HCA 13/71 f.214r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.214r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 4th of June 1656

The claime of the said Robinson}
in the Anne of Brill}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.

dt. 3.

Martin Noel of London Merchant aged 42 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first article hee saith that the arlate George Robinson is his
this deponents servant, but permitted by this deponent to trade for
himselfe, and to make use of this deponents correspondent Rocus
PorXXn of Rotterdam, and saith the said Rocus is commonly reputed
a dutchman borne and a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands
and to be an Inhabitant of Rotterdam, from whense this deponent
frequently receiveth lettres from him in the XXXy of Merchandize.

To the second and third and fourth articles hee saith that the said George
Robinson being this deponents covenanted servant, and soe not free to
trade for himselfe without this deponents permission, hee in or about
October last told this deponent that hee had a desire to freight
a shipp at Rotterdam to goe for Spaine to lade oranges and lemmons
for this port and for his owne accompt, and desired this deponents
leave thereto, which this deponent graunted, and was acquainted with
his writing to the said Rocus Parvé about the said affreightment
and with the answers of the said Rocus and his signifying that hee
had freighted a shipp called the Anne of Brill for the said
voyage upon account of the said Robinson and company. And this
deponent hath bin often informed that the said shipp came to Saint
Lucars and tooke in the said oranges and lemmons upon the said
account, to be brought into the downes, where shee was to expect
further orders from the said Robinson. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fifth hee saith that hee hath often heard the said Robinson
say to the effect arlate, and verily beleeveth the same to be true
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 6th hee saith hee is very well assured that the said oranges
and lemmons and corke in question are truely and really belonging
to the said George Robinson and company, and were bought for them
and that they ran the hazard thereof, and that there is noe frXXXX
or XXlaXX whatsoever in the businesse, but that they are the very
names of the said goods.

To the 7th and 8th and schedules annexed hee saith that hee
having received many lettres from the said Rocus Parve, and
having nowe perused the foure lettres and bill annexed, verily
beleeveth the said foure lettres to be written and subscribed and
the said bill of exchange to be subscribed by the said Rocus Parve, and
the contents thereof to be true. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 9th and 10th hee saith hee hath heard and beleeveth
that the said shipp in her course from the downes Spaine for the
downes with the said goods aboard her was seized by the shipps of
this Commonwealth. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
