MRP: Francis Breton will 1
PROB 11/229/7 Will of Francis Bretton, Merchant of London 13 April 1653
PROB 11/229 Brent 218-268 Will of Francis Bretton, Merchant of London 13 April 1653
Editorial history
24/11/11, CSG: Transcription added to wiki
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Suggested links
See Francis Breton will 2
See Thomas Breton will
See Dr John Breton will
See Bordeaux (Francis Breton lists substantial debts with three brokers in Bordeaux as an annexed schedule to this will, written in 1634)
To do
(1) Check the transcription
This transcription needs to be corrected
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I francis Bretton (sic) of London Marchant being in good health and or perfect sense and memorie thankes be given to God Whereas I am now bound forth on a voyage for the East Indies in the service of the honourable company of Merchants of London trading to those parts and am going forth in the good shipp called the Blessing of London I being Indebted unto sundry persons the severall summes of money XXXXXX in the schedule hereunto annexed considering the many Casualties that may happen unto mee the said ffrancis Bretton in this my intended voyage And for the quietnesse of my mynde and the ??care of my Executor after my decease I doe therrefore make constitute and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followingh That is to saye first I give and bequeath my soule unto Allmighty God my Maker Saviour and Redeemer trusting that by the meritorious death and bitter passion of Jesus Christ my Saviour to have full pardon and forgiveness for all my sinnes by whose meanes only I trust to bee saved and to bee one of that number that shall inherit the Everlasting and blessed Kingdome prepared for the ?Electe And I bequeath my body to the Earth to bee buried in Christian buriall either on land or Sea And if it shall please God to blesse mee with a personalll Estate before my decease Then I doe expressly will and ordayne that my sayd debtors mentioned in the aforesaid schedule shall be contented and paid their severall debts therein declared out of all and singularsuch summe and summes of money debts goods wares merchandize commodities wagesEstate and substance whatsoever as shall be found due owing and belonging unto mee ??at the tyme of my decease And in case
There should not be sufficient fouds due unto mee to pay all the sayd debts Then I doe will and ordayne that every of my sayd Creditors shall receive pro rata of their sayd debts so farr as my future Estate willl reach and be able to pay them each a proportionable share of what shalbe soe due and belonging unto mee And I doe make and ordayne Daniell Bretton my brother sole Executor of this my last will and testament And this I declare to be my Testament and last will xxxxxxxxx I will to ??subsiste and take place and to be performed xxxx by forme of a XXXXXXXXXXXX Codicill xxxx causa mortis or otherwise as it ma best subsiste and take place And I doe revoake all former Testaments or last wills which herebefore I have made either by word of mouth or in writeing
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale xxxxx the last day of the month of May Anno Dom One thousand sixe hundred foure and thirty and in the xxx yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles xxx
Fra: Bretton
Prostatus testator composmentis memoria et intellectis, xxxx manu propria signavit xxxxxx ae pro facto dius traddit ni xxxx meum infrascriptum ultimamq dius voluntatem testamentum continexi declaravit: gab: mason 1634
Schedule of the debts owing by mee Testator as followeth
IMPRIMIS To my brother Daniell Bretton by bond the summe of two hundred pounds of lawfull mony of England
To M:r ?Benoist de Coud of Bourdeaux in ffrance Broker sixe hundred pounds of like money by severall bonds
To Elias ?Hasoure alsoe of Bourdeaux Broker eighty pounds of like money
To William de Verdury of Bourdeaux Merchant due upon Accompts ffifty two pounds of like money,
And to M:r Thomas ??Well of London Merchant ffiftie pounds of like money which I have assigned him to xxxxx in ffrance, but what hee shall not be able to recover there I doo will hee shall have a proportionable share with those my Creditors according to this my Testament
Fra: Breton
THIS IS A CODICILL TO BE ADDED TO THE LAST WILL AND TESTAM:T of me ffrancis Bretton Cittizen and Merchant London made the second day of Aprill in the tenth yeare of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and ireland King defender of the faith er.
IMPRIMIS my debts and funerall charges being first paid and saitisfied my mynde and will is that the Overplus of my Estate (if any be) shalbe equally devided into three equall parts One third part whereof I give unto my brother M.r Daniell Bretton And my mynde and will is that the other two parts shalbe devided into eight equall parts one whereof I give unto my Mother M:rs Alice Bretton, and to every one of the rest of my brothers and sisters one other of the seaven parts remayning And if any of my sayd other brothers and sisters dye before they come to have and receive this my guift and legacie Then my mynde and will is that his and her part soe dyeing shall come and accrowe to the child or children of him or her soe dyeing But if any of them dye before they come to have and receive this my guift and legacie without any child or children liveing at the tyme of their death Then my mynde and will is that his or her part soe dyeing without child or children shall come accrue and wholly remayne and be pxxx my sayde mother In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written Anno dom 1634
Fra: Bretton
Sealed and published in the presence of Mathew Ruxxke Rob: Jager Scr:
THIS WILL and Codicll were proved at Westminster the thirteenth day of April in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fifty three before the Judges for probate of Wills and graunting of Administrations by & according to an Act of Parliament xxxxxx an Act for probate of Wills and graunting Administrations by the Oath of Daniell Breton (sic) the Executor herein named To whome Administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the sayd deceased w:ch any manner ?orway ?’concernes the same will was graunted and Committed hee being first legally sworne well and faithfully to Administer the same Ex:r
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/229 Brent 218-268 Will of Francis Bretton, Merchant of London 13 April 1653
PROB 11/231 Brent 319-367 Will of Francis Breton 01 September 1653
PROB 11/307 Laud 1-52 Will of Robert Breton, Merchant of London 27 February 1662
PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of John Breton, Doctor in Divinity, Master of Emanuel College Cambridge 21 June 1676
PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Sentence of John Breton, Professor of Theology of Canterbury, Kent 06 February 1677
PROB 11/389 Foot 132-172 Will of Robert Breton, Merchant of London 23 November 1687
PROB 11/389 Foot 133-172 Sentence of Robert Breton, Merchant of London of Saint Dunstan in the East, City of London 10 December 1687
PROB 11/392 Exton 87-130 Will of Thomas Breton, Merchant of London 04 February 1688