Captaine William Ryder

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Semantic biographies are an experimental series of biographies of deponents who were witnesses in the High Court of Admiralty in the 1650s. They are being prepared by Colin Greenstreet.

Example Silver Ships
This page presents a semantic biography
of Captaine William Ryder
by Colin Greenstreet
Captain William Ryder [later Sir William Ryder] biographical information
Title Firstname Lastname
Captaine William Ryder
William Rider signature, HCA 13/70 f.240r

Person Occupation Birth year Birth place Resident town HCA vol.
Captaine William Ryder Merchant The date "1607 or 1608" was not understood.The date "1607 or 1608" was not understood. Unknown London HCA 24/111
HCA 13/63
HCA 13/70
HCA 13/73
HCA 23/19

Evidence from HCA
Volume Date Deponent Deposition start
HCA 24/111 Nov 18 1649 Accounts of losses sustained by Captaine William Rider et al. HCA 24/111, unfol.
HCA 13/63 Apr 6 1650 Willimus Rider HCA 13/63 f.12r Annotate
HCA 13/70 Feb 3 1654/1655 Captaine William Ryder HCA 13/70 f.239v Annotate

Background note on Sir William Ryder

Depositions -Ryder as deponent

HCA 13/63: Deposition: Willimus Rider parochia Sancti Andrew Undershaft London cives et mercator einsdem civitatis aetatis 42 annorum; Date: April 6th 1650; Case: Ex parte Capitanes Whittey con Hucket et al[1]

HCA 13/70: Deposition: Captaine William Ryder of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft London Merchant, aged 48 yeares; Date: Feb 3 1654/1655; Case: Andrewes and Clutterbuck against Hasilgrave[2]

Depositions - Ryder mentioned

HCA 13/73: Deposition: Robertus Browne de Stepney in comitatu Middlesex nauta aetatis 32 annorum; Date: November 7th 1660; Case: English merchants against the Dutch East Inida Company on behalf of the Constantinople Merchant, the Mayflower, the Dragon, The Merchants Delight, the Marigold, the Anne, and the Samaritan[3]

Cases - Ryder as plaintiff or defendant

HCA 24/111: An Account of the losses sustayned by Captaine William Rider Captaine Jeremie Blackman Lucas Lucie John Robinson John Harris William and George Branton and others, which were Owners and freighters of the shipp called the Roe Buck of London, being taken and surprised by Prince Rupert neere the porte of Lisobone in Portugall the 18th of November 1649[4]

Personal Answers



HCA 23/19: Interria ministrata et ministranda ex parte et parte, Dmm Willmi Ryder Militis Willimi Cutler et Gregij Cock testis [?quiXXXXung] ex parte et per ptem Johis Herman Wymakert et seies, Johannem Vanhatten Egidin Puisiem et Jacobu Kordt utungh product sXX producteand sequitur; Date: Undated[5]


20th March 1661/62, Letter from Sir William Rider to Charles Conyers
22th March, 1661/62, Letter from Wm Rider, Nic Hurlestone, [?Briab Hassison], Edm. or Edw. ?Johnson, Swanley to Sir GO, Trinity House
24th March 1661/62, Letter from William Ryder to Sir George Oxenden

24th March 1662/63, Letter from William Rider to Sir George Oxenden, London
26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith and William Rider, London
26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith and William Rider, London, Letter 2
26th March 1663, Letter from William Rider to Sir George Oxenden, London

3rd January 1665/66, Letter from William Ryder to Sir George Oxenden, Bethnall Green
March 1665/66, Letter from Wiliam Rider and George Smith
March 1665/66, Letter from William Rider to Sir George Oxenden

16th April 1667, Letter from William Rider to Sir George Oxenden, London
22nd August 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir George Oxenden, Bethnal Green
October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir George Oxenden
15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir George Oxenden, London

This table aggregates data from all semantic biographies in the MarineLives wiki

Full nameTitleFirstnameLastnameSuffixBirth yearBirth placeRes townOccupation
Thomas AdamsThomasAdams1611DartmouthGentleman
David AdamsoneDavidAdamsone1619DoverMariner
Robert AdlingtonRobertAdlington1607LondonLighterman
Christian AelstChristianAelstAntwerpMerchant
William AllenWilliamAllen1632LondonMariner
Manoel AlvaresManoelAlvares1621LondonSteward
William AndersonWilliamAnderson1635Newcastle upon TyneMariner
Thomas AnneleyThomasAnneley1624Mariner
James AnselmJamesAnselm1616Mariner
Robert ArcherRobertArcher1613LondonGrocer
Edward ArlibearEdwardArlibearJunior1622Mariner
Thomas ArvillThomasArvill1628LondonCooper
Joseph AsheJosephAsheEsquire1620LondonMerchant
Thomas AstinThomasAstin1625Mariner
Richard AtkinsonRichardAtkinson1628LondonEmbroiderer
John AugustineJohnAugustine1631DunkirkMerchant
Peter AylwardPeterAylward1619LondonMerchant
Alexander BaareffoottAlexanderBaareffoott1602Cooper
Henderijck BackerHenderijckBacker1591EnkhuizenMariner
Richard BaddelyRichardBaddeley1616UnknownFishmonger
William BaddisonWilliamBaddison1625IpswichMariner
John BakerJohnBaker1633DealeMariner
James BaldwinJamesBaldwin1601LondonVintner
William BallowWilliamBallow1627GreenwichFerryman
Martin BandMartinBand1620Mariner
William BarberWilliamBarber1609Mariner
John BaretsonJohnBaretson1613Mariner
John BarfootJohnBarfoot1611Mariner
John BarleyJohnBarley1628Waterman
John BarrellJohnBarrell1594YarmouthShipwright
John BarrellJohnBarrell1594YarmouthShipwright
Edward BartonEdwardBartonLondonMerchant
George BascumGeorgeBascum1626PooleMariner
Johannes BasfordJohannesBasford1618LondonTobacconist
Thomas BasseThomasBasse1625SaxmundenMariner
William BassettWilliamBassett1618Grasier
Joos BatemanJoosBateman1620LondonMerchant
John BatesJohnBates1618Mariner
Richard BatsonRichardBatson1601LondonMerchant
Michell BattenMichellBatten1618Mariner
David BaylyDavidBayly1616BermondseyMariner
Elias BeakeEliasBeake1616LondonMerchant
Andrew BeakeAndrewBeake1629LondonLooking glass maker
Adam BealeAdamBeale1610BermondseyShipwright
Richard BeardRichardBeard1610LondonWinecooper
Thomas BedhamThomasBedham1617SouthwarkMariner
Erasmus BedlooErasmusBedloo1632LondonMerchant
Thomas BeeThomasBee1621SalcombeMariner
Robart BeebeeRobartBeebee1612SouthwarkWaterman
Richard BelchamberRichardBelchamber1623LondonMerchant
... further results
  1. HCA 13/63 f.12r
  2. HCA 13/70 f.239v
  3. HCA 13/73 f.639r; HCA 13/73 f.640v
  4. Tools: HCA 24/111
  5. HCA 23/19 Item 237