MRP: Francis Sayon will
PROB 11/258/527 Will of Francis Sayon, Merchant of London 29 October 1656
PROB 11/258 Berkeley 313-362 Will of Francis Sayon, Merchant of London 29 October 1656
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01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
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See Abraham Sayon will (son of Francis Sayon)
See Judith Sayon will (daughter-in-law of Francis Sayon, who herself is cousin to Nathaniell Letten)
See Nathaniel Letten will (friend of Francis Sayon)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I ffrancis Sayon of London Marchant being att present sicke and weake of Bodie but of sound and perfect memorie praise be given to Almightie God But Considering the uncertainties of this mortall Life doe make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (That is to say)
FFIRST and principally I doe Committ my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my most mercifull Redeemer hopeing to me served by the merritts death and passion of Jesus Christ and to have free remission of all my Sinns and to be partaken with him in his heavenlie Kingdome And as for my Bodie I Committ it to the Earth to be decently buried according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named and touching such Goods Chattells monies debts and Estate as it hath pleased God to blesse me withall I dispose thereof as followeth
FFIRST my will is that my debts and funeral Charges shall be first satisfyed and payd Alsoe I give and bequeath unto the poore of the Dutch Congregation assembled together in this Cittie of London the summe of one hundred pounds of Lawfull monie of England Alsoe I give and bequeath to the three Ministers of the said Church namelie Master Callandrine Master Gxxxbooke and Master Prost (?) to each of them the summe of ffifteene pounds of like monie Alsoe I give and bequeath to the poore of the ffrench Congregation assembled in this Cittie the Summe of Thirtie pounds of like monie Alsoe I give and bequeath to Master Cissener (?) and to Master Stoope (?) Ministers of the said French Church to each of them the Summe of five pounds of like monie Alsoe I give and bequeath to Master Blackmore Minister of the parish of Saint Peters in Cornhill in which Parish I now live the summe of five pounds of like monie Alsoe I give and bequeath to Master Thomas White Minister of the parish of Saint Mary Hill the summe of Tenne pounds of like monie upon condition that he the said Thomas White shall preach a Sermon att my ffunerall if he be in health Alsoe I doe give and bequeath unto my wellbeloved
Wife Anne Sayon The ffull summe of Two Thousand pounds of lawfull monie of England as alsoe all my plate and household stuffe All this I doe give and bequeath unto her my said Wife in Leiwe (sic) and full satisffaction of all such part and portion or Thirds as she may clayme in or to my Estate by Custome, Lawe or otherwise Alsoe I doe give and bequeath unto Samuell Howlett my said Wifes sonne the Summe of one hundred pounds of like monie to be paid unto him att his age of one and Twentie yeares Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my Sister Isebean (sic) ffaillart (sic) Widdowe of Cornelius ffaillart dwelling in Southwark neere this Cittie the summe of ffiftie pounds of like monie Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my other Sister Mary Janson (or Jansen) the Wife of John Jansen (or Janson) dwelling in Harlem in Holland in the parts beyond the Sea the like Summe of fiftie pounds Alsoe I further give and bequeath to my Third Sister Matilda Lee Widdow late the Wife of Arthur Lee dwelling in Southwarke the like summe of fiftie pounds of like monie Alsoe I doe give and bequeath to Susan Lee the daughter of the said Matilda Lee the Summe of Thirtie pounds of like monie to be paid to her at the age of one and Twentie yeares or day of marriage which of the said Tymes shall first happen Alsoe I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Proost my God Daughter the Summe of Twentie pounds of like monie to be paid her day of marriage And as for the rest and remainder of all and everie my Estate reall or personall withall my Bookes in foreigne Language both printed and written I doe give and bequeath the same unto my beloved Sonn Abraham Sayon to doe with and dispose thereof as he shall thinke fitt And I doe make and ordaine the said Abraham Sayon my Sonne full and whole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And I doo further desire my Good ffreinds Master Abraham Clarke and Master Nathaniell Letten of London Marchants to be Overseers of this my last Will and Testament And for the paines Care and Trouble which they shall be pleased to take in and about the promisses (or Premisses?) as Overseers of the same I doe give unto each of them the Summe of fiftie pounds a peece And I doe hereby revoake annull and make void all former Wills or Testaments made by word of mouth or in writing
IN WITNESSE whereof I the said ffrancis Sayon To this my last Will and Testament Contained in one Sheete of parchment have putt my hand and Seale the Eleaventh day of October In the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred ffiftie and six ffrancis Sayon Signed sealed published and declared by the within named ffrancis Sayon as and for his last Will and Testament Contained in one Sheete of parchment this Eleaventh day of October One Thousand six hundred fiftie Six in the presence of us Laurence Xoo Joseph Maytor Daniell Croft Publ:
THIS WILL was proved att LONDON The Twentienynth Day of October In the Yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fiftie and Six before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations Lawfully authorized by the oath of Abraham Sayon the naturall and Lawfull Sonne and sole and onlie Executor named in the above written Will To whome Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattells and Debts of the said deceased was graunted and Committed he being first legally sworne truly and faythfully to administer the same.
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Possible primary sources
PROB 11/258 Berkeley 313-362 Will of Francis Sayon, Merchant of London 29 October 1656
PROB 11/324 Carr 59-116 Will of Abraham Sayon of Merchant 26 June 1667
PROB 11/355 Hale 96-141 Will of Judith Sayon, Widow of London 01 December 1677