David Bayly

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David Bayly
Person David Bayly
First name David
Middle name(s)
Last name Bayly
Spouse of
Widow of
Occupation Mariner
Secondary shorebased occupation
Mariner occupation Presumably common man
Associated with ship(s) ffreindship (Master: Barnaby Holding)
Training Not apprentice
Is apprentice of
Was apprentice of
Had apprentice(s)
Citizen Unknown
Literacy Marke
Has opening text David Bayly
Has signoff text D
Signoff image (Invalid transcription image)
Language skills English language
Has interpreter
Birth street
Birth parish
Birth town
Birth county
Birth province
Birth country
Res street
Res parish Saint Mary Magdalen
Res town Bermondsey
Res county Surrey
Res province
Res country England
Birth year 1616
Marriage year
Death year
Probate date
First deposition age 40
Primary sources
Act book start page(s)
Personal answer start page(s)
Allegation start page(s)
Interrogatories page(s)
Deposition start page(s) HCA 13/71 f.6v Annotate
Chancery start page(s)
Letter start page(s)
Miscellaneous start page(s)
Act book date(s)
Personal answer date(s)
Allegation date(s)
Interrogatories date(s)
Deposition date(s) Feb 16 1656
How complete is this biography?
Has infobox completed Yes
Has synthesis completed No
Has HCA evidence completed No
Has source comment completed No
Ship classification
Type of ship Merchant ship
Silver Ship litigation in 1650s
Role in Silver Ship litigation None

Biographical synthesis

David Bayly (b. ca. 1616; d. ?). Mariner.

"One of the company of the shipp the ffreindshipp the voyage in question", and also one of the company on the ship's boat, which attempted to fetch the disputed wine, before it was rafted out.

Presumably a commonman.

Resident in 1657 in the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in Southwark.

Evidence from High Court of Admiralty

Forty year old David Bayly deposed on February 16th 1656 in the High Court of Admiralty.[1] He wa examined on an allegation in the cause of "XX".

The case concerned a dispute over butts of wine lost whilst being rafted out to the ship the ffreindship when she was at Mallaga in October 1655. The weather condiitons were rough at Mallaga and the master insisted that the wines be rafted, rather then fetched in the ship's skiff. The sea was so wild that " it tore the roapes and empty butts that bore up the sayd rafte for that they broke loose twice before the sayd rafte and wines thereon could bee brought to the sayd shipp side". Bayly's testimony was damming about the behaviour of Mr Whitty, the freighters' factor at Mallaga, who insisted on rafting the wines. Bayly stated that "all the wines upon the sayd rafte except one butt perished, although the company of the sayd shipp did both with creeping with greylings and sweeping with roapes doe their utmost endeavour to save the same, which dammage had not happened if the sayd Whitby had not forsed the sayd shipps company to raft the sayd wynes".[2]

Bayly was still owed his wages, but was a little hazy on the matter, saying "his whole wages is yet unpaid (but what the same amounteth to hee doth not at present remember) and hee saith hee beleeveth the reason when his wages is not paid, is because the master of the ffreindshipp is denyed his freight for the wine in question".[3]

Comment on sources

  1. Jump up HCA 13/71 f.6v
  2. Jump up HCA 13/71 f.7r
  3. Jump up HCA 13/71 f.7v