HCA 13/72 f.498v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.498v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 5th day of October 1658/

David Young against david Bonell)
Smith Suckley)

Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the sayd
david Bonnell dated the 5th of August 1658/

Rp. jus

William hobcroft of Saint dunstans in the East
Wine Cooper aged forty one yeares or thereabouts
a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith he cannot depose
for that hee went not in the shipp Catherine the voyage in question nor [?sawe]
the oyles arlate laden aboard the sayd shipp , saving hee saith hee this deponent
being imployed by the sayd david Bonnell to receave the
the sayd oyles after they were brought to London did
thereby observe that the Caske wherein the sayd oyles in
question were were very ill and loose stowed betwixt decks but were good
caske saving for such dammage as by their ill stowage not being
well coyned they had receaved, whereby theyre hoopes were
loosned and the caske had given way by being wowled and tumbled out
against an other with the workeing of the sea for want of good
standing Coynes and under Coynes and bedds And further
saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose/

To the 2 article hee saith that of this deponents sight and knowledge
at the tyme of the delivery of the butts of oyle in question in
this port of London there were seaven or eight butts of them ab[?XX]
wholly runne out and some others of them much leaked out
in soe much that of the nyneteene tonnes of oyle and three quarters
which the sayd butts ought to have conteyned there was want[ing]
sixe tonnes of oyle and a halfe this hee knoweth for that hee
and his contest John Collyns were present and sawe the Gager for this Cittie of London
take the gage of them who upon gageing of them found them
to want soe much oyle which sixe tonnes
and a halfe of oyle soe wanting and leaked out would in this
deponents Judgment have yeilded heere in London the summe of
three hundred pounds stereling and better it being of the better
sorte of Eating Oyle of Genoa, which is of this
deponents knowledge usually sold in oyle shopps in London at
the rate of forty five pounds per tonne at the least and some tymes at
fifty five pounds a tonne/

To the 3 article hee saith hee being imploed as aforesayd by the
sayd Bonnell to receave the sayd oyles did goe aboard the sayd shipp
the Catherine soone after her coming into the River of Thames shee lyeing at Anchor neere Blackwall and spake



David Bonnell


St Dunstan in the East: West Side[1]

Daved Boonale 15 hearths

and also


Istlworth Parish[2]

David Bonnell 6 hearths

  • "July 30. 1652. Council of State. Day's Proceedings.

2. License to be given to David Bonnell, merchant of London, to import from Holland, by way of Flanders, certain goods manufactured there, bought by him, he giving in a list to the clerk of the Council."[3]

William Hobcroft


Primary sources



C 2/ChasI/H82/60 Short title: Hobcroft v Goldigay. Plaintiffs: Hobcroft. Defendants: Goldigay. Document type: [pleadings].

C 6/62/16 Short title: Boevey v Smith. Plaintiffs: James Boevey. Defendants: Sir James Smith kt, Dame Anne Smith his wife and David Bonnell. Subject: property in Chelsea, Middlesex. Document type: bill, two answers, demurrer. 1676


E 134/1650/East7

Thomas Johnson, Samuel Bonnel, Peter Fawcett. v. Gyles Coll: "Prisage and butlerage of wines." Touching custom demanded of merchants for wines taken from them for prisage, &c., &c.: Norfolk; Anglia. 1650

E 134/26and27Chas2/Hil18 John Langley v. Sir Francis Gerrard, Knt. and Bart., "and others.": Dame Anne Moulson, late of London, widow, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, late of Harrow-on-the-Hill (Middlesex), Bart., Edward Ratcliffe, of London, merchant, and David Bonnell, of London, merchant. Touching the authority given by Dame Moulson to Edward and David to act for her in matters of business, that is to say, in putting out money to interest, &c., &c.: Essex 26 & 27 Chas 2


POSSIBLE MATCH PROB 11/401/275 Will of David Bonnell of Isleworth, Middlesex. 13 October 1690
  1. Jump up 'West Side' in 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666: St Dunstan in the East', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011), viewed 23/09/13
  2. Jump up Istlworth Parish, 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Isleworth parish ', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011), viewed 23/09/13
  3. Jump up Mary Anne Everett Greene (ed.), 'Volume 24: July 1652', Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum, 1651-2 (1877), pp. 312-352., viewed 23/09/13