HCA 13/70 f.185r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.185r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 12th day of december Examined upon the said Allegation, and [?sixe] schedules
remaining upon the file .1651 annexed to a Primum decretum No. 311:-//

[?BeaXe] con Startute}

Robert Westron of the parish of Saint dunstans in the East
in the City of London ffishmonger aged 26. yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined/:-

To the first second and third articles of the said Allegation,
and to the first schedule annexed to the said Primum decretum remaining
upon the file now showne and perused by this examinate hee saith and deposeth
That in the noneth of May in the yeare 1648. last past, the allate John
Ramsey then Master and Commander of the shipp the Expectation of London (being
the shipp comcerning which the present Controversy is) coming to the house of the
allate William Startute a Roape seller then and now dwelling at the house knowne
by the signe of the blew anchor neere the Custome house London, did then and there
declare and say to the said William Starthute in the presence and hearing of this
deponent That hee had need of sewerall necessaries tackle materialls and furniture for
the use of his said shipp the Expectation, then being as hee the said Ramsey declared
bound forth upon a Voyage to the Streights, Whereupon this deponent then being
servant and apprentice to thae said William Startute, and by his speciall Order and
direction at the speciall request of the said John Ramsey and for the use and
service of the said shipp the Expectation did with his owne hand deliver all and
singular the Materialls and necessaries of roapes Tarr Cordage pitch
Brimstone and other requisites seweally mentioned ans expressed in the said schedules
to such persons Mariners and others as were then employed by the said John Ramsey
to fetch and carrie the same aboard the said shipp Expectation, And saith That after
the said materialls and necessaries were so brought and delivered aboard the said
shipp Expectation, this deponent in the behalf of his said master received severall notes of
receipt under the hand of the then Boateswaine of the said shipp Expectation
and others then belonging to the said shipp and authorized to receive the goods And saith
That in or about the moneth of September 1648 last past the said shipp the Ex=
pectation being then at Gravesend ready to proceed upon her said intended
Voyage to the Streights, this deponents said Master Wiliam Startute threatned to
arrest and stopp the passage of the said shipp, whereupon the said John Ramsey
came to the said William Startute his house and there in this deponents presence
and hearing acknowledged the receipt of all and singular the Materialls and
necessaries (expressed in the debt booke of the said William Startute and conforme to
the schedule now by him perused) to and for the use of the said shipp Expectation,
and desired the said William Startute not to proceed to arrest his said shipp
for that such his proceeding would be and tend to the utter ruine of the said
Ramsey, and of his then intended Voyage, Whereupon the said John Ramsey
delivered over the grand bill of sale of the said shipp, wherein as hee then declared
hee had dive parts, unto the said William Startute, thereby engageing and obliging
his said shipp for the payment ad satisfaction of the said Startutre for the
Materialls and necessaries by his the said Ramseys order received to and for the use and service
predeposed, and amounting in all to the summe of one hundred and 14 li one
shilling and eleven pence sterling money, And further said, That the said
Materialls and necessaries expressed in the said schedule and delivered by this