HCA 13/70 f.240r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 240 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/22 |
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of pepper maketh or containeth of Genoa Weight 5688 pounds, which
hee knoweth being a merchant, and having for theise seaventeene or eighteene
yeares last used the trade of Genoa. And further saith that in the
monethes of January and ffebruary in the yeare 1653 English stile every
pound of pepper Genoa Weight was worth 24 sols and 1/2 per pound
at Genoa aforesaid, and for and after that rate merchantable pepper
was sold per pound at Genoa the time aforesaid, which hee knoweth
for that hee this deponent by John lewes and John Meade his factors
there, sold twenty baggs of merchantable pepper at that rate, And
after that rate hee beleeveth the 5688 pounds of pepper arlate might
then and there have bin sold; And hee beleeveth that 24 sols per
pound was the rate that pepper was there sold for severall monethes
next proceeding the said moneth of January, And saith that if the
said quantitie of 5688 pounds of pepper had bin sold after the rate
aforesaid of 24 sols and 1/2 per pound at Genoa, the same would have
produced and amounted to (in Genoa livers) 6967 livers and 16 sols,
which accompting the liver at 1 s sterling, maketh
in English money - 348 li - 7 s' - 9 d. All which hee knoweth for the reason
aforesaid. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving the freight and
chardges are to be deducted out of the said summe of 348 li - 7 s - 9 d.
Repeated before doctor Clerke.
16th of ffebruary 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]
De haze and Stock against}
Cable. Suckly Smith}
Upon the allegation given in and
admitted on the behalfe of the sayd
De Haze and Stock
Rp. 7.
John Morse of Ipswich in the County of Suffolke
Mariner, where he was borne and hath for allmost
all his life time lived, aged about twenty years
a wittnes produced sworn and examined he deposeth
and saith as followeth.
To the seaventh article of the sayd allegation given in and admitted
on the behalfe of the sayd Dehaze and Stock he deposeth and
saith That he this deponent was one of the Company of the
William and James, which shipp sayled in Company with the
shipp the Dove arlate from Winterton to Newcastle with
two shipps more, and that the sayd fower shipps [?soe] in Company
wherof the arlate Dove was one, sayled through the
place called the Well on the seaventh day of August
last in night time (as he best remembreth) And further he knoweth not to depose
To the 10th article of the said allegation he cannot depose.
To the rest he is not examined by order of the producent.
To the Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commes as a wittnes
in this cause at the procurement of the laste master of the ship
the Successe And to the all the rest he answereth negatively for
that he knew not the interrate shipp the Successe.