HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.2v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 14 f.2v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Interrogatories. CENTRE HEADING]

To the first negatively.

To the second hee hath knowne the interrogated Gerrard Ripar eight yeares
Lopez da Molena sixe years, John Baptista seaven yeares, and the
other lader namely Pedro da Zoletta (who is designed in the bills
by P.D.Z.) tenn yeares, and otherwise negatively for his part, for
hee saith hee was not in the voyage in question.

To the third hee saith the said foure laders are factors of the said producent
but hee is not their factor, and otherwise hee referreth
himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the fourth hee saith the said Gerrard Ripar is a native of
Antwerp, and an Inhabitant of Cadiz, where this deponent hath knowne
him for all the time aforesaid living a[?t] Torrezon Saint Augustino and other
places of Cadiz and hath bin about two yeares last maried there, Lopez
da Molina hee saith is a native of Cadiz where this deponent hath
knowne him dwelling (for all the said time of his knowledge of him)
John Baptista a native of Sevill, and an Inhabitant neare the Callia
Nova in Cadiz, and Pedro da Zoletta a Biscayman borne, but
for all the said time of this deponents knowledge of him hee hath lived
in Cadiz, and saith the said Baptista is a maried man but the said
Zoletta a batchelour.

To the 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9 hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition
and otherwise cannot answer, for hee was not in the voyage and therefore
did not see the lading of the said silver nor the subscribing of the bills.

To the 10 hee saith hee verily beleeveth in his conscience that the
said silver belongeth wholly to the said Bollart, and otherwise
negatively, referring himselfe to his foregoing deposition.

To the 11. and 12 hee referreth himselfe to his forgoeing deposition and otherwise
hee cannot depose saving the producent made this deponent
acquainted with the order by him given for the lading of the said
silver for his accompt.

To the 13 and 14 hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 15 hee saith hee this deponent is a native of Sevill in
Spania, and nowe an Inhabitant of dunquirke, and otherwise

To the 16 negatively for his part and otherwise hee cannot depose, saving
his foregoing deposition.

To the 17. 18. and 19th hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid, nor being
in the sayd voyage.

To the 20th hee saith that the said producent hath assured 2000 li sterling upon
the said silver here at London by Mr Giles Vandeput, and 2500 li
flemesh at hamborough by Samuel R[?oqueslo] a hamburger, and
otherwise negatively.

To the 21th hee saith that this deponent as aforesaid sawe all the
said bills of lading annexed in the hands of the said producent at
Antwerp forth with upon his receipt of them [?XXX] from Spania, and
[?that] [?XXX] the said producent hath sent them hither to this
citie to Mr Castel.

To the 22 and 23th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition, and
otherwise hee cannot depose, hee not being in the voyage as aforesaid.

To the 24th hee saith hee perceived by the said producents said bookes
that formerly hee hath imployed some at Amsterdam and elsewhere
in the States of the United Provinces their dominions to buy some
goods for him, And otherwise negatively.

To the 25th hee saith that the said John Baptista his surname is
Baptista, and hath noe other [?sir] name. and otherwise hee referreth
himselfe to his foregoing deposition.

To the two Interrogatories in the second place hee saith it is prohibited in Spaine