HCA 13/61 f.491r Annotate

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HCA 13/61 f.491r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window





Super lilo et sched pred examinatus.



Robertus Hooker de Ratcliffe in Comitatu Middlesex Rope maker aetatis
29 annorum aut eo circiter testis productus et juratus.

Ad primum arlum deponit that hee well knewe the arlate Walter
Davies in his life time, and saith hee was within the time arlate
commonly accompted and reputed master of the shipp the

Endeavour arlate which this deponent likewise well knewe, and this deponent
sawe him diverse times onboard her in execution of that charge. Et alr nescit.

Ad 2 deponit that within the said time the said shipp was of this deponents
sight rideing at anchor in the river of Thames neare Limehouse
aforesaid, alr nescit salvis subscripte./

Ad 3. 4 et 5 arles dicti lile et ad schedulam annex ei [?XXXXX] [?XXXX] deponit et
dicit that within the time arlate the said Walter Davies came to the Ropeyard
of the producent George Margets situat in Limehouse, and spake unto
this deponent then servant to the said Mr Margets to deliver to the use
of the said shipp the particulars hereafter mentioned, saying that shww stood
in neade thereof, And accordingly this deponent did within the said time
deliver at the said Rope yard to the use and furniture of the said shipp and
to such persons as were therefore sent by the said Davies one cable of
[?riXX] hemp contayning 13 lb, 3 quaters and y [?X], which was soe delivered the 9th of August
1647, alsoe the 10th day of the same Moneth [?stXXX] ropes contayning 2 lb
2 quarters and 5 li, alsoe ropes rise 3 quarters and eight pounds, and two barrells
of beere bounde tarre, all mentioned in the said schedule and being
at ane before the time of such delivert the proper goods of him the said
Margets, the same as alsoe all the other particulars schedulated
were then well worth the severall and respective summes of money in the
said schedule expressed, and then the like were solde commonly at the
like rates in open market to others, which hee knoweth having then
used the said trade about 13. or 14 yeares together. Et alr nescit, saving
hee the better remembreth the particulers soe by him delivered because
hee then entred them in his booke which hee hath lately perused. Et (sic)

Ad 6 refert se ad jura arlate alr nescit.