MRP: March 1665/66, Letter from Eras Smith to Sir GO
From MarineLives
March 1665/66, Letter from Eras Smith to Sir GO
BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX ff. 60-61
Editorial history
25/12/11, CSG: Created page
[hide]Abstract & context
Erasmus Smith wrote to Sir George Oxenden in a letter dated March 1665/66.
In this letter, Erasmus Smith XXX
Erasmus Smith was XXXX
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To do
Needs to be transcribed
[BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX ff. 60-61]
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of Erasmus Smith, Esquire, one of His Majesty's Gentleman Pensioners of Saint Dunstan in the West, City of London 08 January 1674
PROB 11/406 Vere 140-189 (pp. 13) Will of Erasmus Smith of Saint James Clerkenwell, Middlesex 09 October 1691