MRP: Thomas Breton will
PROB 11/392/3 Will of Thomas Breton, Merchant of London 04 February 1688
Son of XXXX
Married XXXX
b.XXXX, d. ca. 1688/89
PROB 11/392 Exton 87-130 Will of Thomas Breton, Merchant of London 4th February 1688
Editorial history
26/09/11, CSG: Created page
[hide]Abstract & context
Thomas Breton was a London merchant and a subscriber to the SVJS.[1]
His will contains some interesting detail of soft furnishings and household objects.
Suggested links
See Dr John Breton will (brother of Thomas Breton and Francis Breton)
See Francis Breton will 1 (brother of Francis Breton and Thomas Breton)
See Francis Breton will 2 (brother of Francis Breton and Thomas Breton)
To do
This transcription has been completed, but requires checking
T:m Thoma Breton (in LH margin)
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Eight and Twentyeth day of Aprill Anno Din One Thousand six hundred eighty seaven And in the Third yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord James the second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith er:a I Thomas Breton of London Merchant knowing that this earthly tabernacle of my body is subject to death and the time when most uncertaine being at present (by the blessing of God Allmighty) in health of body and of sound and perfect mind and memory (praised be his holy name) to prevent all differences confusions and distractions that may in any wise arrise in or amongst my ffamily and Relations after my decease Doe now revoke annull and make void all former Wills and Testaments by me made at any time before the date of these presents And I doe make and ordaine this to be my only last Will and Testament Wherein
ffirst and principally I yeild and surrender my soule unto the hands of Allmighty God my Creator trusting and steadfastly beleiving by and through the merits death and passion of my only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have full and free remission of all my sins and enjoy life eternall
My body I commmit to the earth to be decently and soberly buryed in the night time without vaine ostentation or the concourse of all general acquaintance But only accompanied by my Kindred and such acquaintance as are esteemed good friends such as may be thought to have me in their friendly remembrance and will willingly come in kindnesse to see me interred and to the comfort of my ffamily and they to be treated at the discretion of my Executors herein after named I leaveing the whole ordering and manageing of my ffunerall to them And I doe hereby order that my Executors shall give mourning unto such of my Relations as they in their discretions shall thinke fitt and reserveing mourning to themselves
And as touching such temporall estate as it hath pleased Allmighty God to bestow upon me in this World my Debts and ffunerall expences being first paid satisfyed and deducted) I give devise and dispose the same in manner following that is to say
first my will and mind is and I doe by this my last Will and Testament order desire and appoint That my Executors hereinafter named or the survivors or survivor of them doe and shall soe soone after my decease as conveniently may be with moneys raised out of my personall estate or other estate disburse lay out and bestow to the best advantage and value the sume of ffoure Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England in buying and purchasing of some ffreehold Mannors ffarmes Lands and Tenements lying and being
within one Hundred and twenty miles of the City of London that shall be held in free settage tenure and discharged of all incumbrances and of a good lawfull and indefeazable estate of Inheritance in ffee simple The same purchase to be had and made by and with the privity and good likeing of William Vanbrugh of London Merchant his Executors or Administrators And as touching the same Mannors ffarmes Lands Tenements or Hereditaments to be purchased as aforesaid I doe order and appoint and my mind and will is That the same soe soone as they shall be bought and purchased by my said Executors shall be by them or the survivors or survivor of them setled conveyed and assured by such wayes meanes and manner of conveyance and assurance as by the said William Vanbrugh his Executors or Administrators or his or their Councell learned in the Laws shall be advised and required to and for the uses intents and purposes hereafter in and by this my Will mencioned expressed and declared and to or for none other use intent or purpose whatsoever that is to say To the use and behoofe of Lucy my now wife for the tearme of her naturall life for her joynture and in full recompense and satisfacon of her Dower and tytle of Dower of or in all or any other the Lands Tenements or Hereditaments of me the said Thomas Breton which I now have or shall have And from and after the determinacon of her said estate Then to the use and behoofe of the Heires Males of my body on the body of the said Lucy my wife begotten and to be begotten And for default of such Heires Males Then to the use of the right Heires of me the said Thomas Breton forever And I doe by this my Will direct and appoint That in such Settlement and assurance of the said Mannors ffarmes Lands or Tenements as aforesaid there shall be inserted or contained a proviso to this or like effect as by Councell shall be advised Viz:t that in case of default of failure of Heires males of the body of my said Lucy my wife by me begotten or to be begotten And that there shall be any Daughter or Daughters on the body of my said Wife by me begotten which shall be then liveing and that the inheritance of the said Mannors ffarmes Lands and Tenements to be setled and assured as aforesaid shall not imediately upon default of such Heires Males remaine revert or come to or upon some other person or persons And that such person or persons to whom the imediate revererrow (?) and inheritance of the premises after failure of such Heires males shall falll in possession truely pay or cause to be paid unto the said William Vanbrugh and Giles Vanbrugh Merchant his Brother their Executors Administrators or Assignes the sume of two Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England for a porcon or porcons of such Daughter and
Daughters That then the said Conveyance and Assurance of the said Mannors ffarmes Lands and Tenements soe to be made as aforesaid shall be and enure (?) and all and every person and persons that shall then stand and be seiyed of the premises by vertue of such Conveyance and assurance shall be and stand seized thereof To and for the use of the said William Vanbrugh and Giles Vanbrugh and their Heires untill they shall have levied and received out of the rents issues and profitts of the said Mannors ffarmes lands and Tenements the like sume of Two Thousand pounds for a porcon or porcons for such Daughter and Daughters as aforesaid to be equally divided and paid amongst them and the survivors and survivor of them at her and their respective attainements to the age of one and twenty yeares or day or dayes of her and their respective marryages which shall first and next happen after the said moneys leavied and raised as aforesaid And my further will and mind is and I doe hereby direct and appoint That untill such purchase had and made of the said Mannors ffarmes Lands and Tenements and such Settlement thereof made as aforesaid my Executors herein after named shall out of my estate pay and allow unto the said Lucy my Wife or her assignes one yearly sume of Two Hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid at foure usuall ffeasts in the yeare viz:t The Birth of our Lord God The Annunciacon of the blessed Virgin Mary the Nativity of S:t John Baptyst And S:t Michaell the Archangell by even porcons Whereof the first payment to begin and to be made at such of the said ffeasts which shall first happen next after my decease and that noe purchase and settlement shall be then made as aforesaid which said Settlement soe to be made as aforesaid is in pursuance of a certaine agreement and articles made upon my marryage with my said Wife specifyed and contained in one Indenture bearing date the one and twentyeth day of January in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand six hundred fifty and six made between me of the one parte and the saide William Vanbrugh of the other parte as by the same indenture may more fully appeare
ITEM whereas I am possessed of a Lease or terme for yeares which I hold under the Queen Dowagers Trustees as being parte of her Majesties Revenue of certaine Lands and Tenements by what name or tytle soever distinguished scituate and being in Chertsey in the County of Surrey Which said Lease or terme according to the usuall custome and tenure is and may be renewed allways within the space of tenne yeares Now I doe hereby give and devise all the said terme and interest therein unto my trusty and wellbeloved ffriends Benjamin Jeffryes of the Middle Temple London Esq, William Millett of London Gentleman and Dame Penelope Street of Cotheridge in the County of Worcester the survivors and survivor of them Which said Benjamin Jeffreyes William Millett and Dame Penelope Street I doe make constitute and appoint Executors of this my last Will and Testament Upon this speciall trust and confidence that my said Executors the survivors and survivor of them shall out of the rents issues and profitts of the said terme pay and discharge my funerall expences and Legacies which I devise and bequeath by this my last Will and Testament in case my said Executors shall not have other Assetts come to their hands And as soone as the same shall be satisfyed and discharged Then my will and meaneing is that my said Executors the survivors or survivor of them shall out of the rents issues and profitts of the said terme or of any new terme pay or cause to be paid unto my Daughter Dorothy Vachell or her Assignes the sume of one hundred pounds every yeare dureing the naturall life of my said Daughter by equall porcons at two of the most usuall ffeasts in the year that is to say The ffeast of the Nativity of S:t John Baptist and the Birth of our Lord God The first payment to begin at the first of the said ffeasts which shall first happen after my decease if my said Executors the survivors or survivor of them shall be thereunto enabled by perceception (sic) of Rents or any other profitts whatsoever from or by reason of the said terme All the rest and residue of the rents issues profitts arriseing and issueing out of the said terme which shall come cleare to the hands
of my Executors the survivor and survivors of them (allwayes allowing what costs and charges my said Executors the survivors and survivor of them shall be at or sustaine for and concerneing the same I doe hereby appoint to be paid unto my sonne ffrancis Breton or his Assignes every yeare during the naturall life of my said sonne ffrancis Breton Provided that soe often as and when the said terme shall be renewed it shall be lawfull for my said Executors the survivor and survivors of them to apply soe much of the rents issues and profitts of the same towards renewing the said terme as shall then be required And I doe hereby order desire and appoint that my said Executors the survivor and survivors of them when as as often as it shall be convenient doe renew the said terme accordingly And doe pay over the rents issues and profitts of the same to the said persons before menconed And I doe further appoint and declare that from and imediately after the decease of my said sonne ffrancis Breton and my said Daughter My said executors the survivors and survivor of them shall make sale of the said terme or any new terme or interest for yeares if any of the said terme or any new terme or interest for yeares if any such shall be) for the most money they can gett Which money soe raisedshall be for the use and benefitt of the Issue ffemale of the body of Anne wife to the said ffrancis begotten by the said ffrancis with the interest that shall be received for the same and the groweing profitts which shall accrew upon the death of my said sonne or daughter before sale thereof to be equally divided amongst them share and share like at their respective ages of one and twenty yeares or dayes of marryage which shall first happen And upon the death of any before the respective times before limitted The share and shares of such soe decreasing to goe to the survivors or survivor of them equally to be divided betweene them And if but one Daughter only Then shee to have all at the time before limitted and upon failer (sic) of isse ffemale of the body of the said Anne begotten by the said ffrancis I doe hereby give and appoint the same to be paid assigned or transferred over unto my sonne ffrancis his Executors Administrators and Assignes and I doe hereby order and declare my will and meaneing to be That if any losse or damage shall happen or fall unto or upon any of the moeneys soe received or raised of from or by reason of the said termes whether by reception of rents or sale thereof as aforesaid by reason of the insolvency or failer (sic) of any of the Debitors to whom the same or any parte thereof be creditted out at interest by my said Executors or any of them or by the survivors of survivor of them or any of them shall not be responsable for nor chargeable with such losse or damage And that my Executors & the survivors and survivor of them shall and may deduct satisfy and pay to themselves out of the moneys soe to be raised or received as aforesaid All such costs charges and expences as they or any of them shall sustaine incurr or be put unto for or by reason of the executeing and performing this my Will or any Trust hereby reposed in them
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Neice Elizabeth Hampson Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to buy her a Ring to be paid her within one yeare after my decease
ITEM I doe forgive and remitt unto the Executors of my late deare ffriend and Brother Edward Pearce all and every
sume or sumes of money whatsoever that was due or oweing me from him at the time of his decease
ITEM I direct and appoint my said Executors and the survivors and survivor of them to pay unto my Godson Edward Pearce sonne of my said late friend and Brother Edward Pearce the sume of One Hundred pounds of lawfull English money within one yeare after my decease in case hee shall have paid me the sume of one hundred pounds hee now owes me on bond dated the five and twentyeth day of October Anno Dom 1680 (?) (CSG: Could just be 1670, though less likely) and not else
ITEM I give unto my Nephews Robert Breton and Richard Breton sonnes of my deceased Brother Richard Breton the sume of Twenty shillings a peice of like money
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Honoured ffriend S:r Rowland Berkley of Cotheridge in the County of Worcester aforesaid Kn:t the sume of five pounds of like money to buy him a Ring in case hee be liveing at the time of my decease And if hee shall happen to dye before me Then I give and bequeath the said ffive pounds to Penelope Green Granddaughter of the said S:r Rowland Berkley to buy her a Ring And I doe order will devise and appoint that my said Executors or the survivors or survivor of them shall out of my personall estate pay unto Penelope the Daughter of my said Wife the Sume of tenne shillings of like money and noe more
ITEM I doe order will devise and appoint that my said Executors or the survivors or survivor of them shall out of my personall estate pay unto William sonne of my said Wife the sume of Tenn shillings of like money and noe more
ITEM I will direct and appoint that my said Executors or the survivors or survivor of them shall out of my personall estate pay unto such other child or children which shall or may hereafter be borne on the body of my said Wife and which shall be alive or wherewith my wife shall be ensint (sic) at the time of my death the sume of Tenn shillings of like money and noe more
ITEM I give and bequeath unto BLANK IN ORIGINAL Setton Daughter of M:r Thomas Detton (CSG: possibly Setton) deced (my Goddaughter) the sume of Eight pounds of Lawfull English money to buy her a peice of plate The same to be paid to her Mother within one yeare next after my decease for her to lay out the same as aforesaid
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Nicholas Breton sonne of my said Cozen Robert Breton the sume of ffifty pounds of like money the same to be paid to his said ffather within one yeare after my decease In Trust and for the use of him the said Nicholas
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the said Benjamin Jeffryes the sume of One Hundred pounds of like money
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the said dame Penelope Street the sume of Twenty pounds of like money
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the said William Millett the sume of ffifty pounds of like money
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Barwell in the County of Leicester where I was borne the sume of tenn pounds of like money And to the poore of the parish of Hinckley in the same County where I was bredd up at schoole the like sume of tenn pounds of like money And to the poore of the parish of Wallington in the County of Hertford the like sume of Tenne pounds of like money The same severall sumes to be distributed by the respective Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of the said respective parishes
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the President and Treasurer of Christs Hospitall in London for the time being for the use of the poore Children harboured there The sume of One Hundred pounds of like money The same to be paid within one yeare next after my
[next text follows in PART TWO of the PRC will]
Decease and to be disposed of as they in their discretions shall think fitt
ITEM I give and and bequeath unto my sonne ffrancis Breton All my plate that hath the Duke of Buckinghams[2] Armes on it My Rynoseros horne Tankard the cover and foote thereof being of silver gilt To the intent that all of them may goe along with the ffamily
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said sonne ffrancis Two Thirds parts of all the rest of my plate The same to be divided at the discretion of my said Executors
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said sonne ffrancis my Library of Books (excepting my large English Bible) my best Damask Bedd Quilt Curtaines and ffurniture My best suite of hangings my second best Cabinett my largest Lookeing glasse and least Lookeing glasse of my three largest ones
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Dorothy my largest English Bible and my second best Lookeing glasse
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Margarett Day my my housekeeper if shee shall be liveing with me at the time of my decease the sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I give and bequeath unto and amongst such servants as shall be liveing with me at the time of my decease the sume of Tenne pounds of like money and all my wearing clothes and apparell belonging to my body the same to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of my said Executors Whereof the said Margarett Day to be preferred in case shee be liveing
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Cozen Elizabeth Bridger Granddaughter to my late Brother Daniel Breton deced late an Apprentice to a Seamstresse in the New Exchange the sume of ffifty pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto her at her day of marryage or age of one and twenty yeares which shall first happen I haveing formerly given unto her above Twenty pounds to bind her an Apprentice to a seamstresse in the New Exchange the sume of ffifty pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto her at her day of marryage or age of one and twenty yeares which shall first happen I haveing formerly given unto her above Twenty pounds to bind her an Apprentice
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Cozen Edward ffleetwood Grandsonne to my late sister Katherine ffleetwood (whom I have maintained at my own costs above these Tenne yeares last past) Twenty shillings to buy him a Ring
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said sonne ffrancis my great East India Chest standing in my Dyneing Roome in my dwelling house in Grey ffryers and all that is within it not herein before particulerly given and bequeathed My Japan Trunk standing in my Chamber and all my Cabinetts and all other my householdstuffe whatsoever not here in before given and bequeathed
ITEM I give devise and bequeath All that my Mannor or Lordship of Eltington otherwise Eltmyden (or Eltmorden) in the County of Northampton with the rights members and appurtenences therof And alsoe all the Grange of Eltington otherwise Eltmorden now in the possession of Valentine Arton Gentl or his Assignes And all the severall pastures Lands Tenements and Hereditaments scituate lying and being in Eltington otherwise Eltingdon aforesaid or in Clay Cotton Winsick Yeloert Toft and Cold Asby and in every or any of them in the said County of Northampton which I heretofore bought and purchased of the Right Honourable Robert Earle of Manchester And all other my ffreehold Mannors Lands tenem:ts and Hereditaments whatsoever unto my said Executors the survivors or survivor of them and their heires To the intent and purpose that my said Executors the survivors and survivor of them and their heires shall out of the rents issues and profitts of the same pay the Interest of such sume and sumes of money
as I stand bound for unto S:r ffrancis Winnington of the Middle Temple kn:t and severall others And if my said Executors the survivors and survivor of them and their heires shall not within one yeare next after my decease satisfy in the first place the said S:r ffrancis Winingtons Bond and afterwards the other Creditors to whom I stand bound That then my said Executors the survivors and survivor of them and their Heires shall make sale of all the said Lands Tenementsand Hereditaments or soe much as will pay off and discharge the said debts as is before appointed within the space of one whole yeare next after my decease by any ofsetts whatsoever Then my will and meaning is And I doe here by devise my said lands tenem:ts and Hereditaments unto my said sonne ffrancis Breton for and during the term of his naturall life without impeachment of wast And from and imediately after his decease To the first sonne of the body of my said sonne ffrancis on the body of Anne his now wife begotten or to be begotten and to the Heires Males of the body of such first sonne issueing And for want of such issue to the second son of the body of my said sonne ffrancis on the body of the said Anne his now wife begotten and to be begotten and to the Heires Male of such second sonne issueing And for default of such Issue To the Third ffourth ffifth Sixth Seaventh eighth nineth tenth and to all and every other sonne and sonnes of the body of my said sonne ffrancison the body of the said Anne his now wife to be begotten severally successively and respectively in order and course as they and every of them shall be in priority of birth and seniority of age And to the Heires Male of their respective bodyes issueing The elder of the same Sonnes and the Heires Males of his body being allwayes preferredbefore the younger of such sonne and sonnes and the Heires Male of his and their body and bodyes issueing And for want of all such issue male of the body of my said sonne ffrancis on the body of the said Anne his now wife begotten or to be begotten Then to the first sonne of the body of him my said sonne ffrancis on the body of any other Woman which he shalll hereafter lawfully marry and take to wife to be begottenand to the Heires Male of the body of such first sonne issueing And for want of such issue To the second sonne of the body of my said sonen ffrancis on the body of such other wife to be begotten and to the Heires Male of such second sonne issueing And for want of such Issue To the third fourth fifth sixth seaventh eigth nineth tenth and to all and every other sonne and sonnes of the body of my said sonne ffrancis on the body of such other wife to be begotten severally successively and respectively in order and courseas they and every of them shall in priority of birth and seniority of age and to the Heires Male of their respective bodyes issueing The elder of the same sonnes and the Heires Male of his body being always preferred before the younger of such sonne and sonnes and the Heires Male of his and their body and bodyes issueing And for default of all such issue Male Then to mz Daughter Dorothy Vachell for and during the terme of her naturall life And from and imediately after her decease To her first sonne of the body of my said daughter Dorothy by her now husband Tanfeild Vachell begotten or to be begotten and to the Heires Male of such first sonne issuein And for want of such issue
To the second son of the body of my said Daughter Dorothy by the said Tanfeild Vachell her now Husband begotten or to be begotten And to the Heires Male of the body of such second sonne issueing And for want of such issue To the third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth nineth tenth and to all and every other sonne of the body of my said Daughter Dorothy by the said Tanfeild Vachell
Then I give and bequeath the same Mannor Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments unto my said Nephew Robert Breton and to the Heires Male of his body And for want of such issue To the right heires of him the said Robert Breton for ever And if it shall please Allmighty God that my said sonne ffrancis shall departe this life leaveing issue male behind him which shall be under the age of one and twenty yeares I doe hereby appoint and direct my said Executors Benjamin Jeffreyes William Millett and Dame Penelope Street the survivors and survivor of them to have receive and take the rents issues and profitts of the aforesaid Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever until such heire male shall attaine the age of one and twenty yeares alloweing him sufficient and reasonable maintenance in the meane time And when such Heire Male shall attaine to the said age of one and twenty yeares That then my said Executors and their survivors or survivor of them shall render unto him a just and true accomp:t of the said Rents issues and profitts as shall be received by them as aforesaid And if such Heire Male or Heires Males shall happen to depart this life before hee or they shall attaine to the age or ages of one and twenty yeares That then my said Executors the survivors and survivor of them shall be accomptable for the rents issues and profitts aforesaid unto such person to whom the imediate reverrow of the premises shall belong and all securityes to be had and taken for the same shall be assigned and transferred to him accordingly
provided allwayes and my mind and meaning is and I doe hereby will and declare that my said Executors the survivors and survivor of them shall not be charged or accountable with or for the losse or miscarryage of any sume or sumes of money put out to interest if any such shall happen) And that my said executors the survivors and survivor of them shall and may deduct and pay to themselves out of the said rents issues and profitts all such costs charges and expences that they or any of them shall sustaine ore expend for or by reason of the same in any manner of wise And ffurther if my said sonne ffrancis Breton shall happen to dye leaveing noe issue male of his body lawfully begotten And my said daughter Dorothy shall happen to dye leaveing noe issue Male on her body lawfully begotten Then I will and appoint that my Nephew Robert Breton or such person or persons to whom the next and immediate reverrow and inheritance of my said ffreeehold Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and premises shall come doe pay or cause to be paid unto such and soe many of the children of my said late Brother Edward Pearse as shall be liveing and attaine the age of one and twenty yeares To each of them the sume of One hundred and fifty pounds of lawfull money of England apeice the same to be respectively paid them at their respective ages of one and twenty yeares and not otherwise And to the aforesaid Elizabeth Bridger the sume of ffive hundred pounds of like money if shee shall be liveing and not otherwise The same to be paid her at her age of one and twenty yeares or day of marryage first happeing
In witnesse whereof I the said Thomas Breton to this my last Will and Testament comprised and written in eighteen precedent sheets of paper and this parte of a sheet have at the top of the first sheet thereof where all the same are affixed sett my seale and at the bottome of the eighteenth precedent sheets sett my hand and to this part of a sheet have sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.
Tho: Breton.
Signed sealed published and declared by the same Thomas Breton as and for his last Will and Testament in the pressure of Willoughby Robinson John Tayler servant to M:r Millett John Hall Pe: Tanner.
Possible primary sources
HCA 23/19 'ex Parte Thoma Breton Abrahami Sayon Johis Godschall Edidy Thomas, Interrogatoria' (ADD DATE), & 'Charterparty for Opporto Merchant of London, 25th Feb. 1661/62'
PROB 11/392 Exton 87-130 Will of Thomas Breton, Merchant of London 4th February 1688
PROB 18/19/49 Probate lawsuit Jeffryes and Millet v Bretton, concerning the deceased Thomas Bretton, merchant of Christchurch, London. Allegation 1687- Jump up ↑ Smirna Venture Joint Stock subscriber list
- Jump up ↑ Probably a reference to the arms of George Villiers (b. 1628, d. 1687), 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 20th Baron de Ros of Helmsley. Son of Charles Villiers (b. 1592, d. 1628)