MRP: Plymouth
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26/12/11, CSG: Created page
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See Bristol
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See New England
See Portugal
See Spain
See Virginia
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Map of Devonshire, Robert Moden, 1704
Town plan
Insert Town plan
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Image credits & copyright information
(1) Morden, Robert, 'Devonshire', plate, The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales, 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 22 & 23
Town profile
Nathan Wright, London merchant, connections to Plymouth
The London merchant Nathan Wright had strong Plymouth connections. In September 1644 he, together with fellow London merchants Francis Lentall (alias Lenthall), and George Henly, lent £5,000 "for the defence of Plymouth, Poole, and Lyme Regis."[1]
"The petition of Fras. Lenthall and Jn. Wolfrey, executor of Nathan Wright, — shewing that Wright and Lenthall being collectors for the Plimouth duty during the late war, the petitioners are now required to account before the Treasury Commissioners, and pray allowance for several demands, viz., for lawsuit charges, QQl.
4s. 8d. ; for interest of 5,000i. lent to the State from 25 March 1646 to May 1646, 1U. 6s. 8d ; for collection of the duty, SOL 8s. \d. ; in all, 169?. 19s. \d. — referred to the said Treasury Commissioners, to examine the grounds of demand, and report if they should be allowed.
Gayer family connections to Plymouth
See Sir John Gayer will
- "my Cozen John Maddock of Plymouth"
- "I give to the Towne and Burrough of Plymouth where I was borne"
See Humphrey Gayer will
- "Humfry Gayer of Plymouth in the county of Devon, Marchant"
Sir William Ryder connections to Plymouth
See Sir William Ryder will
- Mentions Wembury, Devon, which lies three miles south-east of Plymouth,
Peter Cooze, mariner, connections to Plymouth
See Peter Cooze will
- "ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto the poore of Plymouth the place in which I was borne"
Plymouth as first port of return
The Three Brothers
In the first Indian Ocean deployment of the Three Brothers it was dispatched by the committees of the United Joint Stock in 1654 for a voyage to the Coromandel Coast and Maccassar [CHECK THIS VOYAGE HAPPENED]. In its second deployment by the Company, it was dispatched in March 1655 to the Cormandel Coast with bullion, to be invested there in cloth to be sent to Maccassar, returning first to Plymouth in mid-1656, and then to London.[2] Before the ship's departure in early 1655 its owners were described as "Mr. [?Alexander] Bence, Captain Piches, Captain Manyard [Maynard], ... Mr. Bowyer."[3]. In July 1657, following its return reference was made in the court minutes to "Alderman Richard Hill and the other owners of the Three Brothers.[4]
Edward Wood et al.: Thomas Bloodworth, deponent
"The 19:th of ffebruary 1656
The clayme of Edward Wood William Bowyer
and Robert Thirkettle for the shipp the Starr
ffrigatt (whereof Richard Haydon was Master)
and her apparell tackls & furniture to the same
belonging taken formerly by Brestmen of Warr
and since retaken by the shipp Constant Warwick
(whereof Richard Peter was & is Captaine) in the
?imediate service of the Comonwealth & brought into
Plymouth: Colquito: Budd"[5]
Mentions of Plymouth in Wiki primary sources
Law suits
See C10/99/64 f. 1
- "this defd:t doth likewise deny that hee did drive any private trade other than as before is set forth And further this defd:t beleiveth that thother defd:t porter did bring home in the sd shipp from India a considerable quantity of callicoes but the certaine number quality & value thereof this defd:t doth not iustly know hee not haveing seen the same & that the same were landed at Plymouth or some other port in England"
See C10/99/68 f. 1
- Landing of calicoes and other goods at Plymouth, allegedly without paying duty
See C20/803/34 f. 1
- List of eight interrogatories to be deposed by country commissioners in Plymouth
See C20/803/34 f. 7
- Deposition of John Hooper of the towne of Plymouth in the County of Devon shippwright aged seaventy three
- Deposition of George Mathew of the towne of Stonehouse in the county of Devon marriner aged fforty nyne yeares [Stonehouse is ca. one mile west of Plymouth]
- Deposition of Peter Schlaggell of the towne of plymouth in the Countie of Devon March:t aged sixty yeares or thereabouts
- Deposition of Thomas Reeve Deacon and Clarke of the pish of S:t Andrewes in the Towne of Plymouth in the County
- Deposition of of John Mathew beinge at East Stonehouse in the pish of plymouth in the county of Devon marriner taken at East Stonehouse aforesaid of Devon aged seaventy one yeares
See 30th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Bendysh to Sir GO, London
- Sir Thomas Bendysh refers to a copy of his last letter being sent to Plimouth, hoping to have met Sir George Oxenden's ship there on its way to Surat
See 20th April 1667, Letter from Henry Chowne to Sir GO, London
- "this small vessell y:e Comp:a sets forth from Plymouth, to give you tidings how affaires stand in this part of y:e World"
See 13th April 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO, London
- "y:e Comp:a hath now sent yo:w y:e London w:ch now she lies ready fitted may possibly goe for Bantham incase y:e now treaty of peace succeds meane time thex are nessetated to adventure this small Charles to yo:w as supposeing it to late for her first intended design for Mesualpatam, & yo:w will more largly understand p y:e Comp:a lres; she hath been at Plim:o these 3 m:o & y:e Comp:a have but newly taken this resolution, or else I might have sent yo:w some Tobacco"
See 22nd August 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, Bethnal Green
"yett it hath pleased God to preserve Miraculously our Merch:ts Shipping, wee having in severall ports of ireland above 50 saile of merch:t shipps from severall ports & at falmouth xxxx & Plimouth 59 saile of good ships from Virginia & at Dartmouth about 40 saile of strayts XXXX & w:th severall other Merch: shipps & at Portsmouth above 30 saile soe yt wee have at least 200 saile of good Merch:t ships come safe into port & they have not taken above ??100 merch:t ships of ours"
See Peter Cooze will
- "ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto the poore of Plymouth the place in which I was borne"
- "my Cozen John Maddock of Plymouth"
- "I give to the Towne and Burrough of Plymouth where I was borne"
- "Humfry Gayer of Plymouth in the county of Devon, Marchant"
- "my ffather Moses Goodyeare of Plimouth aforesaid the summe of... unto my brother John Goodyeare of Plimouth aforesaid"
- Mentions Wembury, Devon, which lies three miles south-east of Plymouth. This parish may be Sir William Ryder's birth place, though he does not state that it is
Suggested image sources
Suggested primary sources
C 6/31/37 Short title: Goodier v Goodyeare. Plaintiffs: Moses Goodier and Anne Goodier. Defendants: John Goodyeare. Subject: personal estate of the deceased Richard Goodier, of Plymouth, Devon. Document type: bill, answer. 1661
PROB 11/164 Russell 58-117 Will of Hugh Gayer, Merchant of Plymouth, Devon 08 September 1633
PROB 11/201 Russell 58-117 Will of Humphrey Gayer, Merchant of Plymouth, Devon 09 July 1647
PROB 11/413 Coker 1-46 Will of John Gayer of Plymouth, Devon 13 May 1693
SP 46/189/23 Letter addressed to George Warner from Antonio Retano concerning payment of bills on behalf of John Fairfax and to the ships the Jeremy, the Golden Fleece and the Reformation from Allegant (?Alicante), the Charles from Cadiz and the Catt from Plymouth carrying pilchards 1641/2 Jan 3
SP 82/11: 'Memoriall' for two Hamburg vessels `put in heare at Plymouth by contrari windes, coming from Hamburge', viz. Esperance, George Tamme, captain, bound for Cadiz, Alicante and Genoa, laden with lead, iron, tarr, piece goods, etc., and St. Jan [St. John], Jerome Joiepken, captain, bound for Oporto, laden with iron, pipe staves, shaken pipes, flax, copper piece goods, etc.; they will be able to pass, all laders having made oath at Hamburg that cargoes are transported for their own account and that no subject of States General had any part or interest therein; captains having sworn that they carried only what was declared, that they held authentic certificates and that on their return journeys they would not sail to any port under Dutch command or to any other port whatsoever, but directly to Hamburg. Folio 117: ? 1667 n.d. before July 31, 1667 Plymouth
Suggested secondary sources
- Jump up ↑ '14 September 1644 Ordinance securing to Nathan Wright, Francis Lenthall, and George Henly, merchants, the sum of £5,000 lent by them for the defence of Plymouth, Poole, and Lyme Regis'. See,_1642%E2%80%931660, viewed 29/11/11; see also TNA, E 122/236/14 MISCELLANEOUS. Account of Nathan Wright and Francis Lentall "for 1/10th part more of the present custom and subsidy". 1643-45
- Jump up ↑ 'Introduction' in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. xviii; 'A Meeting of the Committees for Pulo Run, January 5, 1655' (Factory Records, Java, pt. iv, p. 430), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 2
- Jump up ↑ 'A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock', February 12, 1655 (Court Book, vol. xxiii, p. 403, in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 10
- Jump up ↑ 'A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock', July 8, 1657 (Court Book, vol. xxiii, p. 574, in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 153
- Jump up ↑ HCA13/71, f. 561v]