MRP: Judith Sayon will
PROB 11/355/335 Will of Judith Sayon, Widow of London 01 December 1677
PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Judith Sayon, Widow of London 01 December 1677
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01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
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Judith Sayon was the wife of the London merchant Abraham Sayon, who she survived. Her father-in-law was Francis Sayon, also a merchant, and her cousin was Nathaniel Letten, a London merchant, with strong connections to Norfolk.
Suggested links
See PROB 4/18073 Inventory of Judith Sayon, 1676 or 1679 (scroll)
See Abraham Sayon will (husband of Judith Sayon)
See Francis Sayon will (father-in-law of Judith Sayon)
See Nathaniel Letten will (friend of father-in-law, cousin of Judith Sayon)
PROB 4/18073 Inventory of Judith Sayon, 1676 or 1679 (acroll)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Judith Sayon of London widdow weak in Bodie, but of good perfect sound and disposing mynd and memorie Praised be Almightie God for the same, Considering with myselfe the Certaintie of death, and the uncertainty of the tyme chosen (?) doe make this my last Will and Testament, I resigne my Soule to Almightie God, hoping for Salvation by Jesus Christ Our Saviour; And my Bodie I committ to the Earth, willing that it be decently buried in the Parish Church of Saint Peter: Cornhill in London soe neare as may be too my late husband Abraham Sayon;
As for my temporall Estate, it is my desire, and I doe will and appoint, that all my just Debts and the Legacies and Portions due and belonging to my two Daughters Judith Sayon and Mary Sayon respectively by virtue of my said late husband’s Will shall be fully payd and satisfied;
And as touching the Residue and cleare Remainder of my Estate I give and devise the same as followeth:
IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath to my Cousins M:r Nathaniell Letten and M:r William Hedges the Summe of two hundred and fiftie Pounds of lawfull money of England upon Trust, and soe as the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges or the Survivour of them doe and shall within convenient tyme after my decease disburse and lay-out such the said Summe of two hundred and fiftie Pounds either in and for the Buying and purchasing of an Annuitie or yearely Rent: chargd for my Sonne Francis Sayon for his life or else in purchasing of a Place or Office for him my said Sonne Francis for his life, which of the said wayes they the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges shall think to lay out such the two hundred and fiftie pounds:
ITEM I give and bequeath to my said Cousins Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges the
summe of two hundred and fiftie Pounds of lawfull money of England upon Trust, and soe as the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges or the Survivour of them doe and shall within convenient tyme after my decease disburse and layout such the said Summe of two hundred and fiftie pounds in buying or purchasing of a Place or Office for my Sonne Abraham Sayon for his life, Or else shall pay such the said Summe of two hundred and fiftie Pounds to my said Sonne Abraham Sayon, which of the said wayes they the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges shall think fit.
ITEM I give and bequeath to my sonne Vincent Sayon the summe of One hundred Pounds of lawfull money of England in lieu and full discharge of such part and share of my said late husband’s household=Goods as my Sonne Vincent can in any wise claime or ptend to by his said late Father’s Will, And I doe order and appoint my said Sonne Vincent upon request to seale and Execute such Release and disclaime of this Part share and Interest in such the said household=Goods as my Executors or their Counsell shall desire, Otherwise or in default thereof my said Legacie of One hundred Pounds intended for him shall be void, and of none effect:
ITEM I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Sayon the Summe of One hundred Pounds of lawfull money of England:
ITEM I give and bequeath to my said Sonne Francis Sayon my Silver-Standing-Cupp with a Cover to it; To my Sonne Simon Sayon a paire of Silver-Candlesticks and Snuffers, and a Diamond-Ring which was his Father’s with a Table-Stone in it; To my said Sonne Abraham Sayon a Silver-Salt, To my said Sonne Vincent Sayon a Silver-Bason and Ewer, a paire of Silver-Candlesticks, xxx broad Peeces of my Gould, my best Diamond=Ring with one Stone in it, and a Meddall of Gold with the Armes of the States of Holland thereon; But if my said Sonne Vincent shall dye before mee, then I doe give the said Meddall of Gold to my said Sonne Simon Sayon, and the said Diamond-Ring to my said daughter Mary:
ITEM I give and bequeath to my daughter Judith Sayon my great Jewell and my wedding: Ring set round with Diamonds:
ITEM I give and bequeath to my said daughter Mary Sayon all other my Jewells and alsoe all my peeces of Gold, Bracelets of Gold, Neck=laces and strings of Pearle, my Pendants, and all my Rings, my last husband’s-Picture set in Gold with a Cristall-Cover to it, and two Meddalls of Gold, And to the end shee may have the use and weare thereof I doe will and appoint, that my Executors may notwithstanding the Minoritie of my said Daughter, deliver the same or any part thereof to her my said daughter Mary, when and as my Executors shall think fit: And that if shee shall dye before shee shall have receaved them, Then I doe give such and soe many of them as shall at such her decease remaine in my Executors hands unto my said Daughter Judith Sayon:
ITEM I give and bequeath to my said daughters Judith and Mary equally all the residue of my Silver-Plate, not before disposed of all my household=Goods and wearing apparell, and doe Orde my Executors to divide the same betweene my said two daughters as equally as they can, and that my Daughters shall bee content with such division as my Executors shall make:
ITEM I give and bequeath to M:rs Mary Barwick Daughter of D:r Barwick my Watch with a Cristall=case; And to my mayd=servant Margaret Boyken (if shee shall be living with mee at my decease) the Summe of tenn pounds a pallet Bedd and Boulsters blankets and two paire of Sheets, and alsoe five pounds more to buy her mourning, But if shee shall be gone from mee then I onely give her the said Margaret Boyken the summe of five pounds:
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Poore of the Parish of S:t Bennet=Finck London
(where I was borne) the summe of five pounds; To the Poore of the said Parish of S:t Peter Cornehill the summe of five pounds, And to the poore Widdowe Members of the Dutch Congregation in London who have beene married to English or French the summe of twentie Pounds, And I doe name and apppoint the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges Executors of this my Last Will and Testament And doe give to each of them the summe of twentie Pounds apeece of lawfull money of England for their care and paines to be taken therein; And all the rest residue and remainder of my Goods Chattells moneys debts Mortgages and Estate whatsoever I wholy give and bequeath to my said Sonnes Simon Sayon and Vincent Sayon and Daughters Judith and Mary Sayon equally to be shared and enjoyed betweene the said Simon Vincent Judith and Mary part and share alike, And I doe will and appoint that the legacie part and share of my said Daughter Judith of and in my Estate by this my last Will devised and intended fo her shall be payd her at the age of One and twentie years, or day or marriage, which shall first happen; And in case of her decease before the said Age or marriage, then I give the same and every part thereof unto my said daughter Mary Sayon; And I doe alsoe will and appoint that the Legacie part and share of my said Daughter Mary of and in my Estate by this my last Will devised and intended for her and not otherwise appointede by mee as aforesaid, shall be payd to her at her Age of one and twentie yeares or day of marriage, which shall first happen; And in case of her decease before the said age or marriage, Then I give the same and every part thereof unto my said Sonnes Simon and Vincent equally or the Survivours of them; And I doe name and appoint the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hodges and the Survivour of them Guardians to my said Daughters resprectively; And I doe will order and appoint that the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges and the Survivour of them, and the Executors of the Survivours of them, doe and may as they in their discretions shall see fitting put out and dispose at interest or otherwise the Legacies portions and Estates due to my said Daughters respectively upon or by virtue of their said Father’s Will, And alsoe all and every the Estate Legacies and portions by mee given and intended for them respectively, And that upon such Securitie or Securities of them, or the Executors of the Survivour of them shall think best for the use Accompt and benefit of my said daughters respectively and at their respective hazards and adventuresö And it is my expresse will, and I doe appoint, that in case and losse or losses shall happen or be upon any virtue of my said Husband’s Will, or of this my Will the which the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges or the Survivour of them, or the Executors of the Survivour of them, shall put out at interest or otherwise imploy for them by reason of the Badness or insufficiency of any Securitie or securities or otherwise howsoever, the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges or the Survivour of them, or the Executors of the Survivours of them, are not no shall not in any manner of wise by lyable or answerable unto or for any such losse or losses, or summe or summes of money soe lost, but such losse or losses shall be respectively borne by such of my said Daughters on whose moneys such losse or losses shall respectively fall or happen; And I farther will and appoint, that neither of them the said Nathaniell Letten and William Hedges nor their Executors shall be charged or chargeable in any other manner, save only severally and for such severall and respective Summe or summes of money onely as they respectively shal receave, not for any more nor the one for the other; And I doe desire my said Executors and the Survivour of them to take care of my said Daughters and their Education and
Bringing upp during their respective minorities, And for that purpose to have take and defalke out of their respective Portions and Estates such funding money and allowances as shall be fitting and necessarie, or which my said Executors or that Survivour of them shall lay out disburse or expend upon them or their maintenance Apparell Breeding or Education; And I doe desire my said Executors to doe their best Endeavour for their well-marrying; And I doe Charge my said Daughters to be ruled and advised by my said Executors, and not to marrie without their Privitie and consent, And my mynd and will farther is, and I doe appoint, that my said Executors may deduct and defalke to themselves all such summe or summes of money Costs charges expences and disbursem:ts as they or either of them shall expend be at or be put unto for or by reason of any Suit or Suits either in Lawe or Equitie which shall be brought or prosecuted by or against them as Executors of this my Will or by reason of any matter cause or thing relating thereunto, or by reason of any Act matter or thing they shall doe or execute in or about the performance or execution of this my last Will or the Trusts hereby committed to them or otherwise concerning the same in any manner of wise: And for that as my sonne Vincent is now in India, I doe Order my Executors by the next Shipping after my decease to send him a Copie of this my Will, and alsoe soe much and such part of my Estate by mee intended for him as my Executors shall think fit to consigne and send to him, and that in such way and manner as they shall see cause at the hazard and adventure of my said Sonne:
And I doe hereby revoke and make void all former Wills Testam:ts and Codicills be mee made, and declare this conteyned in these foure Sheets of Paper to be my last Will and Testament:
In Witness whereof I the said Judith Sayon have hereunto set my hand and Seale the Sixth day of October Anno Domini One Thousand six hundred seventie seven and in the nyne and twentieth yeare of the Reigne of Our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second of England vz:t Judith Sayon
Possible primary sources
C 10/65/99 Oxinden and Noke v. Sayon 1662
PROB 4/18073 Inventory of Judith Sayon, 1676 or 1679 (acroll)
PROB 11/258 Berkeley 313-362 Will of Francis Sayon, Merchant of London 29 October 1656
PROB 11/324 Carr 59-116 Will of Abraham Sayon of Merchant 26 June 1667
PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Judith Sayon, Widow of London 01 December 1677
PROB 11/373 Drax 52-101 Will of Vincent Sayon 23 July 1683