HCA 13/70 f.348v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.348v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and were not dischardged at the Barbada's
that hee knoweth of, for hee saith hee knoweth of noe goods
brought from those parts to the Barbada's but Negro's and provisions of victualls
for them, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith that the said shipp departing with her said sugars and
other goods from the Barbada's for this port, comming betwixt the Westerne
Iland, met with very fowle and tempetuous weather of a longe [?continueing]
and contrary and asverse windes which forced her into Passage in Ireland
where being extreame leakie, and halled ashore to have her leakes stop, the
water came in soe fast that there was noe preventing thereof her company
being sick, weake and spent with labour and sicknes, by which meanes the
greater part of her lading was spoiled, and amongest the same all the
said sugars, saving about 6 chests and hogsheads of sugar which were saved
some whereof the master disposed of towards the mens charges
and otherwise hee cannot depose, nor remembreth the time of their
coming from the Barbadas

Repeated before doctor Clerke.

William Croford [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 24th of July 1655.

The claime of Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerp}
and others for goods in the hare in the feild.}
John kein Master. Budd. Suckley.}

Examined upon the allegation on the behalfe
of the said claimers

dt. Tivell


John Nicholas of London Merchant, aged 32. yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined

To the fourth article of the said allegation and the schedule or pilicie of
Assurance therein mentioned nowe showed unto him hee saith and deposeth
that in the month of May last the arlate John Tivell of this citie
merchant caused or procured the summe of two thousand pounds sterling
to be assured upon seaven and fourtie bales of linen laden aboard the
shipp the hare in the ffeild of Middleborowe (John kein master) in the
assurance office London, from haver de Grace in ffrance to Cadiz and
Saint Lucar and any ports and places thereabouts, which hee knoweth because
hee this deponent was and is one of the assurers thereof, and hath
subscribed the Policie of Assurance in that behalfe made and passed
being the schedule annexed which hee saith was and is the originall policie
for the same, and that the contents thereof were and are true and soe had
and donne was therein is contained. And saith that before this deponents
said subscription as an assurer, the said Mr Tivell produced and
showed him a letter, purporting that the said goods were laden for the
accompt of mr Goldsmith of Antwerp and (as hee remembreth) other
friends of hamborowe; and saith that in and by that letter the said
Mr Tivell, was ordered to make the said assurance. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith that hee this deponent is a native of this citie
and hath lived here about 7 yeares last and before that in Spaine, And
otherwise negatively.
