HCA 13/69 Silver 10 f.4v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 10 f.4v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 25th He saith the interrate Christian Cloppenbergh did deliver
three bills of lading of one tenor to the interrate Pedro Calvo for each
severall parcell of the money and sylver that is now claymed as they
are mentioned severally in the sayd three bills now shewne him. and having so
done the sayd pedro Calvo immediately delivered back three of them [?loose] videlicet
of each distinct tenor one to the sayd Christian Cloppenbergh upon or
about the 8th day of october 1652. in the howse of Pedro Calvo in
Cadiz And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 1 and 2 He saith It is prohibited to carry sylver out of Spane without
license. And saith that if unlicensed sylver be seized in the Ports of
Spaine by the Ministers of the King of Spaine, The Owners are
putt to compound for it but loose not their [?property] therein as this Rendent
beleiveth. And saith that if the same be not seized in the sayd Ports
It is as fully and absolutely free to the true Proprietors as any other
their goods whatsoever. And otherwise cannot depose.

Ju: Mexia de heraera [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Nicolas deferrari [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]
Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]

Repeated with his precontest
before the Judges in Court


The 30th day of September 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of the Heyres of George da}
Etton Heard. for their sylver in the}
Sampson Salvador and Saint George. et cetera}

Examined upon the sayd allegation


Peter Huckfelt of Hamburgh mariner
Purser of the sayd shipp the Sampson. aged
five and twenty yeares or thereabouts a
witnes sworne and examined deposeth and
saith as followeth. videlicet.

To the first Article of the sayd Allegation He saith he cannot depose.

To the second Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth
That in the monethes of July or August or one of them in the yeare 1652
the tyme otherwise he remembreth not Hjeronimo Brudgmans merchant
of Sevill in Spaine did att Cadiz arlate lade and putt on board the arlate shipp the
Samposn whereof Otto George was master, eighty two barretones of sylver


marked as in the margent, and twenty eight small packetts or
baggs of Ryalls or peices of eight Coyne of Peru conteyning in
all five thousand five hundred sixty five peices more or lesse marked
with the same marke; And saith that when he so did lade the same
he sayd and declared that the sayd plate sylver and moneyes were for the
Accompt and Risgo of one Nicholas Paulo an Officer or Agent of and
for the Treasury of the Santo Crusado: And saith the same were laden
to be transported in the sayd shipp the Sampson from Cadiz to Ostend and
there to be delivered to Lionel [?Curram]. the premisses this deponent knoweth
being Purser of the sayd shipp and present and aboard when the sayd sylver
and moneyes were so laden. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth
that after the sayd moneyes and sylver was so laden as aforesayd he this
deponent on the behalfe of the sayd Otto George did firme three bills