HCA 13/69 Silver 4 f.10r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 4 f.10r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


two hundred and fifty peices of eight in every of them aboard the
arlate shipp the Saint George whereof John Martinsdorp is Captaine for
teh same Accompt, all att Cadiz arlate and to be transported from
thence to Ostend in the sayd shipps and there to be disposed for the
Accompt aforesayd, and then and there shewed to this deponent two
bills of lading for the same videlicet one signed by Christian Cloppenbergh
for the sayd fifteene baggs, and one by John Martinsdorp for the sayd
twelve baggs. And further saith that the three bills of lading to
the allegation annexed and now shewne he knoweth by the contents
firmes markes and handwriting to be the very same bills of others
of the same tenor with those he saw att Sevill and Saint Lucar respectively
as aforesayd. for which causes this deponent verily beleiveth that the
sayd Hjeronimo Brudgmans and Christian Aelst were. and are
the true and Lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the sylver and
moneyes arlate, and for such have bene and are accounted. And
otherwise saving his subsequent depositions he cannot depose.

To the fifth he saith that about or towards the middle of October
1652 the sayd shipps sett sayle and departed from cadiz and in their
Course towards Ostend were seized by some of the shipps of this
Commonwealth this deponent being aboard the sayd shipp Salvador att
the tyme of the sayd seizure, and beleiveth that the sayd sylver and
moneys were then aboard and came to the possession of the Takers. And
further he cannot depose

To the sixth and seventh he saith the sayd Christian Aelst and Jeronimo
Brudgmans were and are by common repute fflandrians, and subiects of
the King of Spaine and so accounted, and the sayd Jeronimo Brudgmans
for theise eight yeares now past or thereabouts hath lived and inhabited
and still doth live and inhabit att Sevill in Spaine, And this deponent
for the reasons above declared doth verily beleive that the sylver and
moneyes arlate were laden for the Accompt of the sayd Christian Aelst
and Hieronimo Brudgmans, and upon their sole hazard, and that noe
subiect of the States of the United Provinces or of the King of ffrance
had or hath any right interest or propriety therein. And further he
cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first he saith he was aboard the interrate shipp the Salvador
att the tyme of the seizure aforesayd and came first aboard her as a
Passenger att Cadiz, in the moneth of October 1652.

To the second he saith he hath knowne the interrate Hieronimo Brudgmans
for seven or eight yeares or thereabouts, but the sayd Christian Aelst
heknoweth not otherwise than by letters and Correspondencyes. And saith
the sayd Hieronimo Brudgmans liveth in Saint Nicholas Street in
Sevill. and further saving his foregoeing depositions he cannot

To the .3.d he saith that Diego Maestre a servant of the sayd Hieronimo
Brugmans told this deponent that he did lade or carry aboard the plate
and sylver interrate for the Accompt aforesayd. and further he cannot depose.

To the 4th and fifth he saith he saw not the bills of lading interrogate
signed, but beleiveth they were true and reall for the causes aforesayd, and
saith he beleiveth that some of the bills of lading for sylver laden by
this deponent wherein the same is colourably entred for the Accompt of
Arnoul Van Haesdonck of Hamburgh the better to preserve his sylver from
the french were found aboard the shipp Salvador. And further he
cannot depose.