MRP: Cochin
Editorial history
08/01/12, CSG: Created page
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See Achine
See Callicutt
See Goa
See Surat
See The River Tapti
Town plan
Insert Town plan
La ville de Cochin, Scotin (1671-1716), pub 1734
King of Cochin, Linschoten, London, 1598
Image credits & copyright information
(1) 'La ville de Cochin' from Joseph-François Lafitau, Illustrations de Histoire des découvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde, Tome 1. Pl. dépl. p.302
- 26 x 46 cm et moins, engraved by J.B. Scotin (1671-1716) (Paris, 1734)
- Image is out of copyright
- Sourced from Bibliothèque nationale de France:, for non-commercial use[1]
See BNF non-commercial reproduction conditions
(2) Linschoten, John Huighen van, Detail of King of Cochin from title page of His discourse of voyages into y:e East & West Indies (London, 1598)
- Out of copyright book and image
- Sourced from Internet Archive edition
Cochin town profile
Tomé Pires (1465?–1524 or 1540) was a Portuguese apothecary who visited India in 1511. In Cochin he collected information on medicinal drugs and spices originating in Java, Sumatra and Maluku and elsewhere in what is now Malaya and Indonesia.[2]
Mentions of Cochin in Wiki primary sources
Sir George Oxenden correspondence
Sr.s Anth:o Galvaõs of Cochine, 1662
"Other moneyes hee[3] keepes of one Sr.s Anth:o Galvaõs of Cochine[4] for Cashia Lignum Long since sente him, upon y.e same pretences hee does this from Dom ffran:cs who much relyes upon yo:r favo:r in á Just way"[5]
Dom ffrancisco de Lime, parcel of ambergris unsatsfied from Cochin, 1662
"Dom ffrancisco de ?Lime alsoe desires mee to acquaint you of M:r Andrewes unhandsome dealings w:th him a bout a pcell of Amber Greece hee gott out of M:r Lloyd[6] hands w:ch hee will not ?redeliver nor make any satisfaction for it, pretending to keepe it for his ??wheate, for w:ch hee still demands satisfaction fro: those of Cocheene, y:e said Sig:r ffrancisco de Lime[7] hath sent you his lre & procuration beseeching you to recover y:e Amber or its worth fro: M:r Andrewes; whome pray S:r acquaint him not y:t I have written unto you Concerning it because hee is a pson y:t cares not to traduce any man w:th y:e most in famous termes y:t can bee imagined upon y:e least occasion y:t may bee."[8]
Sappon wood, 1662
"Dom ffrancise de Lima Sig:r Antonio de mello de Cassro & another [2 words in original manuscript] fidalga haveing had a pcell off solor Sappon [could be "Jappon"] Wood lyeing upon theire hands now upwards of a yeare, it was by them offered unto mee ?for sale w:ch knowing it, to bee of an excellent sort transcending y:t of Callicutt, Cochin, Zeilon, Achine, Siam, Etc:a & itts price reasonable viz:tt 61:x:[“x” in original manucript, presumably "ten"]ss y:e Candy of this place, I adventured on it, & allready paid downe upon it 2000:x:ss y:e whole quantity amounting to a bout 300: Cands, bebesides 100: Candys more of Dom francisco de Lima who desires y:t hy may accompany y:e Rest wheresoever it is sent without altering its property"[9]
Capture of Cochin by Dutch, January 1662/63
"I must w:th sorrow lett you understand y:t y:e Dutch have taken Cothcheene y:e Bad Consequences y:t must of necessity Attend my Late Hono:ble Masters Affaires were not beseeming my relation nor a fitt subj:t for Discourse, I am at pres:t in Goa at y:e Barr mouth of w:ch place now remaine seaven great Dutch Shipps none dareing soo much as to looke upon them onely yo:r poore sloope w:ch this night is bound to accost them, I have store of Arrack á board & y:t is y:e onely stratagem I can devise, to knock them downe; y:e Termes on w:th the said place became thears I am ignorant of, onely this I have heard that it was mainetained to y:e Swords point w:th much resolution; I was w:th y:e vice Kinge, soo called who was pleas:d to Dropp some expressions w:ch weare, if guilty of creditt might render his Majesty of great Brittayn Hono:ble Ministers of State as highly culpable as wee in verity know him & his blacke friends too bee really Criminall, leting him to stand or fall to his prop Judg:s"[10]
Law suits
Suggested image sources
Suggested primary sources
Suggested secondary sources
- Jump up ↑, viewed 09/01/12
- Jump up ↑, viewed 13/01/12
- Jump up ↑ Mathew Andrewes, former President of the English East India Company at Surat
- Jump up ↑ Sr.s Anth:o Galvaõs of Cochine was XXXX
- Jump up ↑ 23rd December 1662, Letter from Henry Gary to Sir GO, Goa
- Jump up ↑ Mr. Lloyd was XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Sig:r ffrancisco de Lime was XXXX. See Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ 27th October 1662, Letter from Henry Gary to Sir GO, Goa
- Jump up ↑ 11th November 1662, Letter 2 from Henry Gary to Sir GO, On board Castle of Agoada, Goa
- Jump up ↑ 29th January 1662/63, Letter from Roger Myddleton to Sir GO, Goa