HCA 13/53 f.87v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/53 |
Folio | 87 |
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IMAGE: DSC_100D3300_0182.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2019/04/11 |
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it is the use of all mariners to doe that lade oyle, and as the company
of other shipps did that came home in company of the sayd shipp the
Katherine from ffaro, the voyage in question, and that he doth not demannd
any damage for fourtye odd barrells of figgs which were ratt eaten, but the nyne barrells of figgs before
mentioned were wantinge barrells and all and that it did not appeare
by the barrells or by any of the rest of the figgs in the foresayd 39 barrells out of
which was taken the foresayd 653 lb of figgs, that any of the sayd figgs
were ratt eaten, but it did appeare by those barrells that he heads
of them had bene taken out, and putt in agayne, and
therfore beleiveth that the sayd damage came by the company of the sayd shipp
Et aliter nescit deponere/
Ad 4um affirmat That he hath receaved noe goods out of the sayd shipp
but such as were his owne goods and under his owne marke, exceptinge
twentye two basketts of figgs of Mr John Nusffields and ten butts or
pipes of the foresayd thirtye two pipes of oyle, wherin Mr John Questell was
interessed with this deponent, Et aliter satsfacionem est supra:/
Ad 5um affirmat That he laded abord the sayd shipp at ffaro one hundred
fourtye two dozen of brushes well conditioned and since the arrivall of
the sayd shipp into the port of London he sould the same unto one Mr
Steward dwellinge at Queenhith for 14 d the dozen, and the sayd
Stewards hath sent his servant five or six tymes abord the sayd shipp
to demannd the same, but could not receive them (as he informeth him
this deponent) and further sayeth that the master of the shipp havinge
broughte home in the sayd shipp a grat quantitye of the like brushes
for his owne accompte, and sould the same heere in the port of London
hath suffred the buyer to choose out his complement aswell out of
this deponents complement as out of the sayd masters, and hath lefte onlye
the worst of the sayd brushes which the sayd Steward refuseth to receive.
Et aliter nescit deponere/
Ad 6um nescit deponere/
Ad 7um affirmat That he beleiveth that the sayd shipp the Katherine
did brringe home in her for the merchants accompte about eighte score
tonnes of goods and noe more, and that there was a good quantitye of
goods broughte home for the master and company but howe much he
knoweth not, and sayeth that he beleiveth there is due to the master and company
of the sayd shipp sixe pence per tonne for primage, but the
average of tHE sayd goods was payd before her cominge from