MRP: Dr John Breton will
PROB 11/352/43 Will of John Breton, Doctor in Divinity, Master of Emanuel College Cambridge 21 June 1676
PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of John Breton, Doctor in Divinity, Master of Emanuel College Cambridge 21 June 1676
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See Thomas Breton will (brother of Dr John Breton and Francis Breton)
See Francis Breton will 1 (brother of Dr John Breton and Thomas Breton)
See Francis Breton will 2 (brother of Dr John Breton and Thomas Breton)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN This ffirst day of March Anno Domini 1675 And in the Eight and Twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King defender of the ffaith xx I John Breton Doctor in Divinity Master of Emmannuell College Cambridge Being att this present sick and weak in body But of a sound and disposing mind and memory To prevent all differences and distractions That may in any wise arise in or amongst my Relations after my decease Doe now Revoake annull and make void all former wills and Testaments by me made before the date hereof And do make and ordeine this to be mine onely last will and Testament
WHEREIN ffirst I surrender my soule unto Almighty God my Creator Trusting and stedfastly beleiving by and through the meritts death and passion onely of my Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ To have full and ffree remission of all my sinnes and enjoy life everlasting
My body I Committ to the Earth to be decently interred where and in such manner as my Executo:rs hereafter named shall thinke fitt desireing therein the advice of my very worthy freind Doctor William Sancroft Deane of S:t Pauls And as Touching such Temporall Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow on me (my debts and ffunerall Expences being first paid and deducted) I give and devise and dispose the same in manner ffollowing (That is to say)
IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath unto the poor of Barwell in the County of Leicester where I was borne Tenn pounds To be disposed as my Executo:rs shall thinke fitt To the poor of Hodnett in the county of Salop Tenn pounds To be disposed in like manner To the poor of Clapton in the County of Northampton Six pounds To be distributed by my Executo:rs soone after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the widdowes of Ministers That are in want fforty pounds To be paid to my worthy freind M:r Barnabas Ohy (or Oly?) To be by him disposed as he shall thinke fitt
ITEM I give and bequeath To the next Master of Emmanuell College aforesaid who shall succeed mee And to the ffellowes and schollars of the same College Towards the finishing of the Chappell by me begun to be built in the said College The sume of ffoure hundred pounds
ITEM I give to Elizabeth Breton widdow the Relict of my late deceased brother Richard Breton one hundred pounds To my Neice Ann Bennett widow One hundred pounds
ITEM I give unto Charles Porter sonne of the said Anne Bennett (By William Porter her former husband) ffifty pounds
ITEM I give unto William Porter The other sonne of the said Ann Bennett (my Godson) One hundred pounds
ITEM I give and forgive unto my Neice Elizabeth Hampson and William Hampson her husband the sume of Two hundred pounds Oweing mee and servered on Judgement by the said William Hampson To
M:r Henry Avery And all Interest for the same And doe desire the saide M:r Avery his Executors and assignes upon paying the Charges To give a warrant to discharge the said Judgement
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Three Children of my said Neice Elizabeth Hampson Two hundred pounds To be equally divided amongst them And if any of them dye before her or their shares become payable Then the share orshares of her or them soe dyeing shall be paid to the survivo:rs or survivo:r of xxx them
ITEM I give and bequeath unto John Window (my Godsonne) sonne of my neice Katherine Window The sume of one hundred pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto such other Child or Children as the said Katherine hath or shall have att my decease the summe of one hundred pounds, if but one the same hundred pounds to be paid him or her And if more to be equally devided
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my sister Anne Breton Relict of my deceased Brother William Breton one hundred pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my nephew Richard Breton the sume of Two hundred pounds And doe forgive and Remitt unto my said Nephew Richard Breton the sume of ffower hundred pounds principall money Oweing to me and all Interest due for the same And all other moneys whatsoever due and oweing to mee by the said Richard Breton by Bond account or otherwise howsoever
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said worthy freind Doctor William Sancroft Deane of S:t Pauls the sume of one hundred pounds to be by him imployed Towards the building of S:t Pauls Church in London or by the Deane of the said Church for the time eing
ITEM whereas I am obliged to pay To my said sister Anne Breton Relict of my brother William Breton deceased for her life the sume of one Hundred and Twenty pounds per Annm NOW therefore i doe appoint and charge the sameon And doe declare That the same shall be ussuing and payable out of All or any of my lands or hereditaments within this Kingdome of England and shall be chargeable upon the same AND whereas in and by certaine Indentures of bargaine and Sale for a yeare and graunt and Release of the Reviston bearing the respective dates of the ffoureteenth and ffifteenth dayes of July Anno Domini 1674 and in the 26:th yeare of his now Majisties Regne I the said John Breton did grannt release and Convey unto Thomas Browne and ffrancis Thornton of London Gentleman their heires and assignes All those my Manno:rs or Lordshipps of Wallington Moncks and Mounts ffitshelts with the Rights members and appurtenances thereof And the Capitall messuage and severall lands Tenements and hereditaments in the County of Hertford To and for severall uses intents and purposes in the said Indenture of Release mentoned NOW I doe by this my will ratifye and confirme the settlement made of the said manno:r and premises by the said xxxxxx Indentures and all and every the uses and Estates therein and therby or by vertue thereof Created lymitted or appointed And I doe hereby declare That the same shall stand valid and in full force not withstanding any Indorsement on the said Indenture or Release I hereby further declaring That I have not any wayes Released revoaked or avoided the said settlements nor any use therein nor is it my interest for to doe
ITEM I give and bequeath and devise All the Messauges ffarmes Lands Tenem:ts and hereditmanents
In Clapton in the County of Northampton or elsewhere in the Kingdome of England which I bought and purchased of some person or persons intrusted for or for the use of S:r William Dudley late of Clapton aforesaid deceased his heires and assignes unto my Brother Thomas Breton and his assignes for and during the terme of his naturall life without impeachment of or for my mannor of Wast And after the determination of that Estate I give and bequeath the said Lands and hereditaments unto Thomas Breton Eldest Sonne of my said Brother Tho: Breton And the heires Males of the body of the said Thomas the sonne lawfully to be begotten And for default of such issue I give and bequeath the same unto ffrancis Breton Second sonne of the said Tho: Breton the Elder and the heires Males of the body of the said ffrancis lawfully to be begotten And for default of such issue Then I give and bequeath the same unto Lucius Breton Third sonne of the said Thomas Breton the elder and the heires Males of the body of the said Lucius lawfully to be begotten And for want of such issue Then Robert Breton of London Merchant Eldest sonne of Richard Breton late of Elmesthorpe in the said County of Leicester gent deceased And the heires males of his bodz lawfully to be begotten And for deafult of such issue Then I give and bequeath the same unto Richard Breton the other sonne of the said Richard Breton deceased and the heires males of his bodz lawfully begotten and to be begotten And for default of such issue I give and bequeath the same unto Thomas Breton the elder and his heires and assignes for ever ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto the said Dean William Sancroft his heires and assignes for ever The perpetuall Advowson and donation of the Church of Wallington in the said County of Hertford (Upon Trust and Confidence Nevertheless That the said Dean William Sancroft or his heires doe settle and Convey the same unto the Master ffellowes and Schollars of Emannuell College aforesaid their Successors and assignes And to the further intent and confidence That he the said William Sancroft or his heires shall upon teh making of such Settlement or Conveyance procure in writing or Instrument under the Seale of the said College declaring and purporting thereby That when there shall be a vacancy from time to time of a Parson vicar or Incumbent to the said Church of Wallington (Then the Election to be in the Master of the said College for the time being alone And that said Master for the time eing shall not be governed by seniority alone But with a Conscientious regard to the good ability of the person to be chosen out of the ffellowes of the said Emannuell College ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my said brother M:r Thomas Breton my said Nephew Thomas Breton his sonne and my said Nephew Robert Breton to each of them the sume of one hundred Pounds a peece And after all my debts Legacies and ffunerall charges and expences paid and deducted THEN I give and bequeath All the residue of my goods Chattells ready monys securities for moneys debts to me oweing and Personall Estate whatsoever unto the said Thomas Breton the Elder Thomas Breton the younger and Robert Breton Part and Share alike AND I DOE make and appoint the said Thomas Breton the Elder Thomas Breton the younger and Robert Breton Executo:rs of this my last Will and Testament IN WITNESSE wherof to this will
Comprised and written in the Six preceeding sheets and this part of a sheet I have sett my seale att the Topp thereof of where all are affixed and to this part of a sheete have sett my hand and seale Dated the day and yeare ffirst above written
John Breton
Signed Sealed and declared by the said D:r John Breton as and for his last Will and Testament after the severall Interlineations therein made in the presence of Tho: Browne ffrancis Thornton William Day
MEMORANDUM That Doctor John Breton late Master of Emannuell Colledge in the University of Cambridge being on the ffirst day of March 1675 last past very sick in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory was xxxxxx and beleived by the witnesses present he the said John Breton being informed by Thomas Browne Scrivener That he had not in his will disposed of his Books or Library The said deceased replyed in these words or the very like in effect following (viz:t) Noe more I have And I do not intend That they shall be sold Such Books as I have and are not in Emannuell College Library I give to the said Library And the Rest (meaning the Rest of his bookes) I give to my neice Hampsons sonne (meaning M:r William Hampson of the said Colledge) which said words, or the very like in effect he the said deceased uttered and spoke with an intent and purpose as the persons present did and doe beleive That the Master ffellowes and Schollars of Emannuell Colledge such books should have which were in his library and not in the Colledge Library for the use and benefitt of the said Colledge And that the said William Hampson his Neices Sonne should have the rest of his Bookes or Library And that the witnesses then present doe beleive That the said Testator Did intend That the same should be a Codicill and taken as part of his last Will and Testament att the declareing whereof he the said Testator was and continued in his perfect mind and memory As the said witnesses did and doe beleive Witnesse Thomas Browne ffrancis Thornton and William Day
ffr. Thornton Will day Tho: brown