MRP: Francis Breton will 2
PROB 11/231/594 Will of Francis Breton 01 September 1653
PROB 11/231 Brent 319-367 Will of Francis Breton 01 September 1653
Editorial history
24/11/11, CSG: Transcription added to wiki
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Suggested links
See Robert Breton will
See Thomas Breton will
See Dr John Breton will
See Bordeaux (Francis Breton lists substantial debts with three brokers in Bordeaux as an annexed schedule to this will, written in 1634)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I francis Breton being by the All Mighties visitation sicke in body but of sound & perfect Memory doe make and Ordaine this my last Will and Testament Wherein (having primarilie bequeathed my soule to God and recommended my body to decent Christian buriall My will and desire is that whatsoever Somme or sommes Goods or debts shall be found belonging unto mee here in India in England also where may bee first imployed to y:e satisfacion of my large ingagements unto Tulcidas XXXXX Parrack his Company thereof in Surratt to whome by accompts lately drawne upp betwixt XXX XXXX ingaged in ?vast sommes even to my owne admiration if not ??incredulity but I say not being yet able to disprove him in his protests I request my loving freinds M:r William Methwold and M.r Edward Pearce to take some paines in a strict and deliberate ?Survey as well ??of my severall papers as the said Accompts?? Of Tulcidas and as farr as my Estate ??reacheth to ?Hendeavour his satisfaction And if uppon conxxxxx of my Accompts with him XXXXXXXX remaine due unto mee my desire and yett whatever itt bee itt may bee equally devided amongst and disposed unto my Brothers and Sisters wheresovever surviving and in confirmation of this my last Will and Testament I here revoke and disannull all former Wills and ratify this by subscription of my name and affixing of my seale in Surratt this 13:th of July Anno Dom 1649
Ffrancis Breton
Signed sealed and as his Article and deed delivered in the presence of us Edward Pearce George Oxinden Moreover itt is my intent and desire that notwithstanding my sister ffleetwoods death her sonne if liveing share in any Estate in an equall proporcon as if his Mother were liveing
Witness my hand and seale this Twentieth of July 1649 ffrancis Breton Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Anthony Clitherow Edward Lock
THE FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER In the yeare of our Lord 1653 A Comission issued forth from the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administartons to John Breton XXXX and Thomas Breton Merchant the Naturall and Lawfull Brothers of the said deceased To Administer the Goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and effect of the said Will there being noe Executors therein named They being first sworne well and trulie to Administer the same Daniel Breton y.e Brother of the said deceased and Executor named of a former will renouncing the probate thereof as appears by y.e Acts of Court Exx.
Possible primary sources
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/229 Brent 218-268 Will of Francis Bretton, Merchant of London 13 April 1653
PROB 11/231 Brent 319-367 Will of Francis Breton 01 September 1653
PROB 11/307 Laud 1-52 Will of Robert Breton, Merchant of London 27 February 1662
PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of John Breton, Doctor in Divinity, Master of Emanuel College Cambridge 21 June 1676
PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Sentence of John Breton, Professor of Theology of Canterbury, Kent 06 February 1677
PROB 11/389 Foot 132-172 Will of Robert Breton, Merchant of London 23 November 1687
PROB 11/389 Foot 133-172 Sentence of Robert Breton, Merchant of London of Saint Dunstan in the East, City of London 10 December 1687
PROB 11/392 Exton 87-130 Will of Thomas Breton, Merchant of London 04 February 1688