Tools: 13/124: Index of Personal Answers
13/124: Index of Personal Answers
Created page, 08/03/2015 by CSG
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See: Folder: 114_03
This volume is unfoliated. Artifical foliation has been added to the digital images by the MarineLives project. IMG numbers in square brackets after the name of the individual making the personal answer refer to the MarineLives project Image Number.
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Willimi Ashwell armigeri, Nov. 30th 1650 [IMG_6963]
Willimi Ashwell
Marke Mortimer, Dec. 2nd 1650 [IMG_6969]
William Jackett, Dec. 3rd 1650 [IMG_6970]
William Jackett, Dec. 3rd 1650 [IMG_6976]
Richard Wilson, Dec. 9th 1650 [IMG_6977]
Nicholas Van Elsdicke, Dec. 14th 1650 [IMG_6985]
Roberti Walgrave, Dec. 16th 1650 [IMG_6993]
John Treleague and Charles Sumpter, Dec. 18th 1650 [IMG_6999]
James Gray, Dec. 20th 1650 [IMG_7002]
John Word late Master of the shipp the hopewell [IMG_7003]
Elsever Windall, Jan. 11th 1651 [IMG_7010]
John Davy, Jan. 14th 1651 [IMG_7013]
Peter Legay [IMG_7015]
Peter Legay, Jan. 14th 1651 [IMG_7018]
Thomas Horth, Jan. 15th 1651 [IMG_7021]
Richard Batson, Laurence Steele and John Colleton and John Roberts, Jan. 18th 1651 [IMG_7026]
- voyage from Bristol to Ginney and then to Barbados in 1648 & 1649
Thomas ffletcher, Jan. 18th 1651 [IMG_7030]
- Barbary Company
Christopher Coleman, Jan. 18th 1651 [IMG_7031]
- Allegation of John Barwell & Perient Trott
Christopher Coleman, Jan. 18th 1651 [IMG_7034]
- Allegation of William Andrewes, concerning the ship the Jonathan and Abigall
Christopher Coleman, Jan. 18th 1651 [IMG_7037]
- Allegation of John Austerly
William Ashwell Esquire, Feb. 3rd 1651 [IMG_7040]
- Libell & Allegation of Heorge Keate; ship the Mary Bonadventure
Antonio ffernandez and Deigo (sic) Rodrigues [?Arriges], Feb. 4th 1651 [IMG_7041]
- Allegation of Claes Peeters; ship the [?Wickentance]
- Contract for ship to end voyage either in London or Holland at choice of rendent
John Wall, Feb. 10th 1651 [IMG_7045]
- Allegation of George Reason Mary Reason alias Hooker executors of Beniamin Hooker deceased; ship the Joseph
Thomas Varvell, Undated [IMG_7049]
- Allegation of Douglas Burton
Robert Llewellin Christopher Beamont and Peter Mackrell, Feb. 19th 1651 [IMG_7049]
- Allegation of William Moore pretended administrator of William Garnit deceased and George Potts
- Shipp the Comfort, London to Virginia
Robert Llewellin and Thomas Varvell, Feb. 21 1651 [IMG_7055]
- Allegation of Douglas Burton
Robert Llewellin and Thomas Varvell, Feb. 21 1651 [IMG_7056]
- Allegation of Douglas Burton
Robert Beamon and Peeter Mackerell, Feb. 22nd 1651 [IMG_7057]
- Allegation of William Moore administrator of William Garrit deceased and George Potts
Sir Jacob Garrett knight, Feb. 25th 1651 [IMG_7060]
- Allegation of Robert Swanley and others; barrells of indico
Sir Jacob Garrett knight, Feb. 25th 1651 [IMG_7065]
- Allegation of Nicholas Terricke and others
Nicholas Terricke and Robert Swanley, Feb. 26th 1651 [IMG_7070]
- Allegation of Sir Jacob Garrett knight
Robert Clarke, Feb, 27th 1651 [IMG_7071]
- Allegation of Eleanor Windall; the ship the Hare
John Parris and John Hohnewood, Feb. 28th 1651 [IMG_7075]
- Allegation of Richard Batson & others; the ship the Royal Merchant; Barbados
Nicholas Terricke and Robert Swanley, Mar. 12th 1651 [IMG_7079]
- Allegation of Sir Jacob Jarret knight
George Pasfeild, Mar. 15th 1651 [IMG_7080]
- Allegation of Clement Starr; the ship the Barbadoes Merchant
Nicholas Terricke, Mar. 19th 1651 [IMG_7086]
- Allegation of Sir Jacob Garret militis
George Dawes, Apr. 1st 1651 [IMG_7087]
- Allegation of William [?MinX] Alexander [?Elve] and Company
Thomas Norton, Apr. 10th 1651 [IMG_7091]
- Allegation of Thomas fflawes and Company; the Canaries
Thomas Humble William Joson Henry Bainbrigg Oliver Morris and William Batson [IMG_7098]
- Allegation of Mary Batt the Relict and Exeecutrix of the last will and testament of Thomas Batt deceased
Roger Kilvert, Apr. 19th 1651 [IMG_7110]
- Allegation of Christopher Peterson; Alexander Barron was factor or agent at Hamburg of Roger Kilvert' the ship the Speranza
Luke Lucy David Davidson and Philipp Allen and Abraham Child, Apr. 24th 1651 [IMG_7116]
- Allegation of Willima Stephenson; the ship the Eagle
William Grand, Undated [IMG_7119]
- Allegation of Owen Dowish; the ship the Neptune
Thomas Janncey Laurence Steele Samuel Atkins and John Smith, May 1st 1651 [IMG_7121]
- Allegation of Edward Arlabeere Richard Best and Company; the ship the Jonathan and Abigall
Thomas Clarck, May 2nd 1651 [IMG_7129]
- Allegation of Edward Bellamy and Samuel Coop; the ship the Leopard; Naples
Christopher Coleman, May 8th 1651 [IMG_7133]
- Allegation of John Bardwell and Perient Trott; the shipp the Jonathan and Abigall
Christopher Coleman, Undated [IMG_7136]
- Libell of John Austerly
William Hargrave, May 23rd 1651 [IMG_7141]
- Allegation of Isaack Bradley Milner Mugsons and others
Michaell Yardley, May 30th 1651 [IMG_7150]
- Articles of contempt of Susan Allen
William Moore, Jun. 3rd 1651 [IMG_7153]
- Allegation of Robert Llewellin and others
David Davidson, Jun. 3rd 1651 [IMG_7154]
- Allegation of Thomas [?Hoserne]
Josias Goddard, Jun. 4th 1651 [IMG_7155]
- Allegation of William [?Jenny]
Robert Llewellin, Jun. 10th 1651
- Allegation of Douglas Burton
Josias Goddard, Jun. 12th 1651 [IMG_7162]
- Allegation of William Jenny
William Williams, Jun. 13th 1651 [IMG_7163]
- Allegation of Jeremy Warren; the ship the Messina Merchant
Nicholas Terricke and Robert Swanley, Jun.13th 1651 [IMG_7166]
- Allegation of Sir Jacob Gaarret knight
James Gray, Jun. 16th 1651 [IMG_7168]
- Allegation of Richard Bowle and others
John Bardwell, Jun. 19th 1651 [IMG_7169]
- Allegation of Christopher Coleman and others
John Austerly, Jun. 19th 1651 [IMG_7170]
- Allegation of Christopher Coleman and others
Roger Garland, Jun. 30th 1651 [IMG_7171]
- Allegation of Rowland Searchfeild
Christopher Peeterson, Jun. 30th 1651 [IMG_7171]
- Allegation of Roger Kilvert and Alexander Baron
Gregory Gardner, Jul. 3rd 1651 [IMG_7180]
- Allegation of Isaack Phillipps Richard Aldord and Company against the shipp the Saint Nicholas of which this rendent is master
William Beale, Jul. 10th 1651 [IMG_7182]
- Allegation of Thomas Polding
Anthony [?Areist]. Jul. 16th 1651 [IMG_7185]
- Libell of Edward Chappell; the ship the Seahorse Groyne or Galicia, Spain
Thomas Newton, Jul. 16th 1651 [IMG_7188]
- Allegation of Thomas fflawes and others
John Bewley, Jul. 25th 1651 [IMG_7189]
- Allegation of William ffishman
William ffishman, undated [IMG_7194]
- Allegation of John Bewly
Richard he[?nnaker], Oct. 14th 1651 [IMG_7197]
- Allegation of Paul Bonnell merchant
Thomas Awres, Oct. 22th 1651 [IMG_7200]
- Allegation of Andrew [?Hoyer]; hoy or ship carrying horses from Bergen in Norway to the King of Scotts in Scotland; the ship the Arke of Noah
Isaack Phillipps. undated [IMG_7203]
- Allegation of Nicholas Clinkert
Christian Hubrick, Oct. 29th 1651 [IMG_7205]
- Libell of George Tench
John {?Mervivke], Oct. 31st 1651 [IMG_7207]
- Allegation of ffrancis Topp and George Searle
John Jackson, Nov. 8th 1651 [IMG_7209]
- Libell of Thomas Brainfford; rendent a merchant resident at Marseilles
John Cars[?ten], Jun. 12th 1651 [IMG_7214]
- Libell of Henry Woodward and Richard Woodward; hopps transported from msterdam to London
Charles Potts, undated [IMG_7218]
- Libell of Jane Keech as administratrixe of the goods and chattles of William Keech deceased
John Dennis, undated [IMG_7221]
- Libell of Robert Woodliffe the pretended Curator of John Stapilton; apprenticeship agreement in full
Robert Smith, undated [IMG_7227]
- Allegation of Sir Thomas Cheadle
Thomas Amory, undated [IMG_7230]
- Libell of William Colson and William Dale and Henry Creswick
John Limbrey tholder, undated [IMG_7238]
- Allegation of William Love and Henry Thorney concerneing certain Currans brought to this Port of London in the ship the James whereof the said John Limbrey and others are owners
John Limbrey tholder, undated [IMG_7241]
- Allegation of William Love and Henry Thorney touching a parcell of currans et cetera.
Richard [?hennaker], Dec. 24th 1651 [IMG_7244]
- Libell of Paul Bonnell
Lancelot Anderson, Jan. 3rd 1652 [IMG_&245]
-Allegation of William Goodwyn; the ship the Whale, of which Lancelot Anderson was master; whale money; ship cast away; numbers of mariners
Robert Smith, undated [IMG_7249]
- Allegation of John Roberts and Company
Jeremy Warren, undated [IMG_7252]
- Allegation of William Williams and Henry Thorney
Sir David Kirke, undated [IMG_7253]
- Libell of Cecil Lord Baltamore
Thomas Atkins and Samuel Bathurst, Feb. 6th 1652 [IMG_7255]
- Libell of Miles Dixon
Thomas Horth, undated [IMG_7256]
- Libell of Dorothy ffletcher; the ship the ffortune; bottomry; Barbados
Robert Bagnoll, Feb. 14th 1652 [IMG_7259]
- Allegation of William Stephens; the ship the Constant
Jervaise Couchman, undated [IMG_7260]
- Libell of Thomas Northey and William Northey
William Williams, Feb. 23rd 1652 [IMG_7262]
- Allegation of Jeremy Warren
Thomas Tasse, Mar. 6th 1652 [IMG_7264]
- Allegation of the Keepers of the Liberty of England; the ship the Golden Eagle
Robert Waterton, Mar. 11th 1652 [IMG_7266]
- Allegation of Nicholas [?Panloone] and others
Isaack Lee, Mar. 27th 1652 [IMG_7268]
- Allegation of Nathaniel Cooke
James Abbye, undated [IMG_7272]
- Libell of John London
Robert Hard[?nige], undated [IMG_7274]
- Libell of Rowland Wilson Maurice Thompson, John Wood and Company; the ship the Jonathan of London; Ginney and Barbados; lengthy answer describing fraught voyage; 28 negros died on voyage to Barbados
[?XXXXet] [?Plover], undated [IMG_7298]
- Allegation of John Couchman
Samuell Bart, undated [IMG_7306]
- Allegation of Peter Vandeputt
ffrancis Tattenell, 1st 1652 (old stile) = ? Mar. 1652 [IMG_7308]
- Allegation of Sir Nicholas Vanloone and others
John Southwood, undated [IMG_7311]
- Allegation of Sophia Earnest and others; the ship the Arke of Noah
David [?Gutevile], May 10th 1652 [IMG_7313]
- Allegation of Robert Alward
Edward Bellamy and Samuel Cooper Executors of the last will and testament of William Adis deceased [IMG_7316]
- Allegation of Thomas Clarke
Edward Bellamy and Samuel Cooper, undated [IMG_7318]
- Allegation of Thomas Clarke
William Barkely and John Waterton, undated [IMG_7319]
- Allegation of the Keepers of the Liberty of England
William Stephens Doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of the High Court of Admiralty, undated [IMG_7323]
- Libell of Robert Bagnall
William Startute John Cooke John Birdsey George [?Cove] William Hardinge Thomas Williams Robert Smith and William Green, undated [IMG_7327]
- Allegation of Edward Beale
ffrancis [?Trpp]. Mau 26th 1652 [IMG_7332]
- Allegation of Peter Johnson Roeball and Company
Edward Bellamt and Samuel Cooper, May 26th 1652 [IMG_7333]
- Allegation of Thomas Clarke