MRP: Bordeaux
Editorial history
26/12/11, CSG: Created page
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See France
See Lyons
See Marseilles
See Paris
See Rouen
See Toulon
To do
Insert Map of situation
Bordeaux town plan, Nicholas de Fer, 1694
Bordeaux panorama, Francois Savinien d'Alquie, 1685
Image credits & copyright information
(1) d’Alquie, Francois Savinien, 'Bordeaux', plate, Les Delices de la France, ou Description des Provinces & Villes Capitalles d’icelle: Comme Aussi La Description des Chateaux & Maisons Royalles. Plus Celle des nouvelles Conquetes, avec leurs Figures au naturel, vol. ? (Leiden, 1685), p. ?
- Out of copyright book
(2) De Fer, Nicholas, 'Bordeaux', plate, Les forces de le Europe, vol. ? (XXX, 1690-1695)
Bordeaux town profile
English merchants in Bordeaux
Nathan Wright
Little documentation is available on Nathan Wright's commercial activities prior to the mid-1640s, though Wright may have been located in Bordeaux in 1628.[1] If this is so, he may have started in the French wine trade, as did the Bristol born, but later London based, merchant, Sir Mathew Hollsworthy, whose family had strong historical links with Spanish trading.
Mentions of Bordeaux in Wiki primary documents
Sir George Oxenden correspondence
Law suits
Francis Breton
- Francis Breton listed debts with three brokers in Bordeaux as an annexed schedule to this his first will, written in 1634. He took a job in the East Indies to try to rebuild his fortunes and to repay his debts
- "Schedule of the debts owing by mee Testator as followeth...
To M:r ?Benoist de Coud of Bourdeaux in ffrance Broker sixe hundred pounds of like money by severall bonds
To Elias ?Hasoure alsoe of Bourdeaux Broker eighty pounds of like money
To William de Verdury of Bourdeaux Merchant due upon Accompts ffifty two pounds of like money"
Suggested image sources
View of Bordeaux and the river Garonne, signed by Jollain (engraving). C17th. Located at Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Nicolas de Fer, ‘Bordeaux...’, copper plate, 31,5 x 23 cm, from atlas ‘Les forces de le Europe’ (XXXX, 1690-95), viewed at (17/06/11)
Suggested primary sources
BL, Sloane. 1745, Account of Thomas Browne's journey from Bourdeaux to Paris, 1662. ff. 22-29
- Thomas Browne Jnr is son of Dr Browne who corresponded with Dr Escaliot
Suggested secondary sources
- Jump up ↑ Nathan Wright: SP 78/83 Order in Council concerning Nathan Wright and others residing at Bordeaux. 1628 Apr. 21. See also Nathan Wright will