HCA 13/71 f.307v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.307v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


soe farr as this deponent observed of the gunns being traversed
though in truth they were soe but beleeveth the same were soe
traversed for their necessary defense only against the sayd

To the 4th hee saith hee knoweth that the Company of the shipp
Interrogate did expresse them selves to bee willing to goe the
voyage to Tunis Interrogate and subscribed a noate to that
effect and delivered the same to Richard ffarington one of
the ffactors of the sayd George ffarington And further cannot answer

To the last hee saith hee being of the shipps Company
videlicet Chirugion of her well knoweth that the sayd
shipps bread was at their first goeing from
Zant very faulty and full of Copwebbs (sic) and not fitt
unlesse in case of extreame hunger to bee eaten by reason
whereof much of it was throwne over board and wasted for
that it could not bee eaten And further hee cannot answere

Repeated before Colonel Cock



The 10th of July 1656/

Informations given by Captaine James Barker}
Master of the shipp the Vine of London touching}
certaine Misdemeanors committed by John May}
his Mate of the sayd shipp in a voyage therein}
to the East Indies}

Edward Carr of Westow in the County
of Durham, Mariner at first a Common Mariner and afterwards Boatswaines Mate of
the sayd shipp the Vine aged twenty one
yeares or thereabouts a wittness sworne before
the right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawes
one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty
saith and deposeth

Rp. jus

That the sayd James Barker the Master of the sayd shipp the Vine
being bound upon a voyage with his sayd shipp to the East Indies
while the sayd shipp was in her outward bound voyage thither there
happened some differences betwixt the sayd Master and John
his Mate and saith the sayd mate being discontented did speake to this
deponent (hee being his turne to goe upon the deck to keepe watch) and desyred him
that hee would take part with him the sayd May and goe upon the
forecastle of the sayd shipp to take part with him in case the sayd
Master should endeavour to inflict any punishment upon him the
sayd May touching the differences which had happened betweene them
or hee the sayd May spake words to the like effect to this deponent upon or
about the sixth of June 1655 whereto this deponent answered
and sayd to the sayd May that hee would take his part in a Civill [XXXX GUTTER]
And saith hee this deponent there upon went upon the forecastle
where this deponent found divers others of the sayd shipps
Company, and some hand spikes lying by them on the forecastle
And hee further declared that the sayd May continueing such his