Saint Dunstans in the East

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This page summarises data in the MarineLives wiki regarding the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East.

The parish of Saint Dunstans in the East is located in London.

This table aggregates data from all semantic biographies in the MarineLives wiki relating to the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East
Full nameFirstnameLastnameBirth yearBirth placeRes streetRes parishRes townRes countyOccupationMariner occupationHas literacyDep start
Thomas ArvillThomasArvill1628Saint Dunstans in the EastLondonCooperSignatureHCA 13/73 f.766r Annotate
William BingWilliamBing1620Saint Dunstans in the EastLondonMarinerOne of the Company
SignatureHCA 13/70 f.458r Annotate
George BingleyGeorgeBingleySaint Dunstans in the EastLondonWinecooperSignatureHCA 13/63 f.523r Annotate
Henry HarlingHenryHarling1628Saint Dunstans in the EastLondonWharfingerSignatureHCA 13/70 f.426r Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.300v Annotate
Richard HeanisideRichardHeaniside1626Saint Dunstans in the EastLondonLightermanSignatureHCA 13/70 f.311r Annotate
William HobcroftWilliamHobcroft1617Saint Dunstans in the EastLondonCooperSignatureHCA 13/72 f.498v Annotate
John LewisJohnLewis1612Saint Dunstans in the EastLondonMerchantSignatureHCA 13/73 f.57v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.58r Annotate
George MargettsGeorgeMargettsThamesstreetSaint Dunstans in the EastLondonRopemakerSignatureHCA 13/61 f.39v Annotate
HCA 13/61 f.491r Annotate
Marke MortimerMarkeMortimer1622UnknownSaint Dunstans in the EastLondonGrocerSignatureHCA 13/71 f.39v Annotate
HCA 3/47 f.32v Annotate
William WardWilliamWard1628Saint Dunstans in the EastLondonWinecooperSignatureHCA 13/72 f.53v Annotate
Robert WestronRobertWestron1628UnknownSaint Dunstans in the EastLondonFishmongerSignatureHCA 13/70 f.185r Annotate