Dep date 17 May 1655
A list of all pages that have property "Dep date" with value "17 May 1655".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- KaggleTestSnippets: HCA 13/70 f.300r + (22 March 1655)
- Simon Driver + (22 March 1655)
- John Browne + (20 April 1655)
- Thomas Ellis + (25 April 1655)
- George Pattisson + (3 May 1655)
- Samuell Symonds + (4 May 1655)
- John Tyle + (4 May 1655)
- John Gardner + (9 May 1655)
- John Ifilld + (14 May 1655)
- Nicolas ffarr + (14 May 1655)
- Edoward Valentine + (14 May 1655)
- Edmund Lee + (17 May 1655)
- Peter Blackborow + (17 May 1655)
- John Knight + (20 May 1655)
- John Holme + (21 May 1655)
- George Boldero + (29 May 1655)
- William Carter + (30 May 1655)
- William Lary + (2 June 1655)
- Joseph Harbin + (13 June 1655)
- Charles Gander + (15 June 1655)
- Joseph Southwood + (15 June 1655)
- John Whittingham + (16 June 1655)