Barrona deposed in October 1653 that "he this rendent bought the sylver now in question of severall merchants and inhabitants of Peruana in the West Indies and saith he bought the sayd sylver and severall other great quantityes of sylver in the yeares 1650 and 1651: att severall tymes for the producents accompt and with his goods according to the common way of trade, and commerce there, that is to day this Rendent when he sold the producents goods did contract with the buyers thereof for the value thereof in peices of 8/8 and the sayd buyers payd this rendent eyther in peices of 8/8 or else in barrs, barretons or pinnas of sylver according as they were furnished. And saith he knoweth the sylver now claymed is the producents goods because he is sure it is the proceed of his sayd English stuffes, and that this Rendent kept the producents accompts separat and distinct from his owne, and was present att the buying of the sayd sylver but saith the very particular dayes or monethes when, or the particular places where, or the particular persons of whom the sylver wnow claymed was bought he cannot sett forth"[45]
Spanish West Indies
The thirty eight year old Flandrian merchant Lorenzo de Veles described carrying several parcels of Flandrian goods out to the Spanish West Indies on behalf of two Antwerp based merchants, Peter and Andrew Annakach, and other Flandrian goods for Joanna Vanden Bergue, the widow of a further merchant. These he sold in the West Indies for pieces of eight, which on his return to Cadiz, he converted through sale and purchase into a barr of silver for the Annakachs and a small pig of silver and two small silver bars for Mrs Vanden Bergue.[46]; the same Lorenzo de Veles stated, in support of a separate claim for the Antwerp merchant Abraham van Hembeck, that he "carried cases of bon lace of Flanders to Nova Hispania for Abraham van Hembeck of Antwerpen"[47]
Thomas Sanchez Durissa of Peru deposed in support of Lorenzo da Veles that "being at the West Indies he saw there the sayd Lorenzo [?XXXXles] possessed of certayne small barrs of plate and Mexico moneyes which he caused to be laden for his owne Accompt for Cadiz whither this deponent afterwards came and there the sayd Lorenzo with the sayd plate and moneyes bought the money now claymed being peices of eight of Peru, which he caused to be put in four and twenty baggs marked with the marke in the margent"[48]
The same deponent (though written as Thomas Sanchez de Orisa) deposed in support of another merchant named Antonio Stephen da Bolderas of Madrid. He stated that "hee well knoweth the arlate Anthony Stephen da Balderas and hath soe donne for theise fifteene yeares last, and saith that in the yeare 1643 or thereabouts the said Anthony Stephan da Balderas the producent came from Spaine into the West Indias where this deponent was and continued there till about the moneth of December 1651 at which time the said producent and this deponent imbarqued themselves and came thence in the fleete bound for Spaine and this deponent well knoweth that the said producent brought five severall barrs of silver a bagg of redd wooll of the severall markes allegate (now showne unto him) from the West Indias for Spaine, this deponent seeing him bringe the same from Lima to Panama, thence to Porto Ballo, and thence for Spaine in which passage from Lima to Panama and soe to Porto bello this deponent went in the company of the said producent. And saith that the said fleete from the Indias ariving at Cadiz in Spaine, the said producent tooke out the said silver and red wooll and carried the same ashore and afterwards namely about three or foure dayes after (namely in September last) hee put the same in a boate and carried the same aboard the shipps allegate namely two barrs of the first marke and one of the second aboard the Saint George (John Martens master) and two barrs of the third marke allegate aboard the Sampson Otto George master to be thence carried and transported in the said shipps for Ostend, and there to be delivered to the said Anthony Stephen Bolderas or assigne for his the said producents owne accompt"[49]
Still more of the silver was purchased in Cadiz itself. For example, the same Lawrence or Lorenzo de Veles mentioned above, made a separate deposition reporting seeing a Jeronimo Brudgmans "in the moneth of July 1652 buy att Cadiz of a Biscay merchant the four barrs of sylver arlate...the weight marked on them as they came marked from the Indies three hundred sixty six markes and five ounces".[50]
Michael van Lubkin stated in support of the claim of Peter Tam, a Hamburg master, that "by order of the said producent hee the said Jaspar [Tam] had solde and disposed of a part of a cargo of goods
which his unckle the producent had formerly brought from Genoa, and which this deponent had at Cadiz formerly seene consisting in paper and bedsteads and other comodities and that with the proceed thereof hee had procured foure hundred fiftie six peeces of eight which hee said hee had laden on board and sent away in the shipp the Salvador[51]
Some silver brought back from the Spanish West Indies was exchanged in Cadiz for silver of a different type. Pasquall Andrada, servant to Don Antonio da Ponte, reports the changing of "Mexico money", brought from the Indies, into "pieces of eight Peru money". The reason of doing so is not specified. Speculatively, it may have been because money of Peru origin was more fungible in European cities than <exican money. Specifically, Paswquall Andrada stated that "the sayd Lorenzo, who laded the sayd twenty baggs for his owne accompt bought the sayd money att Cadiz. And saith that the sayd Lorenzo de Veles bought likewise att Cadiz the other four baggs of peices of eight Peru money, with Mexico money which he bought with him for the sccommpt of the sayd Pedro and Andrea Hannekaert from the Indyes as he likewise did his owne Peru money aforesayd with Mexico money brought him from the Indies att the same tyme"[52]
Physical characteristics of silver
John Mexia de Herrera, supporting the claim of Thomas Sanchez de Orisa, described the physical character of de Orissa's silver, and the process of packaging it in canvas. He described the silver at Cadiz, saying: "in or about the moneth of October last past hee this deponent was present at Cales in Spaine and sawe the producent Thomas Sanchez da Urisa carry and cause to be carried and put in a boate there three barrs of silver of the first marke in the margin, and foure [?wedges] of silver of the same marke and two baggs of peeces of eight of the same marke, and twenty peeces of silver covered with canvas of the second marke to be carried aboard the shipp Saint George arlate to be therein laden for Ostend...which producent made up the said 20 severall peeces of silver into canvas in severall bundles at this deponents lodging in Cales and in this deponents sight and presence, which having donne hee carried the same to the place where the barrs were and fetched them alsoe and soe went and put them into the boate and carried them aboard". He described travelling with the claimant from Lima in Peru to Porto Bello, and stated he "sawe him lade the same at Porto bello aboard the Admirall of the gallion wherein hee came passenger, and after the arivall of the said fleete at Nova Cartagena where the same touched in their passage for Spaine, the said producent did there cast and make the smallest of the said three bagges of certaine of the peeces of eight brought alonge with him of this deponents knowledge"[53]
Use of neutral ships to avoid confiscation of silver
The use of neutral or "free" ships to ship Spanish bullion to Northern Europe had several advantages for the shippers of such bullion. Firstly, if the ships were seized, there was some degree of protection of the goods in foreign Admiralty Courts. Secondly, as claimed by John Martinsdorp in a deposition, "if any sylver and moneys unlicensed by seized before the same be shipped, it is confiscatable. But in case the same be laden aboard a free shipp, or arrive att any place or port out of the power of the lawes of Spaine, such unlicensed sylver can neyther be seized by the King of Spaine nor confiscate to his use".[54]
Transfer at Cadiz of silver from West Indies brought in Spanish fleet into the Silver Ships
Thomas Sanchez de Urisa was a thirty-four year old merchant of Validolid in Spain. He came with Lorenzo da Veles from the Spanish West Indies and gave a detailed account of the transfer of Veles' silver at Cadiz. He deposed that: "hee this deponent came from the West Indies with the said producent and sawe him bringe a great quantitie of plate and silver thence with him, and that within three of foure dayes after the arivall of the fleete wherein they came [?at] Cales the said producent tooke the greatest part thereof in barrs and peeces out of the said shipp eherein hee came being the Admirall and carried and laded the same aboard the shipp the Sampson arlate Otto George master lying in the port of Cadiz bound for Ostend and this was in or about the moneth of July last, and saith that the said producent tooke the rest of his said silver and plate brought from the West Indies being in smaller peeces and carried the same ashore at Cales and there converted the same into peeces of eight and then laded the same which hee knoweth because hee sawe the same aboard after the lading thereof at such time as there was accompt and entrie thereof made aboard, this deponent being then aboard about silver of his owne, but hee did not see the actuall lading of the said silver in question"[55]
Goods shipped outwards to exchange for silver in return
There is some evidence of the physical goods and commodities shipped to Spain and to the Spanish West Indies from Antwerp and England, which were later "converted" or "returned" in the form of silver, either in the Spanish West Indies, or in Spanish ports.
There is also evidence of English manufactures being purchased by Flandrian merchants, such as Paulus Cobrisse, by their London correspondents and shipped to Cadiz for further shipment to the Spanish West Indies. Interestingly, James Stanier, Paulus Cobrisse's London correspondent lists the ships on which manufactures were shipped on behalf of Cobrisse. These ships include the Sampson in September 1648, which presumably anchored at Dover to receive the goods en route for Spain.
Goods of Christian Aelst
Antwerp resident Christian Aelst was a partner with Cadiz resident Flandrian merchant Jeronimo Brudgmans.
Guy Delmarcel (1997), in a book on "Ruben's textiles", states "Christiaen Aelst obtained his merchandise from 750 laceworkers around 1650 and in the same period Dirick Atenborch had work for a further 300 women..."[56]; the same source appears to be used in Alfons K. L. Thijs (1987), in which Christiaen Aelst is described as a "kantkoopman" (lace merchant). The source is cited as "Footnote 93: Pk.1015 (16-2-1655, C.Aelst). T.1118 (16-2-1655). T.1117 (ca.1655). J.DENUNCÉ, Brieven en..."[57]
Michael Perry Severino stated in September 1653 "he saw in the possession of the sayd Hjeronimo Brudgmans att Civill a good quantity of linnen Cloth and lace which he then told this deponent that Christian Aelst had sent
from the port of Ostend upon their accompt and had given him order to convert it into sylver and returne it to fflanders"[58]
Goods of Peter and Andrew Annakach
Lorenzo da Veles stated in a different claim, that of Peter and Andrew Annakach merchants of Antwerpe, Joanna van den Bergue widdow of Cornelius Basseliers of Antwerpe and of ffrancisco da Carodge of Vera Cruz in New Spaine for their respective parcells of sylver and plate and goods in the shipp the Sampson, that "being in Cadiz in the yeare 1651. Jacquez Bassiliers the sonn of Joanna Vanden Berg[?ne] delivered to this deponent severall good quantityes of bone lace and Ryssell stuffes which he had receyved from Ostend part upon the Accompt of his sayd mother and part upon the Accompt of the sayd Peter and Andrew Hannakach (sic). which bone lace and Ryssell stuffs this deponent sold in the Indies for the accompt aforesayd, and att his returne to Cadiz receyved order from the sayd Joanna Vanden Bergne and Peter and Andrew Annakach (sic) by letters to send the proceed of the sayd lace and stuffes in sylver to fflanders for their accompts And saith that ffrancisco da Coirodge delivered this deponent the sayd cochineale att Vera Cruz and gave him expresse order by word of mouth to carry the same to fflanders and there dispose it for his accompt"[59]
Goods of John Bollart
Francis Rubbens, servant to Antwerp merchant John Bollart, gave details of goods shipped from Ostend to Spain in 1651 and 1652. He stated that "the interrate Gerard Riper, Lopez de Molina and John Baptista, and the said Peter de Zoletta the Laders of the silver now claymed had severall goods and effects in their hands belonging to the said producent, and that in the yeares 1651. and 1652. the said producent at severall times, by Derrick Hayman, Joachim Cordes Peter [?Sonnovelt] and Hendrick [?Garrell] [?Schippers] of Ostend, did in their severall shipps send his said ffactors severall commodities to a great valew as fflanders linnen, Bridges sayes thredd knifes, rich cabinets, Spanish laces made in fflanders and also severall quantities of stuffes, bayes and other goods from England, which the said ffactors accordingly received and had for his the said producents accompts"[60]
Peter Vander Wyer, a former servant of John Bollart, knew Bollart's business very well, having lived with him in Spain and in Antwerpen. He stated that "he said John Bollart hath frequently for diverse yeares last past had the retournes of his goods sent thither made back to him in silver by his factors there both to fflanders and diverse times formerly to Dover and this port of London and very greate parcells of barrs of silver, plate and peeces of eight have formerly bin received for the accompt of him the said John Bollart in the said ports of Dover and London by merchants living in this Nation, and particularly by Mr Castel and other marchants of this citie, and the retournes thereof have bin made him either into fflanders by exchange or by goods as perpetuana's, bayes, and other manufactures and goods of this nation sent for his accompt for Spaine and for the more particula[?rities] of time hee saith that in the yeare 1638 and for foure or five yeares next following there were there were greate quantities and summes of money and plate sent to the said ports in England for his accompt, all which hee knoweth because hee this deponent then dwelt with him, and was in his counting house and accustomed to write his letters and to receive and be acquainted with the contents of theise sent unto him, and privie to his said trade, and this hee saith was and is true and notorious"[61]
Unusually, Peter Vander Wyer conceeded that John Bollart had formerly bought goods in Amsterdam, saying "hee perceived by the said producents said bookes that formerly hee hath imployed some at Amsterdam and elsewhere in the States of the United Provinces their dominions to buy some goods for him"[62]
Jan Popeliers, book keeper and accountant to John Bollart, stated that "in or about the moneths of June or July in the yeare 1652. the said John Bollard in the shipp Saint Albertus (Joachim Cordes master) sent from Ostend to his ffactor Gerrard Ryper at Cadiz, a case with Spanish laces, manufactures of fflanders with order to make the returne thereof to him in silver, which hee the said ffactor received, and accordingly laded, and acquainted the producent by letter as aforesaid, that hee had laden the silver predeposed as the proceed of the said laces, which case of laces this deponent alsoe saith was marked with the marke SP. being the same marke the baggs of silver now claymed were marked withall, as appeareth by the bill of lading predeposed"[63]
Goods for George Boschaert
John Moller, George Boschaert's cashier, had lived with Boschaert in Cadiz for five years, before coming two years before his deposition with Boschaert to Antwerp. Moller stated on XXX 1653 that "about the moneth of January [EDITOR: modern 1652] last the said producent by his agents at Antwerp sent unto the said ffrancis de la Sierpe in the shipp Saint Albertus of Ostend (Joachim Cordes master) bound for Cadiz, laces to a good valew, and to the said Peter Johnson the younger linnens to a good valew in the shipp of Hendrick Garfles of Ostend, which went thence for Cadiz about a fortnight before the Saint Albertus, and both of them arived in safetie at Cadiz (as the said factors advised) and delivered the said goods to the said factors, to whom hee saith they were sent for the buying of the said silver, and they bought and provided the same therwith, as by their said advises. And hee knoweth of the providing and sending the said goods, for that hee this deponent (the producent being then here at London) managed that affaire of packing and sending them away, and saith the said linnens, were bought by Mr Boschaert himselfe before his comming for London, and the lace this deponent intreated Mr Pinquet (a friend of the producent at Antwerp) to buy for him the said producent, and all was for his the said producents accompt"[64]
John Moller stated in a separate deposition in support of a claim by George Boschaert that "the shipp the Saint George John Martenson Dorp master, mentioned in the said schedule went from Amsterdam in the moneth of December 1651 or thereabouts, The shipp the Keysar or Cesar therein mentioned in October 1651 or thereabouts from Ostend, The shipp the Salvador therein mentioned from Amsterdam in the moneth of October 1651 or thereabouts The Sea fortune from Ostend in the yeare 1651. The Saint John Baptist from Ostend in the yeare 1652, in or about January or ffebruary newe stile. The Shipp Saint Albert from Ostend in December 1651 or thereabouts And saith the said goods soe sent out by the said producent amounted in valew to twelve or thirteene thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts, not being able to give the iust valew thereof without sight of the said factorie booke, which hee saith is remayning at Antwerp"[65]
Goods of Hjeronimo Brudgmans and Christian Aelst
Michael Perry Severino testified in support of the claim of Hjeronimo Brudgmans of Sevile and Christian Aelst of Antwerp for their silver which they jointly owned. He stated that "he saw in the possession of the sayd Hjeronimo Brudgmans att Civill a good quantity of linnen Cloth and lace which he then told this deponent that Christian Aelst had sent from the port of Ostend upon their accompt and had given him order to convert it into sylver and returne it to fflanders"[66]
Goods of Paulus Cobrisse
James Stanier was the London correspondent of Paulus Cobrisse, who conducted a great trade with English and Flemish manufactures with Cadiz, Saint Lucar and the Spanish West Indies. he stated that "the sayd Pedro Calvo had divers effects in his hands of great value of the manu facture of England sent to him by this respondent from this port of London in severall shipps to Cadiz for the producents accompt that is to say 29 bales of Norwich stuffs, bayes, perpetuances and some worsted stockins of the cleare value of £2462 . 1s. 10d laden aboard the Sampson of Hamburgh Otto George Master about the month of September. 1648. And 21 bales more of bayes and 6 trunks of stockins of the value of £2476. 14s. 8d. sterling laden aboard the Culpepper John Thomas commander about the month of October 1648. and 25. bales more of the stuffs and bayes of the value of £2222. 16s. 7d sterling laden about January 1649. part aboard the shipp Confidence Thomas Crowder commander, and the rest aboard the Maydenhead James Lutton commmander. A particular whereof faithfully extracted out of this deponents Leger he hath fomerly left in the registry of this court videlicet upon his examination in the producents clayme for his sylver moneys in the Sampson[67]
Robert Demetrius was the cashier and book keeper of James Stanier. He deposed in December 1653 in support of Paulus Cobrisse's claim for silver on the Sampson and provided considerable detail of the goods shipped outwards for Cobrisse account from London via the Downs to Cadiz and then on to the Spanish West Indies. He stated that "being servant and Cashier to the sayd James Stanier his precontest who for all the sayd tyme hath bene and is the correspondent of the sayd Paulus Cobrisse doeing his merchandizing busines here and having from tyme to tyme seene and perused the letters of advise that have passed to and fro betweene thm the sayd Paulus Cobrisse and James Stanier. and having the Custody of the great leiger of the sayd James Stanier wherein and whereby the premisses doe appeare which he saith is a booke of accompts fairly kept according to the custome of merchants by way of debitor and Creditor, And further that he hath lately consulted the sayd Leiger booke upon the occasion, and therein finds it entred to the effect following. videlicet That the sayd Paulus Cobrisse is creditor for the nett proceed of severall parcells of sylver sent to the sayd James Stanier from Cadiz by Pedro Calvo for the sayd creditors account as per accounts of sales dated the 20.th October and 4 December Anno. 1648. amounting to .5077 li. 12 s. 5 d. And that the sayd Paulus Cobrisse is debitor for severall goods and merchandizes the manufacturers of this Nation sent from London to the Downes and there laded aboard the Sampson of Hamburgh captaine Otto George commander bound for Cadiz consigned to Pedro Calvo by the sayd Paulus Cobrisses Order and for his Accompt. videlicet. 28. September anno .1648. 29 bales conteyning 790 pieces Norwich stuffes .28. pieces Colchester bayes 28 pieces perpetuanaes 4 dozen of woosted stockins, first cost custome and charges whereof amount to 2462 li. 1 s. 10 d. and more consigned as above to Pedro Calvo 26. October Anno .1648. Laden aboard the Culpepper of London John Thomas captaine Laden in the River of Thames and bound for Cadiz 21 bales conteyning 211. peices Colchester bayes. and 6 trunkes with stockins amounting to 2477 li. 14. 8 d. and more 25. January 1649. consigned as above in the shipps Confidence Captaine Thomas Crowder and in the Maydenhead Captaine James Lutton bound for Cadiz, 35 bales conteyning 800 peices of Norwich stuffes and 30 peices of Colchester bayes amounting to 2222 li. 16 s. 7 d. All which goods amount in the whole to 7161 li. 13 s. 1 d. And this deponent hath credibly heard that the sayd goods came safe first to Cadiz and after that to the Indies, and that they were there converted into plate for the producents Accompt, and that the sylver in this cause claymed was and is part of the proceed of the sayd English manufactures"[68]
John de Losa Barona was an inhabitant of Lima in Peru. He deposed in September 1653 in support of the claim of Paulus Cobrisse that "he this deponent in the yeare 1650 receyved in the Indies severall sorts of stuffes of English Manufactures of the value of fifty thousand ryalls of eight sent to this deponent for the producents accompt by the sayd Pedro Calvo from Cadiz whither he beleiveth they were sent from this port of London or some other port of England, which effects this rendent sold for the Accompt aforesayd, and att his comeing to Cadiz with the proceed thereof in plate and moneyes was told by the sayd Pedro Calvo that he had order from the producent to transmitt the same for fflanders for his accompt in some convenient shipps"[69]
John Mexia de Herera stated in September 1653 that "the sayd Pedro Calvo one of the parties that did lade the sayd moneyes and sylver had severall effects in his hands for the producents Accompt
to witt, severall English stuffes that came in to him from this Port of London or some other English Port to Cadiz, from which port of Cadiz the sayd Pedro Calvo sent the sayd stuffes into the Indies in the yeare 1650. to the sayd John de Losa Barona who there sold them retturning the proceed thereof in sylver to Cadiz and there delivered the same to Pedro Calvo"[70]
Cinrado Esser [of Hamburg, formerly of San Lucar]
A San Lucar factor, Juan Stuten Paep, stated in late 1653 that "about two yeares now past the sayd Joachim Schaer receyved in severall shipps from Hamburgh and fflanders severall quantities of linnen cloth wax and other goods the particulars whereof names of the shipps wherein they were so sent or value of the sayd goods he knoweth not; and the sayd Joachim Schaer hath told this deponent that he had generall order to remitt the sayd goods in sylver to the producent [Conrado Esser, residing from ca. 151 in Hamburg, but formerly in San Lucar] upon all fair opportunityes"[71]
Goods of Pedro ?Hulee
Manuel Corea, supporting the claim of Pedro [?Hules], a merchant of Cadiz, stated that "he saw the sayd moneys plate and merrchandises in the quiet possession of him the sayd Pedro Hule[?s] in the sayd Indies att his howse or lodging in Cartagena a Sea port there in the yeare of our Lord 1651. when and where he bought the same with the proceed of merchandises which he brought out of Spaine thither upon his owne accompt"[72]
Goods of Ann Muytinx
Lorenzo da Veles, a Dunkirk merchant, stated that "the sayd Hjeronimo Brudgmans had effects in his hands of his sayd mother Ann Muytinx. videlicet. bone lace whereof the moneys now claymed are the proceed. and the sayd Hjeronimo told this deponent two moneths before the lading of the sayd moneys that he had such effects in his hands to a good value and that he intended to make a returne thereof to his sayd mother in sylver from Cadiz"[73]
Michael Perry Severino, a young Saint Lucar merchant, stated that "being att Sevill in the month of August 1652 he saw the sayd Hjeronimo Brudgmans there sell severall parcells or cases of bone lace of good value, which he then sayd was upon the accompt of his sayd mother Ann Muytinx of Antwerpe, and that he had receyved order from her to make returnes thereof in money and sylver"[74]
Diego Maistre was servant to Hjeronimo Brudgmans, who acted as Cadiz based factor for his mother Ann Muytinx. Maistre stated that "the sayd Hjeronimo Brudgmans had effects in his hands videlicet fflanders lace of the sayd Ann Muytinx whereof the money now claymed was and is the proceed, and the sayd lace came from the port of Ostend att different tymes in the yeare 1651 and 1652 some pieces of the sayd lace aboard Joachim Cordes, some aboard Juan de Vos and some aboard Peter Keysar and some others whose names or names of the sayd shipps he remembreth not"[75]
Goods of Edward Peeters
Anthony Lewis (alt. Lois), Edward Peeters' cashier and book keeper, stated that "in the yeares 1651. and 1652. arlate, and the moneths therein respectively concurring or some of them the said Edward Peeters, did send from Oastend in fflanders diverse and sundry parcells of goods and merchandizes, videlicet of Ryssell stuffs, flemmish lace, and linnen to the value of 16000. pounds flemmish or thereabouts, for his owne accompt, to the arlate John Lamotte William Jansen and others his ffactors and correspondents at Cadiz in Spaine with instruction to them to sell and dispose of the same for his use and advantage, and to make him retournes thereof in silver bullion and peeces of eight"[76] Anthony Lois added that "William Jansen John Lamotte and Peter Lois had severall of the producents goods and effects in their hands, with the proceed whereof they provided the sylver now Claymed by the said producent and particularly, that the said producent upon the third day of ffebruary 1651. new style sent in the shipp of Peter Klingkard an Ostendenaer from Ostend by John de Vosse in the shipp the Saint John Evangelist, upon the 12th. day of April. 1651. by Derrick Hay[?t]man a Hamburgher from Ostend upon the 27th: day of July, and by Peter de Keysar an Ostender upon the 27th day of October 1651 and Joachim Cordes a Hamburgher from Ostend upon the 24th: of December 1651. severall goods and merchandizes, videlicet Risseks stuffs, fflanders linnen and laces and other flemmish Commodities to the valew of 16000. pounds flemmish or thereabouts. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saveing that the said producent at such times as hee sent any goods to his said factors did constantly write unto them to make him the returnes thereof in silver, and saving that this deponent registered all such letters, and entred the said goods in the said producents bookes of accomptes proper for the same"[77]
Anthony Lewis deposed in October 1653 regarding the claim of Edward Peters for silver in the ship the White Angell (Master: John Lowison de Vischer) stating that the Cadiz factor of Petrs named Gerard Ryper "had severall goods and effects in his hands of the said producents, forasmuch as the said producent by John de Vos in his shipp the Saint John Evangelist and by ffoppe Wessell an Ostender had in the moneths of ffebruary and March 1652 sent from Ostend severall fflander wares and merchandizes to the valew of about 24000 gilders part whereof was consigned to the said ffactors besides the remainder of severall effects formerly sent him from Ostend."[78]
John Vervoort stated that "the said producent upon the third of ffebruary 1651 by Peter Clinckaert a skipper of Ostend, upon the 2. of Aprill 1651. by John de Vos of Ostend, upon the 27:th of July 1651 by Dirrick Heytman of Hamborough, and upon the 27 of October 1651 by Peter de Keysar of Ostend and upon the 24:th of November by Joachim Cordes of Hamborough, sent severall goods and Merchandizes to his said ffactors from Ostend which they accordingly received, and with part of the proceed thereof provided the severall parcells of money and plate predeposed"[79]
George Boschaert, a thirty-three year old Antwerp merchant, stated that " in the yeares 1651. and 1652. last past and moneths therein respectively concurring or some of them the said Edward Peters did send from Ostend in fflanders severall fflemmmish or fflanders goods wares and merchandizes of a great valew to John Lamotte William Jansen and others his ffactors and Correspondents at Cadiz in Spaine, for the said Peters his owne accompt, which goods the said ffactors alsoe received, The premisses this deponent knoweth for that before the sending of the said goods to Spaine, the said Edward Peters the partie producent in this cause showed unto this deponent at Antwerp in his owne howse great quantities of lace and factories for linnen and Rissels stuffs, which hee accordingly caused to be laden in the same shipps wherein this deponent also sent goods for Spaine, and after the said producents goods were received aboard such shipps as were to transport them from Ostend to Spaine, the said producent showed this deponent the bill of lading which hee had received for the same, and after the said goods were arrived and delivered in Spaine to the said producents ffactors upon advice thereof from them received this deponent saw the insurance cleared which the producent had made upon his said goods"[80]
Goods of James Pinquett
ffrancisco Boesdonck, the cashier and book keeper of the Antwerp merchant James Pinquett, gave details of two outward shipments of goods, in support of James Pinquett's claim for silver on the Morning Starr. He stated that "in the yeare 1651. last past the Interrate James Pinq[?uett] did in the moneth of November of and in the said yeare send one tunne of fflemish yarne marked No. I.P.3. by one Peter de Keyser master of, and aboard the shipp the Keyser of Ostend to David Clinquert aforesaid then being at Sevill in Spaine, and saith the two baggs of ryalls of eight now claymed were and are the proceed of the said tunne of yarne, Hee further saith That in the moneth of October 1652. the said James [?Pinquett] did send unto his ffactor Peter Jansen de Yonghe one packett of Antwerpe lace marked No. I.P.8. by one Hendrick Garfel Master of a shipp of Ostend to Cadiz for which the seaventeen barrestons of silver are returned of the worth thereof"[81]
Goods of Michael Perry Severino
ffrancis du Boys, a Cadiz based merchant, appears to have known the Saint Lucar based merchant Michael Perry Severino quite well. He testified as to Michael Perry Severino's trade, stating "that the sayd moneys plate and goods were and are the proceed of linnen clothes lace and peice goods of fflanders which the sayd producent receyved out of fflanders and sold in Spaine to and for his owne proper accompt"[82]
Goods of John Smeesters
The estimated total value of goods shipped by John Smeesters to Cadiz in 1651 and 1652 was about one fifth that estimated for Edward Peeters for the same period.
John Vervoort ws Smessters' cashier and book keeper, and deposed in support of Smeesters' claim that; "the laders of the monies predeposed had in their hands severall goods and efforts of the said producent, and particularly, That the said producent in the moneth of ffebruary 1651 new style did send by Peter Klinkart] Master of a shipp of Ostend from the Port of Ostend, by John De Vos Master of a shipp of Ostend upon the 2nd of Aprill 1651. by Derrick Haytman Master of a Hamburger shipp upon the 27th of July 1651. by Peter de Keysar an Ostend Skipper upon the 27th of October 1651. and by Joachim Cordes a Hamburger Shipper upon the 24th of November 1651 from the said Port of Ostend in their severall shipps very Considerable quantities of Rissells stuffs, fine fflanders linnen, Brabants stuffs and Laces to the valew as this deponent verily beleeveth of 4000 li fleminish and upwards"[83]
Goods of Sarah Smirtsarta., wido of Peter Vander Weyer
Sarah Smirtsarta's son deposed in November 1653 that "this deponent in the moneth of November [1652] next following received at Antwerp with the bill of lading and factorie predeposed therein enclosed, by which letter of advise bill of lading and factorie then exactly perused by this deponent it appeareth that the said silver was so laden and putt aboard as aforesaid for the reckoning and Risco of the said producent, as the returne or proceed of two cases of fflanders lace which the said producent of this deponents sight and knowledge had in the moneth of January 1652. new style sent from Ostend in the shipp Jesus Maria Josephus, whereof Jan Cooopmans of Ostend was Master"[84]
Goods of James Stanier of London
Robert Demetrius, servant of James Stanier, deposed in March 1654 that "in the yeare 1649. and about the 19th day of January of the same yeare This deponents master James Stanier did send to Cadiz consigned to one of the producents factors there whose name att present he remembreth not 840. peices of Norwich stuffes. and ten packes of Bayes amounting in value to the summe of 2720 li 14 s. sterling, and the same were laden att this Port of London on board the shipp Maydenhead of London Captaine James Lutton Commander one third part of which stuffes and bayes were for the sole accompt of the producent Pedro Michaelson, and putt and stated to and upon his accompt by the sayd James Stanier, in his Bookes of Accompts which this Rendent hath laetely consulted. which goods came safe to the hands of the sayd foresayd (sic) factor att Cadiz as this Rendent hath heard and beleiveth"[85]
Goods of Arnold Woulters
Juan Motte, a Hamburg born merchant living in Sevile, was the former servant and cashier of Hamburg merchant Arnold Woulters, when Woulters lived in Sevile. Motte deposed in December 1653 that "having bene in his youth bredd upp in the way of merchandizing under the sayd producent as aforesayd, and having since continually had and kept correspondence with him doth thereby know, that the sayd Arnold Woulters for these 16or 17 yeares last past and doth drive a constant trade betwixt Hamburg and Saint Lucar and Cadiz and other ports of Spaine for sylver and other merchandizes, and that for diverse yeares ;ast past severall merchandizes have been exported from Hamborough to Sain Lucar and other places in Spaine and there delivered for the accompt of the sayd Arnold Woulters"[86]
Goods other than silver shipped from Spanish West Indies to Spain
Manuel Corea deposed in March 1653 in support of the claim of Anthony Rodriguez of Cadiz for his tobacco and hides on the ship the Salvador that "the tobachoe which was bought by Anthony Rodriguez att Varinas afforesaid was bought att the rate of eight peeces of eight per roove and the hydes were bought by him at Marachaio afforesaid at the rate of seaven ryalls per hyde which hee knoweth for that hee sawe the said Rodriguez pay the mony for the said tobacho and Hydes and hee further cannot answeare saveinge that the tobaccho afforesaid was bought att Varinas of severall persons whereof ffrancisco de Mora Juan de [?Paye] ffrancisco Hartado were dwellers and Inhabitants in Varinas afforesaid And sold the same to the producent and the hydes interrogated were bought att Marachaio of Manuall Markez and Manuall Perrez Inhabitants of the Port of Marachaio afforesaid"[87]
Role of Ostend and Dunkirk in silver trade
The San Lucar based merchant Michael Perry Severino stated in support of a claim for silver made by Antwerp resident but hamburg born merchant George Boscahert that "hee this deponent as a merchant hath from Saint Lucars often corresponded with the arlate Philip da Papa, Dionisio [?ffalconier] and Peter lams as living at Ostend, and saith that they were and are merchants and agents there that use to receive goods from the marchants of Antwerp to send for Spaine, and back againe from Spaine, to send to them of Antwerp, and in regard of their [?dwelling] in the said port of Ostend were and are accustomed to have goods consigned unto them from Spaine for merchants of Antwerp, and in that this deponent hath consigned goods unto them from Spaine, and in that regard of their living in Ostend and therein commodious to take goods up from shipps there ariving, hee beleeveth the producent and his said factors made use of their names for taking up the [?plate] in question"[88]
What would silver have been used for in Flanders?
Juan de losa Barona deposed in support of the claim of XX for silver and wool brought from Lima in Peru, and laden into the Saint George and the Sampson. He stated that "the said producent as hee imparted to this deponent purposed to imploy his said silver at Antwerp in buying of lace to be transported to the Indies for which place hee was intended to retourne with the proceede of his said silver"[89]
Colourable names entered for consignees of silver
Spanish and Flandrians were concerned about confiscation of their silver by the French, so used Hamburg names colourably as the consignees, when in fact the silver remained their property.[90]
For example, Christian Aelst of Antwerp and Hjeronimo Brudgmans of Spain had their bills of lading for silver made out colourably at Cadiz. The young Spanish merchant Michael Perry Severino stated that "some of the bills of lading for sylver laden by this deponent [for Aelst and Brudgmans] wherein the same is colourably entred for the accompt of Arnoul van Haasdonck of Hamburgh the better to preserve his sylver from the french were found aboard the shipp Salvador".[91]
Antonio Estevan Balderas deposed in August 1653 in the claim of John de Losa Barona and stated "the five bills of lading arlate to the allegation annexed and now shewne to this Examinat were and are five of the sayd Bills of lading which this deponent saw signed att Cadiz as aforesayd, And saith that the names of Paul Cobrisse of Bridges, and ffrancis Sloyer of Hamburgh were made use of by the producent in the sayd Bills onely to avoyd the danger and preiudice that might have befallen his person in Spaine in case he should have bin knowne to have transported his sayd sylver And so much this deponent heard the sayd producent say and affirme att Cadiz about the tyme of lading the same And further he cannot depose saving that in reality and truth the sayd plate and money was and is the producents onely and laden for his sole Accompt and right as aforesayd, and that te sayd Cobrisse and Sloyer had not eyther of them had or hath any interest therein or any part thereof"[92]
The Dunkirk based merchant Lorenzo de Veles admitted in Court that there was no such person called "John Baptista [?Hemme] and "saith he himselfe did make use of that name being a fictious or suppositious name for such sylver as he did in person lade aboard att Cadiz, to avoyde the danger that might befall him if he should have bene knowne there to lade sylver to be transported out of Spaine".[93]. Antonio da Ponte, supporting Lorenzo de Veles' claim for twenty bags of silver, stated that "he knoweth not John Baptista Staine nor ever saw him to his knowledge But saith that for the better concealing of the lading of the sayd money att Cadize by the sayd de Veles the name of Baptista Stein was colourably made use of"[94]
John Mexia da Herrera admitted that he and Juan da Losa Barona had colourable bills of lading on board the Saint George. He stated that "some colourable bills of lading for sylver of this rendents, and of his precontests Juan da Losa Barona were found aboard the Saint George interrate according as in an allegation given in this Court on behalfe of this Rendent, and his deposition abiding in the Registry of this court in the clayme of his sayd precontest is sett forth, and that one bill of lading wherein the saylver of Paulus Cobrisse is entred by mistake is a false accompt was likewise found aboard the Saint George as this deponent in his deposition in the clayme of the sayd Paulus Cobrisse taken the 14th of October now instant whereto he referreth himselfe is more att large expressed"[95]
According to John Mexia de Herrera, John De Losa Barona used the colourable names of Paulus Cobrisse and Frans Sloyer on some of his own bills of lading. He deposed in XX that "the five Bills of lading to the sayd allegation annexed and now shewne him are five of the aforesayd bills of lading which this deponent saw signed att Cadiz as aforesayd, And he further sayth that albeit aswell in the sayd five bills of lading as in the rest which were drawne and made for the sayd moneys and plate the names of Senior Pablo Cobrisse of Bridges and of ffrancis Sloyer of Hamburgh to be made use of, yet in truth the sayd moneys and plate were not nor are not for the use and accompt of the sayd Cobrisse and Sloyer or eyther of them, but were and are for the use and Accompt of the sayd John de losa Barona onely whose proper goods they are as aforesayd And saith that the sayd John de Losa Barona made use of the names of the sayd Cobrisse and Sloyer in his sayd bills of Lading to avoyd the perill which himselfe might have runn into in Spaine in case it had bene knowne there that the sayd sylver had bene for his accompt, And somuch the sayd Producent did acquaint this deponent with att Cadiz about the tyme of lading the sayd sylver this deponent being his familiar freind and fellow Companion in his travells and well acquainted with his trading and manner of dealing in the wauy of merchandizing"[96]
Manuel Correa deposed in August 1653 in support of a claim of Pedro Hulee, merchant of Cadiz, but borne in Antwerp, who had returned from the Spanish West Indies that "the arlate Pedro Hulee told this deponent att Cadiz that notwithstanding the bills of lading for the sayd moneys plate and tobacco were in the bills of Lading entred and drawne for the accompt and risco of the arlate Charles Vinck of Antwerpe yet the same were really and truly for the accompt of himselfe the sayd Pedro Hulee and upon his sole adventure,. And this deponent beleeveth that the same were so laden for his use accompt and risco being bought and procured by him in the Indies, and by him the sayd Hulee brought from the sayd Indies to Cadiz as aforesayd"[97]
John Vervoort, cashier and booke keeper of John Smeesters, described the use of a Dunkirk consignee. He deposed that "Whereas it is expressed in one of the said bills of lading videlicet the bill concerning the foure hundred five and seaventie pieces of eight now claymed. That the same are to be delivered to Mr Jaques de Brower for the accompt of the said marke, the true intent and meaning of the said expression is for the accompt of the said producent, one of whose usuall markes is the marke predeposed, Which this deponent well knoweth to be true, by long experience, and having received severall goods consigned to his Master oneley in that manner"[98]
Absence of names of Cadiz laders of silver on bills of lading and in ship's book
Christian Cloppenburg, master of the Salvador, explained that: "all the said goods and silver were laden at Cadiz aforesaid in the monethes of August, September and October last past or thereabouts by many severall merchants whose names hee saith hee cannot remember without booke, but referreth himselfe [?therein] to his said bills of lading and papers, only the names of such as laded the silver are not mentioned in the bills, by reason of the danger of their lives that are discovered to send it thence, and saith the said goods were and are consigned to many severall merchants of Antwerp, Ostend, Bridges, London and Hamburgh and other places mentioned in his said bills and papers to which hee in that matter referreth himselfe not being able as hee saith to remember them without booke, and hee was not told or understood from any but that the said goods were and are belonging in propertia to the said severall persons to whom they are soe consigned."[99]
The London merchant Antonio Fernandez Caravashell was very experienced in the Spanish trade, having traded there of thirty years. He stated that "the names both of laders and of those for whose accompt any silver is laden are well enough knowne to those concerned therein albeit the names in the bills are left with blankes or otherwise obscured, such fictitious names being only prevention of discovery as aforesayd"[100]
Control of silver trade using Spanish licences
Michael van Lubkin, master of the Hamburg ship the Morning Starre, stated that "of his this deponents knowledge money plate and bullion hath bin and is usually [?XXXX] and brought from Spaine to fflanders without interruption provided the same was not too pubiquely carryed on bord"[101]
The stiersman of the Salvador, Hendrick Grube, also took a very pragmatic approach to the export of unlicensed silver. He believed that the place to seize silver was on the barks before the silver reached the ships in the Bay of Cadiz. He stated that "he hath heard that it is prohibited by the King of Spaine to transport sylver and moneyes out of the ports of Spaine unlesse a license be first obtained for the same. And saith he hath seene the Ministers of the sayd King strive and contend with the barkemen who have brought sylver to lade upon shipes lyeing in the bay of Cadiz, who he beleiveth have caused all such sylver unlicensed as they have seized before thereof to be confiscated to the sayd Kings use. But saith he never saw any of the Kings Ministers visit the shipps in that behalfe neither doth he beleive that they have right or power so to doe nor that the owners of such unlicensed sylver and moneyes loose their propriety in the sam except the same be seized in the Spanish Ports before they be laden"[102]
Michael Perry Severino [the younger] was resident at San Lucar, as was his eponymous father. He knew the realities of the Spanish licensing regime and stated that "The transportation of sylver and monies from Spaine without licence is prohibited by the lawes of that nation, and the persons offending therein are liable to be punished as thieves of their owne goods which is ordinarily accomodated by a reasonable composition with the judges or officers in such cases, and saith, That notwithstanding such prohibition it is usuall and frequent for merchants to transport moneys from thence without any interruption or confiscation"[103]
Juan Mexia de Herera, XX, was familiar with the law and practice surrounding licences. He stated that "It is prohibited to carry sylver out of Spane without license. And saith that if unlicensed sylver be seized in the ports of Spaine by the ministers of the King of Spaine, The owners are putt to compound for it but loose not their [?property] therein as this rendent beleiveth. And saith that if the same be not seized in the sayd ports It is as fully and absolutely free to the true proprietors as any other their goods whatsoever". He added that "it is notorious that there is a prohibition to carry any sylver out of Spaine without license, and saith that in case any such sylver or money be so laden in any the ports of Spaine without licensed and there be seized the same is lyable to confiscation, But he saith the King of Spaine is very indulgent in such cases by admitting the owners to a moderate composition, and in case the sayd sylver or money escape unseized out of the ports of Spaine it is wholly without danger of being left to the true owners thereof.[104]
Antonio Aevan Balderas was from Madrid but living in Limma in Peru. He deposed in support of the claim of fello Limma resident John Mexia de Herrera that he "saith and beleiveth that the sayd Mexia da Hera being a Spaniard had bene more lyable to punishment if the sayd sylver and money had bene by him laden for his owne accompt incase the same had bene knowne of [?in] Spaine that he could or might be by lading the same for another"[105]
John de Losa Barona stated in August 1653 in support of the claim of John Mexia de Herera for his Plate and moneyes in the Saint George the Sampson and the Salvador that "it is one and the same danger and perril in Spaine for a man to lade sylver to be transported, and to have sylver laden for a mans Account, for the avoiding of which perill and danger the sayd Mexia de Herrera [caused] the foresayd Carasco to lade the sayd sylver and the same in the Bills of lading to be entred for the Accompt of the foresayd Cabrissy"[106]
Lawrence de Veloes, merchant of Cadiz, who spent time in the Spanish West Indies, was highly knowledgeable regarding the export of silver from Cadiz. He stated that "he hath heard that It hath bene prohibited by the King of Spayne for any persons to lade any money plate bullion or sylver att or in Cadiz or other the ports of Spayne to be transported from thence without licence, And beleeveth there is and hath bene a generall and publique fame thereof, But whether in deed there be any such prohibition this rendent saith that of his owne knowledge he cannot depose, howbeit this deponent hath knowne that some persons have bene released when they have bene found endeavouring the transportation of sylver by the ministers and officers of the sayd King; but after any sylver is laden aboard he saith the says ministers so farr as he knoweth or beleeveth have noe power to arrest the same, or molest the persons that laded it. and further saith that he knoweth that it is usuall after any such sylver is arrived in the Ports of fflanders for merchants to dispose thereof freely att their owne wills without molestation, And further saith that every person that att Cadiz or other ports of Spaine ladeth any money plate bullion and sylver aboard any shipp without registring the same and obtaining a license to the effect interrate doth not thereby loose the propriety therein unless the same be there apprehended but doth still continue true and lawfull owner thereof, and as and for his owne goods may dispose of the same in every free port; And so to this deponents certayne knowledge and experience It is held and practised in the ports and places in fflanders under the jurisdiction of the sayd King of Spaine himselfe."[107] Ina separate deposition in support of the claim of Symon ffonseca de Pyna of Madrid he stated that "It is prohibited to transport sylver and moneys out of the ports of Cadiz Saint Lucar and others Ports of Spaine without license and saith if unlicensed sylver and moneyes be seized in the Spanish ports before transportation It is confiscate to the Kings of Spaines use, but if it arrive in fflanders or elsewhere out of the Power of the lawes of Spaine It is a free merchandize"[108]
Thomas Sanchez da Viccar stated that "he hath heard and a common report there is that every person lading sylver plate bullion or money in the sayd ports of Spaine to be transported from thence without licence as aforesayd by vertue of the aforesayd prohibition, in case the sayd money plate bullion or sylver be apprehended, but not otherwis; is after conviction of such offence in the courts of Spayne, to be devested and deprived of his propriety in and to the sayd money sylver plate or bullion"[109]
Joost Arnould was a thirty year old Dunkirk merchant, who "was borne att Duinkerke but being a bachelor hath as yet noe constant residence but travaileth as a merchant betweene the ports of Spaine and Flanders".[110] He stated that "every person lading moneyes sylver or plate without license aboard any shipp to be transported from Cadiz or other ports of Spaine if the same money sylver or plate be there taken and seized by the ministers of the King of Spaine, especially if it be any great quantity, is usually devested of the propriety thereof But he saith that in case the sayd money sylver or plate so laden without license doe escape the hands of the sayd King of Spaines ministers, the propriety of the same remaines intire in and to the first and true Owners thereof".[111]
The young Saint Lucar merchant Michael Perry Severino thought that Spanish judges had instructions form the King of Spain to punish merchants caught exporting unlicensed silver "to force the sayd owners to make their composition"[112]
The Hamburg master of the ship the Wheele of ffortune had laded silver at Cadiz in October of 1653. He stated that "for greate and considerable quantities of silver hee beleeveth that it is against the lawes of Spaine and forbidden as a capitale crime to lade and export it from Spaine, but for pettie quantities of small importance, hee beleeveth that the same is not soe looked after, nor the persons lading it liable to any greate danger, and otherwise hee cannot depose, not being acquainted with the customes and practises of Spaine in the point of ladeing silver"[113]
Pedro Van de Wyer claimed that "it is prohibited in Spaine to carry out silver thence without licence, and if it be taken before it came aboard. is confiscable, but saith that for Hamborough shipps what silver they gott aboard it is not sensible in Spaine by the articles of agreement betweene the Republique and the Crowne of Spaine, And otherwise cannot depose"[114]
Lucas Wrede, steersman of the Hamburg ship the Morning Starr, deposed in October 1653 in support of the claim of the widow and heirs of George de Ettonheard of Madrid for their moneys on board the Morning Starr. It is a rare example of silver being loaded under licence. Wrede stated that "seeing the said chests or cases brought aboard on a barque from Sevill, the master of which barque brought alonge with him a disparris or license for the lading thereof and showed the same."[115]
Thomas Sanchez de Urisa, a thirty-four year old merchant, originally from Validolid in Spain, claimed complete ignorance (as a result of living in the West Indies) of the need for a licence to export bullion from Spain. He stated that "hee hath bin used to the West Indies and that hee is unacquainted with the lawes of Spaine, and doth not knowe that it [?is] prohibited or unlawfull to lade plate bullion or silver at Cadiz or elsewhere in Spaine to be transported thence, or that there is any license required for such lading, but hee well knoweth that noe one losseth his money or plate or proprietie therein in Spaine for endeavouring to transport the same, unlesse the same be there seized and taken"[116]
Getting to the true ownership of the silver
Identifying the true, as opposed to the alleged, ownership of the many diverse parcels of silver onboard the three Silver Ships is of course impossible. Nevertheless, some patterns emerge in the many witness statements, which suggest that that the true owners of the silver were geographically diverse.
At least five geographical groups of "true" owners can be identified: (1) Spain (2) Flanders (3) Hamburg (4) England (5) Ireland. In addition, some of the silver was presumably Dutch owned, but war with the English between 1652 and 1654 precluded Dutch merchants making such claims, and any "true" Dutch owners are likely to have sought recovery through merchants of any or all of the other five geographies.
Jacob Gevers, the hamburg master of the Wheele of ffortune, was at great pains to state that he was careful only to lade silver from "free" people, and not from enemies of the English Commonwealth. He mentioned that his owners at Hamburg and friends had warned him of the need to be careful. " hee this deponent was very vigilant and circumspect not to receive any silver aboard without strict enquirie and examination first had that the same was belonging to persons that were [?in ?amity] with respect of this Commonwealth, and if there were any that he had any suspition that it belonged to hollanders or other subiects of the States of the United Netherlands, hee this deponent would not by any meanes suffer it to come aboard, hee this deponent having before [?XX] received warning and order from his owners and friends at hamburgh to have a care not to receive any but for free persons, and [?sent] [?his] passe from the English agent for his protection in theise seas [?XXX] hee tooke care not to receive any unfree goods aboard, of which hee this deponent was watch full and industrious not to take in any [?such], and this deponent receiving the said silver from trustie hands, and such as made [?XX] [?XXXX]"[117]
Were the goods on the Silver Ships insured?
The Commonwealth was keen to establish that the silver had been insured by insurers resident in the United Provinces. Hence the question put to deponents in the English Admiralty Court as to whether the silver was insured. The deponents responded by claiming that the silver was uninsured, or that it had been insured in Sevile, Antwerp, Hamburg or London.
Insurance on silver of John Bollart
According to London merchant Giles Vandeputt, Vandeputt received letters of advice from John Bollart, a merchant and burger of Antwerp, in late October 1652, requesting him to take out insurance in London on silver and plate laden by Bollart on all three of the Silver Ships. "whereupon this deponent upon the 28th of the said moneth of October 1652 did cause three severall pollicies to be duely drawne att the Assurance office London for and concerning the ensurance of the said Bollarts moneys and plate laden aboard the said three shipps att Cadiz to be transported and delivered as aforesaid, wherein and whereby this deponent procured and caused an Assurance of 400 li sterling to be made upon the said Bollarts plate and moneys in the said shipp Sampson, and 400 li sterling in the said shipp Salvador, and 400 li sterling in the said shipp Saint George, All which assurances this deponent caused and procured to be made - and duely drawne as aforesaid, And to be subscribed upon the 29th day of the said moneth of October 1652. by Nicholas Skinner, James Stainier for and in the name of James Johnson Peter Bultel and others Merchants residing in England, And saith That hee this deponent did thereupon satisfie unto the said Assurers their severall premiums after the rate of 10 li per Cent and did Charge the same by bill or bills of Exchange upon the said John Bollart, who accordingly payd the said bills, And further hee cannot depose, saving that the said Assurances and policies drawne thereupon and all the transactions for and concerning the same were and are reall and true, Which hee knoweth and deposeth being the person who did act and negotiate the same from the first to the last, and thereby hath an absolute and assured knowledge thereof".[118]
Francis Rubbens, servant in Antwerp to John Bollart, and privy to his books and correspondence, confirmed that Insurance had been taken out in London, and stated that it had also been taken out in Hamburg. However, Rubbens calculated the total London insurance to be 2,000 li, whereas Giles Vandeputt stated that there was a total of 1200 li insurance taken out in London. Rubbens deposed that "there is Insurance made here at London by Mr Giles Vande Putt for 2000 li sterling on the silver predeposed, and in Hamborough for 2500 li flemmish by one Samuel Roqueslo a Hamburgher."[119]. Peter Vander Wyer, Bollart's former servant, agreed with Giles Vandeputt, saying "the said producent hath assured 2000 li sterling upon the said silver here at London by Mr Giles Vandeput, and 2500 li flemesh at Hamborough by Samuel R[?oqueslo] a Hamburger"[120]
Insurance on silver of George Bosschaert
According to John Moller, the servant and cashier of Antwerp merchant George Bosschaert, Boschaert had various parcels of silver on board the three silver ships. For the silver purchased "for his own particular account...hee hath caused a thousand pounds fflemish to be assured at Hamborough on all his silver in each shipp of the said three shipps in the passinge of which assurance hee used the assistance of Mr ffrancis Sloyer a Hamburger there dwelling, and as hee hath heard and beleeveth the assurers are also Hamburgers, but their names hee knoweth not".[121] A second cashier of Boschaert, the Brabanter Adrian Valzolio, stated that "there is assurance made at Hambourgh and Antwerp by the producents on the said silver namely at hamborough for Boschaert and at Antwerp by Puiguet".[122]
Michael Perry Severino of San Lucars knew George Boschaert well from Boschaert's time living in Cadiz. He stated that "the said producent [George Boschaert] hath assured a thousand pounds fflemish on his said silver in each of the said three shipps, which assurance is donne at hamburgh by ffrancis Sloyer a Hamburgher by order of the said producent, but who the assurers are hee knoweth not. And that hee wrote to Mr Richout a merchant here at London to assure 1000 li sterling on each shipp for him the said producent, but the said Mr Richout answered him that hee could get noe good assurance here"[123]
George Boschaert's cashier Adrian Valzolio deposed in 1653 that "there is assurance made at Hamburgh and Antwerp by the producents on the said silver namely at Hamburgh for Boschaert and at Antwerp by Pinquet, and that noe hollander or ffrenchman or subiect of the States of the United Netherlands or of the ffrench king was or is any assurer therein or thereof, but they are Hamburgers and Antwerpians"[124]
Insurance on silver of Hjeronimo Brudgmans and Christain Aelst
According to Michael Perry Severino, goods shipped on the account of the two Flandrians Christian Aelst of Antwerp and Jeronimo Brudgmans of Sevile were insured. Severino reported Hjeronimo Brudgmans telling him "att Cadiz that before he came away from Sevill he had caused himselfe to be ensured upon and for three thousand peices of eight being parcells of the moneys now claymed, and that the sayd ensurance was made in Sevill". However, Severino did not know of what country or with whose subjects the insurance had been taken.[125]
Diego Maestre, Hjeronimo Brudgman's Flandrian born servant resident in Sevile, stated that "Hjeronimo Brudgman caused insurance to be made upon three thousand peices of eight laden aboard the Salvador at Sevill. And the Insurers were and are Spaniards and fflemings all merchants of Sevill, but their names he remembreth not"[126]
Insurance on silver of Otto George
Otto George stated that "hee wrote from Cadiz to Hamburgh to have assurance there made upon his part of the shipp and goods, to the valew of 1000 or 1500 Rex Dollars, but whether it be made or not hee knoweth not"[127]
Insurance on linen of Adrian Goldsmith
In a later HCA case from 1655 involving goods on the ship the Hare in the Field. which was seized at Cadiz en route from haver de Grace, a "John Tivell of this citie [of London] merchant caused or procured the summe of two thousand pounds sterling to be assured upon seaven and fourtie bales of linen laden aboard the shipp the Hare in the ffeild of Middleborowe (John Kein master) in the assurance office London, from haver de Grace in ffrance to Cadiz and Saint Lucar and any ports and places thereabouts, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent was and is one of the assurers thereof, and hath subscribed the Policie of Assurance in that behalfe made and passed being the schedule annexed which hee saith was and is the originall policie for the same, and that the contents thereof were and are true and soe had and donne was therein is contained. And saith that before this deponents said subscription as an assurer, the said Mr Tivell produced and showed him a letter, purporting that the said goods were laden for the accompt of mr Goldsmith of Antwerp and (as hee remembreth) other friends of hamborowe; and saith that in and by that letter the said Mr Tivell, was ordered to make the said assurance"[128]
Insurance on silver of Edward Peeters
George Boschaert deposed in support of the claim of Edward Peeters for his silver. He stated that "hee hath credibly heard that 2000 li flemmish is insured upon the moneys and silver now claymed, by one Albert Balthazar Beerents a burgher and merchant of Hamburg"[129]
George Boschaert also testified to having seen the insurance cleared on goods Edward Peters sent from Antwerp to Cadiz. Specifically, he stated that "after the said producents goods were received aboard such shipps as were to transport them from Ostend to Spaine, the said producent showed this deponent the bill of lading which hee had received for the same, and after the said goods were arrived and delivered in Spaine to the said producents ffactors upon advice thereof from them received this deponent saw the insurance cleared which the producent had made upon his said goods"[130]
Anthony Lewis, Edward Peter's cashier and bookkeeper, deposed in October 1653 in support of Edward Peter's claim that "there is an Insurance of 2000 pounds flemmish made upon the said silver by Marcus Tinck Goddert van Haveren Abraham Stockman all Hamburghers"[131]
Insurance on silver of James Pinquet
ffrancisco Boesdonck, cashier of James Pinquet, stated that "said producent hath assured to the valew of 2750 pounds fflemish on his said silver in the said three shipps which assurance hee made at Antwerp, and that John Shaw an English merchant there dwelling, John Baptista Schot, Jaques [?Guiot] Jacques Doulas Schot, Peter ff[ourment]. Godfrey von [?kirkchovin] Peter [?Swisart]. Nicholas vander Borcht, Jaques [?dounis] Christian Aelst, Nicholas Muyt[?ins] Jaques Bollart and ffrancis Skinnart the younger, all Antwerpians and well knowne unto him this deponent, and all subiects of the kinge of Spaine (saving the said Shaw who is an Englishman but hath lived longe in Antwerp) were and are the assurers, and that noe hollander or ffrenchman or subiect of the States of the United Netherlands or ffrench king were (or are any of the assurers"[132]
George Boschaert's cashier Adrian Valzolio deposed in 1653 that "there is assurance made at Hamburgh and Antwerp by the producents on the said silver namely at Hamburgh for Boschaert and at Antwerp by Pinquet, and that noe hollander or ffrenchman or subiect of the States of the United Netherlands or of the ffrench king was or is any assurer therein or thereof, but they are Hamburgers and Antwerpians"[133]
Insurance on silver taken out by Giles Vandeputt and other London merchants
According to Christian Cloppenburgh "since the seizure of the said shipps Sampson, Salvadore and Saint George, and since their bringeing up into England this deponent hath seene severall policies of assurance in the Assurance Office London, containing severall parcells of goods and silver laden in the shipps the Salvador and Saint George, whereby the said goods and silver were assured from Cadiz to Ostend or Dunquike by Giles van de Putt, and Mr Casteel and others merchants dwelling here in London, and saith the said assurances were (as hee beleeveth) made and duely drawne and subscribed whilest the said shipps were yet remaining at Cadiz and before the said seizure, And that the said assurances and policies being and remaining in such a place of creditt and security, as the Assurance Office is, were and are reall and true as hee firmely beleeveth, And further cannot depose saving that hee this deponent hath seene other policies of assurance in the hands of the said Giles vande Putt for and concerning goods by him assured for in the said shipp Sampson upon the voyage in question."[134]
No insurance on silver of Lewis Fernandez Angell
Witnesses were asked whether they had any interest in the sylver claimed, whether by property or by insurance. Antonio Ala Rosa, a thirty-two year old mariner of Sevile, gave evidence in support of the claim of Lewis Fernandez Angell for his silver, and stated that: "he hath noe interest in the sylver claymed eyther in property or ensurance"[135]
No insurance on silver and wool of Antonio Stephen da Bolderas
Thomas Sanchez de Orisa, a merchant born in Valladolid, who had returned from Spain after twelve years in Peru, stated in support of the claim of Antonio Stephen da Bolderas , who had likewise spent many years in the Spanish West Indies, that he "verily beleeveth that there is noe assurance made upon the said silver or wooll for hee hath such intimacie with the said producent and his dealing that hee beleeveth hee would not make any assurance without telling this deponent thereof"[136]; interestingly both Thomas Sanchez de Orisa and Antonio Stephen da Bolderas chose not to travel on either the Saint George or the Sampson on which Antonio Stephen da Bolderas had laden silver and wool, but departed a couple of dayas earlier for Ostend in a ship captained by John de Vos ("about two dayes before the departure of the said shipp the Sampson and Saint George from Cadiz the said producent and this deponent imbarqued themselves in a shipp of Ostend whereof John de Vosse was master bound for Ostend and the said producent carried the said bills annexed alonge with him, this deponent seeing them severall times by the way in his custodie, and from dunquirke hee brought them over hether, whether this deponent came alsoe in his companie"[137]
No insurance on pieces of eight of John Smeesters
Anthony Lois, cashier and book keeper to Edward Peters, deposed in support of the claim of John Smeesters, with whom Edward Peters was related. Lois stared that "this deponent hath not seene any Insurance entred in the producents booke of accompts for the said 600 [?X] peeces, which ought to bee and usually is so entred when any insurance is made"[138]
Other insurance cases in HCA in 1650s
See case of the Saint Michael (1655)
Manuel Perera, native of Rouen in France, but dwelling in London as cashier to ?Portuguese merchant living in London Domingo Vas Britto, stated that "the said shipp did in or about the moneth of August 1653. being then in the ffernambuco in Brazile sett out from thence upon a voiage to Portugall being so sett out by (the said domingo's Correspondent there and for the said domingos accompt, whereupon the said domingo vaz Britto caused the said shipp to be assured in her said Voiage by severall English Merchants, videlicet Peter Bulteel who assured for 150 li James Oyles, who assured for 100 li John Nicholas who assured for 100 li Giffard Bale for 100 li and ffrancis Sayon for 50 li which assurances were doe duely passed upon the 231th of August 1653 And saith tha the said domnigo vas Britto his said shipp being bound upon another Voiage to Sea from the Terreraes to the Madera Islands and from thence againe to the Terrera's, hee the said domingo in the moneth of January 1654. last past caused the same to bee assured by sewerall Merchants of London in sewerall summes videlicet by Gifford Bale 100 li John Sweeting 100 li Thomas Roberts 50 li Christopher Willoughby 50 li and Thomas Rastell 50 li policies of assurances for all which summes were duely drawne firmed and executed to the purpose therein expressed, all which this rendent hath well seene and observed, and by the said domingo's order and direction this rendent duely paid and satisfied the sewerall praemiums payable upon the said assurances respectively to the respective Ensurers and this rendent did cause the said Assurances to be drawne and firmed. And further cannot depose"[139]
Jacob Wigandi, a twenty-five year old Hamburg merchant, deposed in November 1653 in support of the "clayme of the widdowe of Hance Lemmerman of Hamborough deceased, and of John Lemmerman Hans Lemmerman and Thomas Lemmerman for their goods in the Black Cock. According to Wigandi, goods (cork, wine and olives) were "to be transported and carried in the said shipp from Saint Lucar aforesaid to Amsterdam", having been bought for Hamburg freighters by their factor John Scrother and company in Spain. The goods outwards from Hamburg were shipped by "Heyn [?Scoebach] and Henry Scrother and other Hamborough shippers". Wigandi specified that "there is insurance made of 600: li flemmish by Peter [?Vinck] of 600: li fflemish by frans Sloyer, of 600: li flemmish by Jurian Scothering, and of 800: li flemmish by Lodowick [?fraulus] all merchants and subiects of Hamburgh, and none of them Subiects of the King of States interrate[140]
How did foreign merchants pay for Spanish silver?
John Moller described George Boschaert and his partner, James [?Puiquet] driving and using a constant trade "from Antwerp to Cadiz in Spaine and places there about Cadiz for plate and moneys".[141] Moller's detailed testimony includes a description of bills of exchange drawn in Cadiz on Bosschaert and his partner "for the payment of the moneys for the said silver and plate soe bought and laden for their accompt".[142] Moller states that the bills of exchange were drawn "by the waye of Sevill". For Bosschaert's half of the silver, it was drawn by the order of Bosschaert's Cadiz factor, the Dunkirk born Francois de Sierpe "on him by Giles and Michael [?Diensart] of Sevill by 6 bills of exchange for soe much money in ducats as amounted to 5900 ducats payable to Christofer [?Diensart] John Alst and others in Antwerp, which the said producent George Boscaert accepted and hath paid the same by this deponents [John Moller] hands".[143]
ffrancisco Boesdonck, servant, cashier and book keeper to James [?Puiquet], described the trade of Puiquet and Boschaert slightly differently. He stated that they "have driven and still drive a constant trade from Antwerp to Cadiz and Saint Lucars in Spaine for silver and plate, and for all the said time have had their factors, agents and correspondents resident at Saint Lucars and Cadiz but especially at Cadiz to that purpose".[144]
Adrian Valzolio, cashier to George Boschaert, deposed that "the said producents gave order to the said ffrancis de la Sierpe that hee should drawe the moneys upon them by the way of Sevill for repayment unto him and satisfaction for the said silver and plate, which order this deponent sawe and was acquainted with, and accordingly the said ffrancis drew the same upon them by the way of Sevill by Giles and Michael Diensaert, and the said producents accepted the said bills of exchange and have since paid the same, as this deponent hath found and seene by the said bills at Antwerp upon his retourne thither"[145]
Diego Maestro, servant to Seville based Merchant Hjeronimo Brudgmans described how Brudgman's equal partner, Antwerp based Christian Aelst, paid for silver puchased in southern Spain. Maestre stated that in July, August and September 1652 he was in cadiz on Brudgman's business and knew that in that time "Hjeronimo Brudgmans bought and procured the sayd silver and moneys arlate for himselfe and the sayd Christian Aelst part thereof with the proceed of fine linnen and bone lace of fflanders and for other part thereof Bills of exchange were drawne upon the sayd Christian Aelst to be satisfyed att Antwerpe, this deponent seeing the plate and moneyss bought, and the letters receyved from the sayd Aelst ordering the buying of the same, and himselfe writing the letters to the sayd Aelst wherein an Accompt of the whole busines to the effect predeposed was given."[146]
Lorenzo de Velo, a Dunkirk based merchant, also described the arrangements between Brudgmns and Aelst for payment for silver. He deposed in August 1653 that "he saw att Cadiz in the hands of the
said Jeronimo letters of Advise from the sayd Aelst wherein the sayd Jeronimo was ordered to turne and convert the effects he had in his hands upon their accompt into plate and moneys, att Cadiz, and for somuch plate or moneys as he thought fit to procure and send to fflanders above the value of the sayd effects to draw Bills of exchange upon him the sayd Aelst in Cadiz"[147]
Bills of lading for silver
Some bills of lading were carried by passengers on board the Silver Ships from Cadiz. However, others were sent overland.
The Dunkirk merchant Lorenzo de Veles states that he sent signed bills of lading for goods on the Sampson "from Cadiz over land to [?Gilles] de Nemay of Antwerpe in fflanders from whence this deponent received the same in a letter here att London from the said [Gilles] de Nemay, and delivered them to Mr Smith one of the proctors of this Court".[148] John Moller similarly stated that the bills of lading for Antwerp merchant George Boschaert's silver were sent overland to Antwerp from Cadiz.[149] ffrancisco Boesdonck stated that multiple bills of lading were signed by the masters or pursers of the three silver ships for James [Puiquet's] silver, and that "one of every of the said bills soe signed was sent alonge in the said ships from Cadiz".[150]
Lorenzo de Veles appears to have been acting for two Cadiz merchants, Peter Arangel and John de Mann[?rgp]. who had been in Mexico, where they purchased silver for their own accounts. De Veles deposed that the silver was laded onto all three of the silver ships and that "the bills of lading interrate being signed as aforesayd, this deponent tooke two of each severall tenor and left one of each severall tenor with the parties that signed the same respectively as aforesayd all loose and saith a solemme delivery and redelivery of bills of lading after the punctuall forme in this Interrogatory expressed is not usually observed in theis cases"[151]
Don Antonio de Ponte was assistant in the lading of thirteen bars of silver for Lewis ffernandez Angell into the Sampson, and gives considerable detail about the receipt by the purser of the Sampson of the silver. He describes the purser receiving the silver and making "notes or receipts for the same in writing therein expressing the markes and numbers of the same, the name of the lader, for whose Accompt. and to and for whom and where to be delivered"[152] De Ponte adds that he subsequently "saw the sayd Purser signe three bills of lading of one tenor, whereof the bill interrate was and s one. and the sayd three bills were in this deponents sight all of them delivered to the sayd Lewis ffernandez Angell; one whereof was left att Caddiz. an other sent by the post into fflanders. and the third being the schedule to the allegation annexed was brought by the producent to sea with him and in his owne Custody."[153] De Ponte, responding to a final interrogatory, stated that the silver was laden in the Bay of cadiz, under the protection of the fort,a nd not on the open sea, and that "there was not any Cocquett for the same nor is it usuall in such case to take any Cocquetts"[154]
Thomas Sanchez de orisa also gave considerable detail about the process of signing bills of lading and making entries into the pursers books. He was a merchant who had returned from a long stay in Lima in Peru. He was responding to questions which sought to fdetermine whether bills of lading were signed at the exact time of the lading of the goods, and whether the corresponding entries into the pursers books exactly matched the bills of lading and were made at the same time as lading and signing of the bills. He stated that "about foure dayes after the said lading the said two barrs aboard the Sampson, Otto George signed the bill for the same and the bill for the wooll the said Otto George [?ashore] signed five or six dayes after the saigning of the bill for the silver by his Purser, and the bill for the three barrs aboard the Saint George, the said John Martens signed aboard the next day after the lading thereof, And otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition, saying the said bills were and are true and well. To the 6th hee saith that upon receipt of the said barrs aboard hee this deponent heard the said masters order their Pursers to make entrie thereof in their bookes, and hee sawe the said pursers take their notes or bookes and write therein which hee beleeveth was the same entrie, this deponent seeing them enter the same markes"[155]
Several deponents refer to bills of lading being sent to, or carried with, their masters in London or carried with their masters. Adrian Valzolio, one of George Boschaert's two cashiers stated that he recognised the bills of lading shown him in Court "because hee this deponent brought them from Antwerp to London whether hee came in company of Mr Boschaert".[156]
Michael Perry Severino, a young Saint Lucar merchant, noted that there were inaccuracies in bills of lading made out for silver consigned to Anne Muytinx by Hjeronimo Brudgmans, her son. He stated that: "toward the latter end of September next following the sayd Hjeronimo Brudgmans as factor for his sayd mother sent and laded aboard the shipp Sampson arlate Otto George master att or in the bay of Cadiz by Peter Classon a barkman and Diego Maestre his the sayd Hjeronimo's servant eight baggs of peices of eight conteining eight thousand peices of eight coynes of Peru marjed with a small double crosse as in the margent. and allso fifteene baggs of peices of eight of Peru, each bagg conteyning two hundred and fifty peices of eight more or lesse marked with the foresayd marke for the use and accompt and att the hazard and Adventure of the sayd Anne Muitinx to be in the sayd shipp carryed to Ostend in fflanders and there to be delivered to her or her Agents for her use, att the lading of all which sylver or moneyes this deponent was aboard the sayd shipp and in sight and presence, and saith that he then heard the sayd Diegoe Maestre tell the sayd Otto George that there was in one of the eight larger baggs aforesayd fifty peices of eight more than were entred in the bill of lading, and that there was about ninety three peices of eight in the sayd fifteen lesser baggs over and above the sayd 250. in each of them"[157]
James Stanier claimed there had been an error in bills of lading for silver belonging to Paulus Cobrisse. He claimed "he hath heard the producent declare that the sylver now though in the bills of lading for the same it be entred for the Accompt of Samuel Roqueslo, yet was in deed his owne and that he had received advise from Cadiz that it was [?misent] by mistake and error, and should have been entred for accompt of him the [?said] Paulus Cobrisse, and hath heard his sayd precontests speake and declare to the same or to the like effect"[158]
Francis du Bois, a thirty year old merchant of Cadiz, carried bills of lading from Cadiz to Hamburg and then from Hamburg to London, by sea. He deposed in September 1653 that " he knoweth the bill of lading interrate to be one of thhe originall bills of lading signed att Cadiz as aforesaid by the marke number contents and firme thereof and by the handwriting of this deponent by whom the same was filled upp as now it is, and for that this Rendent brought it from Cadiz to Hamburgh in the ffortune Barand Carfanger Master and from Hamburgh to this Citty in the Pacquett boat"[159]
Other documentation of ownership of the silver
Merchants' correspondence concerning the silver
Several young merchant deponents located in Antwerp refer to reading and copying correspondence from their masters' factors in Cadiz. For example, the twenty year old ffrancisco Boesdonck, reported reading and copying correspondence from his master James [?Puiquet] to his Cadiz factor, ffrancis de la Sierpe, instructing him to buy silver in Spain, before personally carrying the letters to the post. Moreover Boesdonck saw and read the advices returned from ffrancis de la Sierpe to Antwerp concerning the buying and lading of the silver.[160]
Merchant attempts to recover the silver
What do we know about the efforts of individuals and partnerships to recover their silver?
It remains to be seen if we can piece together the practical and legal steps taken by an individual or partnership to recover their silver. The prospects seem reasonable for the silver bought by the partners George Bosschaert and James Pinquet. Firstly, we have very detailed depositions from their servants, who acted as their cashiers and book keepers - John Moller in the case of Bosschaert and ffrancisco Boesdonck in the case of James Pinquet. Secondly, both Moller and Boesdonck suggest that Bosschaert went from Amsterdam to London "about looking after the said silver and other laden by him in the said shipps." Boschaert states that Bosschaert went to London in December 1652.[161] Thirdly, there are traces of Bosschaert in the Calendar of State Papers Domestic in regard to another ship in which he had silver, the Morning Star.[162]
English involvement in Spanish silver trade
Peter Vander Wyer, a twenty-six year old Dunquirke based merchant, was formerly a servant to the Antwerp merchant John Bollart, and very experienced in the Spanish trade, having lived in Spain and in Antwerp with Bollart. Vander Wyer noted that John Bollart had been a major trader with Cadiz and Saint Lucars in Spain from Antwerp and that Bollart "hath frequently for diverse yeares last past had the retournes of his goods sent thither made back to him in silver by his factors there both to fflanders and diverse times formerly to Dover and this port of London and very greate parcells of barrs of silver, plate and peeces of eight have formerly bin received for the accompt of him the said John Bollart in the said ports of Dover and London by merchants living in this Nation, and particularly by Mr Castel and other marchants of this citie, and the retournes thereof have bin made him either into fflanders by exchange or by goods as perpetuana's, bayes, and other manufactures and goods of this nation sent for his accompt for Spaine and for the more particula[?rities] of time hee saith that in the yeare 1638 and for foure or five yeares next following there were there were greate quantities and summes of money and plate sent to the said ports in England for his accompt, all which hee knoweth because hee this deponent then dwelt with him, and was in his counting house and accustomed to write his letters and to receive and be acquainted with the contents of theise sent unto him, and privie to his said trade"[163]
James Stanier, a forty-eight year old London merchant, stated in support of the claim of the Bruges merchant Paulus Cobrisse that "the arlate Paulus Cobrisse whom this deponent hath well knowne for theis 12 yeares past and upwards, hath for all the sayd tyme traded by himselfe and factors to Cales and the West Indies for sylver and monetes, to which places he hath caused severall great quantityes of goods and merchandizes to be sent out of England and fflanders to be converted into and remitted to him in plate and moneyes, which this deponent knoweth being his correspondent and one who hath sent him for his owne accompt whilest he lived in Spayne and to his factors att Cadiz since his returne into fflanders severall great quantityes of English manufactures of the value of money thousands of pounds, and hath receyved from him and his factors att Cadiz for his like accompt many thousand pounds worth of sylver and moneyes att this port of London, from the Port of Cadiz in Spaine"[164]. He added that "the sayd Pedro Calvo had divers effects in his hands of great value of the manufacture of England sent to him by this rendent from this port of London in the yeares 1648 and 1649. in severall shipps to Cadiz from the producents accompt. that is to say. 29. bales of Norwich stuffes, bayes, perpetuanaes and some woorsted stockins of the cleane value of .2462. li 1. s 10. d sterling laden aboard the Sampson of Hamburgh Otto George Commander about September 1648. and 21 bales more of bayes, and .6. trunkes of stockins of the cleane value of 2476. li 15. s 8. d laden aboard the Culpepper John Thomas commander, about the moneth of October 1648. and 25 bales more of stuffes and bayes of the cleane value of 2222. li 16. 7. d sterling laden about Januart 1649 part aboard the shipp Confidence Thomas [?CromXX] commander, and part-aboard the Maidenhead James Lutton Commander [?a ?part XX] whereof faithfully extracted out of this deponents Leiger (sic) he hath formerly left in the Registry of this Court videlicet upon his examination in the producents clayme for his sylver and moneyes in the Sampson Otto George Master."[165]
John de Losa Barona, a forty year old merchant of Limma, Peru, was familiar with Paulus Cobrisse's merchandising affairs. He stated that "Pedro Calvo one of the factors that did lade the sylver did send from Cadiz in the yeare [?165?X] to this rendent in the West Indies a great quantity of stuffes of the manufacture of England worth fifty thousand peeces of eight to convert into sylver for the sayd producents Accompt, which stuffes were brought formerly for the same accompt to Cadiz from this port of London or other port of England as this deponent beleiveth, and for the same accompt and this deponent sold the sayd stuffes in the Indies, and brought the proceed thereof to Cadiz in sylver, and there delivered the same to Pedro Calvo all for the same accompt, and the sayd Pedro Calvo did att Cadiz acquaint this rendent that he had order from Paulus Cobrisse to transmitt to him and his accompt to fflanders the proceed of the sayd English stuffes; of which proceed the moneyes and sylver now claymed was and is part""[166]
The Dunkirk merchant, twenty-nine year old Joos Arnout, deposed in support of the claim of George du Bois for goods in the Sampson and the Saint George. He stated that "Hee this deponent is a Dunquirker by birth, and being a bachelor hath no constant place of residence, being sometimes in fflanders sometimes in Spaine, and England, as occasions of voyages and emploments serve"[167]
Peter Morelais, London based book keeper for William Moore, one of the three person partnership of Peter Mathewes, Arnold Beake and William Moore, stated that "he knoweth well the arlate Peter Mathewes Arnold Beake and William Moore all merchants living and inhabiting in this Citty of London and keepes the bookes of Accompts of the sayd William Moore and thereby is well acquainted with the trade and dealing of the producents the sayd Moore, Peter Mathewes and Arnold Beake in their trade for Spaine they three mannaging a trade there for their owne accomp in partnershipp, for which purpose they have one common factor att Cadiz by name ffrancisco da la Sierpe to whom they send merchandizes from hence and fflanders, and receyve sylver from him as returnes thereof"[168]
George Boschaert, deposing in support of the claim of the Antwerp merchant Edward Peeters referred to both Edward Peters and himself, George Boschaert, writing to "Mr Rishoult then a merchant in London to give intimation to this Court that such silver and moneyes were laden aboard the said shipps for the said accompt, as this deponent then also writt concerning his owne interest in the said shipps"[169] Boschaert was probably referring to Sir Peter Richault, who, according to Smith's Obituary, had died and was buried on February 22nd 1652 (modern 1653) at Aylesford in Kent, so a fewmonths before Boschaert's deposition in the Admiralty Court on November 9th 1653.[170]
Robert Demetrius, the twenty-thre year old apprenytice and cashier of the London merchant James Stanier, deposed in support of the claim of Antwerp merchant Pedro Michelson. Demetrius stated that "the arlate Peter Michelson long before the sayd shipps Sampson Salvador and Saint George were seized by the shipps of this Commonwealth did write over from Antwerpe to the arlate James Stanier here in London, and that he certifyed him that he the sayd Michelson had receyved advise and intelligence from his factors and Agents att Cadiz and Saint Lucar that they had laden severall parcells of sylver, (meaning the sylver now claymed as this deponent doth conceyve) on board the sayd shipps Sampson Salvador and Saint George for his use and accompt and desired the sayd James Stanier that in case the sayd shipps or any of them happened to be seized by the Parliament shipps, that then he should clayme the sayd sylver for his the sayd Michelsons use and accompt which advise the sayd James Stanier did here in London receyve in a letter from the sayd producent before such tyme as the sayd shipps were taken of the knowledge and certayne remembrance of this deponent who being the servant and apprentice and Cashier of the sayd James Stanier saw and perused the sayd letter here in London in the custody of his sayd Mr James Stanier before the tyme of the seizure in question"[171]
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- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.145r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.5v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 5 f.2r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 5 f.2r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.11r
- Jump up ↑ XX
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.87r
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2937]
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2939]
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2939]
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2942]
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 13 f.6r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 4 f.2r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 4 f.4r
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2666]
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2941]
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2943]
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 7 f.5r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.2r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.2r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.2v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 5 f.1v
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2949]
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 4 f.8v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.2v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.8r
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2942; 2943]
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2945]
- Jump up ↑ [HCA 13/69 f.? IMG_118_07_2945]
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.1r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.1r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.1v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 10 f.2r
- Jump up ↑ [IMG_118_07_2320]
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 12 f.6r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.6v
- Jump up ↑ The Obituary of Richard Smyth, Secondary of the Poultry Compter, London, p.34
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 Silver 12 f.1r