HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.2v Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 11 f.2v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


buy severall great quantityes of English Stuffes and other manufactures
fitt for sale in the West Indies of the value of 7000 li and upwards
and by like order consigned and sent the same to Cadiz and to Pedro
Calvo there dwelling the producents factor in the sayd bills of lading
Mentioned, and hath he and by and from his precontests in this can see that
the said English manu factures afterwards arrived safe in the Indies
and were there converted into plate for the sayd Paulas Cobrisses accompt
and that the sylver in this cause Claymed was and is part of the
proceed of the sayd manu factures. upon which reasons and the reasons
hereafter sett forth this deponent belieiveth that the producent, in October
1652 was and now is the true Owner of the sayd sylver now clamyed
and that the same was about October 1652 ladden att Cadiz aboard the said
shipp Saint George John Martins Master for the accompt of the producent and
consigned to Ostend. and that the said bills of lading were firmed
by the sayd John Martins or his purser for the same att or neere Cadiz att
the tyme of the date thereof . And saith he hath credibly heard that there
were likewise laden aboard the sayd shipp for the producents accompt att
Cadiz about the same tyme 2 small Chests of white Sugar and
three Tables of Indian wood with the appurtenances thereof, as a present
or Regalo sent to the producent from some of his friends or Correspondents
att Cadiz. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the sixth article of the sayd allegation he saith he beleiveth the sayd shipp
with her lading was seized in her course from Cadiz to Ostend by some
of the shipps of this Commonwealth. and beleiveth that the sayd sylver
now claymed and the foresaid bill of lading for the same abiding upon a
file in the Registry of this Court were then likewise on board and came into
the possession of the takers who since sent the sayd bill of lading into the
Registry of this Court. And farther cannot depose

To the seventh article of the sayd allegation he saith he hath heard the producent say and
declare that he receyved advise from the sayd Pedro Calvo touching the lading
of the sayd sylver now in question in a letter sent to him from Cadiz to
Bridges, and that the said letter came to his hands before he had notice of the
seizure of the sayd shipp. And farther cannot depose.

To the eighth article of the sayd allegation he saith that he well remembreth that the
producent shewed him this deponent the sayd bill of lading to the allegation annexed
as a foresaid, and that the producent did write to this deponent to clayme
the sylver therein mentioned for him but whether or noe the sayd Bill of lading
was sent over to this deponent from Bridges he remembreth not. And
otherwise saving his foregoeing depositions he cannot depose.

To the nynth article of the sayd allegation he saith he cannot depose

To the tenth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that he read a letter
from the deponent touching the Clayme of his Sylver in the three
sylver shipps and of the sylver and of the sylver now in question amongst the rest, but did
not so farr as he now remembreth receyve any letter from him to the particular
effect in this article deduced. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the eleventh and twelfth articles of the sayd allegation he saith he cannot depose
otherwise than as aforesaid.

The the thirteenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith he hath heard the
producent declare that the sylver now though in the bills of lading
for the same it be entred for the Accompt of Samuel Roqueslo, yet was in
deed his owne and that he had received advise from Cadiz that it was [?misent]
by mistake and error, and should have been entred for accompt of him the



Pedro Calvo
Samuel Roqueslo
Paulas Cobrisse

John Martins


[West] Indies



Saint George


Indian wood chests