HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.19v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 1 |
Folio | 19 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_118_07_2585.jpg | |
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Jonathan Dent | |
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2015/11/09 | |
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Edited on 13/11/2015 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the two and twentyeth he saith that there was noe Pasport or Cocquet
for the sayd moneyes as this deponent beleiveth. But saith that the same
was all of it laden neere unto and under the Commaund of the fforts of
Cadize and otherwise he cannot depose.
To the [?Interrogatories] given in 26th May 1653./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first and second Interrogatories this Rendent saith, and beleiveth
that there is a a prohibition of the transportation of money plate bullion
and sylver from Cadize or any other Ports of Spaine without license
obtained for the same. And he saith that there is likewise in the Ports
of Spaine and amongst merchants, Seamen and others using the
Ports a publique fame report and generall beleife of the same. But
he saith that the Laders of such money bullion sylver and plate
lading the saime contrary to the [?saw] prohibition doe not loose their propriety and Ownership
of and in the same except the same be taken and apprehended by the
King of Spaine or his Ministers with the Jurisdiction and dominion
of the Kingdome of Spayne. And otherwise he cannot depose.
Roger Kilvert [SIGNATURE, LHS]
Sam Delaplace [SIGNATURE, LHS]
Repeated before Doctor Exton
Thomas [?Deruga] [SIGNATURE, RHS]
The tenth day of June .1653.// [CENTRE HEADING]
The Clayme of ffrancis du Boys merchant}
of Cadiz in Spayne for his moneyes}
plate and sylver severally laden on board}
the severall shippes the Sampson whereof}
Otto George is Master, and the}
Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenburgh}
is Master. taken and surprized by some of}
the shippes of the State and Commonwealth}
of England. Budd ffrancklin}
Examined upon an Allegation given
in on the behalfe of the sayd ffrancis
du Boys.
Michael Perry Severino of Saint Lucar
in Spayne merchant, aged eight and twenty
yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth
To the first Article of the sayd allegation he saith and deposeth that the
arlate ffrancis Du Boyes whome this deponent hath knowne for eight
yeares now past or thereabouts in or about the latter end of September
or beginning of October Last did Lade aboard the sayd shipp Sampson
Otto George Master riding then att an Anchor in the bay of Cadize two
baggs with five hundred peices of eight in the same Peru moneyes
marked with the first marke in the margent. and six baggs more
contayning fifteen hundred peices of eight of Peru money and
with the second marke in the margent, number P. and allso
one bagg more of the third marke in the margent no. [number] B. conteining
three hundred patacones or peices of eight of mexico moneyes, this
deponent being aboard the Sampson arlate anbd present where he saw
the Purser of the sayd shipp whom they called Pedro receyve the same
of and from the sayd ffrancis Du Boys who laded them. And he further
saith that in or about the tyme predeposed the arlate ffranccis Du Boys
laded aboard the shipp Salvador Christian Cloppenbergh Master then
all so lyeing att or in the bay of Cadize [?XX] baggs of patacones
or Ryalls of eight, No. A. B. C. D. and marked with the fourth marke
in the margent. and one bagg more No. A. conteining three
hundred peices of 8/8 marked with the fifth marke in the margent
Christian Cloppenbergh
Otto George
Francis du Boyes
Michael Perry Severino
Roger Kilvert
Sam Delaplace
Dr Exton
Thomas [?Deruga]