MRP: Abraham Sayon will
PROB 11/324/309 Will of Abraham Sayon of Merchant 26 June 1667
PROB 11/324 Carr 59-116 Will of Abraham Sayon of Merchant 26 June 1667
Editorial history
01/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
[hide]Abstract & context
Abraham Sayon was a London merchant and a SVJS subscriber.[1] He was the son of the overseas born merchant Francis Sayon (b. ?, d. 1656), and husband of Judith Sayon (b. ?, d. 1677), who outlived him. An inventory survives for his widow, but not for him.
Suggested links
See PROB 4/18073 Inventory of Judith Sayon, 1676 or 1679 (scroll)
See Francis Sayon will (father of Abraham sayon)
See Nathaniel Letten will (friend of father of Francis Sayon, Abraham Sayon's father)
See Judith Sayon will (wife of Abraham Sayon & cousin of Nathaniell Letten)
To do
(1) Check this transcription
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this Eleveanth day of July Anno Domini one Thousand Six hundred Sixty ffour And in the Seveanteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffaith xx I Abraham Sayon of London Merchant being in good health and of perfect mind and memory (Thanks be therefore given to Almighty God) Doe Considering the frailty of this mortall life make and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following (That is to say)
FIRST and principally I Comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator most assuredly Trusting and beleiving to be saved surly by the precious death and passion of my Saviour and redeemer Jesus Christ And my body to the earth to be decently and Christianlike buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named Privately rather than with any great expence
And as touching the disposition of that personall estate wherewith Almighty God in great mercy hath blessed me I give and bequeath the same as followeth
IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Judith Two Thousand pounds with all my Plate and Jewells And alsoe her dwelling and abode in my dwelling house in Leaden Hall Streete in London during her widowhood together with the use of all my Lynnen Bedding and other my Householde Stuffe during That tyme onely And if my said wife happen to marry Then I give her my said wife all the Goods therein And the Rest of all my Lynnen Bedding and Householdstuffe I give to be indifferently parted shared and divided unto and amongst all my Children part and part alike Together with the Lease of my Said House And my tearme of yeares therein to be sold or otherwise disposed of for their sake (?) XXXX
ITEM (over and above what I have given
And & Setled in trust with my good ffreinds M.r Nicholas Vanacker and Nathaniell Letten for the respective uses of my ffoure sonnes ffrances Simon Abraham and Vincent Sayon I give to each of my said sonnes one hundred pounds a peece And I allow and appoint moderate allowances for each of my said sonnes maintenances out of their respective portions or the proffitts of the same respectively att my Executors discretions untill their respective ages of One and Twentye yeares attained
ITEM to my Two Daughters Judith and Mary Sayon I give and bequeath Seaven hundred Pounds a peece to be paid unto them severally Att their severall ages of one and Twenty yeares or on the dayes of their respective Marriages ffirst happening with moderate allowances for theri maintenances in the meane tyme to the likeing of my Executors And if one of my said saughters shall depart this life before such age or marriage Then I give the porcon of her soe dyeing unto her surviving sister And if they both dye before their porcons shall grow due Then I give both their portions to be parted and divided and paid unto and amongst my said ffoure Sonnes part and part álike as to them is aforesaid The rest and residue of all my goods and Chattells and personall estate whatsoever sobequeathed (my debts Legacies and funeralls first paid and discharged) I give to be equally parted shared and divided unto and amongst my said ffoure sonnes and Two daughters part and part alike And if by reason of Losses my Estate shall not be sufficient to pay all the said Legacies by this my Testament given away Then I appoint all my Sonnes and Daughters proporconably out of their respective portions And for álsoe my said wife out of what I have given and intended to her to beare álike proporconably alsoe such losse and want of Estate to pay Legacies
ITEM I give Twenty pounds a peece unto my said fffreinds M:r Nicholas Vanacker and M:r Nathaniel Letten And Twenty pounds I give to be given by my Executors unto and amongst poore householders att their discretions And of this my last will and Testament I make name and áppoint my said loveing wife Judith and my said good ffreinds M:r Nicholas Vanacker and M:r Nathaniel Letten Executors desireing them to see the same duly and truely performed as my trust is in them
IN WITNES whereof to this my last will and Testament I the said Abraham Sayon have put my hand and seale the day and year abovesaid
Read Signed Sealed and published by the said Abraham Sayon as and for his last will and Testament the day and yeare abovesaid in the pr:sence of Henry Shelberry Scr Henry Shelbery Jun:r
ITEM I further will and bequeath what bad or desperate debts shall happen to come in or be hereafter recovered To be equally devided amongst my said Children part and part alike And if any of them should happen to dye To the remaining partes Sonnes or Daughters x Abraham Sayon
PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud xxxx Exor in le Strand in Com Middx viresimo Sexto die Mensis Junij Anno Domini mill uno Sexcentesimo Sexagesimo Septuno Coram ven:bli viro Thomas Read legum doctore Surrogato venerabilis et egregy vivi Domini Guililmus Mxxxx Militis Legum XXX Doctores Curae Praerogativa carte Magna Custodis sui Comissary xxxx Constitute Juramente Judith Sayon Relicta dicti defuncti Nicholas Vanacker et Nathaniell Letten Ex:torum in hunoi Testo xxxxx xxxx Comissa fuit xxxxxxxxx omnium singularum bonor um Juram et Creditorum debte defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrando ead:m As sancta Dei jurebus et Codicil dicti defuncti xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx date Sexto Die Mensis May Anno Domini Millimo Sexcentesimo Quadragesimo Sexte Factorum et legitime executorum interdictum defunctum fuit tempore ex una et Simonem Delboe time tempore Civitas London Mercator ex altera in Consideratone Matrimony inter dictum defunctun et prafatam Juditham past hatsoxxxxx matrimonae xxxx xxxx postea xxxxx et qualux de jure xx
Possible primary sources
HCA 23/19 'ex Parte Thoma Breton Abrahami Sayon Johis Godschall Edidy Thomas, Interrogatoria' (ADD DATE), & 'Charterparty for Opporto Merchant of London, 25th Feb. 1661/62'
PROB 11/258 Berkeley 313-362 Will of Francis Sayon, Merchant of London 29 October 1656
PROB 11/324 Carr 59-116 Will of Abraham Sayon of Merchant 26 June 1667