MRP: Nathaniel Letten will
Nathaniel Letten will
PROB 11/370/455 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 15 August 1682
(PROB 11/370 Cottle 55-110 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 15 August 1682)
Editorial history
[hide]Abstract & context
The Letten family were of Dutch origin.
The father of the London based merchants Nathaniel and John Letten was John Letten, of Norwich.[1] He may well have been a Norwich hosier.[2] It has been suggested that Jean (alias John) Lettin (alias Letten) came found refuge initially in Sandwich, Kent, before moving to Norfolk.[3]
The brothers John and Nathaniel Letten were probably in partnership, and appear together as co-plaintiffs or co-defendants in a number of Chancery suits. Nathaniel Letten mentions in his will that "the books of our partnership are kept in Dutch the which my wife doe not understand," and chose to appoint a former servant, John Mason, to assist his wife.[4]
In July 1662 Nathaniel Letten's dwelling house was recorded as being in St. Botolphs Lane, London; in 1677 Nathaniel Letton's (sic) address was recorded as "Fanchurch-street, London" and that of John Letton (sic) as "Turn-wheel-lane, London".[5] Nathaniel predeceased John, dying in 1682, with John dying six years later, in 1688.[6]
The two brothers were involved in an extensive series of Chancery suits. A good number of these suits are for jurisdictions outside London and Moddlesex, suggesting perhaps that they were involved in county estate land deals as well as commercial trading adventures
Nathaniel was born ca. August, 1620 in the parish of Saint Gregory, Norwich, and was buried in May 1682 in the parish of Saint Dionis, Backchurch.[7] He married Sarah Lant, daughter of Richard Lant Esq:r, of Kingston upon Thames, on December 6th, 1666. Their children were born and christened in the parish of St. Helen Bishopsgate (1667-1669) and in St. Dionis Backchurch (1677-1680)[8] Sarah is stated in an unverified secondary source to have subsequently married Richard Mioll.[9]
Family summary
Sister Mary De La Port
Brother John Letten
My three sons, Nathaniel, Richard and John
Stock in Hudsons Bay Adventure, in Bermudas, in Walefishing
Part of the Lease in the waterhouse of Brokenwharfe
Eldest daughter Susanna Letten, second daughter Sara Letten, third daughter Elizabeth Letten
Niece Martha Letten
"the books of our partnership are kept in Dutch the which my wife doe not understand"
John Mason, formerly my servant, appointed overseer and to assist with explaining books to Nathaniel Letten's wife Sarah Letten
Suggested links
See John Letten will
To do
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Nathaniel Letten of London Merchant of the parish of S:t Dyonis Backchurch being of sound and perfect memory thankes bee to Almighty God Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in writing In manner and forme following that is to say I commend my Soule unto the hands of Almighty
God that gave it, My body after this life ended I committ unto the Earth to bee decently buried in Christian buriall in the parish church of S:t Dyonys Backchurch Lodnon in the vault belonging to my now Dwelling house there in expectacon of a glorious Resurreccon and in confidence that by and through the only meritts and mediacon of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer all my Sinns shall bee pardoned and done away and both body and Soule bee made partaker of eternall Joy and happyness And to the manner and charge of my funerall I referre to my private Instruccons given to my Beloved wife
And for and concerning that worldly estate whereof it hath pleased God to make mee a steward my debts being first paid and funerall charges defrayed I dispose the same as followeth viz:t
I give and bequeath to the elders of the Dutch Church in London the summe of ffifty pounds to bee a stock towards the maintenance of the Ministers there
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Deacons of the said Dutch Church the summe of ffifty pounds for y:e releife of the poore of the said church
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Deacons of the Dutch church of Norwich the simme of ffifty pounds for the Releife of the poore of the said Congregaconn
ITEM I give unto the poore of the parish of S:t Gregories in Norwich where I was borne 20:li Twenty pounds
ITEM I give into Christs Hospitall fro the Blew Coate Boys and Girls 20L Twnty pounds
ITEM I give unto the poore of the parish of S:t Dionys Backchurch the summe of ffive pounds
ITEM I give the Thirty pounds by mee subscribed and lent towards a stock for the poore french Protestants at Ipswich to sett them a work I give to the Deacons of the ffrench Church in London to bee disposed on by them for the Releife of the said poore Protestants that come over for their Religion and if the said Thirty pounds should nott bee allpaid Then my will and mind is that my Executors doe pay the Residue of the said summe unpaid to the aforesaid Deacons of the ffrench church
ITEM I give and Bequeath to my Beloved wife Sarah All my householdgoods All my plate and all herJewells And in consideracon that I could not lett the house that ??M:r Thomas Death now liveth in by reason of passage through his hround for Two Coach houses and one Stable I was constrained to lett them to this house they being before settled with the now Dwelling house with a small slip of ground as part of my wifes Joynture and haveing since taken one of the houses in Philpot Lane which was also part of my wifes Joynture and added to this house to make a Stable although it can bee turned into a Tenement at pleasure In consideracon of the above mencconed
ITEM I give to my said beloved Wife Sara for her life my foure Messuages with the appertennces which I purchased of the Assignes of the Commissiomners of Bankrupt which was taken out against Edward ffrench which are now lett at Ninety eight pounds a yeare where of Two are in Salisbury Court one the White Swan in the possession of Augustin Leake the other in the posso of John Morley and on the back part of those Two houses In the Alley over against S:t Bridges Church yard One in possession of William ``Pease the other in the possession of the Widdow ffull which fowre houses are scituated in the parish of S:t Bridgett als Brides in London and after her decease I give the ffowre houses with the appertenances to my eldest sonne Nathaniell Letten and the heires of his Body And for want of such Issue then to my sonne XXXXXXXXX John Letten and the heires of his Body and for want of such Issue then to my Three Daughters Sara and XXX Elizabeth their herires forever equally to bee divided amongst share and
ahare alike or the Survivor of them and for want of such Issue Then to my brother John Kettrern and his heires for ever A Court at Cliffirds Inn on the twenty sixth day of Janruary One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and one where is was Decreed by the Judges that the ground whereon stood the house of Rachell Hungerford and the house of Anne Tissard which were demolished by the ffire with that peece of ground where one was A Cole wharfe where is Decreed by the Judges to Nathaniel Letten from S:t Michaell Tharchangell One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and one for XXXty years paying to the Landlord Thirty fowre pounds a yeare for the whole and shall not bee chargeable for more dureing the said terme I have since Bought the house of Rachell Hungerford and such his hround Rent and now Reecive all the Rent for my selfe for the Remainder of the Lease from Michaelmas One Thousand six hundred seaventy and one And as for the Rent of Anne Tizzard I receive ffifteene poundes a yeare for Thirty nine Three quarters of a yeare from Michaelmas One thousand six hundred Seaventy and one Which houses and wharfe I give aunto my eldest sonne Nathaniel Letten The remainder of the Three Leases in Durham Yard the Cole wharfe In possession of James Gatton The house where the Venetian Resident liveth in on the Right hand of the gate way goeing downe to M:r Huttons wharfe also the house on the left hand leading downe to the said Colewharfe As by the Deceree of the Judges more at large doth appeare A Lease of the parsonage of Braborne in Kent granted to Nathaniel Letten for one and Twenty yeares from the Sixth of October One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy and eight by the Lord William Archbishop of Canterbury at Sixteene pounds Tenne shillimgs and to the ??Vicker sixteene pounds a yeare. It is Renewable every foure or seaven yeares which Lease of the parsonage of Braborne that I hould of the Lord Arch: Bishop of Canterbury I give unto my eldest sonne Nathaniel Letten Two houses I hold from the Goldsmiths Company the one for sixty yeares from the Eighth of ffebruary One Thousand six hundred and Seaventy paying one pound a yeare the other for Sixty yeares from the eighth of ffebruary One Thousand six hundred and seaventy paying One pound eight shillings foure pence
ITEM I give the Remainder of both thre Leases unto my eldest sonne Nathaniel Letten as by the Leases more at large doth appeare Three houses I bought of Edward Meakin and Richard ddXXX which they held of S:t artholomews Hospitall at sixteene pounds a yeare ground Rent on the Backside of ffleetestreete In the narrow passgae over Afgainst S:t Bridgett als Brides Church which Three houses doe conteyne from East to West ffifty one foote six Inches and doth from North to South ffifteene foote eight inches more or less:
ITEM I give to my sonne Nathaniel Letten the remainder of the terme unexpired of these three houses I hold of S:t Bartholomews Hospitall for sixty one yeares from the ffive and Twentieth of March One Thousand Six hundred and Seaventy one in the possession Jonathan Kiffing and the other in possession of John Alman
ITEM I give unto my sonne Nathaniel Letten Three hundred pounds stock In the Hudsons Bay Adventure which was bought in the name of my brother John Letten and continue so still, but is bought with my money and hee is tor transferr upon demand
ITEM I give unto my sonne Nathaniel Letten and the heires of his Body my Two sheares in the ?Barmadas of Land and Tenne shares in the Wales fishing
ITEM I give unto my said sonne Nathaniel Letten seavrall houses in ?Jewenstreete whereof Three ffront the Streete which are lett at fforty Two pounds a yeare More a Brickhouse next the Streete and severall Backhouses All lett to John Jennings by Lease for [left blank in document] yeares from the [left blank in document] at Sixteene poundes a yeare, All which houses I hold of the Goldsmith's Company paying them Tenne pounds a yeare
ITEM I give unto my suster Mary De la port ffifty pounds that with what my brother John Letten is to pay will bee sufficient to maintain her dureing her life time, All the Legacies and portions given to my Three Sonns shall come to their hands at the Age of Twenty one yeares And if it shall happen that any of my Sonns shall depart this Life before hee atteyne the age of Twenty one yeares Then my Will and mindes is that his share or part him allotted bee devided amongst the Surviveing brothers and my will and minde is That ll the Overplus of my estate undisposed of shall come to my Three Sonns or the Survivor of them equally to bee divided Share and Share alike I doe further Declare that it is my will and minde that all the Rents and profitts which I have given or shall give to my Three Sonnes Nathaniel Richard and John shall come and bee brought , into the whole estate till such tyme as all my debts Legacies funerall charges and what Summes my beloved wife is to have by her contract as also my Three Daughters portions hereby bequeathed bee raysed and after that is finished All the rents and profitts to bee placed distinctly to each of ther Accompts
ITEM I give unto my Second Sonne Richard Letten and the heires of his Body All my messuages Buildings in Braborne Court the Inner and outward Court öikewise those houses in Philpott Lane All which formerly were the Inheritance of [left blank in document] Braborne and since bought the Interest of John Conyers wife who was the Widdow of John ?Grove the widdow Hill and her childrena nd part of Henry ?Grenes (?Grones) part dureing his life and after his Decease his childrens Interests To bee bought and since James Grones being heire at Law I have bought his mothers Brother and Sister Interest and the Inheritance of him there are also Severall Decrees at Cliffords Inn made concerneing the said houses severall writings Decrees Assignements are to attend the Inheritance
ITEM I give unto my said Second Sonne Richard Letten Two hundred pounds stock in the Hudsons Bay Adventure which was bought by my Brother John Letten In his owne name and continues soe still but ffive hundred pounds was bought with my mony and he is to transferre upon Demand
ITEM I give unto my Third sonne John Letten the Remainder of my Lease of three houses in Buttolph ane that I hold from the Governours of the ffree Grammer Schoole of King Edward the Sixth in Bury S:t Edmonds in the County of Suffolk Dated the Eleaventh of June One Thousand Six hundred Sixty and Nyne for ffourscore yeares at Thirteene pounds six shillings and eight pence to bee paid yearly to the Governours one DXXX ground is built Three houses the Remainder of the Lease I give to my said sonne John Letten I hould Three Cranewharfe the Remainder of a lease of Nynety yeares from the foure and Twentieth of December One Thousand six hundred sixty and eight which was the wharfe where one formerly lived Will: ffellows and by him Mortgaged to Richard Hutchinson and Giles Greig which Mortgage for not paying the Interest became forfeited
and Decreed to pay Eleaven hundred Sixty Three pounds ffive shillings and six pence by a certaine time to pay that same or the wharfe became absolute which was not done ditto wharfe is at present lett at a hunded and Tenne poundes a yeare and there must bee paid Collonell George Langham who hould it of the Merchanttaylors Company Thirty foure pounds a yeare by mee
ITEM I give my Third sonne John Letten all the remainder of the above menconned Lease yet unexpired of Three Crane Whorf
ITEM I give unto my Third sonne John Letten All my Interest and Share of a ffort (sic) part of the Lease of the waterhouse of Brokenwharfe which was purchased of Robert Petty and George Petty which I hold of the Citty of London from the One and Twentieth of August One Thousand Six hundred Eighty and Two for ffoure hundred eighty nine yeares was purchased in the name of William Hedges on Trust for mee as by his declaracon of Trust
ITEM I give and bequeath into my eldest daughter Susanna Letten Three Thousand ffive hundred pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my second Daughter Sara letten Three Thousand ffive hundred pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Thirs Daughter Elizabeth Letten Three Thousand ffive hundred pounds which summes In trust my Executors to putt forth at Interest to their most advantages upon the best securities they can finde and upon the hazard and ?riscoe of my said daughters whom it shall concerne and the principall Three Thousand five hundred pounds and profitt to bee paid to each of them at their perticular ages ofOne and Twenty yeares or dayes of marriage which shall first happen And my will and mind is That either of my said Daughters shall depart this life before they shall atteyne the age of one and Twenty or day of marriage that in such Case the one halfe parte of her porcon soe dyeing shall goe to the Three Brothers of Survivors of them and bee equally devided amongst them share and share alike and the other halfe parte to goe to the Surviveing Sisters and bee divided amongst them share and share alike
ITEM I give unto y Sister Susanna Letten Twenty pounds
ITEM I give unto my Nephew Nathaniel Letten Tenn pounds
ITEM I give unto my Neece Martha Letten tenne pounds
ITEM I give unto my Neece Susanna Letten Tenne pounds
ITEM I give unto my Neece Elizabeth Letten Tenne pounds
ITEM I give unto my Neece Sarah Letten Tenne pounds And for asmuch as my eldest sonne Nathaniel Letten is young and much under age and therefore as yet unfitt to take upon him the execucon of this my last Will and Testament I doe therfore substitute ordeine and appoint my beloved brother my Executor in Trust till my sonne nathaniel Letten shall come to age of Twenty one yeares and if hee should depart this life before the age of Twenty one I maje my sonne Richard Executor Neverthelesse my Will and mind is that my Respective childrens porconns and estate shall Remaine in the hands of my Brother Executor in Trust of my children till they come to their Respective Ages or dayes of marriage Requesting my brother John Letten to take the care and paines upon him which I don't not but but that hee will bee carefull in the manageing of their portions and for his care and paines I give unto my beloved brother One hundred pounds in money and to commence one yeare after my decease Twenty pounds a yeare to my said brother dureing the time hee shall bee pleased to manage my childrens porcons, I doe likewise substitute and ordeyne and appoint my dearly beloved wife Sarah Letten to bee
One other of my Executors dureing her widdowhood and In Regard the Bookes of our Partnership are kept in Dutch the which my wife doe not understand I doe hereby Nominate and make John Mason whoe was formerly my servant my Overseer of this my Will Desireing him to be aideing and assisting of my beloved wife Sarah dureing her widdowhood in the management of this affaire The which I Dout not but that hee will faithfully doe I give unto him Tenne pounds for a Legacy and for every yeere afterwards tenn pounds dureing my wives widdowhood and his Assisting of her I doe order and appoint all necesary charges for Clothes Dyet Schooleing and all other things toward bringing up of my children Sonns and Daughters shall bee made good out of their owne porcons)
And I doe hereby Revoke and make void all former Wills testaments and Creditts by mee made and declared this conteyned in these Two Sheetes of paper to bee my last will and testament
IN WITNESSE whereof I the said Nathaniel Letten have hereunto sett my hand and seale the ffoure and Twentieth day of Aprill Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred eighty Two
Nathaniel Letten
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Nathaniel Letten to bee his Last will and Testament
Nath: Letten
In the presence of us Edward Swenson W:m Stonyer Ri: ?Banner John Beane
WHEREAS NATHANIEL LETTEN of London have made my last Will and testament the which beares Date the ffoure and Twentieth day of Aprill last past before the date hereof and thereby appointed that my wellbeloved wife Sarah Letten shall have paid what due to her by Contract, I doe by this writing which I appoint shall bee A Codicill to my said Will, Declare my minde and meaning therein That there will bee due to my said wife after my Decease the Summe of Three Thousand pounds according to an Indenture bearing date on or about the Eighteenth day of September Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy ?Five made with Richard Lant Esq:r Father of my said wife, And I doe hereby will and appoint that the said Three Thousand pounds shalbee accordingly paid to her unlesse shee shall thinke fitt to wave the same and shall consent That ffoure Thousand pounds in liew thereof shall bee laid out in purchase of messuages Lands and Tenements to bee Settled on my said wife for Life and after to the uses in the said Indenture mentonned and Intended for Settlement of the Messuages and tenements the which I was to have purchased with the summe of Three Thousand and five hundred pounds therein mentioned but have elapsed the tyme for doeing thereof And if my said wife shall accept the said ffoure Thousand pounds to be laid out as aforesaid I doe then order and appoint my executors within One yeare after my Decease to lay out the said Summe of ffoure Thiusand pounds in purchase as aforesaid and to the settle the same according to the uses in the said Indenture menconed And I wholls leave it to the Choyce and elecon of my said wife Either to take to her owne proper use and dispose the summe of Three Thousand pounds according to the said Indenture or else and in lieq thereof to have the said ffoure Thousand pounds laid out by my executors in purchases to bee settled
as aforesaid And if my said wife shall accept of the said Foure Thiusand pounds to bee laid out in purchases and settled as aforesaid Then intill the same shall bee laid out and settled I will that my estate shall pay her interest for the same at and after the Rate of Six pounds p Cent p ann And I doe hereby Ratyfy and confirme my said Will
IN WITNESSE whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the Eighth day of may Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred wighty Two And in the ffoure and Thirtieth yeare of the Reigne of King Charles the second of England x:r
Nath: Letten
Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of us Jo: Mason Basill ffoster Ri: Banner
[Plus lengthy side bar of latin, LH bottom margin]
Manor of Burpham alias Burgham, Sussex
"John Pellett, plaintiff, and Nicholas Vanacker, Prudence Butler, wid, Nathaniel Letten, John Letten, Joseph Alport and John Morgan and Anne his wife, deforicants - Manor of NURGHAM alias BURPHAM and tenements in Burgham alias Burpham quitclaimed tp plaintiff and heirs (Trin, 18 Ch. II. [1661])."[10]
- Joseph Alport, one of the stated deforciants above, may have been the eponymous scrivener, who was a signator to a mortgage between the London merchant Edmund Playdell on the one hand and Nathaniell and John Letten on the other, dated 30th July 1662[11] Joseph Alport, scrivener, was also a signator in 1653 to the will of Anne Delboe, wife of Simon Delboe[12]
- See PROB 11/316 Hyde 1-56 Will of Joseph Alport, Scrivener of London 13 March 1665
Possible primary sources
Chancery cases involving John and/or Nathaniel Letten
C 5/585/65 Letten v. Hungeford: Middlesex. 1670
C 5/572/36 Wainwright v. Letten 1673
C 6/36/21 Short title: Cock v Letten. Plaintiffs: George Cock and John Fenn. Defendants: John Letten and another. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer, schedule. 1670
- See C6/36/21 f. 1 ((Bill of complaint exhibited in 1670 by George Cock vs John Letten & Thomas Hobart re. chartering of the William to Guinea and "Islands in America")
C 6/54/19 Short title: Letten v Harbord. Plaintiffs: Nathaniel Letten, Sir Edwyn Rich kt, Samuel Trotman and Edward Trotman. Defendants: William Harbord, Richard Newman, Roger Gillingham, William Gauntlett and Henry Rumsey. Subject: Durham House in St Martin in the Fields, Middlesex. 1670
C 6/199/62 Short title: Letten v Moresco. Plaintiffs: Nathaniel Letten and John Letten. Defendants: Leonora Moresco, Peter Joy and Thomas Townsend. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, demurrer. 1670
C 6/199/66 Short title: Letten v Townsend. Plaintiffs: Nathaniel Letten and John Letten. Defendants: Thomas Townsend. Subject: money matters. Document type: answer only. 1672
C 6/201/21 Short title: Cocke v Letten. Plaintiffs: George Cocke and John Fenn. Defendants: John Letten. Subject: money matters. Document type: answer only. 1670
C 6/201/81 Short title: Windsore v Gamlyn. Plaintiffs: Richard Windsore. Defendants: Hugh Gamlyn and Nathaniel Letten. Subject: property in St Martin in the Fields, Middlesex. Document type: bill, two answers. 1669
C 6/204/47 Short title: Pensax v Crosby. Plaintiffs: Daniel Pensax. Defendants: John Crosby, John Hammond, Thomas Becket, Nicholas Bradley, John Letten, Richard Winkle and others. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1673
C 6/209/92 Short title: Waynwright v Dashwood. Plaintiffs: James Waynwright. Defendants: Francis Dashwood, Nathaniel Letten, John Letten, Peter Kesterman and Chrisostom Hamilton. Subject: money matters, Surrey. Document type: bill, answer. 1671
C 6/210/53 Short title: Letten v Bankes. Plaintiffs: John Letten. Defendants: John Bankes, Charles Bankes and William Gilbert. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1674
C 6/221/43 Short title: Goldsborough v Letten. Plaintiffs: Elizabeth Goldsborough, Alexander Goldsborough, Thomas Goldsborough and Nicholas Goldsborough. Defendants: Nathaniel Letten, Rowland Wynn, Richard Adams, Thomas Manley, Thomas Mills, John Looker and another. 1671
C 10/84/27 Hols v. Wynne, Letten, Peri, Adams, Looker: Lincs, Middx, Essex 1667
C10/91/84 f. 1 (Bill of complaint of Nathaniel and John Letten vs. Charles Marescoe re. bill of exchange)
C 10/106/106 Nathaniel Letten, Sir Edwin Riche knight, Samuel Trotman, Edward Trotman and others v William Harbord, Richard Newman and Roger Gillingham: St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex. Answer 1667
C 10/122/67 John Letten v Daniel Pensaxe, John Crosseby, Richard Stephens, John Hamond, Nicholas Bradley and others: money matters, Middlesex. Bill and answer 1673
C 10/156/105 Nathaniel Letten and John Letten v Charles Maresco: money matters, Middlesex. Answer 1670
C 10/159/91 Nathaniel Letten, Peter Mathewes, Isaac Vinch and others v Sir Henry Cambell knight, Robert Sheffield and Dame Mary his wife, John Genew and Rachel his wife and Julius Coningsby: personal estate of Dame Rachel Cambell widow, deceased, of Clay Hall, Essex. 1671
C 10/158/95 Nathaniel Letten, Sir Edwin Rich knight, Samuel Trotman, Edward Trotman, Thomas Price, Amos Griggs and others v William Herbert Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery: St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex. Demurrer 1671
C 10/158/98 Nathaniel Letten and others v William Herbert Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, William Harbord, Richard Newman and others: St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex. Answer 1670
C10/160/41 f. 1 (Bill of complaint exhibited in ?1671 by Daniel Gates vs. John Letten, the main owner of the Legorne Merchant, and ist captain, David Hamilton)
C 10/161/16 Child v. Coker, Bexly & Letten: Middx. 1671
C 10/163/67 Nathaniel Letten and John Letten v Peter Joy and Leonora Marescoe widow: money matters. Two answers 1671
C 10/165/70 Nathaniel Letten, Sir Edwin Rich knight, Samuel Trotman, Edward Trotman, Thomas Prince, Amos Grigg and others v William Herbert Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, John Pwalett Lord Pawlett, John Cosin Bishop of Durham, William Harbord and others: St. 1670
C 10/174/67 Nathaniel Letten, John Letten and Gerard Vanheithinson v John Palgrave and Diana his wife: Ebony manor and others, Kent. Bill and three answers 1673
C 10/177/57 Nathaniel Letten and John Letten v George Blackbourne: East Smithfield, Middlesex. Bill and answer 1674
C 10/182/43 Nathaniel Letten and others v William Cavendish Lord Cavendish: Ebony manor and others, Kent. Answer 1676
C 10/183/50 Nathaniel Letten and others v Thomas Browne: Ebony manor and others, Kent. Answer 1676
C 10/191/30 Huxley, Tryan and Hadley v. Trussell, Huxley, Letten, Ent: Southampton and Middlesex 1677
C 10/206/2 African v. Vyner, Bence, Letten: Middx 1679
C 10/272/48 Richard Letten, John Letten, Susannah Letten, Sarah Letten and Elizabeth Letten v John Letten: money matters, Middlesex. Bill and answer 1685
C 10/336/7 Baron v. Blanchard, Nichardson, Offley, Letten: Middx 1689
C 10/437/40 Anne Lant widow v Thomas Lant, Matthew Lant and John Lant: London, Lime Strut, Middlesex. Two bills and answer AND Thomas Lant, Matthew Lant and John Lant v Andrew Lant, Sir Stephen White knight, Christopher Boone, Nathaniel Letten, Richard Young, Rowland Wynn and others: Thorpe Underwood manor, Northamptonshire 1673 and 1674
C 10/471/6 Butler v. Vanheythuyson, Letten: Staffs 1669
C 10/475/165 Nathaniel Letten v William Jonas: Catteral, Lancashire. Bill only 1672
C 10/486/120 Nathaniel Letten, John Letten and Gerard Vanheithinson v John Palgrave and Diana his wife, William Cavendish Lord Cavendish, Sir Robert Clayton knight, John Morris and John Browne: money matters, Middlesex. Bill only 1673
C 111/185 PACKET 11: UNKNOWN CAUSES: Lease of George Barron, John Letten and Thomas Neale to Francis Ligoe of a bakehouse and other buildings in Ratcliff, Middx 1685
PROB 11/147 Clarke 103-147 Will of Daniel Letten 25 November 1625
PROB 11/184 Coventry 117-173 Will of John Letten, Hosier of Norwich, Norfolk 09 September 1640
PROB 11/316 Hyde 1-56 Will of Joseph Alport, Scrivener of London 13 March 1665
PROB 11/370 Cottle 55-110 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 15 August 1682
PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Will of Richard Lant of Kingston upon Thames, Surrey 29 November 1682, pp. 17
PROB 11/393 Exton 131-172 Will of John Letten, Mercht. of London 24 December 1688
PROB 11/411 Fane 147-194 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant being now bound for the East Indies in the Ship Lancaster 22 September 1692
PROB 11/574 Shaller 98-147 Will of Richard Letten, Gentleman of London 04 May 1720
London Metropolitan Archives
Metropolitan Archives: Bedford [Duke of: Surrey Estate E/BER/S 1548-1840: Title Deeds and Related documents E/BER/S/T/II [n.d.]: General Evidences E/BER/S/T/II/GE 1607-1763: Legal papers E/BER/S/T/II/GE/001 1607-1677: Manors of Tooting Bec and Leighams Court, advowson of Streatham, messuages and lands, all in Streatham; including orig. will of Sir John Howland, 1648, probate will of Jeffery Howland, 1677/8, and marriage settlement of Nathaniel Letten and Martha Sas, widow, dau. of Jeffery Howland E/BER/S/T/II/GE/17-24 1647-1677. 8 docs]
Parliamentary archives
Archives: Main Papers 609 - 633 HL/PO/JO/10/1/380 25 Jun 1678 - 15 Jul 1678
- (h) 1 July -- Petition of John Buckworth and others, who have taken assignments from Mr. John Lindsay, goldsmith, as administrator in right of his wife, in satisfaction of their debts due from John Colvile, deceased. Signed by Fortune Dorrington, Eliz. Guilliom, Rich. Cradocke, Wm Johnston, Ja. Donaldson, Rich. Hawkins, Edw. Allen, John Letten, Francis Tyssen, John Middleton, John Wilson, Robt. Bodington, Geo. Cowart, Anthony Gregorie, Fran. Neve, Tho. Pinfold, John Frescheville, John Buckworth, Will. Moyer, Jane Jacson, Edw. Shelton, Mary Barrington, Jonadab Balam, and Pr Fontaine.
Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Record Service
Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Record Service: Deposit by Rooks, Rider, Solicitors: Marston Moretaine (Wroxhill) [no ref. 1652-1875: Manor of Wroxhill [no ref. or date]: [no title] X668/44 30 July 1662]
- Contents:
Mortgage by demise
i)Edmund Playdell, London, citizen and merchant tailor
ii)Nathaniel Letten
John Letten
Both of London, merchants
Consideration - £300 paid to i) by ii)
i) demises to ii)
- manor of Wroxhill etc
- messuage and 4 closes pasture (50a) at Wroxhill in Marston Moretaine late in occupation of William Purney term - 500 years rent - 1 peppercorn
To be repaid as follows at dwelling house of Nathaniel
Letten in St Botolph's Lane - £9 on last day of January 1662/3, £9 on last day of July 1663, £9 on last day of January next and £309 on last day of July 1664
Signature of i)
Endorsed witnesses Joseph Alport
John Hope
Jer Wells
His servants
See also Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Record Service: : [no title] X668/45 10 May 1667
See also Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Record Service: [no title] X668/46 20 September 1695
Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies
Archives and Local Studies: Title deeds and estate papers of the Pryor family of Weston Park, Weston, 13th C - 1910: TITLE DEEDS [no ref. or date: OTHER COUNTIES [no ref. or date]: Isleworth and Twickenham, Middlesex [no ref. or date]: Copy of Court Roll DE/Pr/78243 9 March, 1663/4]
- Contents:
Conditional surrender for £848.
1. Ellen Birkhead of Twickenham, widow, and William Birkhead of St. Saviours, Southwark, Surrey, merchant.
2. Nathaniel and John Letten of London, merchants.
Messuage and appurtenances in Twickenham, and orchard containing 3a behind the said premises.
Manor of Isleworth Syon
Possible secondary sources
Carlos, Ann M. & Jill L. Van Stone, 'Stock Transfer Patterns in the Hudson's Bay Company: A study of the English Capital Market in Operation, 1670–1730' in Business History, vol. 38, issue 2, 1996, pp. 15-39
Dunkin, Edwin H., W., Sussex manors, advowsons, etc., recorded in the Feet of fines, Henry VIII. to William IV. (1509-1833), Sussex Record Society, vol. XIV (London, 1914)
Moens, William John Charles, The Walloons and their church at Norwich: their history and registers, 1565-1832, Parts 1-2, vol. 1 (Reprint, XXXX, 1969)
'Letter from Christopher Wren, Jer : Weyman, John Letten, George Baron, and William Walker to Edward Randolph. London, August 13, 1683', f. 76, in 'Letters Outward, 1680-1687'[13]
'Letter from John Letten, George Baron and William Walker to Edward Randolph. The Hudson's Bay House, August 18, 1683', f. 78[14]- Jump up ↑ J.R. Woodhead, The rulers of London, 1660-1689: a biographical record of the aldermen and common councilmen of the City of London (London, 1965), p. 108
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/184 Coventry 117-173 Will of John Letten, Hosier of Norwich, Norfolk 09 September 1640
- Jump up ↑ The New York genealogical and biographical record, Volumes 117-118 (New York, 1986), p. 219
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/370 Cottle 55-110 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 15 August 1682
- Jump up ↑ Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Record Service: Deposit by Rooks, Rider, Solicitors: Marston Moretaine (Wroxhill) [no ref.] 1652-1875: Manor of Wroxhill [no ref. or date]: [no title] X668/44 30 July 1662; The Little London Directory (London, 1677), no page numbers
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/370 Cottle 55-110 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch, City of London 15 August 1682; PROB 11/393 Exton 131-172 Will of John Letten, Mercht. of London 24 December 1688
- Jump up ↑, viewed 12/12/11
- Jump up ↑, viewed 12/12/11
- Jump up ↑, viewed 12/12/11
- Jump up ↑ Dunkin, Edwin H., W., Sussex manors, advowsons, etc., recorded in the Feet of fines, Henry VIII. to William IV. (1509-1833), Sussex Record Society, vol. XIV (London, 1914), See, viewed 13/12/11
- Jump up ↑ Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Record Service: Deposit by Rooks, Rider, Solicitors: Marston Moretaine (Wroxhill) [no ref. 1652-1875: Manor of Wroxhill [no ref. or date]: [no title] X668/44 30 July 1662]
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of Anne Delboe, Wife of London 23 December 1676
- Jump up ↑ Charles McLean Andrews, Guide to the manuscript materials for the history of the United States to 1783, in the British Museum, in minor London archives, and in the libraries of Oxford and Cambridge (XXXX, XXXX), p. 370
- Jump up ↑ Charles McLean Andrews, Guide to the manuscript materials for the history of the United States to 1783, in the British Museum, in minor London archives, and in the libraries of Oxford and Cambridge (XXXX, XXXX), p. 370