HCA 13/70 f.458r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.458r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


then lying in the port of Rotterdam to freight of and from the said owners , for
a voyage to be made therewith to Newfoundland to lade fish for the said
freighters, who constituted this deponent master for the said voyage, in place of
William Williamson Verdam, who being old desired to stay at home. And saith
that this deponent with the said shipp went in ballast to the bay of
Be[?rneuf], and there tooke in a aldeing of salt for the said voyage, which said
salt was provided and laded by one Mr Van Ryn a holland-factor residing
at Nantes, who having received order from the said freighters to
provide the said salt for their accompt, came to the said bay and laded the
same for them, and saith that hee this deponent was by the said freighters (this
deponents imployers) consigned to the saud Mr Van Ryn to receive the said
salt. Which being laden, and this deponent not having good skill to
fish at Newfoundland, hee the said Mr Ryn by the order aforesaid hired
tenn ffrench mariners for his assistance and to serve in the said shipp the
said voyage, with which and six and twenty hollanders of his company
departed with the said shipp and salt and went to Newfound land and tooke in a cargo of
one and thirtie thousand of Banck fish for his said imployers their
accompt saving that this deponent and Company were to have a third as is the manner of that voyage and with the same this deponent was retourning for haver
de Grace, there or at such other part as hee should be ordered by his
said imployers, to sell and dispose the same for their accompt, and comming
off Barfleur was on or about the fifteenth of this instant September newe
stile met with by the Portsmouth frigot in the service of this Commonwealth
and brought upo to Portsmouth. And saith that the said ffrench men
have before hand received money for their wages of and from the said Mr
Van Ryn, and as hee beleeveth all or the most part of their wages, they
refusing to saile without money in hand, and saith the said Mr
henekin wrote to the said Mr Van Ryn to hire and pay them. And
further having seene the Charter partie, declaration before the magistrates
of Rotterdam, and two passes one in ffrench and the other in dutch, hee saith
they were and are his true and reall papers, and were aboard at the time
of the seizure, and thence were sent up to this Court.

Andries Tomass [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 27 daie of September 1655./ [CENTRE HEADING]

Love against Bing.}

Examined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the
behalfe of John Love and Company to William Binge./

[?deb Smith.]

William Binge of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East London
Mariner aged 35 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
saith as followeth videlicet./

To the first hee saith hee was Leiutenant of and one of the Company of the Prosperous Interrate
who was a private man of warr and saith hee and the Company of the Prosperous did seize
the King David Interrogate laden with severall goods and merchandizes and was appointed
and intended to carry her for London but the winde being contrary and the
King David being chased by certaine hollands men of warr this deponent and such of the company of the
Prosperous who were on board the King David
were forced to put in with her and her ladeing at Newcastle
And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that hee this deponent with the consent and approbation