HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.31v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.31v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The fifth day of August 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of James Pincquett merchant}
of Antwerpe for the Plate and Sylver}
in the shipp the morning starr whereof}
Michael van Lupkin (sic) is master taken}
by some of the Parliaments shipps. Smith}

Examined upon an allegation on behalfe of [?James ?Pincquett]


ffrancisco Boesdonck of Antwerp
Cashier and Book keeper of and for the
Producent the sayd James Pincquett aged
nineteene yeares and upwards a witness
sworne and examined deposeth and saith as


of the said Pincquett, during which time the producent hath driven a Constant [?trade]
to Cadiz and Saint Lucar in Spaine for silver and severall other goods and Commodities
and hath maintained and kept Agents or Servants there for all the time predeposed
for the performance of his affaires, receiving of Merchandizes by him transported
thither from Antwerp and fflanders, and remitting of the proceeds thereof unto [?him]
The premisses this deponent hath well observed and knownem haveing for theise fower
and a halfe (sic) beene Cashier and Booke keeper unto the said Pincquett and having seene and
perused his bookes of accompt concerning his said Negotiation for all the time predeposed
And for such a Merchant, Subject and trader the said producent was and is commonly
accompted reputed and taken. And otherwise hee cannot depose:/

To the third and 4th hee saith and deposeth, That in or about the moneths of december January
and ffebruary last past the said producent was and to this present is and ought to bee [?the]
true and lawfull Proprietor of seaventeene barretons or small peeces of silver marked


with the first marke in the margent and of two baggs of silver each of them conteyning


five hundred Ryalls of eight of Peru coyne, marked with the second marke in the Margent
and for such Proprietor the said producent was and is commonly reputed. Hee further
saith That in or about the tyme predeposed, the said seaventeene barretons or peeces of
silver were laden and putt aboard the shipp the Morning starr arlate at Cadiz
Spaine by one Peter Janson de Yonge a fflandrian and ffactor there resideing, and
the two baggs of Ryalls of eight by one David Clinckard also a fflemmish
ffactor residing at Sevill in Spaine, to and for the proper use and accompt of the
producent James Pinquett